He's evaded a lot of scrutiny in the past 8 years. Time to put an end to it.
I went with "crimes" because it covers social, political and criminal matters. And why not start with a scandal involving all 3 - #RedShirts#RedShirts is in the news again, because police whistle-blowers have gone to IBAC with an allegation that senior police may have intervened in the process of justice to protect Dan Andrews MPs.
This follows on from presumably the same whistleblower going to The Age last year
Nov 7, 2021 • 143 tweets • 57 min read
Ok so it's time for another #OpWatts thread. Just waiting for the #IBAC stream to come up. It's Carr vs Somyurek today, and I'm anticipating many spicy moments. Will be doing the usual abbreviations to condense the commentary, listed below. More may be added during the day.
CR - Comm. Redlich
CA - Counsel Assisting
W - Witness
MK - Marlene Kairouz
RS - Robin Scott
NE - Nazih Elasmar
KV - Kaushaliya Vaghela
RG - Rick Garotti
HH - Hussein Haraco
SACOV - Somali Australian Council of Victoria
BMR - Bracks/Macklin Report
CCB - Corrupt, Cheating Bastards
Nov 5, 2021 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
Those of you following #SlugGate will know about "Community Chef" the direct competitor to iCook foods. Ian Cook claims he was run out of business by ppl linked to Community Chef.
Have a look at the diligence done before Vic DHHS took ownership of this "non profitable" company.
Community Chef was initially founded by Albo and our #DictatorDan as health minister. Along the way, councils took shareholder stakes in it, and then it was eventually sold back to Vic DHHS as a basket case, for $1 per share I believe. It was worthless, as it never made profit.
Nov 3, 2021 • 30 tweets • 7 min read
Ok it's #IBACsummary time and wheeeew boy, was it an interesting day. The usual disgusting behaviours were canvassed, and many of the usual suspects were mentioned, so I'll try and focus on the new stuff we learned, and today's witness, Kirsten Psaila. #OpWatts
First up, Chris Carr fronted up looking like he had a face to face argument with an old fashioned push mower, which turned out to be a bicycle accident. But after a brief apology for his appearance, he proceeded to give somebody else a bloody face, and poor old Kirsten got it.
Nov 2, 2021 • 146 tweets • 57 min read
So it's #IBACtime again. This will be the #OpWatts thread for the day. Today's witness is Kirsten Psaila, electoral officer for Marlene Khairouz, and not in any way a branch stacker, although that opinion may be shattered by day's end.
Abbreviations list in the next tweet.
CR - Comm. Redlich
CA - Counsel Assisting
W - Witness
AS - Adem Somyurek
MK - Marlene Kairouz
RS - Robin Scott
NE - Nazih Elasmar
KV - Kaushaliya Vaghela
HH - Hussein Haraco
SACOV - Somali Australian Council of Victoria
BMR - Bracks/Macklin Report
CCB - Corrupt, Cheating Bastards
Nov 2, 2021 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
OK just a quick #IBAC primer before the hearing. Today's witness is Kirsten Psaila, who worked in Khairouz office, and likely did a lot of factional work for her. The previous witness Christine Kelly hinted at it, and IBAC has a habit of using the 1st witness to burn the 2nd.
She's likely to get a lot of questions about her use of public time, ballot renewals, non genuine members, forgeries. And the "macedonian faction" might get brought up a few times, Labor loves targetting ethnic groups for support. Maybe some grants will get discussed again.
Nov 1, 2021 • 13 tweets • 3 min read
Ok, time for today's #IBACsummary from #OpWatts. In the witness box was Christine Kelly, and boy was she cranky about it😂
Kelly's history was working in Marlene Khairouz office as an electoral officer. ALP member of 34 years, father was also an electoral officer.
She knew absolutely the difference between constituent work, and party political work, and made great pains to explain she never did factional work on the public dime, and even insisted all her workmates did too, despite evidence to the contrary.
Oct 29, 2021 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
Nothing is ever "all bad" or "all good" there's always elements of both. So here's 4½ good things about Daniel Andrews.
1. When it finally becomes obvious to even the most brain dead sheep that Victoria is ruined, and every other state isn't, Victorian Labor will be decimated.
2. When it finally becomes obvious to even the most brain dead sheep, that Daniel Andrews had absolutely no interests in his life other than absolute power, they will no longer trust people who seek power, and a new breed of representatives will be elected to the government.
Let's see if our journalists are lions, or mice.
So far it's "get vaxxed" times a thousand. I wonder if Mr Limpy is getting paid in little blue pills.
The vaccine protection is clearly proven he says, after announcing the highest figure of fully vaccinated people in hospital to date.
