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I recently spent two weeks in #Zambia, mainly in Lusaka, meeting clients, conducting research, speaking to government officials. Here are some of my key takeaways 🧵🇿🇲
DEBT - this issue came up everywhere, and with good reason. Not only is it driving macroeconomic instability, but the government is nowhere near concluding a deal. And why? Because its largest creditor, #China, isn't happy with the terms laid out by the G20.
It's NB to note Chinese debt is both bilateral (i.e. issued by govt) and private (e.g., held by companies/individuals). Govts generally don't mind debt repayments being deferred, but private creditors are different - they usually want their money back sooner, even at a loss.
Read 15 tweets
Today is #WorldHearingDay

Keep your ears 👂 healthy and prevent common ear problems and protect yourself from hearing loss. 🔗
Hearing loss may result from:

◽️ genetic causes
◽️ complications at birth
◽️ some infectious diseases
◽️ chronic ear infections
◽️ the use of particular drugs
◽️ exposure to excessive noise
◽️ ageing

Know more 👉 #WorldHearingDay
With simple interventions at primary care level, most ear and hearing problems can be tackled.

Learn how doctors are improving hearing care access in #Fiji 👉
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"In The Descent of Man (1871), #Darwin suggested that #Africa was the most likely evolutionary homeland for humans because it was the continent where our closest relatives, the African apes, could be found today. However, it was to be many years before the fossil (1/5)
evidence that was ultimately to prove him right began to be discovered. Before then, #Europe with the Neanderthals, “Heidelberg Man,” and the spurious “Piltdown Man,” and #Asia with “Java Man,” were the foci of scientific attention concerning human ancestry. But the 1921 (2/5)
discovery of the Broken Hill skull in what is now #Zambia, and the 1924 discovery of the Taung skull (from South Africa), started the process that gave Africa its paramount importance in the story of human evolution, even if that process still had many years to run. By (3/5)
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🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia Vs #Ucrania - Día 292 - Iniciamos #hilo sobre la #GuerraEnUcrania.

🟥 Un nuevo centro comercial, en este caso el TRT StroyPark de Balakliya, ha ardido cerca de #Moscú.

🟥 Demasiados casos como para ser todos fortuitos.

🟥 55.72509801785088, 37.987272289748326
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia Vs #Ucrania - Día 292 - Este es, para quien no lo haya leído, nuestro informe sobre la #GuerraEnUcrania correspondiente a la jornada de ayer, domingo 11 de diciembre de 2022.…
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia Vs #Ucrania - Día 292 - En el informe de ayer tocamos el tema: Ucrania estaría completando la rotación de tropas en #Bakhmut y retirando las unidades más castigadas. En el proceso, Rusia habría logrado algunos avances a un alto precio.…
Read 25 tweets
1/25.📜It’s day twelve of #COP27 and here is your daily #LossAndDamage focused thread. The intense negotiations on “funding arrangements" continue today after the release of a new text which contained a set of three options for a decision on a fund to address #LossAndDamage. 🧵
2/25. As summarised by @YebSano of @GreenpeaceSEA during @CANInt press conference these options equate to: “Option 1, we have a fund here. Option 2, we have a fund next year, Option 3, we don't have a fund, let's talk some more.”
3/25. However, it is very important to note — as we did earlier in an extensive thread— that “option number 1” is not in line with the G77 and China’s current proposal for an operating entity (be it a fund or facility) under the financial mechanism of the @UNFCCC.
Read 25 tweets
Call an immediate #generalelection #Petition - Country List for 16th October 2022

Current: 852,789 signatures
Previous: 616,389 signatures.
Difference: 236,400 signatures.…

