Indeed, it says the strategic dashboard "will display ... record level pseudonymised data” and (as a data expert) you will of course know that #pseudonymised data is #personal data…
...and has been *in law*, as well as in practice, since at least May 2018.
@ICOnews published some helpful (draft) guidance just last month that can point you in the right direction if there's any confusion:
Oh, and the contract with @PalantirTech that describes what the #dashboards do (some of which your mates at @faculty_ai helped develop) mentions "#PersonalData" some *80 times*, including a 15-page Schedule on the stuff 👇
The man's either lying or he's DANGEROUSLY ignorant / ill-informed.
Hancock can't have missed that Cummings' henchman Ben, who attended SAGE, was the brother of Marc Warner (CEO of Faculty Science Ltd, formerly ASI Data Science Ltd) that built the #dashboards Matty Moo-Moos... loves, on top of @PalantirTech's Foundry "#DataPlatform" (remember those words!) that @NHSEngland has contracted for another 2 YEARS, to feed data from NHSE's ever-so-untransparent #DataStore.
But let's push it further - away from the now-defunct @CamAnalytica - in the...
...the @NHSDigital call centre phone number and replaced it with text directing people to the #NHSapp. (If they tell us what changed, we’ll change our website too – but they’ve not yet asked.)
In the same time frame, they changed the...
...“Read NHS Digital's response to the false information about the national data opt-out” link link on:
While @NHSDigital’s #OptingOut page* says a #Type1 “can only be recorded by your GPpractice” & doesn’t even link to the form, it’s worth noting #GeneralPractice is currently the busiest it’s ever been. Why is @DHSCgovuk putting even more work onto GPs?
Decisions aren’t only made by @NHSDigital, of course -but it WILL give your data to others.
Like #CPRD, which gives it to companies to #identify specific patients’ #records; and #PHE, which gave #cancer patients’ data to a “causes of cancer” study run by a #tobacco company...
I'm afraid not. For the 2021 #GPdata grab, to prevent your entire GP history being copied by @NHSDigital you must ask your GP to add a 'Type 1' opt-out to your GP record.
The GP Privacy Notice* issued by @NHSDigital is on first glance a bit confusing, suggesting you can do a #Type1 "or" a #NationalDataOptOut - but (as the Notice goes on to explain) the latter WILL NOT STOP your #GPdata from being taken...
...and if you do not opt out using a #Type1 to your GP before data is first extracted (from 1 July 2021*) then your entire GP history will be taken on first upload - and will NEVER be deleted!
*Hence the 23 June 2021 deadline, so your opt-out form(s) can be processed in time.
While I appreciate it won't have been everywhere, in my town GP practices have been doing flu jabs then COVID jabs round the clock *for months* while offering phone and F2F appointments, safely, when needed.
Too many forget that @NHSEngland is NOT 'the NHS in England' but rather the #NHS#CommissioningBoard - as the letter about its renaming in 2013 made crystal clear: