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The Satanic Temple sued us from Apr-2020 to Sep-2024 across federal, appellate, & state courts. TST lost every time 🏴Be Gay Do Crime Fuck Fascism Hail Satan🏴
Aug 28, 2023 27 tweets 7 min read
Longtime followers of TST’s legal history will know The Satanic Temple is, by design, a far greater threat to its own members than it has ever been interested in, or capable of, posing to the Christian Right. It’s still WILD to see TST explicitly confirming this in its own FAQ 🧵 From The Satanic Temple’s website’s FAQ section: “I saw something disparaging about TST online”  TST's activities typically receive widespread support and glowing reviews. Unfortunately, our efforts sometimes attract negative attention from evangelists, violent abusers, and those seeking to profit from criticism of us. Some of these people join TST so that they can claim to be former members. Negative comments are often outright lies and defamatory. In instances where there is libel, we often take legal action. If you come across sensational accusations, the smallest amount of research is e... There’s a lot to unpack here, but let’s start with the obvious:

The religion that runs around touting the “freedom to offend” is also putting a [metaphorical] gun on the table and saying, “It sure would be a shame if something happened to the people that offend us.”
Oct 27, 2022 66 tweets 13 min read
In short, The Satanic Temple is:
- ineffective at what it promises to do
- opaque in regards to its finances
- structured to be internally authoritarian with unaccountable leadership; and
- its two owners have troubling interests that show up in TST's work repeatedly But when it comes to The Satanic Temple, there's always more and it's always worse.
queersatanic.com/why-you-havent… iceberg meme. Top layer: modern satanism, FREE membership, &
Oct 26, 2022 10 tweets 8 min read
this is a lie

> Thanks to the Religious Freedom Restoration Act and the First Amendment, TST members *can* access their bodily autonomy rights.

no, not "can"; The Satanic Temple has no victories

these shameless fucking grifter ghouls

cc @sueonthetown The Satanic Temple Did you know more and more people are bei The Satanic Temple cannot help you get an abortion, and it does not deserve your support.

Oct 26, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read
"The Sacramental Satanic Temple"

what in the fuck is this for members of The Satanic Temple who follow us—yes, hello to the Threat Assessment Team—this might actually be one y'all want to pass up the chain

Oct 26, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
We'd never begrudge someone for following their dreams in their autumn days

but it will never stop being *weird* that Doug Misicko is working thru his midlife crisis this way, right?

not just publicly, but directly drafting off his religious corporation
Twitter screenshot. Lucien Greaves @LucienGreaves The legend wild to watch a dude promote his for-profit corporation, tax-exempt church, nonprofit, OTHER for-profits, and personal band—all on the same website!

really: imagine Joel Osteen selling midlife crisis band merch on his church's site

Today is a good day...
Oct 25, 2022 9 tweets 5 min read
The locals here are admitting out loud that they have no real grounds for opposing this guy who is a member of The Satanic Temple


Hopefully Salem will stay far away from this one b/c this is potentially a good case for a competent org there is an awful lot to object to about The Satanic Temple, sure

but you'd be right to bet the good people of Fort Dodge, Iowa, did not care about any of those things Fritz returns to Fort Dodge...
Oct 25, 2022 8 tweets 7 min read
You know, one of these days, a fucking journalist is gonna have to go one level deeper than "do they actually worship the devil tho?" or "but how do their press releases describe them?"

then again, it's been nearly 10 years so why start now
bigthink.com/thinking/satan… cc @bigthink Satanic cults aren’t as bad... @bigthink WHAT FUCKING CIVIL RIGHTS HAS TST ACTUALLY PROTECTED, TIM?

The Satanic Temple lost that case and muzzled their own client Mary Doe along with @LucienGreaves publicly mocking her

maybe, just spitballing, check up on what the fuck happened with that case? The Satanic Temple in parti...
Oct 24, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
As the world continues to sink into mundane dystopia, the threats of your oppressors will increasingly land on you dull, numb, insensate, dead. They will threaten! threaten to make you miserable

but they will underestimate how much misery you already have normalized

(when you awake every day in fresh agony regardless, novel tortures hold less sting)
May 3, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
come on

we already know what the right wing response to this news would be
abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump… News headline. Trump says maybe Second Amendment people can sitting GOP Senators would be saying stuff like “well you know a Supreme Court Justice only has a LIFETIME appointment, don’t you”
May 3, 2022 16 tweets 8 min read
A lot of desperate, anguished people will look at what Supreme Court is about to do on abortion and they will want to think there is a magic, clever solution to it

The Satanic Temple cannot help you get an abortion and it does not deserve your support.
Apr 22, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
next time you hear some "Patriotic Socialists" or "Orthodox Marxists" telling you that we have to tone down the queer shit if we want our message to reach the Working Class™
1/ person in a puppy mask and ..."Street Transvestite A... next time some moralizing, respectability-chasing progressive bootlicker (you know — the bad kind) says that banks and cops at Pride are good and we have to keep the DIRTY FAT HAIRY FETISHISTS away so the kids aren't scared by seeing them
2/ "Beardonna" a bea...
Apr 13, 2022 9 tweets 5 min read
@bolhaywood @SwampCommunist No, this is a 16-17th century development.

