Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #VR

Most recents (24)

BIG NEWS: Apple's Vision Pro headset is here!

A whole new world of "spatial computing" awaits us.

Say hello to the future of tech, blending reality with the digital realm.

#AppleEvent #WWDC23
This isn't just another gadget you stare at - this is a device you EXPERIENCE!

Control a 3D interface with your keyboard, game controller, or even simulated apps within Xcode.

Your home view is now 360-degrees!
How it works?

- This tech marvel has been engineered for developers, with app support playing a crucial role.

- Developers can create immersive 3D apps that were once a dream.

#TechTrends #AppleVisionPro
Read 9 tweets
#Metaverse, #Gamefi, #VR will be the next most viral keywords!

In this thread, I want to talk about $0xG Sentinent!

They are building a metaverse + gamefi + VR support!

#apple VR headset will make metaverse explode! Image
There is some latest update about the game:
- They will host a twitter space in next 3 days with their game developer.
- Update Gameplay with more detail than the previous video.
- Building in game Casino, players can use their own avatars.
- More youtuber review! Image
@SentientZone has been building the game for the last 2 months and just launched its token on May 29th.

In short, they are #cyberpunk based gaming platform with #Metaverse and #Ai Players will earn rewards in native token $0xG or #0xG Image
Read 7 tweets
#AI (#ArtificialIntelligence) + #VR (#VirtualReality) --> Vision Pro
Pengalaman mindfulness, produk luar biasa, dan jg penelitian moonshot yg lebih ambisius dgn #neuroteknologi. Seperti, memprediksi kita akan mengklik sesuatu sebelum melakukannya, pd dasarnya membaca pikiran.
. ImageImageImageImage
Alat ini dpt mendeteksi kondisi mental pengguna berdasarkan data dr tubuh dan otak mrk saat mrk berada dlm pengalaman imersif.

Jadi, pengguna berada dlm pengalaman realitas campuran atau realitas virtual, dan model AI mencoba memprediksi apakah kita merasa ingin tahu,..
..pikiran mengembara, takut, memperhatikan, ingat masa lalu, atau kondisi kognitif lain. Ini dpt disimpulkan dgn pengukuran seperti pelacakan mata, aktivitas listrik di otak, detak jantung dan ritme, aktivitas otot, kepadatan darah di otak, tekanan darah, konduktansi kulit, dll.
Read 8 tweets
1/5 🚀Apple has just unveiled its brand new VR headset, the Apple Vision Pro, at #WWDC2023. Entering the realm of virtual and mixed reality, this premium device promises to reshape our digital experiences.
#Apple #VisionPro #VirtualReality Image
2/5 🌐The Vision Pro introduces "spatial computing," a novel form of computing that creates virtual desktops around you, blending #AR and #VR for immersive interactions with the digital world. #SpatialComputing
3/5 🎥Imagine watching movies in unique virtual environments, all controlled by your eyes, hands, and voice. The Vision Pro promises just that, adding a new dimension to your digital media experience. #MixedReality #WWDC2023
Read 6 tweets



🧵内容较长,为方便查阅,做成了脑图。记得收藏,别再错过轮动浪潮 !🌊

#Bitcoin Image
1⃣ #Layer2

以太坊 #坎昆升级 预计会在今年 10 月份进行,EIP-4844将令以太坊二层处理速度提高 10 - 100倍,且每笔在 L2 上发生的交易成本将比现在便宜数十倍。

升级将为 #Layer2 催生更多应用场景,大事件推动必然带来大的板块拉升。

⌨️ 这里也为大家放出 #区块链基建 代表项目及分类。

(1/24) Image
1.1 Layer2板块币种推荐

💵 $ARB

@arbitrum 二层扩容方案龙头,且作为一个新币,还没打出三浪,很有可能在坎昆升级之前提前打出预期,所以布局的性价比比较高。

💵 $OP

@optimismFND 巨量解锁后基本面的压力会比较小。同样如果坎昆升级带来Layer2 summer的话,OP rollup生态一定会拉升。

Read 25 tweets
Get an exclusive inside look into @cyberpunkcity!🕵️‍♂️

We sat down with their Community Marketing Manager @jackmelar36 this Wednesday and delved into their #Metaverse, in-game economy, and the potential for Web3 gaming!

Here are the top 3 key takeaways from our conversation🧵…… Image
@cyberpunkcity @jackmelar36 Q: What lessons or insights have you drawn from other successful game titles in the development and design of Cyberpunk City and how have they influenced your approach?
@cyberpunkcity @jackmelar36 A: Drawing on the experiences of various successful game titles and developers, we have gained several key insights that have influenced our approach to Cyberpunk City.

