J. like JJ 🇫🇷 🇺🇦 Profile picture
J'avais pris un nv compte pour me détendre... C'est raté. ex Night Owl - ex consultant - Nowadays cat specialist. Cartes, réflexions & Analyses... parfois.
27 subscribers
Jun 25, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
on this Assange release event...
(political choice before big next election)

let me put this link back here to show you that Ru were also already there for "long shots" way back then...
Network/ppl level/influencers/media/politics/"hacktivists" etc etc

bbc.com/news/technolog… 2/ #Assange is a Ru asset from day one (ok maybe day 2 lol) but that's all he is
Mar 1, 2024 24 tweets 7 min read
Incredible leaks regarding #Taurus
2/ #TaurusLeak reveals the complete breach of all secured protocol / incompetence of German officers in the #Luftwaffe - German gov is really mad about it right now. Also all intel services are all hands on deck right now.
Feb 6, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
voilà voilà... j'en ai encore parlé hier soir
(j'ai juste supprimer le post hier soir parce que j'avais trop de messages, mais il semble maintenant que tout le monde va être au courant)
Par contre bcp de choses sont encore à régler. ce n'est pas facile surtout en ce moment.. 1/ Image 2/ Paris et Kiev finalisent les préparatifs de la visite du président @EmmanuelMacron en #Ukraine, en se concentrant sur un accord pour que la France fournisse des avions de combat multirôles #Mirage 2000D. Le ministre ukrainien de la Défense, Rustem #Umerov, est attendu
Nov 8, 2023 14 tweets 4 min read
1/ #Gaza map update #IDF despite really hard battle involving dismounting troops/Spec forces at night r allegedly breaking through to Gaza City center, but as we can't confirm it, we can still produce this map that is made on only verified locations (blue limits for IDF)
#Israel Image 2/ from yesterday evening. i also had direct infos that the area between the north south axis, west to the defensive walls (stripe areas) are indeed totally under complete surveillance. What i was just not able to figure out is if there is a junction with troops coming from Beit Image
Nov 7, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
1/ So actually here is how we have to "read it" :
"i don't give a damn fck abt palestinians, but as long as they all play in my hands (incl south Liban & Syria & Iran & Yemen) & that American are forced to stall their help toward Ukraine... i'm just super happy you idiots" 2/ there is no "friends" (out of best friends) for him, there is right now a HUGE amount of cards he can plays to create greater problems for people who are helping Ukraine.
between dozen millions of hebrew/jews around the world and BILLIONS of people he might use for his plan
Nov 3, 2023 18 tweets 6 min read
#Gaza map update. #IDF has almost reached the main points of entry south of Gaza City, severing main LOCS to the southern Gaza Strip. Up north the situation is not that clear, but despite tremendous hard battles, it seems that they are able to still move forward
#Israel #Hamas Image 2/ in the meantime in lalaland Image
Oct 28, 2023 14 tweets 4 min read
1/ Tellement de choses à dire.... difficile de savoir par ou commencer.
en tout cas une chose est sure : il n'a pas de F-35 et le matos US du type F-16 serait vite inutilisable s'il veut jouer au con, et d'autre part, ses S-400... c'est de la m...
soit il n'a que de la gueule et 2/ c'est pour jouer la carte "oui mon peuple je t'ai compris et tu as milles fois raisons.." et il ne fait rien derrière que de gesticuler. Soit il ne veut pas passer pour une simple grande gueule et là concrètement il peut y avoir "un peu de sport" en perspective pour ts les
Oct 7, 2023 74 tweets 21 min read
! Terrible nouvelles ce matin #Israel, jour du Shabbat et de la fête de Simchat Torah, attaques multiples directes contre les militaires mais aussi contre tous les civils qui ont eu le malheur d'être sur la route des terroristes.
les terroristes du #Hamas sont bien sur
1/ 2/ manipulés.... par l' #Iran donc bien sur par la #Russie

les quelques personnes que j'ai réussit à joindre ce matin (pas longtemps) comme un ex "camarade" qui eut par la suite une tres belle carrière au @Jerusalem_Post m'indique plusieurs choses :

Sep 12, 2023 16 tweets 5 min read
Comme un sentiment qu'ils sont passé dans une dimension parallèle... Un message d'une clarté absolue. (voir tweet précédent cela fait parfaitement écho leur "mission statement") #Dzerzhinsky & la Cheka c au moins 15k direct & 1,5 millions de morts par la "terreur" ...
#Russia 2/ ils aiment cette vie... Putin avait toujours rêvé secrètement d'être le digne héritier de tous les grands bouchers de l'histoire de son pays.
il pense intimement qu'en aillant pas les mêmes actions il n'est pas à la "hauteur" de l'histoire de son pays

Sep 10, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
1/ Morning hard facts.
Russia has amassed over 420,000 of its troops in Ukraine, claims Deputy Chief of Main Intelligence Directorate #Skybitsky this morning : "Russia has concentrated more than 420,000 servicemen in our temporarily occupied territories and on the #Crimean Image 2/ Peninsula. This does not include the National Guard, other structures, special units, or other security structures of russia which support the occupying power in our territories."

