1Unruly Squirrel ❤️’s 🇺🇸 Profile picture
Unapologetic,Opinionated Lifelong Liberal #NewYork BACKUP @1_squirrel2 #NewYork #ONEV1 #DemCast #DemCastNY [email protected] #ForJoe #KamalaHarris2024
Aug 2, 2024 27 tweets 8 min read
Before the 1% decided to fund the destruction of our very democracy, we, in the Hamptons’, took great pride in keeping our mouths shut & allowing the uber rich to go on with their nonsense without comment other than their self aggrandizing in the society pages or @danspapers
🧵1 For decades, that was the case & we took pride in it. No one more than me (see my scree about the way the Timberlake arrest was handled)

Well, this local has had enough of covering for the treasonweasel’s that seek to steal the life, liberty, and freedom of me & my girls

Jul 20, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read

Here is Every Entity on The #Project2025 Advisory Board as on 3:32 pm 07/20/24 on 1 sheet

* = listed in the print edition
**=listed in print but changed on website (project2025 . Org)

If highlighted, its a 501(c)4 & acting in compliance

#evasivepanda Image If its highlighted, its a 501(c)4 & acting in compliance. A couple have both a 501(c)3 & 501(c)4 - I’ve given those the benefit of the doubt

Final determination was made by where the link on project2025 . Com led to. All links have been captured & records have been double
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Apr 11, 2024 17 tweets 5 min read
On another Rita Palma note, remember how wife of NYPD officer Devin DeVuono, Julie DeVuono of Amityville & her corporation Kids-On-Call Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, P.C., doing business as Wild Child Pediatric Healthcare forged approx 3500 vaxx cards
suffolkcountyny.gov/da/Newsroom/Pr… Raked in over $1.2 million dollars, totally f*cked the states Covid Vaccine Database & @RayTierneyForDA chose to only charge her w/ 1 felony ?

& didn’t charge ANY of the people that bought them?

Well, even tho she’s done w/ the system

Jun 18, 2023 16 tweets 6 min read
Disclaimer before it even starts- Lyme patients that fought to have the Lyme ‘vaccine’ removed from the market are NOT antivaxxers

I know this because I am 1 of them

Anyone who follows me KNOWS that I’m pro science, pro vaccine & pro public health
#ResistanceUnited I wrote this very personal thread, despite hating opening myself up to the inevitable BS that will come from discussing 1) #LymeDisease in general & 2) anything to do w/ vaccines for 2 very specific reasons


Jun 17, 2023 60 tweets 12 min read
A Personal Thread

I don’t talk about this much on Twitter because honestly it’s my escape from thinking about or dealing w/ the effects of Lyme disease & the associated tick borne illnesses

I mean it-ALL DAY, EVERY DAY my life is Lyme


#ResistanceUnited Rage tweeting & ranting about politics is my break from just how devastating #Lyme & the associated illnesses is

& the frustration of having to fight basically the same sh*t every day for more than 2 decades with no end in sight


Jun 17, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
I’m a Lyme disease patient & now an educated advocate for 22 yrs now

Dr Ryan may be well intentioned but this thread is just another example of the inadequate & politicized BS in the fight for Lyme patients to remove adequate basic treatment

It’s not his fault per se

1 Due to the 30 yr disinformation campaign that has been well documented that came out of Yale, Dr Alan Steere, the first patented biological material in US history (an outer surface protein on the Lyme disease spirochete, Borrelia burgdorferi -OsPA)

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May 24, 2023 17 tweets 11 min read
What in the HOLY HOT F*CK is this @JayJacobs28 @nydems @SuffolkDems @NassauDems?

Endorse @NassauExec Bruce Blakeman’s wife for the Family Court JUDGESHIP & I’m DONE w/ the @DNC @harrisonjaime @DNCWarRoom @TheDemocrats

Last yr, it was Judge John Iliou who 1/ Image Let Republican SC Legislator Nick Caracappa OFF SCOT FREE for violating a restraining order, then strangling his estranged wife while threatening to kill her

Before that was Suffolk County Dem Chair Rich Schafer basically endorsing Republican DA Ray Tierney instead of

May 22, 2023 8 tweets 5 min read
This is Tom Wedell.

Tom lives in Mastic/Moriches.

Tom is a MAGAt.

Tom doesn’t live in our community

And, Tom is very bitter because he is an uneducated contractor that believes he has the right to act the fool for a decade & have no consequences

Tom is wrong

1/ Tom Wedell can’t get work in the Hamptons

Builders won’t sub to Tom

Citizens won’t hire Tom

The owner (& employees) of 7-11 hate Tom

Tom thinks ‘illegals’ & ‘demon rats’ are why no one will hire him

Again, Tom is wrong

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Oct 26, 2022 15 tweets 9 min read
My kid was a #NewYork ICU nurse when the 1st #COVID19 wave hit

She worked w/ 1 mask for 5/6 shifts, wore garbage bags as gown & had to re-use rubber gloves

She literally risked her life every day w/o PPE & @leezeldin told the world that Trump “overdelivered” resources
1/ Image She worked mandated shifts, held the tablets for patients while their families said goodbye & watched people die droves. She couldn’t see her family for almost 4 mos because I’m immunosuppressed & she was afraid she would kill me

& @leezeldin ignored our pleas for help

Oct 24, 2022 4 tweets 5 min read
October is #DomesticViolence Awareness Month & neither @leezeldin & @EspositoforNY have yet to even acknowledge it

It makes sense I guess since @RepLeeZeldin voted against the Violence Against Women Act


#NoSurrenderNY ImageImage Zeldin & Esposito’s silence is deafening - made even more so given that they claim to be running on a #BackTheBlue #ToughOnCrime platform

Given the increased danger LEO’s face in responding to DV calls & the extremely high rate of Officer Involved Domestic Violence

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Sep 13, 2022 13 tweets 5 min read
Oh, for f*cks sake….my kid came home w/ a positive TB test!


Guess which flipping community in Brooklyn & Queens did she work w/ while she got her RBT hours @leezeldin

Measles, Covid, Polio, TB


m.jpost.com/diaspora/ultra… I was exposed to TB as an 8th grader from an uncle in the literal HOLLERS of KY. I never imagined that I would ever have to face this in NY

Do you have any idea what you have to go through when that happens @repleezeldin?

Cuz I do!

