1/Why does it always seem so complicated to put out a basic thread (context for one or two main points only?). DNK, but I really don't like context-less writing, and don't think it's fair to produce a lot of it.
Looking for something (else) on my blog today, I discovered two posts on the trademarking & proliferation of things #HighConflict #High_Conflict, a decade apart, and a third one explaining why I wrote the other one. In 2022 and 2012. Now it's 2024, and some of the same operators and career track/conference track/ FixTheCourts track influences are still doing their thing. (Links at the bottom of this post).
Note: 2022 was the year of "#KaydensLaw" #VAWA reauthorization, and out JUST in time to promote it, the non-entity first called National Safe Parents Coalition (so I used acronym "NSPC" and did drill-downs), but it quickly altered the last noun to "Organization" making my acronym irrelevant. While later (not much later!) blocking me on "X" (@safe_parents) as did some of the individual members, especially after I did the drilldowns/lookups, as is my habit) (@custodypeace and so forth).
So I had a lot to say (until went homeless again...) in 2022. I had to refer at times to posts written in 2019 as the #ArguingPAS debate was taken international/global IN ORDER TO (I say) conceal the domestic (for me, that means "USA") structural hypocrisy and conflicts built into the whole FamilyCourt system, itself a creation of only the late 1990s, but set up in the late 1960s.
Hey, I'm just a DV and FC survivor now dealing with fiduciary abuse (resulting in homelessness, joblessness, and no contact with immediate family members -- some of them are just plain dangerous, others have been, guess what: "Alienated").
The #PRWORA "Right to work" regime eradicated much of our ability to work by removing the protection from violent partners then forcing us into frequent and ongoing dealings with them around the Family Courts (Behavioral Modification Labs and Public/Private ATMS) .. Talk about "disenfranchised" and income stratification....
(#WelfareDeform USA and earlier no-fault divorce est in place to divert cases into civil from the criminal (remove "Cause" as a basis for divorce) and all that, like late 1960s.
Promote massive adoption and continue stigmatizing through media messaging (that's the #HMRF part) single mothers.. Pay nonprofit executives a LOT to stay on that bandwagon. Etc.... But keep up the pretense of concern for violence against women. Federal/State (USA) dichotomies...
The answers really do lie in the financing. It's hard to stomach/face the level of betrayal and censorship involved in the helping area. SOme real help does occur, of course, but once you start looking into the details of the business filings and noncompliant nonprofits that continue being rewarded for NOT complying -- It's a different world, and definitely different perspective!
March 2012:
March 2022
(Watch the case-sensitivity), the second one led to one,
March, 2022 , "Four Reasons Why I wrote "High-Conflict on Steroids."wp.me/psBXH-14I wp.me/psBXH-dEA wp.me/psBXN-e1z2/ (Again): March 2012:
March 2022
(Watch the case-sensitivity), the second one led to one,
March, 2022 , "Four Reasons Why I wrote "High-Conflict on Steroids."
Still relevant, quid-pro-quo internat'l collegial relationships (esp. as shown through journals) bear fruit.
For example, If you noticed @PADVint (June, 2024 conference) to take the "Let's not talk about economic infrastructure or the role of networked nonprofits, such as #AFCC #NCJFCJ + the privatized but federally funded #DVOrgs thing global.
I have all along been giving background of participants and certain journal articles.
I've done this both housed and unhoused (no long-term lease, sometimes have to move three times in one week. I did just last week...)
This writing is still relevant. I've seen far off quid-pro-quo internat'l collegial relationships (esp. as shown through journals) bear fruit. Following entities more than personalities does this; talking infrastructure and public/private interfaces (in funding and who owns/runs what terms) as they constantly evolve, provids some advance alert.
If you noticed @PADVint (June, 2024 conference) to take the "Let's not talk about economic infrastructure or the role of networked nonprofits, such as _____" thing global..
Two images are from the 2012 blog post, Look at the use of High Conflict (one key to marketing is repetition right?).
May be entertaining, especially to see it in their own words. On the right, just a short quote, I saw "High Conflict" used nine times in just one promo.
On another entire blog I had a post on Connecticut's High-Conflict Court Docket. (That home page display, a lot of purple, 3rd image here):wp.me/psBXH-14I wp.me/psBXH-dEA wp.me/psBXN-e1z
Oct 19, 2023 • 4 tweets • 4 min read
1. Shorter sentences. ALL the time, unless I’m on a sarcastic rant. (IT’ll pass). Just finished reading through one or my own posts which I’d reposted in pieces. It was readable, BUT, not enough short sentences. I do have some short mottos.
It’s a challenge, because I also think in long sentences, then feel I have to explain/define/qualify all sorts of situations, are that so many basic definitions just aren’t commonplace.
Resolutions 2:
. (“Justice Innovations, Inc.”)
