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InvestigativeJourno @SHINEreports GotFreeSchoolMeals•novel-Hide&Seek•Won PaulFoot&Bevins•2XOrwell nominee•Cofound-EndChildDetentionNow
Dec 19, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
civilian to police officer: "I am the one who called you. I am the one who called you, sir."

Police officer to civilian: "Get on the fucking floor. Do as you're fucking told."

Officer punches civilian in head. Heavy restraint.

PC Jonathan Marsh denies assault by beating 1/ daily mail court report:
*Moment police officer punches innocent medical worker in the head and tells him to 'get on the f***ing floor now' after mistaking him for the criminal*…
Nov 19, 2022 10 tweets 8 min read
When Eton College gave Farage a platform, what did they think was going to happen?

Boys directed racist & misogynistic abuse at state school students invited to join them for a speech by Nigel Farage

🧵#Eton #privilege #racism #cheating #cocaine 1/… #Eton boys ‘sanctioned’ by a school that saw fit to offer hospitality and a platform to Farage and thereby, predictably, exposed state school children (Eton’s guests) to racist and misogynistic abuse

Eton,where Boris Johnson was educated/radicalised…

Sep 27, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
"He's currently on the floor playing the whole poor me poor me...He's saying he has chest pains he can't breathe blah blah. It's a load of nonsense but there we go"
Police officer as Ian McDonald-Taylor (who was Black & had severe asthma) lay dying. 1/… Coroner Andrew Harris said police officer's conduct & his "attitude" at inquest raised serious matters of concern. He said police officer "could not bring himself to apologise to the family" and showed no insight.
report by @lucycwilliamson 2/…
Jan 30, 2021 6 tweets 5 min read
Brilliant freelance📷documentary photographer @andyaitchison has for years shone a light on prisons and immigration detention centres.

Yesterday police arrested Andy, held him for 5 hrs, seized his mobile phone & camera's memory card.

Crime? Doing his job. 1/ Andy's arrest comes the day after authoritarian minister for Equalities (yes, Equalities) @KemiBadenoch smeared brilliant journo Nadine White @Nadine_Writes , exposing White to predictable trolling and abuse. 2/

Jan 28, 2021 6 tweets 5 min read
started the day studying @MagnumPhotos . Here's a brief thread >

on the history & gaze of @MagnumPhotos by @johnedwinmason 1/ For many years @MagnumPhotos has made money from outing abused children as “child prostitutes” — names, towns, recognisable locations.
Some prize-winning images are child porn site faves.

Thank you @duckrabbitblog for exposing this > 2/…
Jul 2, 2020 7 tweets 4 min read
Here's David Starkey asserting: "Slavery was not genocide, otherwise there wouldn't be so many damn blacks in Africa or in Britain would there?"
(via @Louis_Allday )
Here's HISTORY TODAY publisher Andy Patterson asserting (TODAY, 2 July 2020) "David Starkey is no longer a member of the History Today editorial advisory board" 2/5
May 31, 2020 11 tweets 5 min read
Despite 64,000 #covid_19 deaths, health minister #MattHancock is delighted horse-racing restarts tomorrow. He’s MP for Newmarket, he’s funded by racing industry. Loves to ride racehorse owned by wife of £5m Tory donor billionaireLord Anthony Bamford 1/
News that horse-racing restarts Monday has appalled public health experts.
But delighted Sir Nicholas Soames, brother to Rupert Soames, CEO ofSerco, selected to run Ukgov #covid_19 tracing service. Churchill’s grandsons, they've kept up the dynasty’s devotion to horse-racing 2/
May 28, 2020 9 tweets 7 min read
BREAKING #DidoHarding govt's Track & Trace czar is

• a #JockeyClub steward

& formerly
a director at Cheltenham Racecourse &
a director of Racecourse Holdings Trust

(ht @E91_Cowbridge)… Image BREAKING from the govt that gave us #Brexit, #cummings #death & mindblowing conflicts of interest:

#DidoHarding , leading govt's Track & Trace effort is deeply enmeshed with UK racing industry… Image
Dec 12, 2019 26 tweets 17 min read
What’s going on with schools in England?

How come so many academy schools controllers are super-rich supporters of #Brexit, #BorisJohnson & Michael #Gove?

I’ve been investigating with @warwickmansell
Here’s what we’ve found:… 2/
One man, aged 77, controls schools for 36,000 children. Philip Harris, worth £300m, has heavily funded the Tories. When he dies, control of “his” schools passes to his wife & sons. These are state-funded schools with no local democractic accountability.
Apr 16, 2018 21 tweets 16 min read
Sickening: if being 'deported in error' to Jamaica, a country you might not have visited in 50 years, UKgov advises:
Watch your wallet,
Put on a local accent,
'try to be "Jamaican"'
#Windrush Of course brutal racist policy & practice at Home Office didn't start with #Windrush scandal.
Theresa May fought a legal battle to deport a kidney transplant patient to Nigeria regardless of urgent medical advice that this would kill her: