Simon Elvery Profile picture
Stories for @abcnews | Organising @HacksHackersBNE | Participating in | Former @risj_oxford Journalist Fellow | @[email protected]
Apr 29, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Today we made a change to the way we're calculating the growth factor, specifically to how we're applying smoothing in the calculation to deal with volatile day-to-day numbers.… Previously we've been calculating the daily growth factor using a 5-day moving average of new cases. Instead, from today, we're going to be using a 7-day growth factor expressed in daily terms. The difference is subtle and you can see it here.
Jul 16, 2018 142 tweets 106 min read
Here's someone who's highly engaged in politics, news and society but didn't know about #MyHROptOut until this morning.

If you're in media and wondering if this needs more coverage, here's your answer. #MyHealthRecord #Privacy Opting out doesn't appear to be going well for people so far. I've seen multiple reports of long wait times on the phone and web server crashes.

I've you're planning to opt out, I'd suggest maybe not doing it today, but definitely not waiting too long.

#MyHealthRecord #Privacy