#WeAreAllJulianAssange #WeStandWithJulianAssange #FreeAssange #Assange #ProtectJulian #AssangeHERO #Injustice #HumanRights #freeSpeak #Liberty #Killers #WarCrimes #Liars #Democracy #TrueJournalists #Hipocrisy
Trump distances himself from @WikiLeaks after #Assange arrest 🤔

Freedom now.
#FreeAssange #AssangeLibertad #IAmJulianAssange #WeAreAllJulianAssange #WeStandWithJulianAssange #Assange #ProtectJulian #AssangeHERO #AssangeLibertad @wikileaks @DefendAssange

Do you want to know why USA hates #JulianAssange and #WikiLeaks?
#FreeAssange #AssangeLibertad #IAmJulianAssange #WeAreAllJulianAssange #WeStandWithJulianAssange #ProtectJulian #AssangeHERO #AssangeLibertad @wikileaks @DefendAssange
George Galloway on Julian Assange's whistleblowing: "How is this different from a state-owned media or🇰🇵media?If honest journalists may not - except in fear of decades in 🇺🇸prisons - convey that information to you?"
@GeorgeGalloway | #MOATS
"In Israel the ministry of strategic affairs watch the internet controlling what is happening"
"Assange is a warning"
"it is forbidden to speak about war and the things behind the war"
#Unity4J watch live

Chelsea & Julian are in Jail. History Trembles-Tonight both Chelsea Manning & Julian Assange are in jail,both over offences related to the publication of materials specifying🇺🇸war crimes in Afghanistan & Iraq, & both charged with nothing craigmurray.org.uk/archives/2019/…
Julian Assange is imprisoned in Bellmarsh prison, where criminals, terrorists & other dangerous criminals are taking. @Lenin Moreno & the Valencia Foreign Minister lied when they said Assange would be treated with humanity. @Lenin corrupt🤬

IU denounces that with the delivery of Assange "President Lenin Moreno flagrantly violates the right of asylum and political refuge to which he is bound"
WikiLeaks supporter rumbled undercover cops ahead of Assange arrest (VIDEOS) rt.com/uk/456275-assa…
A protest will take place today outside Belmarsh Prison in London, where Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is being held following his forcible seizure and arrest Thursday.
The protest will be held from 4pm. It is... wsws.org/en/articles/20…
⏳ #Unity4J via @ggreenwald ⌛️
The U.S. Government’s Indictment of Julian Assange Poses Grave Threats to Press Freedom
Report by U.S comedian and Truth activist @jimmy_dore: Dark Day For Journalism As Assange Arrested. #NoExtradition #FreeAssange
10 hhá 10 horas
According to Wikipedia, the prison where Julian Assange is being held has been called the "British version of Guantanamo Bay"
Learn more about Belmarsh Prison:
#Unity4J #ProtectJulian #FreeJulian

12 de abr
'Julian Assange has become ENEMY number 1, he should be HERO number 1' ✊
@johnpilger on #WikiLeaks #ProtectJulian #JulianAssangeArrested @wikileaks
FULL SHOW on @Underground_RT TMRW
“The rage I feel about this gentle man now being banged up with terrorist prisoners in the maximum security prison at Belmarsh where I shall be protesting this Sunday along I think with many others.”

Julian Assange Held At "Britain's Guantanamo Bay" As UN Urges Fair Trial

John Pilger on the arrest of Julian Assange: "This is an assault on journalism, but it is more than that. It is an assault on citizenship".
"Chelsea and Julian Are in Jail. History Trembles."
By @CraigMurrayOrg
Global Research - April 12, 2019
@CRG_CRM - globalresearch.ca/chelsea-julian…
"It's just a shame that someone as brave as #ChelseaManning wasn't around to expose the lies that led to the #Iraq war in the first place."
via @nandorvila, 2017
Also read: washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/styl…
Don't extradite Assange! Sign the petition internal.diem25.org/en/petitions/1 #diem25 #justice4J
After 7 Years of Deceptions About Assange, the US Readies for Its First Media Rendition
El grupo activistas informáticos #Anonymous lanzan advertencia contra #ReinoUnido, #EEUU y #Ecuador si no liberan a #JulianAssange.
The #Anonymous issue a warning against #UK, #US & #Ecuador if they do not release #JulianAssange.
#OpAssange #OpEcuador
We have removed the page of the Embassy in Ukraine from #Ecuador & have left the Bank of Ecuador website without service. Government, this is starting if they are delayed we increase our attacks! #FreeAssange
We are #Anonymous.

#Anonymous #FreeAssange #OpEcuador #OpAssange #OpUK #OpUS #Ecuador #UK #US
DDoS their Banks , Gov websites & services to make them unavailable!
Leak their personal informations in the public.
Deface their website to spread the Anonymous #FreeAssange message.

