Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Science education
When students build physical models from prefabricated components to learn about model systems, there is an implicit trade-off between the physical degrees of freedom in building the model and the intensity of instructor supervision... more
When students build physical models from prefabricated components to learn about model systems, there is an implicit trade-off between the physical degrees of freedom in building the model and the intensity of instructor supervision... more
Studies show that people can recognize their own movements, such as their own walking (presented in silhouette using point lights), their own drawing (presented as a moving point light), own clapping, and their own piano playing. We... more
Memes are the packets of information that we acquire by interacting with other people. In a narrow sense, we connect meme with its popular form on social media, where we happily consume, create and transmit it for its humour and/or... more
Critical thinking: Genesis • The progressive-education movement, which was strong in the United States from the 1920's through the 1950's, adopted and developed Dewey's emphasis on reflective thinking. • In Progressive Education... more
When students build physical models from prefabricated components to learn about model systems, there is an implicit trade-off between the physical degrees of freedom in building the model and the intensity of instructor supervision... more