The Lion's Sin of Pride 🔥👊 --I say what YOU think. #ExposeThemAll Don't follow if you suck, thanks.
Jun 29, 2023 • 22 tweets • 7 min read
Damien Thorn
o r
n u
a m
l p
🧵Antichrist Thread🧵
Same initials and numbers of letter
Jun 25, 2023 • 38 tweets • 8 min read
Donald Trump is Crowley’s Moon Child.
He was born in a blood moon during Babalon Working sex magic ritual performed by Jack Crowley, L Ron Hubbard through NASA.
This Bank of America mural represent the Moon Child.
It was designed by Benjamin Long, according to his site he designed the pieces to reflect: making/building, chaos/creativity, and planning/knowledge.
tion of crude metals – and ends with their transmutation into pure gold.
Jun 12, 2023 • 9 tweets • 2 min read
🔥Thread of Threads🔥
I’ve attached a small collection of my work in no particular order, enjoy
A psyop is a deception, and just because the outcome seems favourable to you, doesn’t mean the ones behind it are good.
By definition, a psyop plays people into groups. Also tears the “love thy neighbour” right outta society.
It’s us against them 💡
You are being manipulated, this is not Freedom, nor an awakening.
The Great Reset’s centralized control is the fear mechanism guiding us towards The Great Awakening’s NESARA aka The Beast Control System.
Free Will, ain’t that a b|tch.
Jun 10, 2023 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
Castration and ritual gender inversion has been practiced since Babylon.
Ishtar, innana, Semiramis, Columbia are just some of the names of these androgynous deities worshipped by “priests & priestesses”.
These cults were prominent in society since the days of old.
🧵 thread👇🏻
Prostitution was the rule, as well as entertainment. This gave them influence and access to blackmail.
Music 🎶 dance 💃 and blood sacrifice was a daily practice.
Not much has changed when you think about today’s entertainment industry and world stage.
Jun 10, 2023 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
Why do I feel it’s all connected?
Elon Musk, Russia, Batman, 33, Ukraine, Moloch….
A show of some sort 🤔
Sideways is m m / ww
Or €3 / 8
And so on
Jun 9, 2023 • 4 tweets • 4 min read
How do you feel about a parade like this?
Jun 9, 2023 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
ChatGPT class action ✅
It’s interesting as it targets copilot as software piracy through GitHub.
Scraping open source data without first licensing it!
Instead of targeting OpenAI,
they went straight at Microsoft, and played the antitrust card.
Pretty smart.
This is a huge problem for Microsoft on many levels, can’t say i ain’t happy about it.
OpenAI is scraping open source free data but not selling it, which is fine.
However, Microsoft (owning stake in all these companies) is taking in all that data for resale purposes.
Jun 7, 2023 • 17 tweets • 6 min read
⁉️Wanna hear a Joke⁉️
Mel Gibson & Jim Caviezel are WHITE HATS🤭😂
I’ll drop some information here regarding them both, hopefully this will help your judgement moving forward.
Here we go!
🧵 thread🧵
Many Elites are labeled Patriots because of their work trying to expose things like pedo rings, Illuminati, etc.
Take Mel Gibson for example, him getting blackballed out of Hollyweird was simply a trick they used to help him gain YOUR favour.
Jun 7, 2023 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Left: Openly Drag
Right: Secret Drag
Not much difference is there…
Some people just can’t see it
Jun 5, 2023 • 13 tweets • 6 min read
ABACADABRA 9/11 and you know who.
Words cast spells.
That's why it's called Spelling.
"Abracadabra" is from aramaic "Avrakehdabra"
which means literally
"I will create as I speak.'
Let's start with some basics, notice how letters are given a numeric value:
Now, how does this "magic" apply to every day life, how is this energy used to influence us?
Let's look at a few examples to get your mind accustomed to these alphanumeric codes.
Jun 3, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
trusting the plan…
What I truly don’t understand is how1 can trust an already overly delayed plan without ever once drawing a line in the sand.
When you commit to anything, whether personal, business always try to understand the upside, the downside, AND—- the out strategy
It’s called risk management.
Any “plan” must have a breaking point.
Draw the fucken line already.
How many more times must you be deceived?
How many more must trick and deceive you?
Write it down!
Jun 3, 2023 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
About Trump and vaccine mandates.
Took him an excessively long time to come out against it, once everybody was already jabbed.
And if you recall he said “if you have gotten the virus, there would be no need to force you to take a vaccine” im paraphrasing of course. #Facts
It was only months after that again, that he said he would be against mandates, when he wasn’t president and couldn’t make the decision anyway.
He kicked the can down the line in order to keep his base somewhat on hold, and redirected the blame.
Basically being a politician
May 18, 2023 • 16 tweets • 3 min read
Were the teachings of Demons perverted into light,
Werethe teachings of light perverted by the demons?
👇🏻 short thread 🧵
According to prominent occultists and Theosophists like Elizabeth van Buren and Alice Bailey, in the New Age teachings, the group of immortal Ascended Masters is known as the Great White Brotherhood and their headquarters is in Tibet.
May 4, 2023 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
About 9 years ago, Robert F. Kennedy Jr called for the climate skeptics and politicians who don't believe in global warming to be JAILED.
👇 small thread 🧵👇
RFK asking people to thank everyone's favorite conservative voice, Gov Newsom.
May 1, 2023 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
🚨Instead of thinking how different the two parties are, Liberal and Conservative, or, how they oppose one another….🚨
Think how each side inches is towards the same goals but from seemingly different directions.
For ex:
👇🏻 thread 🧵👇🏻
Trump never mandated the jab, he couldn’t without alienating much of his base.
But Warp Speed was right up his alley wasn’t it!
One side fast tracked and created, the other one went to bat and “forced” it down our throat.
May 1, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Generally, people will whisper “coincidence” or something along those lines when you point out hidden Satanic-like symbolism.
Whether that be in a movie, on your Oreo cookie, or even your children’s schoolbooks.
Thing is, IF Enoch has taught us anything at all,
It’s that civilization as a whole has been created and built upon Luciferian principles and technologies.
That’s a cold hard fact.
Apr 27, 2023 • 21 tweets • 10 min read
🚨Desantis, the more you know🚨
Now that it’s fashionable to expose Desantis, let’s give this another try.
This thread 🧵 is mostly off the top off my head and random, let’s see how it goes:
“Obama called Ron into his office (both Harvard Graduates btw and said:
“Congrats Ron, as your Commander in Chief, we have a Clinton Coronation Scheduled for 2016, are you with us or against us?”
I will let you dwell on his answer for now, until we speak Uranium One deal later ;)
Apr 25, 2023 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
I find it amazing how Trump stays in the blind spots of all these anons and researchers capable of some incredible digging.
I’ve seen some accounts with truly amazing threads on symbolism, occult, freemasonry, androgynous deities, lineage etc,
Thread 🧵👇🏻
yet on their following post, they’ll praise Trump not realizing that their prior thread could have very well been about him and it would require little adjusting.
Same rules apply:
Follow the $$$
Follow the “wives”
Apr 19, 2023 • 6 tweets • 4 min read
JUST IN: Marjorie Taylor Greene says the Biden family is involved in a human trafficking scheme.
(Short 🧵)
This is how the game is played.
Read the headline, then look at the pos who wrote it.
Then, consider that MTG is also playing “his” part in the game of Right VS Left
Can you imagine how much these Fs are laughing at us behind closed doors?
They put inverts like Marjorie Taylor Greene to speak out against children gender clinics and child trafficking.
This type of mocking is much more prevalent than most think or would like to believe.