#OpAssange #OpEcuador
We inform you that if the government of Ecuador does not deliver to #Assange, something very big will come. Join #Anonymous and fight for freedom of expression. Government of Ecuador, are warned. #FreeAssange

Every day we hear adulterated news, no matter what press comes, you can no longer believe in anything, and when everyone agrees on the same news, it is when we lose the freedom of information. Enough of hiding the truth #WikiLeaks

We can confirm that Assange's cat is safe. Assange asked his lawyers to rescue him from embassy threats in mid-October. They will be reunited in freedom. #FreeAssange #NoExtradition
Political prisoner #Assange is being held in what is known as"🇬🇧's Guantánamo Bay," where the🇬🇧government holds "terrorists."
This is what the Free World™ does to a journalist who publishes whistleblowers who expose🇬🇧& NATO war crimes.
Former UK ambassador Craig Murray denounces arrest and conviction of Julian Assange wsws.org/en/articles/20…
A must-read:
'Where is the outrage at the lies we have been served up for these past 7 years? Where is the contrition at having been gulled for so long?Where is the fury at the most basic press freedom – the right to publish – being trashed?
British #Veterans call on our government to respect the rights of journalists and whistle-blowers and refuse to extradite Julian Assange to the US.
The world is witnessing a frontal attack on journalism -- and international law. We cannot keep silent #JulianAssange

“A U.S. diplomatic cable made public by WikiLeaks provides evidence that U.S. troops executed at least 10 Iraqi civilians, including a woman in her 70s and a 5-month-old infant, then called in an airstrike to destroy the evidence” google.com/amp/s/amp.mccl…
Some neoliberals are exploiting #MeToo&falsely portraying Assange as a"rapist"to justify the🇺🇸's political imprisonment
But court docs show the♀️said"didn’t want to put any charges on JA but the police were keen on getting a grip on him"

The♀️associated with the supposed"rape"allegation against #Assange said she had been “railroaded by police & others around her."
She said she"did not want to accuse JA for anything,"adding"it was the police who made up the charges"
This is from court documents

Those falsely portraying @WikiLeaks publisher & political prisoner Assange as a"rapist"to justify the🇺🇸throwing him in a dungeon are ignoring what the♀️herself said!
They are silencing her — &fueling an authoritarian attack on journalism

The♀️associated with the supposed"rape"accusation against Assange said she didn't want to accuse him & police made it up
Then Stockholm's chief prosecutor,Eva Finne,dismissed the'rape'investigation altogether,saying"There isn’t suspicion of AnyCrime whatsoever"

Despite these facts, here is the deputy European media director of Human Rights Watch (formerly a US-biased Cold War anti-Soviet group called Helsinki Watch) helping to justify the demonization of political prisoner #Assange with #MeToo
The UN expert on extra-judicial executions said the🇺🇸,🇬🇧, &🇪🇨are exposing Assange "to risks of serious human rights violations."
She added that🇬🇧"has arbitrary detained Mr Assange possibly endangering his life for the last 7 years"
** STATEMENT: Chelsea's legal team responds to today's unsealed indictment. This is further evidence that the government's continued imprisonment of Chelsea for her principled stance against grand jury secrecy is punitive, cruel & unnecessary sparrowmedia.net/2019/04/statem…
** Reminder: Chelsea is still in need of funds for her legal expenses. Please donate if you can, and help spread the word so she can have a soft landing when she is finally released! actionnetwork.org/fundraising/ch…
Julian Assange was arrested for exposing🇺🇸war crimes in Iraq, meanwhile Washington's war criminals not only remain free but remaim in power & continue their murderous ways.This is a microcosm of the world's current crisis —🇺🇸imperialism vs. international democracy.
Tulsi Gabbard made a strong statement against the arrest of journalist & PoliticalPrisoner #Assange
Will any other🇺🇸presidential candidates speak out against this blatant attack on the freedom of press & speech? @BernieSanders? @EWarren?
Trump's CIA director described Wikileaks as "a non-state hostile intelligence service". An accurate description that should apply to ALL self-respecting newspapers & news media. Decent journalists failing to oppose Assange's extradition beware: You are next!

The US government has labeled Assange a criminal without even affording him a trial. This should prove useful in his fight against extradition.

Great point: The🇺🇸"justice"system supposedly ensures that the accused is"innocent until proven guilty"but the🇺🇸House Foreign Affairs Committee referred to Assange as a"criminal"without a trial
I'm sure his actual trial will be Free&Fair
🇬🇧activists are holding a"Don't extradite Julian"protest tomorrow, 14 April, outside London's Belmarsh prison (known affectionately as"🇺🇸's Guantánamo"), where Assange is being held for the"crime"of doing journalism & exposing war crimes