“Whiteness” builds on Spanish proto-racialization of Jewish/Muslim convert families not being believed creating an Other, but then gets applied to African/Indigenous people to justify the power relations & exploitation of colonialism @bolhaywood @SwampCommunist In the Americas, the underclass looks different depending on how genocide played out there — islands different from the mainland, English colonization different from Spanish, etc
Apr 7, 2022 39 tweets 20 min read
This invoice comes from page 93 Dk. 84-1 in Satanic Temple, The v. Belle Plaine, City of (0:19-cv-01122)

Let's try to explain what's going on here and why it's so important, esp. what it says about @satanic_temple_ & @LucienGreaves

🧵 Redacted name likely "Doug Misicko"  Bill To: REAS Even in court documents, the name "Doug Misicko" is redacted, so we can't guarantee that's what it says in green highlighted section.

But, Misicko is the government name of a man who regularly uses the pseudonyms "Doug Mesner" and "Lucien Greaves", including official documents. "Doug Mesner" signing an official affirmation docu
Apr 6, 2022 12 tweets 7 min read
This really undersells just how badly the judge smacked The Satanic Temple around here

"the parties are expected to continue diligently engaging in discovery, with the hope that Plaintiff will dispense with impermissible antics and abusive tactics." Some background on the case: The Satanic Temple has been trying to do an invocation in Boston since 2016 without success

This lawsuit was filed Jan 2021, and is most notable for trying to depose a mayoral candidate on election day
Apr 6, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Um, just to call this out a bit more.

Even if you are a less scummy business/nonprofit, the impulse to let people overwork themselves for free for you is a hard one to resist. Resist it.

This fucking sucks. Hi Ash, Just a side note, I think you mentioned you've insur And 75 hours at $25/hr is only $1875. They could have paid this person

The funny this about this is The Satanic Temple lost their case against Belle Plaine in a large part b/c of their own greed

Because TST cheaped out on their veteran memorial, they had no damages to claim
Apr 6, 2022 34 tweets 24 min read
the evidence referenced in Belle Plaine's brief *is* available

oh happy day Satanic Temple, The v. Belle Plaine, City of
Doc. 84-1 Filed 02/05/21 Page 4 of 238

> Q: Mr. Greaves, is Lucien Greaves on your driver's license?
> MR. KEZHAYA: Don't answer that.

storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.usco… 1 witness? 2 COURT REPORTER: If you 3 raise your right hand 1 MR. KEZHAYA: I am 2 asserting the association privilege. 31 unwilling to allow the witness to 2 answer the question of
Apr 6, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
If The Satanic Temple is charging folk $531 per nite to stay in this one-bedroom, Cevin Soling is a multi-millionaire, and they get hundreds of thousands of dollars in ticket sales, what's with crowdfunding legal expenses for doomed cases?

vrbo.com/2192903 Satanic Temple Headquarters Bedroom Suite, $531 per nite Sorry, rates are $666 per nite on the weekends

Naturally. Rates and availability calendar
Apr 5, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
The Satanic Temple is very bad at court cases

the.satanic.wiki/index.php?titl… Kevin from the office chili meme but Kevin is labeled “TST The Satanic Temple: “we’re a BONA FIDE RELIGION and can succeed where traditional legal methods have failed”

Also TST: “we lost this case on a technicality & government is a popularity contest. but please give us $150K more, and we’ll get ‘em next time”

Mar 30, 2022 29 tweets 15 min read
The Satanic Temple is dipping back into the well by doing abortion fundraising off of Texas again.

But TST's latest cash-grab email points to two big problems: the Temple's continued legal incompetence and their lack of financial transparency
🧵 on the offensive fundraiser but it has three arrows logos ov First of all, wow, The Satanic Temple has a lot of active legal cases, and it is very difficult to keep track of the ones they don't announce and don't do in federal court.

This was the *third* case TST filed in just February 2022, making 8.5 going on currently.

Which is a lot.
Jan 18, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read

Eldest children—but esp. those regarded as daughters—face the normalized boundary-crossing of parents treating them not like a whole person (as an adult is) but as someone still subordinate yet capable of handling the emotional labor or responsibilities of an adult Amanda and her Cousin Amy: Mary Ellen Mark photographed Aman Parents need a therapist but don’t want or can’t afford one, and yet they do have a captive audience for free.

They may raise the child up to the status of Non-Commissioned Parent, delegating duties, but the emotional component is most overlooked as abuse.
Jan 18, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
You Deserved A Queer Childhood HIM hugging happy Powerpuff Girls with inverted pentagram be it isn't fair that you didn't get to grow up understanding why you had a crush on the other girl across the street or why you felt a certain way wrestling with other sweaty boys on the floor of your bedroom