Michelle M. Li (李敏蕊) Profile picture
Contextual learning on graphs for precision medicine | Biomedical Informatics PhD @marinkazitnik @HarvardDBMI | Math+CS BS @Stanford | Founder @rerootstem
Oct 31, 2022 5 tweets 5 min read
🙌We are beyond excited to share our Perspective on graph representation learning for biomedicine and healthcare!🥳 @natBME @KexinHuang5 @marinkazitnik @HarvardDBMI

nature.com/articles/s4155… (1/4) ImageImage Graphs are pervasive in #biomedicine & #healthcare, from the molecular structure of proteins to population-scale healthcare systems!

We first describe the key algorithmic paradigms of graph representation learning & their successes and limitations in this space.

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