meaning we can count up to 500k ! also be AWARE of the help from Ru civilians contractors.
Aug 24, 2023 30 tweets 10 min read
1/ Ukrainian intelligence conducted landing operation in #Crimea . Special op involved naval vessels & aviation! Early in the night, explosions near #Mayak settlement in #Tarkhankut . Ru talked abt 12 spec ops ingressing on boats Image 2/ Explosions rang out near the village of #Mayak on Cape Tarkhankut from 5 a.m. The base of the 3rd radio engineering regiment / part of the radio engineering troops of the RU PKS is located in Mayak. Also there is a radar node - "Nebo-M" radar and "Kasta-2E2" radar there. Image
Jul 23, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
1/ Adieu to ‘all the birds,’ Elon Musk says as he announces Twitter logo change cnbc.com/2023/07/23/adi… 2/ je suis certain que bcp vont encore penser que cela n'est rien en soit, mais en realité cela s'inscrit dans ce que fait M usk depuis le rachat et son idée sociopathique de domination sociopathique (il suffit de lire ce qu'il dit des "journaux" et autres media (je n'invente
May 26, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read
1/ New details are revealed, in a paper just released by #Ukrainian outlet NV about Ukraine's military intelligence head "the frog" #Budanov, including a story involving him leading a legendary operation in 2016 to destroy a group of #Russian military helicopters that had arrived Image 2/ #Dzhankoi airbase in occupied Crimea.. So on the previous photo it's Budanov's four-man team. They entered the zone by sea (ingress) during this spe op, and they also took out a Russian Vimpel special forces unit in only a two-minute action and killed the commander, Image
May 25, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
1/ 25 Mai 2023 - La #Russie annonce aujourd'hui qu'elle transfère bien des armes nucléaires sur le sol #Bielorussie (confirmant les infos datant de mardi)

on se souviendra que la Russie à attaquer l'Ukraine au prétexte que celle ci pouvait à l'epoque recevoir ce type d'armes et 2/ donc qu'il est était vitale pour elle de se protéger d'une menace si directe et si proche.

(alors oui on sait ils en ont déjà ds l'enclave de Kaliningrad donc pas de "changements majeurs") mais il serait intéressant tout de même de penser d'une part à ces pauvres Bielorusses
May 24, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
C'est mauvais cette "comparaison" entre le Malva 2S43 et le Caesar.
ça ne fait pas sens, on parle de SPH donc rien de nouveau, develop pas lié au Caesar, voir plus l'Archer.
voir aussi la "suite informatique"..
et puis on parle de 125mm.
& on se fiche de savoir que la cadence 2/ de tir est "supposément" supérieure de 1 coup/min.
d'abord c'est du "declaratif/performatif" russe, ensuite cela peut faire sens puisque calibre inférieure.. mais dans tous les cas c'est une cadence "optimale" pour la durée de vie des tubes.
mais bcp d'autres facteurs peuvent
May 24, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
1/ If he is not dead yet, (or soon) it's because they are keeping him alive for solid reasons
-fake antagonism to actual power (to channel the extremists RU mil blogger)
and or
- keep him for another round of "action" later on (like on Avdiivka... and he fails, 2/ it won't be about Kremlin's fault)
- keep him for Wagner purpose in Africa (because Putin knows he is only a barking dog but 100% loyal, so he wants to be sure to always have control on that subject)
- even giving him some "legit" position in the future, if Ru defense
May 17, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
#Bakhmut is almost under Ru control

Quite the last couple days of combat within the city's limit.
Also UKr r still active on the flanks, still progressing in some areas like around #Klishchiivka

Also some reports of Wagner receiving support from RU troops coming from #Avdiivka Image 2/ seems to be confirmed by several sources including : Image
Apr 3, 2023 10 tweets 6 min read
Hello there!
despite #Prigozhin "performative talks"...
#Bakhmut is still not fully under Russian control. far from it...
have a good day you all!
1/ 2/ Partial Operational situation update/ #russian_invasion in #Ukraine on April 3rd, 2023 #RussianArmy is stuck everywhere as explained last weeks. Only progress are in downtown #Bakhmut #Wagner troops still fighting to seize their only possible real victory.
Apr 2, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
1/ Pour rappel, à l'assemblée nationale elle vote ou fait voter systématiquement contre tous les textes en faveur:soutien de L’ #Ukraine et ou condamnant la #Russie
definition même de la "sale petite pourriture morale"
2/ nouvelobs.com/politique/2023…
Apr 1, 2023 7 tweets 5 min read
1/ Partial Operational situation update/ #russian_invasion in #Ukraine on April 1st, 2023 #RussianArmy is stuck everywhere as explained last weeks. Only progress are in downtown #Bakhmut
#Wagner troops still fighting to seize their only possible real victory.
#UkraineMap 2/ so #Russia still help #Wagner to continues efforts to size the city of #Bakhmut but they are not really willing to push through the flanks and lose thousands of soldiers to help them in the process.
so UKR Lines of Communication & Supply (LOCS) remain secure for now. so
Mar 26, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
1/ Hello,
i had too many thing to deal with this afternoon and i came back home late, so i won't be able to do a full recap tonight.
i'll do it during the week.
just few elements i gathered all day long :
first of all about #Bakhmut
Russians seems to be contain in the north 2/ but in the south along the river & the direction of the city center, they have apparently made some progress (even if nothing certain can be said right now as we have only geoloc vids of "conflicts" areas.
if true they are 1km away to possibly make a junction along the river