if youre white please just reblog this for sample size. nonwhite autistic people;
I’ve experienced racism from white autistic people using autism as a shield.
I’ve not experienced that but witnessed it.
I’ve not experienced nor witnessed this.
See Resultsbrought to you by a white autistic person saying they can’t talk to me because my english accent is “”“sensorily overstimulating”“”“. i should start charging autistic people for the audacity.
(via tanukutie)
the elevation of kink and sex into a pure untouchable Good that cannot be criticised is, in fact, not a good thing! kink is - if you’ll forgive me - a breeding ground for indulging socially-programmed stereotypes; assigning dark-skinned characters dominant roles by default, and worse, assigning them animalistic, predatory, or forceful roles, diminishing their need for intimacy and care, placing them at the bottom of the rung in terms of sensitivity, receptiveness, and vulnerability, remains racist even if it’s in the context of sex and sexuality, and speaks to the way you view and relate to people of colour. it’s not a difficult concept to grasp.
To yes-and OP, oh my god, thank you for saying this, and I will add…
…Well, I’m presuming you’re talking about written smut, but adding my perspective from the world of drawn smut, the bigotry I end up stumbling on there isn’t even that subtle.
Like, you can say the yoyos you’re dealing with aren’t subtle, and you’re probably right, but holy shit the shit you see in drawn smut; especially if you’re into hyper; is even more thuddingly blatant, like comparing an icepick to a sledgehammer to the nonspecifics.
Like, it’s a level of racist caricature that would make fucking Robert Crumb say “Now that’s a bit much, isn’t it?” I have seen worldbuilding around that kind of bigoted cartooning, good god I hate it so fucking much.
(via rz-053)
Look I’m gonna be honest. Most of those things aren’t untrue. But ultimately none of these things are the reason why so many anglos are monolingual.
The reason why I and so many other foreigners speak your language while you don’t speak anyone else’s is not because we start learning English earlier in life, or because we have better language education (most of us don’t lol) or because there’s a negative perception of foreign language learning in anglophone countries.
The reason is much simpler: It’s because we have to, and you don’t. That’s all.
yes, english native speakers are monolingual because of english hegemony and not any unique disadvantage of language education. but the reason why people from countries that aren’t english speaking are able to speak it is not quite that simple—many people are multilingual without knowing english. english fluency is in fact associated with a greater level and higher quality of education (and urbanity, class, etc.) just relative to others from the same national context. i think it escapes most native english speakers that L2 english speakers they encounter online are not perfectly representative of people from the same country generally.
in south india for example, my tamil friend knew tamil as his mother tongue, and then kannada because his family had moved a dozen km across the state borders when he was young. but he learnt english at his expensive private school. english medium education is a mark of upward mobility in india. he also learnt hindi to some extent for his north indian friends and some due to bollywood. most people don’t develop varying degrees of multilingual fluency because of language learning programs – they do it because they’re continually immersed in the language. the sterile classroom of language education is a very limited.
most monolingual english speakers are monolingual in part because their nation states have violently destroyed the diversity of local languages that occurred historically in the region. this was a very recent process of genocide in north america and australia and aoteorea. but its also not difficult to imagine a world where an english person from england might have had need to learn welsh, irish and/or scots .
Reblogging for that last paragraph specifically, because like…
…Well, to yes-and, I really hope I’m not being too stupid/Captain Obvious about this, but I feel like also in a USAmerican context that sort of language suppression wasn’t just due to the obvious genocide, but also relates to the way immigrant languages also got systematically crushed wrt assimilation, like as another head of the same hydra.
IE, how the idea of “German-American” basically disappeared due to xenophobia from the World Wars, ditto for Italian-American identity, the whole “how the Irish became white” thing, to some extent the way AAVE as a form of black resistance against cultural assimilation is so openly and cruelly mocked, ect.
While not one-to-one, the way you talk about your own familial experience with that certainly rhymes with it too.
So, one of the core forces behind USAmerican linguistic ignorance is the way language is hierarchised, the question is; how does one apply this knowledge to actual praxis in the now?
…That’s not a rhetorical question for folks following me, I’m curious about folks’ thoughts.
Can I say it’s truly bonkers how people will be like scared of rap. Cause it’s racism obviously but the level of exaggeration yknow like the extent of it all is Crazy. People will talk about it like This is some heavy stuff… & dude has like an obviously-for-show supervillain shtick. He’s like sampling space ghost. What are you talking about
You see a black guy cosplaying doctor doom & think he’s being fucking fr about taking over the world
Maybe I’m media literate georg maybe I know how this works cause I’m into dark wave goth shit but like. Hey ? I’m gonna start explaining this to white people like ok so you know how johnny cash wasn’t actually an old west outlaw
…It’s weird that even though rap’s a relatively unknown territory to myself, I was able to guess immediately you were talking about the late MF Doom.
Which I bring up to yes-and because like, even having not explored his catalog (Which I really need to do)… beyond racism, why would you be scared of the guy?!
Like, when I first heard about his schtick, my reaction was like “Oh god, that’s really cool and fun,” like the Residents or GWAR, doubly so when I heard he did the Doombot thing IRL and the fact he named a side project after King Ghidorah.
Like, sweet genius, some people really are wildly un-adventurous…
(via furbearingbrick)
wherever this is y'all should just start saying random words like they were slang. Every time they ban some of your made up words, make up a few more. Let them ban ten words at once and come in using ten more the very next day. Really make a game out of driving them nuts
Just walk around saying shit like “That’s so blizzy. I dig the dharma. Get sippy with it, homeswizzle.”
Literally make the slang you want be “insert random word” so that any random word can be the term and you pick it up from context. “Holy shine-button, that flicks bee-butts my grizbaby. Very dealt of you.” Make them ban the entire dictionary.
I hope somebody from there saw this and is doing it. My whole family excels in this kind of rebellion, btw.
I spent one single year in a private high school, and they had a dress code, and the dress code said t-shirts must be a solid color and have a pocket.
Now i didn’t mind solid color t-shirts, but i hated how the shirts with a pocket looked. So after failing to get away with wearing pocketless shirts… I borrowed a sewing machine and made a solid colored t-shirt with a pocket over the belly button like a silly little kangaroo. Facing the principle the next day, i pointed out that the student handbook clearly stated that all t-shirts must have a pocket. I asked him if my shirt had a pocket. I asked him to show me where the rules detailed the location on the shirt that a pocket must be. It was a private school so they simply suspended me for a day (which went on my record) and when i got back the student handbooks had all been reprinted with a sentence added to it specifying that t-shirts must have a breast pocket on the left side of the chest. Being the cause of a whole new student handbook edition gained me a small amount of notoriety, but i was so low on the social totem pole at that school that it didn’t do much for me.
The next Monday, i showed up with a t-shirt entirely covered in pockets, front and back. In the principle’s office again, I asked him if my shirt had a pocket on the left side of the chest. I asked him to show me where the rules said there must only be one pocket. I was suspended for a day and the next day there was ANOTHER student handbook reprint, and the school threatened to bill my parents the cost of reprinting all the student handbooks if they didn’t get me in line. My parents basically laughed at them but asked me to not make them have to fight my school as they were already short on time and money. So i gave up on that and began amusing myself finding neck ties that met the letter of the dress code but pissed off the administration.
I could tell you a couple more things i’ve done, but i’d rather tell you what my brother did.
To promote recreational reading in The Youth, my younger brother’s public high school instituted a 25 minute “free reading period” in the day. Every student had to spend that time reading. You could read anything, you could even read a magazine, but you had to be reading.
My brother thought the whole thing was a stupid way for the school to spend their time, and especially stupid to be applied to him. Our whole family reads excessively – when i was in high school i was reading, on average, one entire book every day. My brother was more well adjusted than i, so i’d guess he was only reading 3 or four books a week, tho, while i was reading a lot of fiction with a little philosophy and history, he was reading a lot of, like, theoretical physics.
ANYway, he was like, this is stupid for many reasons, i’m going to sit quietly and use this time to catch up on some of my homework. But the teacher he had during that time period didn’t like that and made a big deal out of insisting he actually spend the time reading. He was sent to the principles office, where he explained that he did not need extra reading time, cited studies that indicated the “free reading” time would accomplish nothing and was a waste of time for both the administration and the student body, and ended with a reminder that what he WANTED to do was sit quietly and do school work, which any school should be happy about.
The principle said he understood my brother’s position, but that he couldn’t make exceptions for a single student. As per the instructions to the whole school, it didn’t matter what he read, it could even be unpublished writing, but he had to be reading. My brother, already veteran gamer both on a computer and around a table, immediately saw an exploit and seized this mistake (gods, my family really can be the worst lmao).
He asked the principle to put in writing the rules as stated AND that he would not make an exception for a single student. The principle, not understanding the kind of people we are, gave it to him in writing. At which point his fate was sealed.
So the next day my brother came in with a packet of paper he had printed at home. When the time came for “free reading” he took out his packet and began reading. When the teacher came over to make sure he was reading, she was enraged to discover he had a packet of about 25 pages completely full of the repeated letter “a”.