#NeverVoteConservative #GeneralElectionNow #WhoVotedForThis #GTTO
1) #UnitedKingdom 842,029 (+232,982)
2) #France 2,298 (+660)
3) #Spain 1,285 (+361)
4) #UnitedStates 840 (+283)
5) #Germany 798 (+279)
6) #Australia 773 (+262)
7) #Netherlands 423 (+133)
8) #Canada 402 (+138)
9) #Ireland 387 (+130)
10) #Switzerland 320 (+110)
11) #NewZealand 306 (+113)
12) #Italy 233 (+79)
13) #Belgium 209 (+64)
14) #Portugal 206 (+71)
15) #Sweden 192 (+70)
16) #Denmark 131 (+47)
17) #Japan 113 (+34)
18) #Greece 106 (+33)
19) #Norway 104 (+33)
20) #IsleofMan 97 (+33)
Read 16 tweets
Call an immediate #generalelection #Petition - Country List for 16th October 2022

Current: 616,389 signatures
Previous: 606,921 signatures.
Difference: 9,468 signatures.…

#NeverVoteConservative #GeneralElectionNow #WhoVotedForThis #AntiGrowthCoalition
It is sad that a time like this a poll like this doesn't get millions of signatures 🙁
1) #UnitedKingdom 609,047 (+9,327)
2) #France 1,638 (+25)
3) #Spain 924 (+24)
4) #UnitedStates 557 (+7)
5) #Australia 519 (+8)
6) #Germany 511 (+10)
7) #Ireland 290 (+5)
8) #Canada 264 (+3)
9) #Netherlands 257 (+11)
10) #Switzerland 210 (+2)
Read 16 tweets
Call an immediate #generalelection #Petition - Country List for 15th October 2022

Current: 606,921 signatures
Previous: 570,208 signatures.
Difference: 36,713 signatures.…

#NeverVoteConservative #GeneralElectionNow #WhoVotedForThis #AntiGrowthCoalition
Parliament will debate this petition on 17 October 2022.

You'll be able to watch online on the #UK #Parliament #YouTube channel

Need the petition to be at least 1 million signatures by then.
1) #UnitedKingdom 599,720 (+36,255)
2) #France 1,613 (+88)
3) #Spain 900 (+45)
4) #UnitedStates 550 (+43)
5) #Australia 511 (+24)
6) #Germany 501 (+36)
7) #Ireland 285 (+23)
8) #Canada 261 (+28)
9) #Netherlands 246 (+16)
10) #Switzerland 208 (+16)
Read 15 tweets
Call an immediate #generalelection #Petition - Country List for 9th October 2022

Current: 570,208 signatures
Previous: 555,757 signatures.
Difference: 14,451 signatures.…

#NeverVoteConservative #GeneralElectionNow #WhoVotedForThis #AntiGrowthCoalition
1) #UnitedKingdom 563465 (+14286)
2) #France 1525 (+36)
3) #Spain 855 (+14)
4) #UnitedStates 507 (+17)
5) #Australia 487 (+15)
6) #Germany 465 (+13)
7) #Ireland 262 (+6)
8) #Netherlands 233 (+7)
9) #Canada 230 (+5)
10) #Switzerland 192 (+5)
11) #NewZealand 177 (+4)
12) #Italy 143 (+4)
13) #Portugal 132 (+5)
14) #Belgium 125 (+1)
15) #Sweden 107 (+3)
16) #Denmark 79 (+1)
17) #IsleofMan 72 (+3)
18) #Norway 67 (+1)
19) #Greece 66 (+1)
20) #Austria 58 (0)
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Today I met @mulos and his friend @TheDabsEffect who recently opened a #Bitcoin kiosk in Lusaka #Zambia. Mulos has been helping people to exchange money for years. I brought the Bitcoin flyer, we installed a Lightning wallet and I sent a payment. They liked the small fees 😀
The Bitcoin flyer is a 2 pager for beginners and meetups. You can download it here and also translate it, just contact me to put it on the @BFFbtc website.
You like my work and my efforts with @BFFbtc to foster Bitcoin adoption on the ground in the Global South? It’s all community powered and funded by donations.

Feel free to support via or send sats to our⚡️lightning address [email protected]
Read 4 tweets
Thread: 11 September 2022: Day 200 of #Russia's invasion of #Ukraine
Latest @DefenceHQ update: #Ukraine has "continued to make significant gains in the Kharkiv region" over the last 24 hours. Also notes that #Putin has lied about exports of grain from Ukraine.
#Putin's warlord-president of #Chechnya, Ramzan Kayrov, coping very hard and threatening further conquests in #Ukraine. Interestingly, this comes after Kadyrov appeared to say he was resigning.
Read 53 tweets
In football terms, Zambia's recent reclassification from lower middle to low income country is like being relegated to a lower league from the premier. It's less competitive there, but not exciting & no growth. There's nothing to celebrate, we just went back to handouts. #Zambia
To many who follow these things though, the reclassification isn't a surprise going by sustained weakening of our macroeconomic policies in recent years, thanks to unsustainable debt levels, the energy crisis of 2015 & eventually COVID-19 recently as some of the reasons. #Zambia
Lower middle income status is good for many reasons: e.g higher average per capita income imply more DOMESTIC resources available for poverty reduction. Also means access to private capital markets: that's how we got Eurobonds, unfortunately not well spent.#Zambia
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#Zambia we're being ruled by puppets of mining corporations. We have closely looked at the UPND election manifesto, they never promised tax breaks to mining corporations, no open requests for tax breaks exist. So, where are these tax breaks coming from and what is their purpose?
#Zambia while you are paying very high prices on goods and services, your government has gone on to give tax breaks to transnational mining corporations. They have given away money the nation desperately needs to mining corporations that were paying very little or no taxes.
After giving tax breaks, the UPND govt have gone to the IMF to try and borrow money with very onerous conditionalities - conditionalities which will place more austerity measures on you. #Zambia let's wake up!
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- Born in APARTHEID, South Africa

- Freinds with Pater Theil-Theil an alleged Nazis Homosexual White Nationalist?

- Elon was going to be Kanye's Campaign Manager - why? Was it to siphon votes from African Americans?

- Diamond dust on Zambia?

Should we even trust #ElonMusk?
#ElonMusk's family once owned an emerald mine in #Zambia

"Errol returned to South Africa with a half-share in a Zambian emerald mine, which would help to fund his family's lavish lifestyle of yachts, skiing holidays, and expensive computers."

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What are the events that led to Youth Day being celebrated on the 12th of March in Zambia and how did these evens contribute to the country's fight for independence?

Youth Day honors the youth of the country and acknowledges how vital they are to its prosperity. This holiday is bookmarked on the anniversary of the 1962 events that lead to the deaths of young Zambians as the country began to make its way towards independence.
In 1962, Zambia (Northern Rhodesia) was in a struggle for independence from British colonial rule. The two main opposition parties - ANC led by Harry M. Nkumbula and UNIP led by Kenneth Kaunda - were a threat to the British Federation. Image
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#US offering intel, weapons, eyes from the sky and mercenaries to #Ukraine.

A couple of maps of the latest developments in #Ukraine. Not much advance yesterday and #Russia announced a ceasefire and safe corridors in many cities, allowing diplomacy and civilians evacuation.
To stop buying oil from #Russia, #US no longer recognises Juan Guido as #Venezuela's President and visit @maduro_en to ask for the return of relationship and oil. It is also trying with #Iran for the same objective, after decades of sanctions on the people of Iran and Venezuela.
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#Somaliland and #Taiwan: The benefits


1/14. S/land and Taiwan have a lot in common such as both being a fully functioning democracies with volatile neighbours. Both are striving for international recognition and will not budge to threats or diplomatic pressure. Image
2/14. Somaliland brings a lot to the table. S/land’s strategic location in the Horn of Africa will give Taiwan a gateway into East Africa and beyond. Landlocked countries in Africa can benefit from this diplomatic move such as Ethiopia, South Sudan, and Uganda.
3/14. S/land will give Taiwan an important access to the Gulf of Berbera (Gulf Aden) where access to the Middle East, North Africa and the rest of the world can be established which will boost Taiwan’s export opportunities as well as a chance to make new friends in the region.
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Wednesday's #Covid19 megathread makes an early start as there's so much news to bring you!

