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Key Takeaways from Month in Macro

1. Nominal #GDP slowed through April, with real GDP contracting by -0.47% and #inflation rising by 0.23%. #Nominal GDP has grown approximately 4.7% from one year prior, continuing the downtrend beginning in February 2022. ImageImage
2. During this time, #equity markets have posed significant strength (though lopsided), while #treasury markets have weakened in unison. ImageImage
3. Looking forward, these sequential improvements have adjusted our #real growth outlook, with a #contraction in yearly real GDP growth more likely in H1 2024 than in Q4 2023. Our #inflation outlook remains one of resilient inflation. Image
Read 5 tweets
💱📊 Dados de Câmbio!

Real VS Moedas

🇦🇷 Peso Argentino:

Compra: 0,0207 💵
Venda: 0,0212 💵
Variação: -0,9346% 📉
🇦🇺 Dólar Australiano:

Compra: 3,246 💵
Venda: 3,251 💵
Variação: -0,7116% 📉
🇨🇦 Dólar Canadense:

Compra: 3,66 💵
Venda: 3,663 💵
Variação: -0,815% 📉
Read 10 tweets
This project has MASSIVE potential.

Better yet... it hasn't even launched yet.

This is a great pre-sale opportunity 👇
@mayfairfund is the world's first & only Smart Beta DTFs Issuer launching on the 22nd of May.

What is that you say?

Let's dive into it... Image
In the traditional finance world, you can invest in ETF's.

ETF's, or exchange Trade Funds, are a bundle of different assets in one fund.

This means that investors can have exposure to certain investments opportunities, without having direct exposure.
Read 13 tweets
La vera vittima dell'inchiesta #Prisma non è la #Juventus, sono i suoi tifosi. Che sono tantissimi, attaccatissimi, ma sono stati volutamente tenuti all'oscuro dai media italioti delle drammatiche condizioni in cui i dirigenti, #Agnelli in testa, hanno ridotto il club (1. segue)
Invece di prepararli alle inevitabili sanzioni cui la Juve sarebbe andata incontro (il -15 fu un trauma, invece era solo un assaggio) hanno parlato di mercato, favoleggiato di rimonte scudetto, fatto opera di distrazione di massa: solo che ora i nodi vengono al pettine (2. segue)
Solo oggi, con la Procura federale pronta a far scattare i deferimenti, alcuni media scoprono che i processi sportivi (italiani: poi ci sono quelli #UEFA) cui la #Juventus andrà incontro sono 3: la chiusura del processo plusvalenze, le manovre stipendi, le succursali (3. segue)
Read 16 tweets
THREAD (un altro🙏ma necessario)

Provo a spiegare,molti #milanisti scrivono “quello era un grande #Milan” parlando del passato,riferendosi ad oggi:
Vi spiego però la genesi e come arrivammo poi a dire “grande Milan”.
Perché quel Milan,non nasce "grande".
Le paure,la percezione di non essere grandissimi c erano anche allora,era tutto nuovo con #Sacchi.
Anche a livello emozionale.
”eh ma…tutti campioni”si dice oggi.
Lo spiego,il punto di partenza:
Giovanni #Galli in porta arrivava da #Firenze e un pessimo #Mexico86.
La difesa era #Tassotti #Baresi F.#Galli #Maldini.
Grandissimi ma c erano anche anni prima,non avevano mai vinto nulla,risultato massimo un quinto posto e prendevano oltre 20 gol a campionato.
Arrivò #Colombo da #Udine,un gregario.
#Ancelotti rotto con il 20% di invalidità!
Read 8 tweets
#Mallorca #Real

🙌🏻 Le Normand se apoya en el hombro izquierdo de Ruiz de Galarreta no dejándole saltar para disputarle el balón y haciendo que se mantanga más tiempo en lo alto para rematar ese balón aéreo.