“I’m reading it tho” was his response. “This meets the definition of reading” “No it’s just a letter, you can’t be reading it unless it’s words.”
The next day he showed up with pages completely filled with “words words words words.” He was sent to the principles office “See, those are words,” my brother said, “so i must be reading.”
“no that’s not reading, there’s not a single sentence on these pages” The principle must have been stupid, anyone who ever met someone from our family could have seen what would happen the next day, when he showed up with pages full of “These are words in a sentence.” over and over
He was again sent to the principles office. The principle discovered that, like a man with a monkey’s paw, he could not define reading in a way that met the rules as stated but would prevent my brother’s shenanigans. He tried to insist my brother read from a recognized publisher, but my brother pointed out that this was not the rules as given to the rest of the student body, and the principle could not make an exception for a single student. The principle tried to tell him that he was making an exception for him anyway, and my brother told him that unless he was given an exemption from “free reading” time entirely, he would not recognize any rules that violated the written agreement they had. The principle implied my brother would face consequences for this behavior, and my brother implied he would talk to the local paper about being repeatedly harassed for *checked actual notes* following the rules he had been given, all in an effort to prevent my brother from sitting quietly and doing actual schoolwork.
My brother returned to class shortly thereafter with a note from the principle explaining to the teacher that my brother was exempt from “free reading”
anyway, the moral of this story is, when a rule is ridiculous, you can often find a way to make the authority figures look ridiculous for trying to enforce it.
so again, i hope these kids just start using any and all words in a way that sounds like slang. Start using school-related words as slang “what’s up, my exponent? You ready to get absolutely conjugated this weekend? it’s gonna be sooo decimal!” Let them ban THAT. Make them pull their hair out trying to avoid admitting the rule they want to make is “don’t be cooler than we can understand”
…As an aside, isn’t it fucked that some of these banned phrases treated as “brainrot” are AAVE, or at least come from AAVE?
Like, I’m not sure about others, but I’ know pretty directly that the ’m pretty sure that at least Rizz, Bussin and Baddie are from that dialect, and it seems fucked that they’re being thrown under the bus like that…
(via morphimus)
Logged on to Twitter to discover a palestinian woman was reported to the fbi by liberals by saying kamalas not ready for Chicago, a city with a huge palestinian population. It just made me think of post 9/11 of Muslims and arabs being reported on by their neighbors and coworkers that is scary and awful
This is deplorable behavior. Is this what you’re gonna assume of palestinians and allies who continue to protest. Call the system that’s already institutionalized anti palestinian racism and Islamophobia upon them
They truly do not believe that kamala was threatened they just wanted revenge against the group they feel responsible for kamala likely losing the election
(via selkierot)
Btw, non UK users here, would be genuinely super helpful if you could boost posts relating to the far right violence happening and also counter protests. A lot of UK users don’t really follow each other, and also it just helps to increase the chance of people who could go to counter protests seeing posts about what’s happening when. I know posts about our politics; and non USAmerican politics really; don’t get a lot of traction on here, but like despite the UScentrism of the English speaking user base it’s really helpful and beneficial to share these things. The situation is likely downright horrifying to those being targeted right now and it really should be a priority for us to go out and counter this to the best of our abilities
Realised since this is getting notes I might do well to summarise briefly what’s happening. 3am for me so don’t just take this post as your only research please ! Have a read of the news too
On Monday the 29th of July, someone went with a knife and violently attacked and killed 3 children in a dance class in Southport, near the northern city Liverpool.
Online misinformation rapidly spread by racists and nationalists, and a local mosque alongside Muslims generally were (very incorrectly!) blamed for this horrific attack. A ‘protest’ for ‘justice’ was planned by the far right that quickly escalated into a violent riot on the 30th. This riot occupied a local mosque and was aimed heavily at threatening the local Muslim community.
Since then over 35 violent riots have occurred in various UK cities between Friday the 2nd and Sunday the 4th, all organised by the far right and targeting immigrants, Muslims, and people of colour. The UK right has had a sharp rise in blaming these groups for our issues, prioritising British nationalism (see: white supremacy) and encouraging violence to those they see as a threat to it. This violence isn’t me being hyperbolic, the most horrific example I have seen so far is a hotel housing asylum seekers being set ablaze with people still inside. A second hotel has now been surrounded by far right scum in Tamworth, again set alight with people inside (in the early hours of the morning)
These riots have already injured people and have potentially already killed. The safety of many people in this country is heavily at risk. We need to be talking about this, I can’t state that enough. Calling these pogroms is not incorrect by any means. Over 50 planned protests have been found in the next few weeks too. We need international outrage and concern, and for those in the UK we need to talk about this to one another, warn those in our community who may be at risk, and whenever possible, counter protest. The counter protest work done already has clearly scared a lot of fascists, we need to let them know their racism is not tolerated.
