The Science Of Trans Sports Profile picture
World & 🇦🇺 champion athlete. A published researcher & educator in ideas of diversity, inclusivity & accessibility in sports.
Aug 3, 2024 24 tweets 4 min read
Does having a Y chromosome make someone a man?

A lot of unintended harm happens when people assume a Y chromosome makes a person a boy or a man and the lack of a Y chromosome makes a person a girl or a woman. Image It is true that in typical male development, the SRY gene on the tip of the Y chromosome helps to send the embryo down the masculine pathway.
Apr 7, 2024 16 tweets 4 min read
Broken Hill, where the outback meets the rough & tumble world of mining. Founded on the dreams of striking it rich with silver, lead, & zinc, this city has a gritty history that's as tough as its landscape. From dusty miners to underground tunnels, Broken Hill has seen it all. Image But, there's more to this dusty outback city than meets the eye! Over the years, Broken Hill has undergone a transformation as sparkly as a freshly polished gem.

Social attitudes have shifted, embracing diversity and inclusivity like never before. Image
Aug 5, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
The theory of ‘muscle memory’ has been increasingly discussed in relation to TW athletes. Muscle memory theorizes that muscle retains the capacity to perform tasks it has previously undergone, with suggestions that TW therefore, may retain muscle strength advantages over CW after transition due to cellular or epigenetic marks retained from prior life exposures to testosterone and myonuclei retention. However, it is important to highlight that this area has not been explored in those undergoing GAHT.
Jul 10, 2023 23 tweets 5 min read
No one would need "Help" if their religion didn't teach them they were broken. No one who is same-sex attracted, or gender diverse is broken. The only people who are broken are those who want to torture others for making them think they're broken. If trans or gay kids were impressionable regarding their own identity then Conversion Therapy would work. And it doesn’t. So they aren’t!!!!!!…
Apr 17, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
There is no research that shows the effect of T on any individual. XX are generally more sensitive to the effects of T than XY, curvilinear effects as well as great interindividual differences make extrapolation of the effects of specific amounts in any individual impossible. Many aspects of physique or athletic performance differ between M & F, however, none of these is close to 10-fold, further underscoring the limitations of a straightforward comparison of average M-F differences in athletic performance to average M-F differences in T levels.
Apr 17, 2023 21 tweets 4 min read
Lib & Lab Govt funding priorities across 🇦🇺 have effectively criminalised the consequences of marginalisation & failed to address the causes of offending.

This is why our prisons presently warehouse at record rates Aboriginal men, women & children & the mentally ill. The 1987–91 Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody reported that:

“The single significant contributing factor to incarceration is the disadvantaged and unequal position of Aboriginal people in Australian society in every way”. Image
Apr 17, 2023 36 tweets 7 min read
Before a sport can ban a trans athlete for having an unfair advantage the sport has to define what this unfair advantage actually is. Human rights are not based on assumptions! A sport such as rugby union which is a contact sport in which players require high levels of physical fitness, which is a composite of aerobic and anaerobic endurance, muscle strength and power, speed, agility and body composition.
Apr 15, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Eager to strike up a conversation he blurted out, “Business trip or pleasure?”

She turned, smiled and said, “Business. I’m going to the Annual Nymphomaniacs of America Convention in Boston." He swallowed hard. Here was the most gorgeous woman he had ever seen Sitting next to him, and she was going to a meeting of nymphomaniacs!

Struggling to maintain his composure, he calmly asked, “What’s your Business at this convention?”
Apr 3, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
What affects performance is not an individuals normal T level. It’s when we either add T or takeaway T away this definitely affects athletic performance. What affects performance is not an individuals normal T level. It’s when we either add T or take T away. This definitely affects athletic performance.
Apr 3, 2023 12 tweets 5 min read
In sports cheating via blood doping, red blood cells are raised. The opposite occurs in trans women: oxygen-carrying red blood cells drop to female levels.…

Trans women gain fat mass and muscle mass & lose bone density.… T-related physical traits such as height, bone shape & voice don’t change with hormone therapy. But many changes do occur. Recent research found trans women lose muscle mass. The researcher shows they have 7 kilograms less than men who are not trans.…
Apr 3, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
Juniper Eastwood She had to sit out a year and take hormone and testosterone blockers as part of her transition to adhere to NCAA rules. As a result, her 1500-meter time dropped by more than 30 seconds – down to around 4:24.… 2022 🇺🇸 military study shows the @WorldAthletics blanket trans ban isn't justified or backed by research! 

