#Roam が月15ドルのサブスクであるのに対し、#obsdmd は基本的に無料である。#Obsidian部
While #Roam is a $15/month subscription, #obsdmd is essentially free.
This may seem at first glance to be "Roam support seems solid" and "Obsidian support is minimal", but there is more to it than that.
さっと何かしたい(今はスクリーンキャストを録りたい #cleanshotx)と思ったときに #Mac だと良いアプリがすぐ出てくる。
When I want to do something quickly (right now I want to record a screencast #cleanshotx), a good app comes up quickly on #Mac.
#Windows だといろいろ出てきて選別に時間がかかる。こういうときにWindowsは捨ててMac+ #iPad にしぼった方が良いだろうと思う。
But with #Windows, many things come up and it takes time to sort through them. I think it would be better to abandon Windows and focus on Mac + #iPad.