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If someone wants to learn Tantra then how to go about it?
#SanatanaDharma #hinduism #spirituality Image
Tantra is system; to learn the system you must first understand it. People curious about tantra think that if a white or saffron-robe wearing, old guy gives them a mantra then after some practice they’ll also start performing magic.
#SanatanaDharma #hinduism #spirituality Image
The western system educated souls think that by chanting a mantra or doing this kriya or that mudra with closed eyes, they’ll one fine day open their eyes and witness their enlightened selves. I encounter both kind of seekers every day.
#SanatanaDharma #hinduism #spirituality Image
Read 57 tweets
Ambubachi, Kamakhya Temple. That’s where I shall host the "Aparajita workshop" from on 23rd June.
#SanatanaDharma #Hinduism #workshop #meditation Image
The workshop has:

1) Invocation of Ma Aparajita
2) Ma Kavach and beej explained scientifically (not available in most kavach texts)
3) Implementation of the strotram, kavach and mantra for your own protection, and your family.
#SanatanaDharma #Hinduism #workshop #meditation Image
4) Also, for those facing litigation, court cases and have issues with enemies.
5) Extremely useful for people who have malefic Mars.
6) Yantra and pran Pratishtha of Yantra will be explained.
#SanatanaDharma #Hinduism #workshop #meditation Image
Read 4 tweets
I will be at Ambugachi Mela, Kamakhya temple on 23rd June and will be conducting "Aparajita workshop" from there.
#SanatanaDharma #hinduism #Spirituality #workshop Image
The workshop has:

1) Invocation of Ma Aparajita
2) Ma Kavach and beej explained scientifically(not present in many kavach texts)
3) Implementation of the strotram, kavach and mantra for your own protection, and your family.
#SanatanaDharma #hinduism #spirituality #workshop Image
4) Extremely useful for people who have malefic Mars.
5) Also, for those facing litigation, court cases and have issues with enemies.
6) Yantra and pran Pratishtha of Yantra will be explained.
#SanatanaDharma #hinduism #spirituality #workshop ImageImage
Read 4 tweets
📢 Today we started the #Workshop "Communicating the important role of Sustainable Forest Management to prevent wildfires".

Presentation of today’s field trip at 📍el Bruc. ImageImageImage
In today's field trip we visited the forest area of Montserrat mountain, an area affected by wildfires.

👉 We paid attention to the specific measures and actions which contribute to wildfire risk reduction and and the communication challenges and opportunities related to them. ImageImage
🔥 Second day of the joint workshop on #WildfireComms!

Today, experts of wildfire prevention, media, policymaking, and practitioners will dialogue about the understanding of wildfire risk management cycle and its communication and the wildfire risk prevention communication. ImageImage
Read 7 tweets
Today I'll be posting live from the #workshop organised by @emlynkd and by yours truly. Thanks to the @KNIRome and @the_bsr for supporting this theoretical debate on #glocalization and making it possible 🌎🌏🌍🧵⬇️ Image
1️⃣ Prof. Rebecca Sweetman, from the @BSAthens & @univofstandrews talks about Glocal Islands in the Cyclades 🔎🌍 Image
2️⃣ Dr. Emlyn Dodd @emlynkd, from @the_bsr, talks about #Glocalization and agricultural production 🍇🍇🍇 Image
Read 13 tweets
On 28 October 2022, our Wild Surakshe team conducted a workshop on 'Zoonotic Diseases and Human First Aid' for the Srivilliputhur Wildlife Sanctuary Forest Department, Tamil Nadu.
#wildsurakshe #wildlifeconservation
A total of 30 participants consisting of Forest Range Officers, Foresters, Forest Guards, Forest Watchers and Anti-Poaching Watchers from five different forest ranges of Tamil Nadu attended the workshop.
#wildlifeconservation #zoonoticdiseases #PublicHealth #PublicSafety
We were later joined by Dr. Jaya Deepa from the Srivilliputhur Urban PHC, who shared her insights on zoonotic diseases with the Forest Department.
#Healthcare #RuralHealth #RuralHealthcare #Health #HealthEducation
Read 5 tweets
Hello hello London! 👋🏻 We’re at IET Savoy Place, London for DSS London 2022 by #YugaByteDB. It’s gonna be super interesting tech session starting at 2 pm today! Don’t miss my #Live #Tweets in this #thread! 🤩🧵
@Yugabyte #DSS22 #DistributedSQL #PraveenScience ImageImageImageImage
Yes, the setup is going on for the grand presentation of the #Tech #Track. The master is teaching the student here! #JustKidding Say hi to Julie Wise and Dave Roberts from #YugaByteDB! 👋🏻

@Yugabyte #DSS22 #DistributedSQL #PraveenScience ImageImage
We’ve got our Social Media / Content Director @rachel_pescador from #YugaByteDB here, who’s busy at work and got some cool #swag! 🤩

@Yugabyte #DSS22 #DistributedSQL #PraveenScience ImageImageImage
Read 19 tweets
... attending the #advertisements #workshop at the #BHC2022MidYear w/ @susmitadrc @AnneHummert look out for post-conference proceedings for great resources on #archives for #advertising #history #bizhis
With these images, @susmitadrc @AnneHummert and the audience discussed how #advertising created new #anxieties #bodyodour #Fear 1920-1950 Perhaps @AiHisano and @sevenofnein can say more! #senses Image
Read 4 tweets
FREE #Microsoft #CISO Workshop on End-to-End Security & Strategic Guidlines

WHO should watch & What's in the Workshop?

Thread 🧵…
❖ WHO should watch this #Workshop

The workshop is useful for #security_teams, IT teams, #business-leaders, and #cloud teams, but is primarily focused on:

• CIO + IT Directors
#CISO + Security Directors
#Enterprise + Security Architects
❖ Workshop FOCUS on - Key Context & Fundamentals discussion of

#Threat Enviorment and Trends
• Roles & Responsibilities
• Strategy & Recommended Initiatives
Read 6 tweets
VGG, U-Net, TCN, ... CNNs are powerful but must be tailored to specific problems, data-types, -lenghts & -resolutions.

Can we design a single CNN that works well on all these settings?🤔Yes! Meet the 𝐂𝐂𝐍𝐍, a single CNN that achieves SOTA on several datasets, e.g., LRA!🔥
𝐌𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐈𝐝𝐞𝐚: Architecture changes are needed to model long range dependencies for signals of different length, res & dims, e.g., pooling, depth, kernel sizes.

To solve all tasks with a single CNN, it must model long range deps. at every layer: use Continuous Conv Kernels!
Read 10 tweets
Was für ein unglaublich inspirierender #Workshop-Vormittag heute!
Und in #SchleswigHolstein laufen wirklich so viele spannende & wichtige Projekte zum Thema
#Digitalisierung & #KI für
#Mobilität & #Nachhaltigkeit
Workshop verpasst?
Hier meine Mini-Doku als Thread of Threads 🧵
[Part 1/n]
Intro & der erste super spannende Vortrag zum wichtigen Thema #Ladeoptimierung & synergetische Integration von #Mobilität & #ErneuerbarenEnergien von @johann_olsen:
@johann_olsen [Part 2/n]
Der zweite Vortrag kam von mir - leider aus Ressourcengründen "nur" eine Neuauflage dieses Vortrags (Video im Thread)
Read 8 tweets
Cedar the highland surveys her kingdom.
She & Willow are just beside the main Topsy #farmyard.
We're working on building a nice platform/railing/deck for our visitors to say hi
Right now the viewing area is a piece of salvaged plywood.
Topsy is leveling up.
But, leveling up...1/5
in a way that feels right for us.
Each new click of the gear gets us closer to the place where we would like to be.
What does that look like?
It looks like the #animals getting the best possible care, all of the time, & not having to factor in what a vet costs or how much a...2/5
particular medicine costs.
The Topsy staff always has enough human resources to mostly work on projects they want to work on most of the time.
It looks like more #rewilding.
It looks like having #SallysGarden as a #teaching, #workshop space.
It looks like the buildings...3/5
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A regular #Basisschutz , many of them, by the way, have “boom” or “booming” in their names: Booming Bars, Booming Seven, Booming Bananas, Boomshakalaka, well, you got the idea.

Wittiness aside, this company #workshop with different themes and genres, so rest assured, you’ll engaging adventures inspired by Norse mythology, Irish lucky charms, prosperous ancient civilizations, exotic destinations, and amazing wildlife. Try classic Romeo or spicy Mexico Wins at Tsars Casino or other Aussie-friendly places.… 5-reel and 9- pay line Piggy Bank is arguably one of the most popular online slots designed by this Belarus-based software developer, and for a good reason – it pays both ways and features an impressive set of not only exciting but also rewarding bonuses.
Read 7 tweets
[discord synchronous workshop demo thread 🧵]

back on my bullshit talking about discord + accessible compassionate pedagogy. i have been fine-tuning SYNCHRONOUS STUDENT WORKSHOPS and i'll show you how i pulled it off in pandemic learning. 💜 screenshot of DISCORD showing a LIVE VIDEO FEED + a slide, t
2/ the screencap above shows the server classroom, with the Voice Channel active on left-panel (me + students), my powerpoint centered in the live feed broadcast, and my video feed + student listeners on the right hand panel. they can see me, my slides, and each other's avatars.
3/ i start the shop with very specific directions and i SHOW THEM me walking through how to interact with the server (joining the right room, uploading documents, sharing their drafts with each other). they can chime in via audio or text chat on #classroom-live channel anytime.
Read 15 tweets
1) #VisualAbstract #workshop - an idea brought to life by @DrMeredithGT that @myESMO #YOC was happy to join! @endocrine_witch did a brilliant presentation and I am just sharing some of the points that stuck with me! Feel free to jump in :) @ESMO_Open @Annals_Oncology #IOTECH
2) Coming down from the Ivory tower :) #VisualAbstract helps to disseminate your research in a blink of an eye, and in a broader way, special if it is one in plain language! Share it with people outside the field to see if THEY can get the message without YOU saying a word.
3) Components of an effective #VisualAbstract
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📢We are gearing up for the #IRMIAC2021, with a #workshop on pre-award #grant management!

