Tennessee Technological University
Electrical and Computer Engineering
The effect of outages in transmission lines and generator units can be predictable for stable and reliable operation of power system through contingency assessment. Hence, contingency assessment is an important task for stable and... more
In order to have stable and improve efficiency in power supply, there is need to analyse and understand the complex interrelated factors affecting the efficiency and stability of power supply. The factors that affect the efficacy and... more
This paper implements an optimized solution to Over Current Relay Coordination (OCR) using a new metaheuristics algorithm called Smell Agent Optimization (SAO). We first formulate the relay coordination as a single objective... more
Дніпровський національний університет імені Олеся Гончара Розглянуто порівняно молодий вид онлайнової медійної діяльності-копірайтинг. Незважаючи на велику популярність та високу економічну ефективність, копірайтинг досі не системного... more
Three-phase Induction motors are increasingly used in a variety of applications such as fans, milling machines, transportation, etc. In applications requiring precise speed control such as robotics, centrifugal pumps, mills and other... more
Embedded systems find applications in fields such as defense, communications, industrial automation and many more. For majority of these applications, security is a vital issue. Cryptography plays an important role in providing data... more
- by O. Elkeelany