Hiding a £9 billion DIRECTORATE, set up by spooks, behind a (mere) SERVICE however...
...massive that service may be, must be breaking all *sorts* of government/civil service rules.
All such Bodies have #Boards, and Gov't procedure (and #accountability) requires those Boards have to have #OperatingFrameworks - which must include HOW THEY WORK WITH EACH OTHER...
@DHSCgovuk has to have formal agreements between *itself* and its own #ArmsLengthBodies, cf. the Code on Corporate Governance in Central Government Departments - and the requirements are VERY specific about the #governance of #ALBs 👇👇👇
And @DHSCgovuk's answer to my Q3 is plainly evasive.
It admits #JBC "utilises" #DPIAs - which meets my wider definition of "operational steps JBC has taken to ensure robust privacy and ethical standards are upheld" - but says #DHSC (but notably not #TestandTrace) "holds" them...
...thereby only emphasising the need for formal agreements between bodies of various types, with varying #statutory duties and obligations. Lest it appear that, e.g. #JBC is nothing more than a @DHSCgovuk data processor...
...which might be(come) inconvenient!
Clarification: according @cabinetofficeuk's 'Public Bodies Handbook'
Predictably, @Facebook is acting as if its liability ended when it "patched the vulnerability" in its systems which allowed the exfiltration of *half a billion* people's personal details 🤦🏻♂️🤬
If @ICOnews & @DPCIreland fail to act, then what is the literal bloody point of them?
If 'data is the new oil' - it isn't, but bear with me - then this ONGOING #privacy disaster is the #DeepwaterHorizon of data breaches.
@bp_plc had to set up a $20 billion #compensation fund to pay for damage for which it was responsible; why should @Facebook get away with this?
RIGHT NOW @Facebook should be sending messages to all its affected users, (a) apologising for its negligence/incompetence, (b) telling them what they can do to keep themselves safe, and (c) offering to compensate people for the difficulties it's causing them.
Sometimes you don't know whether to laugh or cry (with laughter).
By the time #VaccinePassports are ready, they will be absolutely pointless! Because, as we've said all along, once enough folks have been #vaccinated there'll be no need for them...
...'cos that's the whole *point* of #HerdImmunity (done the right way), unless the Government's going to start demanding we have #MMRpassports, #FluPassports and the like?
This latest bit of #COVIDtheatre just turned into #farce - unless, of course, there's an ulterior motive...
Opening what I suspect will become a very long [Thread] on the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill (#PCSCBill) which, having been introduced last Tuesday, gets its #SecondReading *next* Tuesday - #precipitous, to say the least...
While it is all too often merely lip service, the Ministerial statement of #HumanRights compliance on the cover of this Bill 👇 is particularly #hypocritical, given its actual contents...
Many have been writing about the impact of this proposed legislation on lawful #protest, notably @IanDunt...
Noting that, just like the #AppsLibrary, #DTAC *still* doesn't have a required section on clinical #efficacy - and that #impacts are much more than just (avoiding) #risks - alongside focusing on the #algorithms and #data, have you considered asking a few more basic questions...
1) Will the proposed intervention have a direct impact on health, mental health and/or wellbeing?
If so, what specifically is the intended impact and how will it be measured? If not, why are you doing it?
2) Will the proposed intervention interact with or have...
...any impacts on social, economic and/or environmental factors that would 'indirectly' affect health?
If so, what are they and how will they be measured - and, if necessary, mitigated? If not, provide evidence of ALL of the potential impacts you have actually considered...
"We are the #Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. #ResistanceIsFutile."
So if one-fifth of @Facebook's employees work on #AR/#VR, have all of them done a stint as a content #moderator? And given its toxic business model why doesn't #Facebook have at least as many *employees* (not contractors) working on #ContentModeration as it does AR?
I have a few questions on the whole #Article16 row, and row-back.
Though I understand it's FAR more exciting to report on the inevitable political #PileOn / #AxeGrinding / #CasusBelli, there is actually an agreed Protocol and procedures.
1b) Have they read Annex 7 [right pic, p62 of PDF] which describes the procedures to be followed?
Assuming the answers to (1a) & (1b) are Yes:
2) Given the EU appears to have considered these to be "exceptional circumstances" was the UK notified via the #JointCommittee, and was all relevant information provided?