Firstly, observing small and independent game companies, we've come to understand that passion for the game……
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1/5 Was stimulating spending the day at the #HarvardXR Conference and interacting with energetic students and old industry friends. @htcvive #VR #AI #XR @harvardxr @Harvard (more on speech in 🧵) ImageImageImageImage
2/5 Here’s just a few select slides from my 100 page keynote deck. “From #BlackMirror to #BlueDoors” (on industry myths and #AI/#Metaverse use case) @harvardxr 🧵 ImageImageImageImage
3/5 Some slides on #Consciousness, #AI Risks and Mitigation 🧵 ImageImageImageImage
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'#NATO'n-salakähmä #Maanpetos-#Metro-tunneliverkosto-#Mänttä.'
"Julkaistu 18.5.2021, Mikkoskopia Tekasin Mäntän tunnelikartan. Selostus löytyy lisätietoja painikkeesta."… Image
#Vapaamuurarit rakastavat kaivaa tunneleita.
- Siksi vähäväkisessä Suomessakin on ns. #Metro, maailman kalleimmat kilometrit, vaikka sitä ei olisi edes tarvittu.
Tarkista kotiseutusi #tunneli-sisäänkäynnit ja raportoi havainnot Mikolle ([email protected])… Image
#Ulkoministeriö'kin Oyj: ksi äkki poja.
#Korruptio-#Metro on kuin #viina, vaikeinta on ensimmäisen pullollisen nauttiminen!
- Helsingin #metro'n tapahtumista alusta alkaen ja lisämausteena on pieniä episodeja #Länsimetro'n.. vahvasti muhivasta tarinasta.
Read 14 tweets
#Amazon uruchamia #Bedrock, w 'Wydarzeniach' #Polsat'u mamy specjalistów od #AI, także trend chyba jeszcze nie umiera 😅

Dzisiaj podzielę się z Wami projektami z koszyka #krypto AI które moim zdaniem należy obserwować.

zapraszam na wątek🧵👇
1/20 Image

Rzekomo nazywany "#Google'm kryptowalut", to protokół indeksowania umożliwiający przeszukiwanie wiodących blockchainów. Każdy może budować i publikować otwarte interfejsy #API, wywoływać podgrafy, co umożliwia łatwy dostęp do danych. Image

Celem ogólnym projektu jest umożliwienie konsumentom pozyskiwania usług sztucznej inteligencji od różnych agentów AI na platformie, umożliwiając każdemu dostęp do technologii AI lub uczestnictwo w jej rozwoju. Image
Read 20 tweets
1/ 🎉 Day 8 of #AllinAI: As someone who's always been fascinated by #AR #VR and 3D scanning, I'm excited to explore Neural Radiance Fields (#NeRF)! NeRF is a game-changing AI technique that has transformed the 3D scene reconstruction & rendering. Let's dive in!
2/ 📊 Traditional 3D scanning methods like #photogrammetry & #lidar faced challenges like noise, inconsistencies & limited detail. NeRF uses AI to help overcome these by creating high-quality 3D renderings from 2D images.
3/ 🌐 How it works: Take a few pictures of an object. NeRF's deep neural network optimizes the radiance field to match the 2D image, combining color & volume density to create a stunning, detailed 3D rendering.

Created using @LumaLabsAI @SirWrender 👇

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Have you ever heard of a Reality Index?
Neither have I until about a week ago.

Today I'm going to dive into an AI network that is combining paradigms of AI, autonomous robotics, and Blockchain, to prompt realities into existence.


👇 Image
Week #1 the core team behind Roko proposed via snapshot and acquired the following node infrastructure.

2 Million $POND tokens for running relays on @MarlinProtocol layer zero relay network.

1034 $TAO for delegating to @bittensor_ validators for decentralized computation
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Curious about virtual reality? See how UAB is providing opportunities to engage with this technology across campus. 🧵
A recent story highlighted how surgeons in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery are using virtual reality headsets to prepare for delicate procedures and explain the operations to patients.:

On Feb. 28, the UAB Marnix E. Heersink Institute for Biomedical Innovation hosted a Metahealth Symposium exploring how UAB uses VR, AR and mixed reality to educate patients, create training simulations and redefine online classes at @UABHeersink.
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🧵This week end challenge🧵
Hey Twitterverse! I've given myself a wild challenge this weekend - Produce an 8-minute-long virtual reality short movie!
The video above is all the 256 Equirectangular i created for the first scene.
#ai #shorts #vr #aicinema
But that's not even the craziest part
90% of the work is going to be done using AI!
Tools i'm using :
@AlteredAi for the voice (just amazing)
@BlockadeLabs for the panoramas
@StabilityAI for the img2img Finetuning
@OpenAI 's chatGPT #ChatGPT as Steven Spielbird for the script
I'm basically outsourcing my creative genius :) to the machines.

But hey, who needs human intuition when you've got algorithms, am I right?
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As the Battle of Launches gears up for an intense week ahead, we extend our gratitude to the supporters who are propelling the testing of the forthcoming major Launchpad on the #MultiversX ecosystem.

Let us delve into the pioneers who are helping us drive innovation forward🧵
1/ First up, @arcstake.

This cutting-edge #staking provider has been building advanced cloud infrastructure since 2005.