IRMI (India Research Management Initiative) Annual Conference is focused on “Bringing Professional #ResearchManagement into the Indian #Science & #Innovation Ecosystem”👥

Stay tuned! ImageImageImageImage
⏱️The clock is ticking!

#IRMI Annual Conference - the first-of-its-kind for #ResearchManagement professionals in India - starts at 2:30 pm today👥

Watch this #thread for updates from #IRMIAC2021!

Glimpses from Pre-Conference #Workshop 3 on 'Post-Award Grant Management'👇 ImageImageImageImage

Inaugural session of the much-awaited #IRMI Annual Conference 2021🥁

India Alliance CEO @VasanSambandam1 takes through India Research Management Initiative - the history, purpose and opportunities🧑‍🏫

If you're at the conference, give us a shoutout using #IRMIAC2021! ImageImageImageImage
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I’ll be doing a 3 hour online drawing fundamentals workshop Jan 23 10am-1pm… #drawing #art #workshop #animation #storyboarding ImageImageImage
More examples of what We’ll be going over in the workshop… ImageImageImage
More example of what I’ll teach in this workshop… ImageImageImage
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La composante humaine n'est pas à oublier au profit des valeurs analytiques. Les statistiques ne disent pas tout. #workshop #digitalnomad #designthinker #uxresearch #SDGs ImageImageImageImage
Il faut observer, approfondir, s'intégrer, éprouver (ressentir) et faire preuve d'empathie pas de sympathie. #workshop #digitalnomad #designthinker #uxresearch #SDGs ImageImageImageImage
Un simple individus oublié, un élément omis et tout peur être chamboulé . #workshop #digitalnomad #designthinker #uxresearch #SDGs ImageImageImageImage
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My next Setting Up in Private Practice workshop is next Saturday 22nd August. Email [email protected] to book your place! #SupportingPrivatePractice #counselling #SupportingYou
Setting Up in Private Practice
Saturday 22nd Aug.
Covers all the key areas to help you successfully and confidently set-up your #privatepractice 👍🏼 Image
Excited to be delivering my next Setting Up in Private Practice workshop tomorrow! Always great to support practitioners in their PP journey! #SupportingPrivatePractice #Counselling #Therapy #CPD #successstory 🥳🥳🥳
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Nos últimos 7 meses, 93 jornalistas de todas as regiões do Brasil participaram do FactcheckLab, uma iniciativa da #AgênciaLupa em parceria com a Embaixada e Consulados dos Estados Unidos no Brasil. Leia: #LupaEducacao #jornalismo #workshop
Durante o programa, foram abordadas técnicas de fact-checking e uso de diversos bancos de dados públicos, assim como ferramentas digitais para a produção de conteúdo. Leia: #LupaEducacao #jornalismo #workshop
No próximo sábado, dia 8 de agosto, os participantes terão uma aula com Steven Reiner, professor na Stony Brook University, em Nova York. Leia: #LupaEducacao #jornalismo #workshop
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Nos últimos 7 meses, 93 jornalistas de todas as regiões do Brasil participaram do FactcheckLab, uma iniciativa da Lupa em parceria com a @EmbaixadaEUA e Consulados dos Estados Unidos no Brasil. Leia: #LupaEducacao #jornalismo #workshop
Durante o programa, foram abordadas técnicas de fact-checking e uso de diversos bancos de dados públicos, assim como ferramentas digitais para a produção de conteúdo. Leia: #LupaEducacao #jornalismo #workshop
No dia 1º de agosto, os participantes terão um encontro com @markhorvit, professor da Escola de Jornalismo de Missouri (EUA). Leia: #LupaEducacao #jornalismo #workshop
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Being qualified to work in private practice and setting up/running a private practice are two different skill-sets. Counselling training prepares you for the first, ie. the client/clinical work, but rarely prepares you for the 'business' side of the practice. Image
I'm regularly asked by many newly qualified & established counsellors to supervisee them. Many approach me because I support practitioners to establish, launch and run their private practice, alongside supporting their clincial practice. #counselling #SupportingPrivatePractice
Counselling training doesn't adequately prepare for private practice. What did you need support or guidance in when setting up private practice? What would you like to see as part of counselling training? #TherapistsConnect #SupportingPrivatePractice
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