👮🏻‍♂️: Señala la infracción en vivo. ✅️
📺: Aceptan la peritación o no la consideran error de bulto. 🆗️

✍️🏻@MrAsubio: De primeras se puede pensar que Galarreta no salta ni hace por disputar el balón o que Le Normand le gana en el salto, pero, lo cierto es que se apoya en su brazo izquierdo y de querer saltar el...
bermellón, ese brazos sobre su hombro no se lo permitirían e incluso le vale al central vasco-francés a mantenerse más tiempo en lo más alto del salto.

Read 5 tweets
7 Years Ago I Stopped Following Zach & Left The #GEMATRIA Community.


It's Sad So Many People Still Getting #Brainwashed By Zach & His #GematriaCalculator

Maybe It's Time I Say Something.

Dear, #GematriaCommunity, #GematriaDecoders, #GematriaSports Decoders etc..

This Message Is For You.

Following People Like Zach - Will Cause You To Never Be Able To Discover & Find (REAL KNOWLEDGE) About The TRUTH To This World..

It's Time To Wake Up.

P.S. Im not saying #Gematria BS

- What Im Saying Is 99% Of People Who Use IT - Still Have No Clue About What It Is They Are Actually Doing.

#Gematria Is A Tool That Can Help You Discover & See The Programming Of This #Matrix..

#Numbers Will Always Line Up INSIDE A #SIMULATION
Read 4 tweets
Andrew Dawson, Deeper Dig ..

The world can solve this right now & have A few Biblical answers ..

The Smallest of Details in reports & timing, most important ..

1 + 1 = 3 + 4 = (7) - 1 - 2022

There is so much here !
Read 28 tweets
…The Book Of Life, It was never about History ..

It’s always been about THE NOW, The Story Of My Life …

Thank You for helping tell A Story, My Story/Our Story —All for the people to know where #LIFE has been this whole time ..

The World Greatest #LOVE Story, ImageImageImageImage
To ever be told & the Fight for The Medal of Everlasting Life …

I Knew I was Different & there was always more to life, More adventure..
I could feel it within, like something was caged, screaming to be released but it’s the way I was born so that feeling became… Image
“Normal” …

[They] never thought Hillary could lose, which would have confide on with keeping all corruption in positions of power killing off anyone who didn’t comply & Continued making sure the fake “Royals” secrets being kept of all that was taking place in the dark of ImageImageImageImage
Read 7 tweets
USA ! … 👏
USA ! .. 👏
USA ! . 👏
WWide !!!

#WATER into Wine #TOWER
The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout, OUT CAME THE #SON & ? …
John Deere

Big Blue Crane
Big blUe (K)cRA(I)NE
Trust KC ..

I Win, even when I don’t care
To win, it’s not about winning to me—It’s about the children & helping others find peace ..
That’s WHY I do as I do.

I don’t need or want to be some “big shot” who has to have the final say, last word or last laugh.

I choose to SHOW MERCY & Give comfort to demons.
I choose
#JOY & I have always chosen to help others ..
If I can help A demons regain what they lost long ago, their souls—Just to be able to see the joy it brings watching someone be able to embrace loved ones they’ve lost touch with because of NOT being able to feel anything at all,
Read 44 tweets
The world will continue to be fooled by the lies you’ve all been taught …

Where is the real Israel?

The people of Israel will be told the truth, because of the lies they’ll almost destroy themselves.
All the dark truths about Israel will be revealed & that is when the
Truth about The United States Will Come out.
That is when EVERYONE realizes why [evil] tried so hard to destroy America & erase so much history ..

Just remember, I gave fair warning. .
It’s All an act, A scripted movie happening KNOWING this will get people to start dividing …

Same thing as [they] did with Ukraine ..

The reason Israel is doing this purposefully, is because of the tweet Kanye made.
Israel replied saying “we would like to be excluded from
Read 9 tweets
#Cuckold #Hotwife #Wannabe #Reading I enjoyed reading Katie’s 2019 experiential book –“How to be Hot”. Short and pithy primer for wife and couples (44 pages) with a few typos. My reflections @podofeleus @_ryangould99 @HotwifeStudy 🧵1/17…
This book is a sequentially structured helicopter view of lessons learned over perhaps 2 decades plus from pre-courtship to becoming established hotwife, blogger, and aspirant erotica novelist. However, Katie has vanished from the net now. See contents list 2/17 Image
I really appreciated: the emphasis on sexual comms between couples outside of the bedroom, clear positive off-ramps for the wife and couple at every stage, useful non bedroom ideas on games and role plays, and a good checklist for guys to be careful of what they wish for! 3/17
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@ANice24675304 So what You’re saying is, you would rather see all who have done those evil acts you listed be ‘Unforgiven’? Which I then would have made them not sing (flip on all other evil in the world) & continue Making everyone’s lives hell even worse than what everyone’s gone through?
@ANice24675304 You too would choose & Accept being ‘Unforgiven’ for what you have done in your life?

“When bad does good”?
How/#WHY do you think MANY evil beings chose to do good for humanity?
Just because you Don’t see it or hear about it, does not mean it hasn’t happened. ImageImageImageImage
@ANice24675304 Show me someone innocent in this world …

Where does that question come from?
- A heart of Stone?
- A Heart of Flesh ?

What is A #ROOT ?
If you NEVER forget the #WHY, Care about the #Why Along with the #ROOT, you begin to show mercy for those who-
Read 29 tweets
Finally, the thread (you didn't know) you have been waiting for 🥳 "How can we use X-ray scattering to learn about the way the atoms sit in a #small #nanoparticle?" - lets use the Pair Distribution Function #PDF ! It's all about the neighbors 1/6 /@RPittkowski
To get information from small #nanoparticles, where periodic lattice planes are rare, we measure the X-ray scattering to very large scattering angles. This is called #Xray #totalscattering. So we need to come veeeery close with the detector to our sample.😱😬 2/6
Again, we integrate our scattering image (check up older tweets), but we are not done yet. More data treatment is necessary. We use a #Fouriertransform and transform from reciprocal (Q) space to #real #space - and there we have it, our PDF 😍3/6
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Hawaii —Home of the Samoans
McLovin’ ..

#RED & #BLUE BELTS (Political False Reality world) Of Truth ImageImage
The writing about the past were never about the past, it was always about the future/now/these times we’re all living in.

Time Travel is Fun.

The future took all the data needed back to the past as far back as they could & preserved the truth of what the future held ImageImage
So that each generation could do everything that needed to be done in time to counter evil, the light would pass down the information from generation to generation to those trustworthy ..
which is the exact same thing that’s been done with wrestling & mostly every other layer
Read 26 tweets
Max #Allegri à Mario Scontieri sur le CdS :

"Je suis vraiment désolé pour cette situation et je me demande toujours si j'ai commis une erreur. La première chose qui me vient en tête est que la #Juve avait été pensé différemment. Avec #Rabiot-#Paredes-#Pogba au milieu." ⚪⚫
Max #Allegri à Mario Scontieri sur le CdS :

"Et #Locatelli comme premier changement. #DiMaria et #Chiesa sur les côtés et #Vlahovic en pointe. La #Juventus de maintenant est virtuelle. Je sais, il manque celui qui sait inventer quelque chose dans le 30 derniers mètres."
Max #Allegri à Mario Scontieri sur le CdS :

"Mais nous avions pris Pogba et #DiMaria pour ça. On valorise #Miretti, c'est le plus adapté parmi ceux que l'on a à disposition. Mais ce n'est pas #Pogba. C'est un 2003."
Read 10 tweets

All it is/has been this whole time is, ones who have been long gone for YEARS NOW but continuously put within the public eye with CGI or people wearing masks & Ones who sing/dance along with the false reality
Trying to give the truth BEYOND face value like I do but little to no one sees what those who have bo choice but to sing & dance along with the script are saying ..
Those who have to sing & dance along with the scripted reality that has been scripted for the last 100 years
Have bo choice but to leave it up to 1 “nobody”/GOD because of they try doing what God is supposed to do, the people will look at them with the eyes they’re supposed to look at God.