Offering high-quality and secure services at reduced costs takes a bit more effort and investment than simply just spinning up services in a public cloud.
2/ - Highest resiliency
- Highest security
- Limitless scalability
- Optimized costs

As a result of their #innovative approach, ARC Staking has established itself as one of the leading providers of the MultiversX ecosystem.
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Ten new age technologies built on #opensource

AI or Artificial Intelligence
Cyber Security Methods
Cloud Computing
Big Data and analytics
Blockchain Technology
Full Stack Development

#Python #Web3 #AR #VR #devops #Iot #FullStack #AI #neuralnetworks #IT
AI is like having a really smart robot friend that can help us do things faster and better! 🤖👍 #AI #RobotFriend
AR and VR are like magical glasses that let you see and interact with things that aren't really there! 🤓👓✨ #AR #VR #MagicalGlasses
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Wanna know bout the effect on national security & global stability of #QuantumHacking in #Web3 #Crypto #AI #VR & #AR by nation-state-backed hacker groups like #USCyberCommand, #NorthKorea, #Iran, #Russia, & #China?

You do? Here's you're TL;DR to minimize your Units of Attention
APT (Advanced Persistent Threat) groups are a prime example of nation-state-backed hacker groups

#CozyBear (APT29), #LazarusGroup (APT38), #DoubleDragon (APT41), #FancyBear (APT28), and #HelixKitten (APT34) are some of the most well-known APT groups
These groups have been known to carry out cyber espionage, intellectual property theft, and sabotage. For instance, the #FancyBear APT group was responsible for the alleged 2016 US election interference
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We have seen a massive surge in #AI interest in recent weeks which culminated in massive hype with anything related!

This brought me back to one of the projects I was most bullish about @RenderToken

What is $RNDR?
Why is there a need for #RNDR?
Who is behind it?
🧵 is needed👇 Image
1.What is Render?

🔶GPU rendering system acting as a marketplace between GPU providers & requestors

🔶Provides GPU owners an opportunity to monetize their idle GPU by offering it's computing power to rendering job requests

🔶Allows GPU owners to loan out their GPU power Image
2.Why does this matter?

🔶Rendering costs massive amounts of money, time and storage space.

🔶Avatar (2009) as follows:
-40k processors used for rendering
-The computers were processing up to 1.4 million TPD to render
-Each of Avatar’s frames took several hours to render.
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We are pleased to share that @MoviePass announced today it has raised its seed financing led by @animocabrands w/participation from Claritas Capital @GaingelsVC & others. Animoca Brands’ executive chairman @Ysiu will join the board of MoviePass.

2/ @MoviePass will use the new funding to accelerate the beta relaunch of its #movie theatre subscription service and to develop & implement the company’s #Web3 strategy, including #VR #cinema experiences and using #technology to drive traffic to theaters.

3/ "@MoviePass has a strong vision for #technology in the field of entertainment and our #investment demonstrates our commitment to maximizing the value that MoviePass can deliver across the film industry. ” said @ysiu, executive chairman & co-founder of @animocabrands.

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How many softwares are required to run a #STR/#VR business?

1? 3? 5?

We'd argue the number could be 20+, and put this market map together to share why.

🗺 Figma Map:
📃 Category Write-Up:

[ Backstory/links below ]
At @vrma's 2022 International Conference, @SlickTalkPod asked attendees "How many softwares do you use to power your business?"💻

To our (@usewheelhouse's) surprise, very few teams used 4+ softwares to run their business 😳

Why were we surprised?
b/c the number of software teams in the STR/VR space is skyrocketing 🚀

We left that conference eager to map out the state of technology for STR & VRs.

That project quickly resulted into tracking:

- 170+ software teams
- 19 unique categories of software
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The talks from the @vsac2022 conference symposium I "Realities of Geometries" are now online. If you are interested in #MathArt and #illustratingmath, give them a look here:… (10-15 min. per talk). A short presentation of the talks as thread🧵. (1/5)
First talk is by me, @msmathcomp. I am speaking about the generalization of #Chladni figures to the third dimension. Thereby, the intersection of sound waves becomes tangible, e.g., in the form of a #3dprint. . (2/5)
Second talk is by Teresa Hunyadi ( and @davemurrayrust. They speak about deformations of #PenroseTilings. Their realizations include #CNC millings of the tilings as well as baked clay forms. . (3/5)
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SO MANY challenges when starting #VR DEVELOPMENT such as what are all the tools & what do they do?


1- Start & learn to use a game engine (Unity/Unreal)
2- Learn Visual Scripting (C#/C++ more flexibility)
3- Get a VR Headset & computer (mac or win)

🧵 Thread Image
4- Ask yourself the question: what platform do you want to build for? Do not overcomplicate this, just pick one ex: Meta, SteamVR, etc
5- For Unity which is my expertise try the following toolkits: (XR Interaction Toolkit, MRTK 3, UltimateXR, VRIF, Hurricane VR) Image
6- With C++ or C# Development you will need a good IDE, Visual Studio, VS Code, or Rider (these are are all very robust)
7- Get familiar with the Debugger / Profiler
8- Get very familiar with Blender or similar (3D Authoring)
9- Start a VR prototype perhaps a clone of your game Image
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