Oct 19, 2021 • 17 tweets • 4 min read
So let's do an #IBAC summary of today's hearings. Appearing again was Rick Garotti, Mayor of Banyule, Somyurek stooge. Boy, did he get a flogging.
After getting thrashed yesterday by Carr, he was careful to not deny anything he couldn't remember, in case receipts were inbound.
And LOTS of receipts were provided by IBAC, including financial documents, emails, phone intercepts with audio, and text messages. The actual focus of the hearings today was largely around SACOV, or the Somali Australian Council of Victoria, and grants awarded to them.
Oct 18, 2021 • 96 tweets • 37 min read
So it's #IBACday! Again.... Time for another serve of #OpWatts. Returning to the stand for another round is Rick Garotti.
I'm going to be using more abbreviations to try and get more content in each tweet, as it will work better with drawn out sections of questioning. See below.
CR - Comm. Redlich
CA - Counsel Assisting
W - Witness
AS - Adem Somyurek
MK - Marlene Kairouz
RS - Robin Scott
NE - Nazih Elasmar
KV - Kaushaliya Vaghela
HH - Hussein Haraco
SACOV - Somali Australian Council of Victoria
BMR - Bracks/Macklin Report
CCB - Corrupt, Cheating Bastards
Oct 18, 2021 • 14 tweets • 5 min read
So just to give everybody a summary of the #OpWatts evidence form this morning's hearings -
Garotti isn't a good witness. He was clearly wanting to be a big player, whether he actually was or not, and is trying to downplay himself to the commission.
But they are having none of it, and keep referring him to previous statements, and evidence they had locked and loaded that Garotti wasn't aware of.
One thing shines through yet again. Labor's internal party culture is/was rotten AF, and they don't learn from their mistakes.
Oct 17, 2021 • 154 tweets • 57 min read
Almost time for the #IBAC hearings to start again. This will be the live tweeting threat for #OpWatts. Will be using the following abbreviations:
CR - Commissioner Redlich
CA - Council assisting
W - Witness (Rick Garotti)
WC - Witness council
Waiting for the stream.....
And we're off and racing! The commissioner now going through the formalities with the Witness and his council.
Today's witness is the former mayor of Banyule council, and I think we're going to hear more about ethnic branch stacking today via the Somali association #OpWatts
Oct 17, 2021 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Looks like someone's been raiding the top shelf again 😬
Oh dear, he's still going.....😬
Oct 17, 2021 • 63 tweets • 10 min read
The #DailyDickheadDiatribe is underway, and the Dictator himself has graced us with his presence.
I'll keep you posted.
So far we're speeding past the very bad numbers to focus on the naughty unvaccinated people in ICU and on ventilators. Except we're describing them as "not fully vaccinated" read into that what you will.
Oct 12, 2021 • 154 tweets • 56 min read
I'll start the #OpWatts thread here, although still waiting for the stream to start. I'll be using abbreviations today to make things easier and cram more in.
W - Witness
CR - Commissioner Redlich
CA - Council Assisting
SC - Somyurek's Council
And with that, stream's up!
Today's witness (W) is Adam Sullivan, a former staffer of Adem Somyurek. CR is now running through the formalities of the day.
Witness to be asked about employment, duties, party political work, factional activity, processes/manipulations, ALP membership #OpWatts
Oct 12, 2021 • 27 tweets • 10 min read
OK and we're back live with #OpWatts at IBAC. And interestingly, it's a (Continued) cross examination of Byrne by Somyurek's council.
And we're back into the text messages, with a perjury warning to spice things up.
Here we go......
We're getting into text messages regarding the evidence given yesterday about Somyurek's assistance/non interference in the Dandy council mayoral race.
"The dipstick Jen" 😂😂😂😂
"To remind him who runs the show" 😬
Council suggesting Byrne is the chief, not Somyurek #OpWatts
Oct 11, 2021 • 13 tweets • 6 min read
Somyurek thread. Here's some grabs from the presser where Dan announced he had sacked him for branch stacking, then took questions. It's one of the most brutal pressers he's ever had to face, and some interesting questions got asked. #OpWatts#IBACDan
Here Dan gets asked about whether Scott and Khairouz will be stood aside pending investigations, but apparently no, different rules for them.
Oct 11, 2021 • 98 tweets • 35 min read
Questions to Byrne are starting now, going over his history with the ALP, and the positions he's held.
I'll thread these now that the examination proper is starting #OpWatts
Recounting the timeline of events following the revelations from the Age and 60 Minutes, including the handing over of party admin to the federal branch of the party. Byrne confirming comments he made at the time that he hoped there would finally be a clean up #OpWatts