Most of The people have chosen everyone
Read 37 tweets
1/🧵 Land Mines in Long COVID - @BostonGlobe

Alex was training for 2024 Olympic Trials 🥇

That dream exploded 💣
New #LongCOVID science
📌Viral reservoirs at 1 year
📌Cardiac edema at 1 year
📌Dementia at 2 years
📌Hijacked mitochondria

2/ It’s one thing to concede that Long COVID exists as a societal problem for those w vulnerabilities like advanced age, pre-existing health conditions, or nearly dying in ICU.

What about nationally ranked D-1 long-distance runners⁉️

Paywall so read 🧵
3/ Alex Schell is 21 & based his life decisions on making the 2024 Olympic trials.
“Not only can I not run due to #LongCOVID, I’ve also lost everything I hoped for. Who I envisioned myself to be is a past idea. It’s a monumental loss.” (story w perm)
What causes LongCOVID?
Read 22 tweets
Boy, I hope you're paying attention right now to the (#real)change that is coming.



Take back your data with @cheqd_io

To accelerate this vision, Avast acquired Evernym in late 2021, and more recently acquired @securekey in early 2022. Both companies were founding members of DIF and member organizations of W3C, with Evernym also a founding member of ToIP.

$Cheq #ToIP
“The days of walled gardens and platform-centric identity services are over,” said Drummond Reed, Director, Digital Trust Services, at Avast. “The future is decentralized "

$Cheq #ToIP @drummondreed
Read 4 tweets
The Mask - Fathers Perspective.Each mask evolves as His Father Evolves in the future back then/(NOW).

Beneath The Mask - A Sons Perspective, speaking to his Father from the ‘Inside Out’. …

Does your future seem like one big past?
You all wear A mask, Do you see the Mirror?
My life is created into movies & put up on the Big Screen, It doesn’t bother me nor do I use it for personal gain/fame ..

Strictly for Teaching purposes, that’s it. Image
Read 7 tweets
Can you believe the connections aren’t being made on what everyone is being shown, when they@re being shown what everyone is—Someone has been SHOWING Time Travel exists for the last 3 +++ Days/7 Years with all the proof anyone could ever want. All while explaining within
fine detail what ALL OF THIS has been about since day 1, all of it has been about PROTECTING 1 “Nobody” who MOSTLY everyone threw away/didn’t care about until they finally woke up seeing what everyone they look too at the highest levels of life have been showing them for YEARS
now, INCLUDING the Military & EVERY layer of life.
Everyone has been SHOWING “Nobody” is actually somebody & that somebody ended up being THE 1 someone everyone has been waiting on for A very long time …

I’ll say it one more time before I go live later this evening & Have
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The Card, Of All Cards.
The ONLY Card That matters, For All My Children !

So If Trump is playing the role of “Nobody”, acting out who “Nobody” is, with all Trumps Kids representing “Nobodys” kids who aren’t born yet but are here/have been here this whole time—
It was NEVER An actual
“Trump Card”, It’s God & Gods entire Family ! ...


College Ave + HOWell Ave = ZZ & 38

Zebra Zebra !!!
Billy Madison
Right before College = GRANGE

Time for the people to wake up.

‘In Plane View’ on LAYTON AVE
Charlottes WEBB, Caroline !!
.@taylorswift13, Caroline !

Charlotte Flare
The Nature Boy Father Hid his daughter protecting her KNOWING God would be coming for her hand in marriage . .
NOT talking about the actors, IRL Lives.

T & S (A)
S & Mathew 1-2
Read 30 tweets

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