The sites I’ve been using to keep track of protests are standuptoracism and hope not hate, however I’d recommend checking your city/counties ANTIFA group, and looking at international ANTIFA. Anyone with good suggestions for keeping track of these planned riots please add on.
If you’re in North London we’ll need lots to come out on Wednesday night in Islington, don’t let these rat bastards win a fucking thing
I’m pretty proud of Birmingham right now because we had rumours of fash coming to Bordesley Green and Brummies turned out en masse against them. Dunno if the fash were never coming or they got scared off but it made me happy as hell.
(via 3liza)
The state of the building is… horrific.
Caption: Mohammed Idris at his cafe that was destroyed following a night of trouble in the Donegall Road area. PICTURE: MAL McCANN
Source: ‘They don’t want us to feel safe’ – businesses pick up the pieces after overnight violence in south Belfast | Ryan Mc Aleer | 4 August 2024 | The Irish News
Heres a fundraiser link set up to help support the businesses that were destroyed
(via o-hybridity)
Block the writing-prompt-s blog. I don’t care if you like them I don’t care if they’re important to your ability to practice your creativity. They chased a genocide survivor off of tumblr with harassment and baseless accusations. This is a serious fucking problem and it’s more important than 1 writing prompt blog.
They also run drawing-prompt-s and badjokesbyjeff for those unaware
This is already getting more notes than I anticipated so here. And Ahmed got the help of another blogger to make the announcement that he will not be returning to tumblr due to the hate and harassment he received in no small part thanks to writing-prompt-s’ harassment and then this is the best that his little shitfans have.
I cannot emphasize enough how much white people have obssessively played the victim of hate campaigns and false accusations while LEADING them in this situation. Fucking laughable trying to paint “the largest blog on here” as a victim of a witchhunt for skepticism. Motherfucker went out of his way to shit on a genocide survivor and helped the mob chase him off the platform. White people will never ever ever take responsibility for their actions.
This isn’t about inherent badness this is about white people knowing they will always be believed before brown people because of systemic racism and abusing it.
Just like you’re doing right now by making this about you and your personal feelings about how people talk about white people’s racism.
(via bittersweetbonbon)
Flashback Friday: Originally posted April 29th, 2020
This was a comic I made at a fan’s request.
Autistic POC are severely under-diagnosed and underrepresented in autistic spaces. I can’t speak for them, but there are plenty of Autistic POC creators out there who you can learn from!
I suggest Fidget and Fries on Facebook and Instagram.
(via fishburp)
if you don’t do anything else today,
Please have a moment of silence for the people who were killed instead of freed when news of emancipation finally reached the furthest corners of the american south.
have another moment for the ledgers, catalogs, and records that were burned and the homes that were destroyed to hide the presence of very much alive and still enslaved people on dozens of plantations and homesteads across the south for decades after emancipation.
and have a third moment for those who were hunted and killed while fleeing the south to find safety across the border, overseas, in the north and to the west.
black people. light a candle, write a note to those who have passed telling them what you have achieved in spite of the racist and intolerant conditions of this world, feel the warmth of the flame under your hand, say a prayer of rememberance if you are religious, place the note under the candle, and then blow it out.
if you have children, sit them down and tell them anything you know about the life of oldest black person you’ve ever met. it doesn’t have to be your own family. tell them what you know about what life was like for us in the days, years, decades after emancipation. if you don’t know much, look it up and learn about it together.
This is Juneteenth.
white people CAN interact with this post. share it, spread it.
(via dr-archeville)
I guess Chilchuck has brought us right back to ‘adults who are short are child-coded and if you like them you’re a pedophile’ discourse huh
I will say, on an extra-depressing note, I’ve had the misfortune to run into people into sh*tacon pedoshit saying that sort of thing, but citing it as a favorable point.
Which like, holy shit, that’s its own level of awful and not helping…
(via partlysmith)
Bad Idea: World of Darkness fangame called Italian: The Paizano
The joke here BTW is that World of Darkness actually did something akin to this in the 90s in terms of “making an IRL ethnic group a minor supernatural type,” but it was so much worse.
Specifically, they used Roma. But, let’s just say they didn’t use the word “Roma” for it.
