CTO/Software Architect. Science & philosophy buff. Sri Lankan. Personal opinions not representative of employers/clients. Likes/retweets not endorsements.
Sep 24, 2023 • 9 tweets • 4 min read
The proposed "Online Safety" bill can be interpreted ambiguously and applied selectively to imprison average people for discussing average sociopolitical issues, for up to 5 years. Disclaimer: personal interpretation; not a lawyer. 1/9
If the govt. deems what you said is a "false statement" (??) and deems it could lead to a riot by someone else, you could be imprisoned for up to 3 years, *even if the riot doesn't take place*. 2/9
Dec 30, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
I truly hope I'm wrong and stability advocates are right, but current outlook for #SriLanka 2023:
a) new taxes
b) electricity tariff hike
c) many will run out of savings (which they've been dipping into in 2022)
d) inter-monsoonal power cuts
e) debt repayment restarts
f) tourism picks up but other exports languish
g) public agitation shifts from middle class (2020 trigger: gas & petrol) to working class (2023: food & child care)
h) govt. suppression attempts make public even angrier
i) new round of protests
Jul 23, 2022 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
What happened to Sri Lanka has happened many times since recorded political history began, circa 500BC in Ancient Greece. A corrupt politician who becomes unpopular, diverts attention away from himself by starting a war across the border. 🧵 1/11 #lka
If no such border exists, he finds an enemy within: usually a minority with a culture different enough to elicit dislike. He blames them for the very ills he himself is responsible for. 2/11
Jul 23, 2022 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Why some politicians will laugh as people die on the streets, and why it makes no sense to appeal to their guilt, shame or humanity. A thread. 1/8 #lka
Becoming less empathic as you gain power, appears to be an evolutionary adaptation meant to help tribal leaders put the tribe's needs before any one individual. However, these traits evolved when prehistoric human tribes were probably < 100 strong. 2/8
Jul 21, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Why I did not bother with the presidential "election":
While changing a nation's executive branch in 100 days is eminently doable, reforming a parliament is a much longer process. The ruling party still controls parliament so any decision is to their favour. 1/4 #SriLanka#lka
This July 20 "election" only had a menu of lesser evils to choose from. The current ruling party was built over 20 years, so we cannot reasonably expect to change it in 100 days. It's a much longer process. 2/4
While we're fighting the short term battles of keeping the economy aloft, seeking justice for the 9th May attacks and repealing the state of emergency, don't forget long term goal of eliminating the root cause: the executive presidency. #AbolishPresidencyLK
In case anyone is still under the illusion that a strong presidency can help stability and growth, here are some data. Out of 150 republics and constitutional monarchies, the top 25 most stable countries had only 2 with executive presidents. #AbolishPresidencyLK
May 15, 2022 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
When politicians want to reduce public scrutiny on themselves, an age old tactic is to introduce an issue that divides the public. In these times in #SriLanka, it is important that the public remain united, despite disagreements on various issues. How? A thread. 1/
Aristotle identified three modes of persuasion that have remained valid for 2500 years: Ethos, Pathos and Logos. Ethos is using your authority to persuade. Pathos is rousing emotions in the listener to persuade. Logos is using facts and reason. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modes_of_… 2/
May 12, 2022 • 15 tweets • 3 min read
"Is #GotaGoGama and the violence of the 9th evening orchestrated by left-wing parties?" -- A THREAD.
Those who know me, will identify me as historically right-of-center, pro-west, pro-free-enterprise and generally anti-communist. #SriLanka 1/
I am a vice president and shareholder of a global tech company (previously VP of a fortune 100 corporation) and a graduate of Moratuwa University, then heavily opposed to IUSF. Read these comments through that lens. 2/
May 12, 2022 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
The only strong commitment he made in this speech: I WILL NOT RESIGN. EVEN IF THE COUNTRY BURNS TO THE GROUND. Mark my words: send this man home now, or Rajapakses will return. #GoHomeGota#SriLanka
And if you don’t want another one like him, vote to abolish the presidency NOW. Change parliamentary standing orders if necessary. But do it now.
May 10, 2022 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
We got to #GotaGoGama around 2.30pm yesterday. By then the lawyers had done their job. We were allowed to move through two heavily armed lines unhindered. Was unable to livestream due to bandwidth issues in the area.
Crowds were thin at first, but soon the cavalry arrived. The Cardinal spoke from the barrier soon after.
May 8, 2022 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
"Won't general strikes make it even harder for people? shouldn't we be working more, not less?" A thread. When those in power absolutely refuse to listen to all other appeals, and there is no election on the horizon, a general strike is how a population votes. #SriLanka
The source of a nation's wealth are the people who live and work there, not the elites, who usually "manage", "invest" or "provide vision". Once in a generation, the elites forget this fact and start to think they're the source of wealth, and that regular people are stupid.
May 7, 2022 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
In my field, there is a concept called "agile", which basically says: "don't plan or attempt grand projects; instead break them down into small goals; focus all energy on achieving the first goal before going to the second". Something, perhaps, to be applied to #ProtestLK
Economic recovery plans, software systems, education -- all those are necessary future steps. However, none of that matters if we don't have a functioning cabinet right now. For that, people (and opposition) are calling for #GoHomeRajapaksas.
Mar 30, 2022 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
A superstitious man might say that the curse that befell #SriLanka started with the end of the Civil War: rather than reconciliation and equal rights, we chose to signal minorities to "know their place"; 1/6
Rather than demilitarizing at the end of the war and investing in economic growth, we chose to find yet another minority to demonize; 2/6
Feb 22, 2022 • 12 tweets • 2 min read
A thread on the most amazing hack I have ever heard of. This exploit hacked an iPhone by just sending an image to it (recipient doesn't even need to open it).
1. iMessage has a feature to send and receive GIFs...