Usa Airforce Study finds Trans women’s running advantage is completely mitigated 
after 2years.

228 TW lost a staggering 21% which is  double the gender performance gap.
Apr 2, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
@WorldRugby and the sports blanket banning trans women have based massive weight on a solitary Swedish study that so many Trans exclusion supporters still want to rely upon. Their findings claimed evidence that Transgender Women lose less muscle volume than it had been believed And that Trans Women therefore do retain male puberty advantages that would be unfair and a threat to Cisgender Women’s safety in contact sports.
Apr 2, 2023 36 tweets 9 min read
None of the available data or research support lifetime bans in any for trans women athletes. Either androgen deprivation works or it doesn't @sebcoe you cant have it both ways?
You can't say XY elite DSD will minimize their advantage in two years but non elite trans women even post operative TW with zero T will never mitigate an advantage we have never possessed? Image
Apr 2, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
If a sport needs to constructively discriminate in order to maintain its integrity or legitimacy then there should be a process that does not infringe upon the rights of individuals. The process needs to consider three things: first its safety,
second its fairness and third its universal application.
Apr 1, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
When considering is it fair for trans women to compete in the F category, remember endogenous T is the only natural physical characteristic for which female athletes are deemed ineligible. There are no such characteristics for which male athletes are deemed ineligible. In fact, there is no clear biological list of features that allow us to even remotely cleanly separate men from women.

Chromosomes? NOPE

Testosterone? NOPE

Height? NOPE

Vo2 Max? NOPE

Weight? NOPE

Bone Density? NOPE
Apr 1, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Rraising or lowering T will show a relationship with performance,bbut in analyses across athletes, male or female there is no consistent relationship found with performance. One reason studies don’t always find consistent links between T level and physiological variables is that sometimes high T signals that a person isn’t very efficient at using T: the body is producing more precisely to arrive at “typical” function.
Mar 28, 2023 45 tweets 7 min read
Only 12% of trans kids play sports compared to 70% of cisgender kids. Image IOC framework on fairness, inclusion and non- discrimination on the basis of gender identity and sex variations (2021) Image
Mar 26, 2023 34 tweets 8 min read
Two years and trans women loose 21% performance over 2.4 I'm running which is double the gender gap at this distance. @TraceyLeeHolmes Harper 2015 also confirms the performance gap in long distance running is mitigated completely after only 12 months. @WorldAthletics blanket banning every TW on the basis of risk outcomes of a group level aggregate of physical characteristics that any given individual belonging to this group may demonstrably not possess individually cannot be considered reasonable, proportionate or justified.
Feb 23, 2023 28 tweets 4 min read
The AFL Gender Diversity Policy correctly requires safety risks from the participation of both transgender women and men in their competitions to be assessed. However, World Rugby’s blanket ban does not apply to transgender men competing against other cisgender men. Transgender men will be allowed to play provided they pass a physical assessment and sign a ‘written acknowledgement and acceptance ... of the associated risks of playing contact rugby with males who are statistically likely to be stronger, faster and heavier than them’.
Feb 20, 2023 55 tweets 11 min read
If you are going to regulate the height of trans athletes you must also do with cisgender athletes if fairness truly counts as total mass and cross section size both increase with height for both cis-men and cis-women (Forbes, 1974). In this, we should also note that outside of sports with defined weight categories such as Rugby, Rugby League and Australian Rules Football, weight and height are not considered to be an unfair advantage, rather taking positions as examples of tolerable unfairness (Devine, 2018)
Feb 19, 2023 22 tweets 22 min read
@WePlayLeague @ERLEAGUE @oliverkellnerd1 @NRLW No group of people should be outed from a sport by a player vote. Policy needs to be driven by science and research and consultation. The sex, gender or chromosomal status of an athlete does not create any inherent danger or risk to safety. Rather, it is dis- parities in strength @WePlayLeague @ERLEAGUE @oliverkellnerd1 @NRLW speed & endurance and/or physique of each individual athlete that may, depending on the sport.