That one thankfully died a swift and immediate death, because the shitstorm was pretty much immediate on release, because it turns out that even in the 90s people had standards…
(via tacitgadget)
This is a fascinating article, and it really does show that at the core of the rural-right-wing’s ideas of “independence” is this very ugly idea of a need for constant imperialist violence against others.
Which is applied not just to animals but, as can be seen with certain actively anti-native groups, against people.
Like, this goes way beyond a “necessary defense of livestock” thing, it’s pretty clear that there’s some fucked up subtext at work, and also like:
Wolf No. 5 stepped into one of Ash’s traps in late October, just before the first snow. He found it in the daytime, its glossy black coat contrasting with the forest browns and greens.
After killing it, he pulled back its lips and examined its teeth, to assess the animal’s age. “Big ol’ black sucker,” he said. Lifting a hind leg, he checked the genitalia, and said, “Big black male.”
Ash usually did not comment on coloring, but he made seven other references to the fact that this wolf was black, eventually headlining his YouTube post “Caught a big black male.” Repeating that haters did not upset him, he gazed into the camera and declared, “All it does is motivate me.”
This shit isn’t even subtext anymore. And hot take, I think these sorts of people should be oppressed more.
Not rural folks for clarity’s sake, there’s decent folk there and I’m not Bob “Eugenics For the Star Trek Future” Chipman, just people like these assholes.
I’m getting fed up by the French people saying “People are rioting all over France” as a way to absolve themselves from what’s happening. If your reaction is to go “not all white people” you are part of the problem.
Here are the facts:
More than 1 million was raised for the cop who killed Nahel.
Far right militia are in the streets beating up and arresting our little brothers.
The Ministry of justice is blaming parents and asked the judges to a harsh and automatic punishment for the protesters getting arrested. In the same interview the term “decivilization” was used but it’s not in the article.
I could go on for hours. And there’s thousands of videos. White teenagers looting a shop. The police arrive right after ask them if they saw who did it but don’t check their bag (filled with stolen stuff) and the kids most likely blame some North African or Black teens and get away with it. Meanwhile in an other video a Black man was just walking alone and eating a sandwich the police pushed him on the floor and started pushing him for no reason. The people who filmed were white and they sarcastically said “We are wearing all black with our face partially hidden but the cops didn’t even come and see us. That’s totally not because we are white”. In an other video the cops arrest a North African child he looks 13 at most and they put him in front of them so the protesters don’t come near.
The white people protesting actually know what’s happening and are not using their participation as a way to absolve France of white people off their complicity with racism. It’s the one in the comfort of their houses who are
You’re uncomfortable because my posts make you feel like an accomplice (if the shoe fits…) ? Well the situation and what’s happening is scaring me, those kids getting beat up and killed they are my friends, my little brothers, my future children. Have some fucking empathy.
Adding to it.
The previous article I shared about the far right militias beating up people and arresting them? In Lorient the cops admitted that they let them do it on purpose because it was helping them… and some of the members of the militia said that the cops actually told them where to go exactly and which places they should avoid.
The Government (Darmanin the Ministry of the interior to be precise who is like a combination of the US attorney general and the secretary of homeland security) is asking Israel for tips on how to handle the protests… colonizers supporting each other. And this is not the first time every single time North Africans and Black people fight for their rights in France the government goes to Israel for suggestions on how to handle it.
None of us will be truly free until ALL of us are free.
This is all a game for white people.
The performative activism reached its peak. A group of white leftist found nothing better to do than to chant “everyone hate the police” during the trial of some of the young men of color who got arrested in Lyon. The result they got kicked out of the court angered the judge and now the trial will be closed hearings only… the family won’t be able to come support their loved ones and the judge is going to take it out on who? The Black and North African people who were arrested.
All of that so the white leftist could get a minute of glory and present their performative activism. Fuck them seriously. They did this to satisfy their guilt and the men of color getting judged will pay for it. Fuck you.
Some white French bitch wrote a fucking fanfiction… a fucking fanfiction in which the cop dies at 88 years old at home surrounded by his loved one but the poor cop suffers so much from the guilt… and he is scared he dies and find Nahel who forgives him and smiles at him and talk with him and Nahel drives him to help him get in Heaven. And the cop tells him “You shouldn’t be driving kid especially after what happened”
The amount of disrespect and some people are fucking praising her?!?!
Mais vraiment je suis à deux doigts d’insulter des darons. C’est de putains de fils de para.
There will be no investigation (so no judgement) for the far right militia who were helping the police with their approval.
(via furbearingbrick)