#Omicron takes centre stage in Europe with a raft of records (recap coming up), but #UK ministers are increasingly confident the NHS won't be swamped despite England's lack of restrictions
It turned out to be a terrible Tuesday, not just in #UK, which was just one of TEN European countries to hit all time high daily #Covid19 infection numbers.

#Cyprus #France #Greece #Iceland #Italy #Malta #Montenegro #Portugal and #Spain the others to set new records.
Concern in #Norway. The #Omicron wave looked to be beyond the peak; is it making a comeback or is it still delayed Christmas cases?
4,702 new #Covid19 infections, fewer than 100 down on last Weds.

Better health data. 315 in hospital, down 13 since y'day, although 120 are in ICU
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I've done many tweets about #python tools created by @rly0nheart (20 years old guy from #Zambia). Oxdork, TheDevilsEye, Occli, TheLordsEye, Thorndyke.

The amazing thing is that he is a programmer who HAS NO COMPUTER. He use only Android smartphone, Termux and Pydroid3🧵
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✨🆕 IHME researchers published today in @sciencedirect – "Estimating the population at high risk for tuberculosis through household exposure in high-incidence countries: a model-based analysis" using #TB data from the 2019 #GBDstudy. #tuberculosis…
The researchers estimate that in 20 high-incidence countries, 38 million individuals live in a household with someone with pulmonary #tuberculosis — with children under 5 making up 12% of populations with home exposure.
➡️Findings include: #Zimbabwe, #Mozambique, #Zambia, and #Pakistan have the highest proportion of the population with household exposure.
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1/ In one corner of the #COP26 forest, we launched a joint statement committing signatories to end international public #fossilfuelfinance by the Dec 2022 and to prioritise $ for the #cleanenergytransition.…
2/ This should shift $24bn that has been going into international public support and subsidy for fossil fuels into clean energy. Critically, this will leverage and redirect many $billions more in private finance, delivering clean power to markets around the world...
3/ It's an #inclusive agenda. It’s not just rich nations, but also emerging economies - signalling they want cheap clean power, and to create jobs & investment and avoid #strandedassets. #Gabon #Zambia #Gambia #SouthSudan #Ethiopia #Fiji #MarshallIslands #SriLanka #ElSalvador...
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Aug 9 2021: "#Mineral exploration company #KoBold Metals, backed by billionaires including Jeff #Bezos & Bill #Gates, has signed an agreement w/ [] Bluejay Mining to search in #Greenland for critical materials used in electric vehicles."…
Sept 8 2021: "#BHP inks exploration deal w/ #Gates & #Bezos-backed #KoBold Metals"

"The world’s largest miner & the Silicon Valley-based tech firm will jointly fund & operate exploration"

The #greatreset of plunder - under guise of climate mitigation.…
Feb 5 2021: "#KoBold Metals grows global exploration footprint"

"The Gates-Bezos backed firm now has active exploration projects in #Zambia, #Quebec, #Saskatchewan, #Ontario, & Western #Australia."…
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Thread: Why are we doing #HCWForVaccines? 5.13B doses of #COVID19 #vaccine have been given worldwide (33% of 🌍w/ 1+ doses), but only 1.6% of people in low-income countries have had a dose. This is unconscionable. A picture is worth a thousand words. #MedTwitter 1/X
That means even high-risk ppl--elders, HCWs--may not have had a dose. In #Zambia, a country I have worked in twice, there are ~800 practicing drs. A simple 3d contest like #HCWforVaccines can enable ALL OF #MedTwitter there to #GetVaccinated. And more. Think about that! 🤯 2/X
You can think: "There are 1.2B people in #Africa. When we started #HCWforVaccines 3d ago, 2.48% were #vaccinated. When we end at 11p, that % will be the same." OR "The 💰 we've raised could vax thousands of #MedTwitter, who will be alive & healthy to save MANY lives." 3/X
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