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This is why I do not think much of #SubhasChandraBose

Read this thread about the brutal treatment of #Malaya #Tamils by the Japanese in building the #DeathRailway

Bose wanted to take help from the Japanese in "liberating" #India.

Why would the Japanese ever care about "liberating" India from #British rule?

The #Japanese were imperialists. They wanted to conquer all of Asia and the Pacific.

They had already annexed #Manchuria in 1931, and everyone knew about their brutal treatment of the #Chinese.

The Japanese followed this up with the #RapeOfNanjing in 1937. This was followed by the establishment of #Unit731 in the city of #Harbin in Northeast #China, scene of one of the most egregious #CrimesAgainstHumanity in history, carried out by the #ImperialJapaneseArmy

Read 12 tweets
This report from @btselem quite clearly shows the very narrow/selective and even erroneous usage of #IHL by IDF and why these are #warcrimes

The incident:
1/3 of the casualties were NOT participating AT all in the fighting. Obviously considering the timing of the attack and the fact that they also are civilians. Image
Prior knowledge of IDF:
They were aware of possibility of human casualties, including children. Image
Read 14 tweets
Say NO to mRNA in Your Food. I can't believe our own government wants to poison our food in this way. How can the FDA approve this horrible #CrimesAganistHumanity bioweapon. This is a #WarCrime. #ViolatesNurembergCode…
Medical professionals were put on trial after the war for their participation in war crimes and crimes against humanity during the Holocaust. The trial sparked questions about medical ethics in the aftermath of the brutal experiments on prisoners in the camp system.
On December 9, 1946, an American military tribunal opened criminal proceedings against 23 leading German physicians and administrators for their willing participation in war crimes and #CrimesAgainsHumanity.…
Read 17 tweets
26/5/23 - Yoeri Albrecht is onderdeel van propaganda outlet @bellingcat. Bellingcat creëerde oa. de doofpot rondom het OPCW Douma dossier. Deze missie werd geleid door @SigridKaag #warcrimes
18/7/18 - @bellingcat is een ‘pay to play’ partner. De gedeelde informatie van Bellingcat zit vol met gefabriceerde informatie. Het hoofdkantoor van Bellingcat staat in Nederland, Amsterdam… Image
26/5/23 - draadje hoe de Oekraïnes Chalupa de USA verkiezingen van 2016 verstoorde. Zou er een groep van boze elite oligarchen bestaan die de wereld besturen? Zo ja dan moeten ze beter opletten want ze zijn gezien #CLINTON #AIVD #COZYBEAR #BELLINGCAT
Read 3 tweets
Ukrainian Spy Boss Bluntly Admits Plan to Assassinate Putin
By Allison Quinn casbt1osint.blogspot.com2 min
May 24, 2023
View Original
Sputnik/Alexey Filippov/Pool via Reuters

Sputnik/Alexey Filippov/Pool via Reuters Image
The second in command of Ukrainian military intelligence says Kyiv’s spies are actively trying to kill Vladimir Putin—and the Russian leader is well aware of it.
Vadym Skibitsky, the deputy head of Ukraine's Main Intelligence Directorate, made the admission in an interview with German publication Welt.
Read 22 tweets
16/10/13 - Ban Ki-moon benoemd @SigridKaag tot coördinator van de @OPCW in Syrië. Kaag houd toezicht op de vernietiging van chemische voorraden en productiefaciliteiten in #Syrië. Kaag verzweeg de false flag op #Douma (ref. @wikileaks) #WarCrimes…
23/10/19 - @wikileaks publiceert een uitgelekte technische beoordeling van de vermeende chemische aanval op #Douma #Syrië op 7 april 2018. De beoordeling van Henderson werd weggelaten in het eindrapport van de in Nederland gevestigde @OPCW…
23/11/19 - de aanpassing van het rapport was volgens de auteur “een grote afwijking van het oorspronkelijke rapport”. Dit zou zijn gedaan in opdracht van de Turkse diplomaat Ahmet Üzümcü die sindsdien is vervangen door de Spaanse Fernando Arias.…
Read 13 tweets
🧵Thread : La qualité vie des libyens, et un aperçu de l'économie libyenne sous Kadhafi,

un article commenté et traduit issu du site Libya SOS

#OTAN #Libye #kadhafi #WarCrimes #WarCriminal #Libya #CPI #Gaddafi
1/?➡️ Image
Quelques informations sur la vie en Libye avec le dirigeant Kadhafi:

1. L'électricité à usage domestique était gratuite
2. Les prêts étaient sans intérêt
3. pendant la période d'étude, le gouvernement donnait à chaque étudiant 2 300 dollars/mois
4. Chacun recevait le
2/? ⤵️
salaire moyen de la profession étudiée s'il ne trouvait pas d'emploi après l'obtention de son diplôme
5. l'État payait certains travailleurs pour travailler dans certaines professions spécifiques
6. chaque chômeur recevait de l'aide sociale 15 000/an
7. pour les mariages,

Read 17 tweets
Welcome along to the daily thread for Day 440 of the war in #Ukraine

More deadly missile attacks launched in the early hours this morning by #Russia on what is supposed to be one of the sacred days in the calendar, 9 May.
#Russia has no victory to celebrate.

All the news here⬇️
It was another busy day yesterday, a lot of news from the battlefields of #Ukraine and beyond too.

For a catch up on anything you missed on Monday, click and scroll down from this link:

So during the night #Russia launched no fewer than 25 Cruise missiles - but #Ukraine's air defences managed to shoot down 23 of them.

In the first wave 8 Kalibrs were fired from Black Sea ships. Then at 4am 17 Kh-101/555s were fired by ships over the Caspian Sea. Image
Read 41 tweets
'Mad panic' as Russia #evacuates #nuclearplant #town | -28min
- On Friday, the Russian-installed regional head Yevgeny #Balitsky said that "in the past few days, the enemy has stepped up #shelling of #settlements close to the front line".… Image
#IAEA warns of dangers around #Zaporizhzhia #nuclearplant as #evacuations under way | -2h
- #Grossi: “I’m extremely concerned about the nuclear safety and security risks facing the plant. We must act now to prevent the threat of a severe nuclear accident,…
#SamsonOption. Situation around #Europe's largest #NPP is 'potentially dangerous,' watchdog warns
- The #IAEA said shelling was heard 'on a regular basis' around #Zaporizhzhia plant in SE #Ukraine.… ImageImageImage
Read 9 tweets
"Report on Violations & Abuses of International Humanitarian/Human Rights Law, #WarCrimes/#CrimesAgainstHumanity, related 2 Forcible Transfer/Deportation of Ukrainian Children 2 Russian Federation" @OSCE #TakenFromUkraine #CrimesAgainstHumanity
30 Mar 2023 45 states @OSCE consulting Ukraine invoked “Moscow Mechanism” & requested ODIHR 2 ask if Ukraine would invite expert mission on “Deportation of Children amidst Human Rights Violations & Humanitarian Impacts of Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine"
On 4 April 2023, Ukraine established an expert mission composed of three experts - Prof. Veronika Bilkova (Czech Republic), Dr. Cecilie Hellestveit (Norway) and Dr.
Elina Steinerte (Latvia).
Read 19 tweets
🇬🇧Welcome to Day 437 of #Russia's war on #Ukraine

If you are citizen of the Commonwealth, Happy Coronation Day, or if you're a Republican, just enjoy the weekend😅

This is the daily thread for Saturday with all the news in one thread, updated throughout the day.
Let's start in occupied #Crimea, where chat sites make pleasant reading this morning:

08:04 "A loud bang was heard in the #Krasnogvardeyskoye district"
08:05 "a good roar sounded. Dzhankoy-Krasnogvardeyskoye"
08:05 "strong 'cotton' in Krasnogvardeyskoye."