I communicated privately re: this and pulled up a number of earlier blog posts on the PROJECT which is now a “PERSON”
Publicize the switch from Public/Private Project with nearly 800 [752] workers and staff in about 31? Sites in NYC, to, somehow, and almost overnight, a single nonprofit (operating under a dba) which had NO revenues to report in its first year of operation, and hasn’t (at least on the IRS) displayed a single full-sized IRS tax return.
And the website is insulting oversimplified, especially to anyone familiar with the previous scope of operations and complexity of the same.
What are all the websites previously referring to “Center for COurt Innovation” going to do — because its intentional scope (as the PROJECT before it became a PERSON (in the form of a nonprofit corporation) — have all the webmasters edit the labels to the link? I mean, the closed-down project can do some website redirects (and I see have already), but the link labels are now all outdated.
Kind of like the question: Are all those little twitter icons which used to lead to “Twitter” but now go to X going to be updated? Think about how many there would be.
(First two screenshots just show how the topic came up again; third is its “ABOUT” page (not the pretty colors and graphics — maybe we’ll forget ALL about that this might be a corporation, a tax-exempt one, which has some assets, revenues, probably employees, and an agenda…. MAYBE we’ll forget how the same name used to refer to a major (major, major MAJOR) operation out of NYC (which I’d seen propagating ideas on how to respond to DV, what kinds of courts to create, HOW people were flown in or out to figure out how to set up new courts in THEIR state (or country) and so forth. Keywords: #FordFndtn. Fund for the City of New York. Etc.
Obviously 4 images isn’t the whole story. I just want to tell this story, in brief, if possible, soon.InnovatingJustice.org
Aug 7, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Not looking at this whole thread right now, but responding to this piece if it, last para.:
FamilyCourts are operations of either a Superior Court, or in many states, a Family Court division or domestic relations division, so they are not their own entities .
& you need to see how they were set up, who set them up & what that financial motivation was… and Getting it right not just speculating
which means a lot of quoting government sources— and we need to look at how the USA handles its tax receipts and talks to its citizens.… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Jul 24, 2023 • 12 tweets • 9 min read
1/ Publ. Sept2017, my voice & work.
An older but still relevant post. Also if you’ve heard of or run across #ArabellaAdvisors, #NewVentureFund, EricKessler, #ActBlue entities (there are several), CEL (CitizenEducationLab, 501(c)3 & 501(c)4 out of… https://t.co/MBEGWgDDGX https://t.co/7vLxC5kY1Uwp.me/psBXH-7zh twitter.com/i/web/status/1… 2/ of 10?
Publ. Sept2017, my voice & work, For Your Info. The image is the “window frame” which prompted the post.
“You may not think, judging by this blog, I watch the current news — but. Do, and doing so, I know what I’m saying here is important. You… https://t.co/gZ161i6KvR https://t.co/zMNfVGRL6wwp.me/psBXH-7zh twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
May 15, 2023 • 7 tweets • 7 min read
Y’all are witnesses how fast this happens:
Anyone who I haven’t blocked (and I rarely block anyone) can now see how little time, and how easy, it is to get “blocked,” and on what “claimed” basis. You can also see the group dynamic.
This is outrageous, how academics respond to criticism or even information not run by them for collaborative-enough tone, and then try to convince other (I’m one) DV survivor, or FamilyCourtGauntlet individuals they care about us — so if you don’t agree, just Shut Up,please?… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
May 15, 2023 • 8 tweets • 4 min read
So, re: TheConversation.com, and its tax return,
I just searched “Jack Rejtman” and found this:
“Terms of use
This website (Site) is operated by Research Strategies Australia Pty Ltd ABN 68 639 246 487 (we, our or us).”
Was 2012 too long before #3/CPPA & #CenterforJudicialExcellence non-parent, non-#DVsurvivor, or (that I know) divorce (or even marriage?) vet Ms.KatRussell determined that it’s better (for their mutual agenda & connections to power/press… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
2/ My 2018 Exposes, HowTo, Drilldowns etc. We s/n be afraid to tangle with big-bucks Forms990 (I did Tides & SFVC AND their supporting/related orgs). wp.me/psBXH-982 wp.me/psBXH-99m wp.me/psBXH-95X. Usually I include internal links to related topics too.
Jan 10, 2023 • 20 tweets • 11 min read
Why would any private (or public) university’s audited financial statements (consolidated or otherwise) and schedules of federal awards, including George Washington University’s, matter? Why even read them?
Well, for one, universities tend to include law schools… 2/ (From a separate link, not with the main one): finance.gwu.edu/sites/g/files/…
See its T.O.C.: This lacks an opening MD&A (Managmt Discussion & Analysis) but has Letter of Transmittal, the financial statemts (not that long), and — ALWAYS read, esp “Note 1” (above)— the “Notes.”
#NuffieldFJO (post from earlier this year),
Along with this (and found when I searched), I also dare you to go through with some detail another post earlier this year — to which I saw zero (no) #NFVLC_gwu response, not that lone, non-solidarity-promoting Moms like myself matter..