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Analogy and Gesture for Mental Visualization of DNA Structure
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    • Science Education
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When students build physical models from prefabricated components to learn about model systems, there is an implicit trade-off between the physical degrees of freedom in building the model and the intensity of instructor supervision... more
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    • Curriculum and Pedagogy
When students build physical models from prefabricated components to learn about model systems, there is an implicit trade-off between the physical degrees of freedom in building the model and the intensity of instructor supervision... more
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    • Curriculum and Pedagogy
Studies show that people can recognize their own movements, such as their own walking (presented in silhouette using point lights), their own drawing (presented as a moving point light), own clapping, and their own piano playing. We... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceComputer Science
In this chapter, we report five beginning undergraduate students' understanding of the 3-D structure of DNA, and the use of gesture and analogy to enhance their 3-D visualization of DNA structure. Through clinical interview-cum-teaching... more
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    • Science Education
Memes are the packets of information that we acquire by interacting with other people. In a narrow sense, we connect meme with its popular form on social media, where we happily consume, create and transmit it for its humour and/or... more
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      Educational TechnologyLearning SciencesSTEM EducationCognitive Learning Strategies
Critical thinking: Genesis • The progressive-education movement, which was strong in the United States from the 1920's through the 1950's, adopted and developed Dewey's emphasis on reflective thinking. • In Progressive Education... more
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— Critical-thinking (CT) is a higher order cognitive activity which is consequential for human decision-making. We propose a ‘solenoid’ model that demonstrates how technological tools can be used as scaffolds to advance the... more
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When students build physical models from prefabricated components to learn about model systems, there is an implicit trade-off between the physical degrees of freedom in building the model and the intensity of instructor supervision... more
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      MedicinePsychological InterventionConceptual ModelMENTAL MODEL
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      Computer ScienceConcept MapMedicineCurriculum and Pedagogy
The field of Instructional Systems Design (ISD) draws from many theoretical models that are organically connected with the learning outcomes. However, in a regular ISD course, students are not given substantial practical exposure to apply... more
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    • Sense of agency