Here's what was seen
#Russia's Occupiers on #Crimea insist air defence worked in the north of Crimea "there were no casualties or destruction"

Oh but then the Kerch Bridge was unexpectedly closed. Guards told these people "threat of an attack" but later authorities say it's "for technical reasons"🤡
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Another weekend beckons, but every day is the same on the frontline in #Ukraine.

Welcome to Daily thread number 436 of #Russia's illegal invasion.

If you like these threads please consider buying me ☕️ see my bio for the link. It's been a really tough slog this week.
A quieter start to the day than the last couple, which have been crazy to be honest and back to the bad old days of a year ago in #Ukraine.

If you missed something yesterday, click and scroll through yesterday's thread right here:

The UK's daily intel report inspects the rails of #Russia after the spate of sabotage attacks recently. These attacks far more believable than the pantomime drone strike on the Kremlin.

#StopRussia Image
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Hello again and thanks for reading, this is Thursday's #RussiaUkraineWar thread.

It's Day 435 since #Russia launched its full invasion.

I am still recovering from yesterday - what a day. Relive it here:
Some breaking news, we are learning about repeated explosions in #Zaporizhzhia this morning.

S-300 anti aircraft missiles again being used by #Russia to attack civilians, but monitoring groups say one exploded just after launch, before it crossed the frontline.

It's noisy.
The weather has improved in #Ukraine. But though the ground may be drying out a little on the frontline, conditions are still incredibly tough.

Here's the only viable route for #Ukraine to/from #Khromove (then beyond to #ChasivYar)

Read 62 tweets
Ele diz que pretendem usar está tecnologia de controle e tortura contra toda população americana.
Desde que está denúncia foi feita absolutamente nada foi feito para banir este programa de Eng Social e tortura eletrônica, o número de Vitimas aumentou em toda a América incluindo o Brasil, fui colocada neste programa por familiares a partir de 2000. Image
Read 5 tweets
@HennaVirkkunen @Kokoomusmepit cc: @ EvaKBartlett
Another tragic day for the people of the #Donbass. More #Ukrainian #warcrimes, #slaughtering 9 #civilians in Donetsk yesterday, including 1 #child, and #injuring at least 16 more when Ukraine rained munitions down on #residential areas,
@HennaVirkkunen @Kokoomusmepit cc: @ WoodyW00dlegger
"-Ostin älykkyyttä lisääviä pillereitä, haluatko kokeilla?"
"-No mikä ettei", kaveri otti ja nielaisi.
"-Ei kyllä tunnu yhtään älykkäämmältä"
"-Jos ei heti tehoa, ota lisää". Kaveri napsi toisen ja kolmannen.
@HennaVirkkunen @Kokoomusmepit The fate of #NATO membership | 8 Mar, 2023
- The #Hungarian delegation that visited #Finland on Wed hopes that Finland will show more #respect for Hungary. @TyttiTup @EeroHeinaluoma @TuomiojaErkki @HennaVirkkunen @jyrkikatainen
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@Visa @Mastercard @AmericanExpress @WhiteHouse @JoeBiden @ZelenskyyUa @vonderleyen

International trade in small arms for #WarCrimes in #Ukraine is on-going. Here is one such supplier - actively seeking weapons through @telegram using international payment services including…… ImageImageImageImage
4 Shooters - based in Davie, Florida (US)

Equipment and parts for #WarCrime weapons including the KP-9.

