Fantastic Timothy,now also in Dutch! Just found it @hanssteketee
I hope you find publishers in all EU27 countries. Maybe FOCUS could publish German version?nrc.nl/nieuws/2018/12… via @nrc

should document this European #SolidarityWithTheUKBusTour A bond of EU citizens across societies, communities&politics to protect together #FutureofEurope @KeesVee for sure will welcome! #loveactually @HackedOffHugh @StayWithUsinEU
reaction2 the uncertainty of Brexit 4 EUcitizens.The cellist&Opera singer @SimonWallfisch, grandson of Holocaust survivor Anita Lasker Wallfisch,becomes German.Another reason 4 @peoplesvote_hq w #The5Million @julie4nw @catherinemep
away from you,and you can be penalised for embracing it.“