@neeratanden This is a grave threat to press freedoms everywhere, regardless of how your feelings feel about Assange, WikiLeaks, Trump, Hillary Clinton or Russia. This is a real, factual, urgent threat to everyone. Your feelings do not matter.
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange will be punished for embarrassing the DC establishment usatoday.com/story/opinion/…
#UNITY4J #AssangeArrest #FreeAssange @DefendAssange
Mairead Maguire on Julian Assange and the IMF bribe used by USA to end Julian Assange asylum worldbeyondwar.org/mairead-maguir…
#UNITY4J #AssangeArrest #FreeAssange @DefendAssange
Dirty dealings behind Julian Assange arrest
#UNITY4J #AssangeArrest #FreeAssange @DefendAssange
IMF money used to bribe judas Moreno to give up julian Assange checkpointasia.net/imf-deal-for-e…
#UNITY4J #AssangeArrest #FreeAssange @DefendAssange
By @radio_sucre700 The computer activists group #Anonymous throw warning against #ReinoUnido, #EEUU & #Ecuador if they do not release #JulianAssange.The #Anonymous issue a warning against #UK, #US& #Ecuador If they do not release #JulianAssange
And the world wants #JulianAssange crucified for revealing this type of crime⁉️ ⬇️
@UN @IntlCrimCourt you are COMPLICIT‼️
Another USA ' s new war (represented by Trump Administration) against The Truth !!🤓!!
#UNITY4J #AssangeArrest #FreeAssange @DefendAssange
Declaring Assange a criminal without a trial. THAT'S WHAT A DICTATORSHIP DOES.
#UNITY4J #AssangeArrest #FreeAssange @DefendAssange

#FreeAssange #AssangeLibertad #WeAreAllJulianAssange #WeStandWithJulianAssange #ProtectJulian #AssangeLibertad @wikileaks @DefendAssange
‘Truth is treason’ for #American Empire: Ex-Congressman Ron Paul

Labour leader #JeremyCorbyn has called on the #UnitedKingdom to reject a request, from the #UnitedStates, for the extradition of @WikiLeaks co-founder #JulianAssange.
#WeAreAllJulianAssange #WeStandWithJulianAssange #FreeAssange #Assange #ProtectJulian #AssangeHERO @DefendAssange @wikileaks
April 12
Show your professors what the 'criminal' revealed about the people they get their funding from. And then find new professors. salon.com/2010/12/24/wik…
#WeAreAllJulianAssange #WeStandWithJulianAssange #FreeAssange #ProtectJulian @DefendAssange @wikileaks
April 12
I am a professor, and my students are definetly reading info revealed by Wikileaks !
#WeAreAllJulianAssange #WeStandWithJulianAssange #FreeAssange #Assange #ProtectJulian #AssangeHERO @DefendAssange @wikileaks
April 12
Rep. Ocasio-Cortez foxnews.com/politics/aoc-o…
#WeAreAllJulianAssange #WeStandWithJulianAssange #FreeAssange #Assange #ProtectJulian #AssangeHERO @DefendAssange @wikileaks
Slavoj Zizek: Assange helped teach the people about our tarnished freedom – now we are all he has left to defend him | The Independent
The sex case against #Assange was a CIA plot to dehumanize Julian, to prevent public support & to extradite him to🇺🇸via Sweden. I read everything about the Swedish case. It’s a sham. There was no unconsensual sex or any abusive conduct. It’s a spy op & nothing else.
Sex, Lies and Julian Assange abc.net.au/4corners/sex-l… ... again and again these CIA plots of "Antideutschen" & Co. #Metoo-Political system careerists from the retorts of the spin-doctors of imperialist big business to fight political opponents!
🇪🇨's Human Rights Commission: Assange expulsion into the hands of the🇺🇸is a "de facto extradition" that violates the🇪🇨Constitution, & international obligation prohibiting refoulement, and violates the Inter-American Court on Human Rights' advisory opinion 25/18

Demented stories about Assange are now being spread by president Lenin Moreno & his mob to brush over the disgraceful expulsion.Moreno claims Assange hacked HisPhone & Ambassador tells DailyMail he might have trained the embassy cat to spy.This is surreally idiotic

🗣️Call the psychiatric hospital.😸😹😼
That darn cat : was it a spy for Assange ? 😉
🇪🇨's Human Rights Commission declares Assange asylum expulsion illegal in violation of articles 6, 41, 66. 14, & 77 (nationality, asylum, non-refoulement & due process) & predicts🇪🇨will be found to have violated international conventions.
I am here with you all. #WeAreAllJulianAssange & we are not going away. The battle for the TRUE goes on. We the people will continue to denounce to the🌍that Assange is a POLITICAL PRISONER & we the people DEMAND #FreeAssange.
Join me at HMP Belmarsh this afternoon.
Live from Australia House. pscp.tv/w/b4Ma6jIxMDIy…
Thread on "THE NEW CRUCIFIXION OF THE TRUTH" - @semper_vincit- 👌🏼👏🏼
#FreeAssange #FreeSpeech #WeAreAllJulianAssange #WeStandWithJulianAssange #ProtectJulian @DefendAssange @wikileaks

#FreeAssange #FreeSpeech #EndWar #FreeAssangeNOW #Assange
#WeAreAllJulianAssange #WeStandWithJulianAssange #ProtectJulian #AssangeHERO @DefendAssange @wikileaks

#WeAreAllJulianAssange #WeStandWithJulianAssange #FreeAssange #Assange #ProtectJulian #AssangeHERO #Injustice #HumanRights #freeSpeak #Liberty #Killers #WarCrimes #Liars #Democracy #TrueJournalists #Hipocrisy