Payment #WarCrime partners - @Visa @Mastercard @AmericanExpress #Discover and #Check

[email protected]
4Shooters, Inc.
P.O. Box 551831
Davie, FL 33355

Next…… ImageImageImageImage
Bazalet - Based in Georgia, selling Zenitco products and successfully deliver all over the world

Military equipment suppliers for #WarCrimes in #Ukraine

Crypto / Wise payments - and @Visa and @Mastercard by phone

Next Partner in #WarCrimes 👇 ImageImage
Read 4 tweets
I've got a letter this evening from an Danish friend, promised to translate to English, he wanted me to lay this out, a long thread:

Russian sadism. Colonel Roman Svitan's testimony
Roman Hryhorovytj Svitan (date of birth: 4.1.1964) - a reserve colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, a leading military expert and an instructor pilot. One of the heroes of the movie "Heroes of Ukrainian Donbas".
According to him, he experienced the sadism of the Russians on his own example.
Read 22 tweets
🧵Thread : Assassinat de Mouammar Kadhafi : une opération visant à éliminer le dirigeant libyen, planifiée par l'OTAN

Article traduit et commenté issu du site Libya S.OS - War Diary 2011-12 - 3/12/2011
#OTAN #Libye #kadhafi #WarCrimes #WarCriminal #Libya #CPI #Gaddafi
1/?➡️ Image
Il y a quelques jours à peine, la secrétaire d'État américaine, Hillary Clinton, en visite en Libye, avait déclaré: “Nous espérons qu'il [Kadhafi] pourra être capturé ou tué bientôt."Combien de fois avons-nous entendu le ministre des Affaires étrangères d'un pays proclamer
que le chef d'un autre devait être éliminé? Un agent français derrière la mort de Kadhafi
Le journal italien Corriere della Serra, a rapporté, citant des sources diplomatiques dans la capitale libyenne Tripoli, qu'un assassin étranger avait tué Kadhafi… 3/?
Read 40 tweets
Day 409 of the war and here's the daily thread for Saturday.

A quiet start to the weekend, but #Russia's aggression continues as they try to claim the small #Donetsk towns of #Bakhmut #Mariinka and #Avdiivka.

All the news here, throughout the day in one handy place⬇️
Quite a lot of news again yesterday from "leaked" NATO docs, #Russia land-mining, the weakening of the ruble, Russians sabotaging jets for #Ukraine, Occupiers eating endangered animals and loads of #RussiaOnFire incidents

Click and scroll here to catch up
I think I was one of the first western journalists to report this, the last entry on yesterday's thread, so worth a retweet again this morning.

The worry is #Russia often accuses others of what it does itself.

#ChemicalWeapons #WarCrimes

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@ZelenskyyUa c: @ ivan_8848
The #war in #Ukraine started on Feb 16.
#Russia #responded 8 days LATER by preempting the Ukrainian ground assault on #Donbas.
People are dying in a #US #proxywar that was deliberately #provoked by the US-centralized empire.
@ZelenskyyUa The conflict in #Ukraine was not opened by #Russia on Feb 24, but by #Ukraine a WEEK BEFORE.
- The #OSCE #France is a witness to this.
#BULLETINNo27 | MAR 2022
- Il pourrait s’agir de #mercenaires de la #CIA..
@ZelenskyyUa cc: @i van_8848
📷#Putin announces '#specialoperation' in #Donbass Last warning 📷 Fulfil the #MinskAgreements! After 8 years of asking, this was President Putin's last ask in late 2021 - allow the Donbass to have a #referendum.
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@TPKanslia @niinisto #Niinistö took #Finland to the Eurozone with #treason (a crime that does not expire), and now we are going to NATO even though the #Paris #PeaceTreaty is still #valid with #Russia and #prevents Finland from becoming a NATO member.
@TPKanslia @niinisto The Ministry of #ForeignAffairs organized an official opinion poll on joining #NATO, which ended on Nov 23. The #Finnish people (92%) #REJECTED joining NATO. The MFA, in #violation of the #PublicityAct, refuses to hand over copies of stats free of charge.
Read 14 tweets
Why Olympic Athletes Should Take a Stand Against Russian Participation in the Paris 2024 Olympics 1/16
The Olympic Games are a symbol of international unity and peace, bringing athletes from all corners of the world together to compete in a spirit of camaraderie and sportsmanship. 2/16
But what happens when politics intrude on the games, and a country with a questionable track record on human rights and fair play, a country that is waging war condemned by the UN is allowed to participate? 3/16
Read 17 tweets

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