Vine Earth Seer - For the Love of Gaia Profile picture
Natural Born Psychic (spiritual medium) loved working in psychic reading field 40 years. Earth's spiritual health our responsibility! Phone Psychic Readings
Oct 1, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
For #Australia psychic reading client: The 'so called' patriots that hide behind social media and secret army societies, who keep wanting to disrupt global elections, fail to understand one thing. The religion they all claim to follow reveals in the omnipresence of all knowing. cont. for #Australia psychic reading client: They keep believing that what they are doing secretively is not spiritually known. They keep believing their religious ideology about October Surprise and Great Awakening is not known. If they turn to their own doctrines, ALL IS KNOWN.
Sep 22, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
For #Australia psychic reading client: You can feel a dense energy when you tune into deceivers. They use #ProLife to lure religious people to vote for corrupt governments. You can't pick and choose which life is important. They do. They rely on brainwashing (weaponizing) voters cont. for #Australia psychic reading client: The impact of religious weaponization on people of faith is why you see an overlap with the uptake of conspiracy networks. QAnon was setup to reach people of faith. They drop crumbs (fake clues) to stir the people up about everything.
Sep 21, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
For #Sydney psychic reading client: It's quite a challenge to identify how much corruption is really going on in our world. We have criminals who hide behind oligarchs & politics using our financial entities. Our regulatory systems have been underfunded for self regulation. #fact cont. for #Sydney psychic reading client: The #libertarians don't want government to rule over them, but you have corrupt, self interest entities, that fail to self regulate in real terms. This is where you get corruption with online security, technology, digital weaponization.
Sep 17, 2020 6 tweets 4 min read
For #California psychic reading client: Not sure if you get Aussie @4corners streamed to US? It appears higher realms was guiding in spiritual prophecy that military mercenaries are connected to country upheavals. Erik Prince is behind all of this. Link:… cont. for #California psychic reading client: You might need to check if Erik Prince is behind stirring up clashes in American cities & training up the national guards to go in and use militarized force on local communities? Higher realms warned they were militarizing the police.
Sep 16, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
For #Washington psychic reading client: Before I was hands off when it came to election prophecy. But now I've been given spiritual permission to share what they did/are doing in real time. In 2016 Russian ops were using black YouTube influencers pretending they lived in the US. cont. for #Washington psychic reading client: These foreign #psyops hid behind genuine Bernie Sander marketing. They were targeting the black American community to get them to follow Bernie Sanders and then when he lost preliminary they pushed their US followers towards Trump.
Sep 14, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
For #Florida psychic reading client: Higher realms warned about disinformation being deliberately used by deceptive elite many years ago. The shark feeding frenzy of misinformation on social media is out of control. But the financial backers of disinfo are hidden. Ask why? #Facts cont. for #Florida psychic reading client: If you tune into what is going on, you find something alarming. The deceptive elite are using social media to hide their true motives. That means the feeding frenzies are deliberately setup to provoke and agitate for political purposes.
Aug 31, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
For #Illinois psychic reading client: My spiritual role is to reveal what I'm tuning into on your aura and identify what's going on. I totally agree that people born with heightened senses can be sensitive to radiation. However, you also need to look at overall health issues. Image cont. for #Illinois psychic reading client: Anyone who has heightened senses who experiences a radiation episode knows they are not making it up. But, there's also propaganda networks that are taking advantage of this knowledge to scare people. I'm not okay with that. #5G
Aug 24, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
For #Australia psychic reading client: Good question. "Why have so many people in Mind Body Spirit been taken in by QAnon conspiracy?" Higher realms warned covert hypnosis manipulation was rampant in society. I've been speaking out about #NLP for years now. #CovertSubmission cont. for #Australia psychic reading client: You go back to the way neuro sciences were introduced into mainstream society after being tested on military and select patients. They targeted personal development seminars from the onset. Ask who used NLP on the unsuspecting public?
Aug 18, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
For #California psychic reading client: It all begins to make sense why the mob was heavily invested in digital, AI and manipulated algorithms. They have been planning these digital attacks to control the world wide web and global elections. Eventually the truth comes out. #mafia cont. for #California psychic reading client: No wonder they didn't want any real regulations in place where they could be detected. Everything has been set in place was to hide the secret economy and the destruction of the real economy and government services. Check the prophecy
Jul 13, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
For #Adelaide psychic reading client: Guided suspicious digital behavior is calculated and deliberate by foreign intelligence. Ask how it is possible that so many Australian digital companies have not been taken over and the @acccgovau haven't protected Aussie businesses? #ausbiz cont. for #Adelaide psychic reading client: I was being shown a vision of a plan to buy up all digital companies in Australia to force them into foreign country ownership. This means Australian businesses have no protections. There's suspicious behavior being revealed. #ausbiz
Jun 20, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
For #California psychic reading client: Energetically when you tune into this, they are desperate to stop info. leaking before election. Higher realms has been waiting for judges, politicians to stand spiritually upright and challenge mob deception. 2020 demands courage #prophecy cont. for #California psychic reading client: Unless you remove the dark undercurrent - nothing changes. This is why you refer back to Ode 38 and read the words carefully. It is about revealing the truth and not letting the deceiver and its corrupt religious mob army win.