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Ayer fue confirmado como juez del Tribunal Supremo, en una votación de 50-48, el agresor sexual Brett Kavanaugh. Esta confirmación se da a pesar de los testimonios de dos sobrevivientes, Christine Blassey Ford y Julia Swetnick.
[...] sobre la reiterada conducta de abuso del alcohol y abuso sexual de Kavanaugh. Su confirmación nos da rabia pero no nos sorprende.
Reconocemos la valentía de la doctora Ford y de Swetnick, también la de todas las mujeres que pusieron sus cuerpos en la línea para protestar por la confirmación de este agresor sexual.
Read 5 tweets
[THREAD] Kavanaugh’s confirmation today is just 1 part of Republicans’ decades-long campaign to subvert our democracy. They put their relentless pursuit of a Supreme Court controlled by radical right-wingers ahead of brave women who have told their stories. #KavanaughConfirmation
By taking extreme personal risk, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford & sexual assault survivors galvanized this process. Disturbing and credible allegations against Brett Kavanaugh were brought to light by several courageous women. None of it mattered to Republicans. #KavanaughConfirmation
Brett Kavanaugh lied under oath. He should be disbarred and investigated, not elevated to the Supreme Court. He has the lowest approval rating of a SCOTUS nominee since Robert Bork.
Read 7 tweets

We all know why this nomination needs to be stopped and the clock is ticking. #Kavanaugh #KavanaughVote
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Title: URGENT: Kavanaugh Finances

To The Editor:

How did Brett Kavanaugh, who lived for a decade above his means, swimming in massive credit card debt, manage to get back in black in a single year?

Read 11 tweets
1/ We’ve spent months on the front lines fighting this nomination. From mobilizing for rallies, sharing stories of survival & making thousands on thousands of calls to senators—including 15,000 @HRC members today.

We’ve left nothing on the field in the fight to #StopKavanaugh.
2/ And we have done that because the stakes of this nomination—for LGBTQ people, for women, for people of color, for survivors of sexual assault—could not be any higher. Across the country, we have turned out to say we #BelieveSurvivors and we must #StopKavanaugh.
3/ Unfortunately @SenatorCollins, @Sen_JoeManchin and others in the U.S. Senate made clear today that they will nevertheless back this dangerous, unqualified nominee. This is a slap in the face to Americans everywhere. #StopKavanaugh
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There is no way to sugarcoat how bad things just got, and if there was, we shouldn't. This is a loss that will haunt this nation for decades.

The confirmation of #BrettKavanaugh has managed to confirm more than just a man, for many, its confirmed our worst fears.

It has confirmed that the @GOP is the most corrupt ruling party at the federal level in our nation's history. That they will do anything and everything to protect itself, including putting the survival of our Republic itself at risk.

Its confirmed that the real decisions are made before the questions are even formally presented, and that they really do not care what our opinions of those decisions will be.

And it has also confirmed that Donald Trump has a lot more power than we imagined.

Read 13 tweets
At 10 PM in DC yesterday, McConnell filed for cloture on the #KavaNOPE confirmation. According to Senate rules, that gives us till 11 PM Friday to make our voices heard.

There has never been a more important time to call your Senators. Tell them to vote NO. #StopKavanaugh
Dozens of potential witnesses to Kavanaugh’s behavior were ignored by the FBI. Dr. Ford was not interviewed, nor was Kavanaugh himself. Corroborating witnesses for additional accusers were not interviewed.

The FBI investigation was a sham.…
A letter being presented to the US Senate today: 1,000 law professors and counting insist that Brett Kavanaugh should not be confirmed.…
Read 6 tweets
On July 16, 2018, Concord Management and Consulting LLC filed a motion to dismiss Robert Mueller's indictment against the company.

Attorneys for the Russian company listed 4 reasons to dismiss. What judge was cited 9 times...and another 2 times?

🔥🔥Yes, Brett Kavanaugh. The judge cited twice=Gorsuch. Is this a coincidence?

▶️One of the 4 reasons Concord's lawyers moved to dismiss was that they claimed Concord had no knowledge that the crime they were committing was actually a crime. Kavanaugh supported this theory.
9⃣Yes, Brett Kavanaugh's opinions are cited NINE times by a Russian company seeking to get Mueller's charges dropped.

Mueller charged Concord, 2 other Russian companies and 12 foreigners associated with Russia for illegally using social media platforms to SOW POLITICAL DISCORD.
Read 17 tweets
Trump: Day 621
-Preventing FBI Witness Interviews
-Limited FBI Report Expected Tonight
-Sends Alert Message 2 Cell Phones
-Terminates US/Iran Treaty of Amity
-Attorney Threatens New York Times
-Top Fed Official w/Record of Racism
-TX Detention Camp Swells Five-fold
Day 726 since Donald Trump admitted to sexual assault — yet he’s still in the Oval Office
Day 578 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.

The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies
Read 70 tweets
If you want to live in a nation that is "led" by a man who would mock someone who was the victim of a violent sexual assault then we are very different people.

Trump's behavior today was that of a playground bully. They were the words that a bully utters and then laughs.

The bully imagines, and may even hear, the world laughing with him, but the chuckles are only from his hangers-on and those hoping to impress the bully.

The rest of the world only turns its head to look away. They hope that someone, anyone, will intervene.

They almost always get away with it, though, bullies.

And Trump will likely get away with this, like always.

#ChristineBlaseyFord passed a lie detector test on the day of her grandmother's funeral. No one non-partisan or credible has questioned her credibility.

Read 13 tweets
<#BelieveSurviviors #StopKavanaugh Thread>
Sen @JeffFlake said Kavanaugh wouldn't be confirmed if he lied to the Senate. Well @WeDemandJustice counts 20+:…

Needs more attn, so I made a thread of 20+ sources proving his lies. Cont⤵…
Lie: Kavanaugh said “When this allegation first arose, I welcomed any kind of investigation."
Fact: “Kavanaugh did not publicly welcome an investigation in two public statements denying the allegations and an in-depth interview with Fox News."…
Lie: Kavanaugh said he “never attended a gathering like the one Dr. Ford describes in her allegation.”
Fact: Kavanaugh admitted that his calendars “show a few weekday gatherings at friends’ houses after a workout or just to meet up and have some beers.…
Read 28 tweets
This weekend, the GOP was caught trying to limit the scope of the FBI investigation into Kavanaugh to 4 people; it did not include Kav or his accuser Dr. Ford, and did not allow them to pursue leads.

They relented because of pressure. Pressure works. Keep calling. #STOPKavanaugh
If you are not calling your Senators, the time is now. Pressure them to do the right thing!

Constituents of the following Senators MUST call and tell them to vote no. We REALLY need you!

Murkowski: 202-224-6665
Collins: 202-224-2523
Flake: 202-224-4521
Manchin: 202-224-3954
A list of all Senators. Precede each number with 202-224-XXXX.

I’m calling mine EVERY DAY.
Read 4 tweets
They told us @HillaryClinton was just as bad as @realDonaldTrump.

Hell, @SusanSarandon said she was worse.

She should really never open her mouth about politics again, ever.


U.S. to partners of U.N. LGBTQ staff: Get married, or get out… via @NBCNews
That anyone ever fell for that ridiculous lie is beyond disgraceful.

Even if Clinton were guilty of the types of corruption they claimed she was she would still not be comparable in this way to Donald Trump.

Not even close.

But she's clearly not.

As the nation braces itself for the @GOP's latest betrayal in the runup to the #BrettKavanaugh confirmation vote, it is becoming clearer that even those we once believed retained some recognizably moral standards, simply don't.

@SenatorCollins, @lisamurkowski--we see you.

Read 14 tweets
Kavanaugh’s Growing List of Lies Gets Longer and Longer 1/#StopKavanaugh
Amid the ongoing FBI investigation into Brett Kavanaugh, multiple outlets have reported what we’ve known for weeks: Brett Kavanaugh lies under oath constantly, intentionally and about both significant matters and minor details. 2/
Chad Ludington’s Statement on Kavanaugh’s Drinking and Senate Testimony | New York Times: features Chad Ludington, a Yale classmate of Kavanaugh’s, saying he was not truthful about his drinking in his testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee.… 4/
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#Kavanaugh HIMSELF + his team contacted his @Yale friends BEFORE the @NewYorker article on Deborah Ramirez👉🏼asked friends to go on the record to defend him.🙄

Kavanaugh LIED when he testified he learned of the allegations from the article‼️…
Kavanaugh told @SenJudiciary UNDER OATH that the 1st time he heard of Ramirez’s allegation was in the Sept. 23 article in The New Yorker.🤨

But texts show that Kavanaugh & his team knew as early as *July*‼️

#StopKavanaugh #KavaNOPE
*Multiple* people have contacted the @FBI with credible evidence that #Kavanaugh **LIED repeatedly** to the Senate, which is a #felony‼️

There is NO WAY that #Kavanaugh should sit on SCOTUS.🤬

@SenFeinstein @SenBlumenthal @amyklobuchar @CoryBooker

Read 3 tweets
Wonder why Rs are trying to push #Kavanaugh through? THIS.
So he’s seated before This is before SCOTUS.
#StopKavanaugh #WhatsAtStake
#WhatAreTheyHiding #SaveSCOTUS
/2 This alone makes the #StopKanavaugh movement an URGENT MATTER!…
Hidden motive behind Republican attempts to fast-track #Kavanaugh:

“Under the doctrine of separate sovereigns, federal & state govt are considered to be "separate sovereigns", so Double Jeopardy Clause does not apply to prosecution of the same crime by both fed and state courts”
Read 8 tweets
Here’s what I just shared with @GMA: Maria and I wanted @JeffFlake to hear our pain. Both of us said: we’re going to make him hear our stories. /1
The history of this country is one of people struggling to be included. /2
That interaction @JeffFlake had with Maria and I was significant, but it was only significant because thousands of people had come forward to tell their stories and take risks for this country. #StopKavanaugh #ElevatorWomen /3
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If there is one thing you take away from yesterday’s hearing, it’s this: Brett Kavanaugh is no Supreme Court Justice. #StopKavanaugh
While the fact that Trump only nominated Kavanaugh because he would gut Roe v. Wade was enough to disqualify Kavanaugh, yesterday further proved he is unfit to be a Supreme Court justice.
While the fact that Kavanaugh has already blocked access to abortion & birth control and would threaten access to affordable care was enough to disqualify Kavanaugh, yesterday further proved he is unfit to be a Supreme Court justice.
Read 10 tweets
JFC. This is disgusting. A sitting member of congress is publicly demeaning a sexual assault victim who was brave enough to give testimony in front of the whole world yesterday. No one has disputed that Dr. Ford was assaulted. NO ONE.

Fuck you, @LindseyGrahamSC. #StopKavanaugh
Lindsey Graham: "Ms. Ford has got a problem, and destroying Judge Kavanaugh’s life won’t fix her problem."

That's DOCTOR Ford, @LindseyGrahamSC, and her problem is men like you who support sexual assaulters and silence victims.
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💥Heidi Heitkamp's GOP Opponent Is Saying Too Much re: Kavanaugh


Heidi Heitkamp 202-224-2043
Collins 202-224-2523
Lisa Murkowski 202-224-6665
Joe Donnelly 202-224-4814
Joe Manchin 202-224-3954
Jeff Flake 202-224-4521
Jon Kyl 202-224-2235…
💥💥Please read: best argument is that the The American Bar Association has called for the Senate Judiciary Committee to delay voting until an FBI investigation can be completed. The “appointment is simply too important to rush to a vote.” -ABA

🔗Link to faxzero where you can send free faxes. Fax numbers are provided for all Senators.

1, Kavanaugh needs an FBI investigation into sexual assault/rape charges
2. His temperament is not suitable for #SCOTUS
3. He committed perjury multiple times
Read 9 tweets
URGENT: We & many allies are calling nationwide protests AT NOON FRIDAY outside senators' in-state offices. Please show up at your senator's nearest office & demand that she or he believe survivors, believe Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, and #StopKavanaugh.
Please wear black.
Some key events: Sen. @JeffFlake, AZ…
Read 11 tweets
Fri AM: committee vote. Sat: procedural vote. Mon: cloture. Tue: final vote. CALL: 202-224-3121. Gather @ Senate offices 12p Fri to tell say VOTE NO. Bring signs. Wear black. Tweet photos. Spread word. All hands on deck.
Near Phoenix, AZ? Tell Jeff Flake to vote NO on Kavanaugh: meet at noon Friday 9/28 at his office at 2200 E Camelback Rd, Suite 120. Bring signs and friends, wear black, share photos.…
Near Anchorage, Alaska? Tell Lisa Murkowski to announce her opposition to Kavanaugh! Meet at noon (Alaska time) at her office at 510 L St, Suite 600. Bring signs, friends, wear black, tweet your photos, tag your senator—spread the word on Facebook here:…
Read 10 tweets
Amidst the #Kavanaugh hearing today, my associate @Allandaros was researching the case of a DV victim from Guatemala.

Before Sessions decision in Matter of AB, it was a slam dunk asylum case.
Now, despite the fact that she was raped repeatedly and forced to return to her abuser by a man who also killed her cousin, her case is substantially weaker.

He did this research while listening to yet more victim blaming and entitlement from Kavanaugh.
He remarked how similarly the patriarchy protects abusers.

I dunno, I just thought it was a powerful juxtaposition.

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We're live-tweeting the #KavanaughHearings. It'll be a tough day for too many of us, so we're asking everyone to take time to care for yourself today. For some guidance, check out our webinar, "Self Esteem, Self Expression, and Self Love for Activists":
Pitiful that @ChuckGrassley opens with saying that *both* Dr. Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh have had a bad couple weeks. One came forward with a painful truth, the other faced a reckoning for multiple allegations of abuse. #KavanaughHearings #BelieveSurivors
Thus begins @ChuckGrassley's cognitive dissonance regarding when, why, and how survivors come forward. We should control our stories and who they're shared with. #BelieveSurvivors #KavanaughHearings
Read 93 tweets
.@NARAL's been compiling just a few of the times Brett Kavanaugh has lied. Before the hearing tomorrow, where folks will surely be questioning Christine Blasey Ford's credibility, I thought I'd reup just few of Kavanaugh's lies here. Here goes:
During Kav's 2004 hearing, Kennedy asked him about his work on the nomination of anti-choice judge William Pryor. He responded, “I am familiar generally w Mr. Pryor but that was not one that I worked on personally.” Yet emails show that's false—Kav helped select & interview Pryor
2006: told Leahy that he wasn't involved in Bush’s wiretapping program & didn't know of its existence until it was publicly reported by NYT '05. Yet a now-public '01 email Kav wrote asked about the 4A implications of this:
Read 9 tweets

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