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This book is divided into two parts. The first section presents the theoretical framework of the issue of local governance. The introductory chapter is devoted to the topic of local democratization in the countries of Central and Eastern... more
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    • Extreme and Far Right
Presented article deals with the neo-fascist movement CasaPound Italia, which presents the modern expression of extreme right and with its ideological and strategic particularities creates an exclusive project within the extreme right... more
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      Political Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismExtreme and Far Right
The article deals with development of unofficial right-wing extremist scene in Slovakia since 1989. This scene is represented by non-registered and loosely organized youth groups with activist (militant) strategies and extremist ideology.... more
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      Central and Eastern EuropeRight-Wing ExtremismExtreme and Far Right
This book deals with extremism in the Slovak republic (actors, legislation, definitions) and its prevention in schools. The fifth chapter offers advises how hate speech should be communicated by teachers.
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      Political Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismViolence PreventionRadicalizationExtreme and Far Right
Presented paper deals with attitudes of Slovak far right party Kotleba – People´s party Our Slovakia to Ukrainian crisis and conflict in this territory. The aim of this article is to find out, how popular is this issue in public... more
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      Political Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismExtreme and Far Right
The paper deals with Slovak far right political parties and their suggested solutions of Roma issue in parliamentary elections 2016. Two relevant parties are analysed-" The Slovak National Party " (SNS) and " Kotleba – People´s party Our... more
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      Political Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismExtreme and Far RightSlovakia
Voľné pokračovanie učebnice z roku 2017 je zamerané na rozpoznávanie nenávistných a extrémistických prejavov medzi žiakmi. Ivan Moravčík, psychológ z Centra pedagogicko-psychologického poradenstva a prevencie, sa v prvých kapitolách... more
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      Political Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismExtreme and Far RightCountering Violent ExtremismPrevention of Violent Extremism through Education
The article is dealing with attitudes of young people in NorthWestern Slovakia towards various intolerant and xenophobic ideas to other nationalities, ethnic groups and races, as well as towards integration in the EU and NATO. It also... more
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      Human RightsPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismExtreme Right PoliticsCountering Violent Extremism
The paper deals with Slovak far right political parties and their suggested solutions of Roma issue in parliamentary elections 2016. Two relevant parties are analysed “The Slovak National Party” (SNS) and “Kotleba – People ́s party Our... more
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      Political Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismExtreme and Far RightSlovakia
Predkladaná publikácia Príklady dobrej praxe v oblasti prevencie radikalizácie v školskom prostredí voľne nadväzuje na naše predchádzajúce publikácie „Prevencia nenávistných a extrémistických prejavov v školskom prostredí“ (2017) a... more
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      Political Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismRadicalizationPrevention of Violent Extremism through Education
Slovak-Hungarian relations have long been burdened by traumas from the past and are further complicated by the significant Hungarian minority in southern Slovakia. The causes of the disputes lie not only in the past, but are also... more
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      Political Violence and TerrorismPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismFootball HooliganismRight-Wing Extremism
The article aims to evaluate the benefits and limitations of possible approaches to the study of football hooliganism from the point of view of social science and to outline its appropriate form with regard to the current state of... more
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      Social WorkPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismFootball HooliganismExtreme and Far Right
The paper deals with the political science dimension of football hooliganism research. Its aim is, using general scientific methods (e.g. analysis, abstraction or similarity), to clarify the political dimension of football hooliganism and... more
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      Political ViolenceFootball Hooliganism
Slovakia and thus outline possible topics of discussion on changes in its legislative or institutional background. Analysis of official documents of relevant actors shows that legislative, policy and institutional setting have been... more
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      Political ViolenceFootball Hooliganism
Slovak-Hungarian relations have long been burdened by a different view of the common past. While Hungary and Slovakia cooperate as good and reliable partners in international relations and despite friendly relations between their... more
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      International RelationsFootball HooliganismFootball Fan Behaviour
Publikácia ponúka zistenia o vývoji aktívneho fanúšikovstva na Slovensku od pádu komunistického režimu v roku 1989 a objasňuje tiež jeho súčasnú podobu. Opisuje organizáciu skupín ultras fanúšikov, resp. chuligánov, ich vnútorné normy a... more
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      Social MovementsPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismFootball HooliganismRight-Wing Extremism
Enormne topenie sladsieho arktickeho morskeho ľadu a gronskeho ľadovca prinasa v posledných rokoch necakane zmeny v severnom Atlantiku - vedci coraz viac upriamuju pozornosť na najvacsiu klimaticku anomaliu zapornej teploty na severnej... more
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