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Kremlin affiliated media first proudly reported the #Kramatorsk massacre, claiming their missile hit an ammunition train that arrived yesterday evening.
After the appearance of civilian casualties, they started blaming Ukraine.
Same story as with #MH17 in 2014.

Note that they also initially showed the Tochka-U with their claim, minutes before claiming Russian led forces don’t use these SS-21 ballistic missiles.
Also note that the initial source of the Russian(!) attack also works for Russian state news channel “Pervoi Kanal“. So nobody should claim, ANNA and their staff in occupied Ukraine are no official mouthpieces for the Putin regime.
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Massive Russian forces with close air support, trying to storm #Barvenkove and #Sloviansk.
Confirmed by Ukrainian general staff and Russian propagandists.
One video source.
Close air support make ambushes like we have seen them in Chernihiv and alike impossible.
Ukrainians would need to stage more complex attacks with a combination of MANPADS and ATGM to kill air and ground forces.
Such attacks are so far not happening it seems.
Three Russian BM-21 firing salvoes at Ukrainian forces in Donetsk oblast.
Bayraktar needed ...
Read 11 tweets
Bad news from Donetsk oblast where Russian forces are advancing north of Avdeevka.
They captured three villages over the past 24 hours (Troitske, Novoselka & Novobakhmitivka) and are fighting at the entrance of "New York".
Ukraine must quickly redeploy.
#PutinAtWar Image
Though it must be said, those are three villages after two weeks!
Ukrainians are frighting like lions in the area and it is like the only part of the front where there was no larger breakthrough so far (compared to the north and the south of the former "contact line"). Image
Argh and YEAH, I was wrong!
They only captured the eastern train station and the center of the city is still under Ukrainian control.
Deleted the other two tweets. Sorry, but I’m happy now.🤓 ImageImageImageImage
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#Breaking #NewsMap
The Russian army was heavily hit and decimated while leaving #Ivankiv this night.
Half a dozen vehicles were destroyed at the N-W roundabout alone. Russians left their dead ones behind and fled to Belarus via the P02.
#SlavaUkraini #PutinAtWar
Source video.
People (heavily swearing) can't believe, the Russians are gone and were hit so hard. They seem very happy.
The Ukrainian army is back in #Ivankiv after it was under Russian control for 37 days.
#SlavaUkraini #PutinAtWar
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After two weeks of fighting, Ukrainian forces have liberated all towns, villages and streets in Mykolaiv oblast, formerly held by Russian forces (marked in blue).
The Ukrainian army began its counteroffensive on Kherson oblast this evening.
#PutinAtWar #SlavaUkraini Image
New geolocated footage shows, fighting in #Irpin still rages in the center of the city.
#Ukraine Image
Source video.
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#Breaking #NewsMap
The Ukrainian🇺🇦 army liberated Muchun, 15 km north or Kyiv, from Russian🇷🇺 invaders.
It can now attack the Russian stronghold Hostomel from the south and the east.
#PutinAtWar #SlavaUkraini
(Liberation happened already yesterday, but I just spotted the video today)
Terrible news from western Kyiv where Russian forces overran the village of Mykolaiv yesterday, allegedly taking 61 Ukrainian POW.
Lots of forced confessions and smearings of Zelensky and so on.
Russia claims, they surrendered, but this is BS. Many are severely injured.
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Russia is carrying out nuclear blackmail:

Russian forces captured Zaporizhia nuclear power plant, the largest in Europe;

captured Chornobyl and cut power to the sarcophagus;

may set fire to radioactive forest around Chornobyl;

shells nuclear facilities, such as at Kharkiv.
Because they're stuck in pre-1991 thinking, most Western nations see the nuclear threat from Russia in terms of nuclear weapons.

But Ukrainians have realistic, post-2014 thinking. They understand the Russian regime of state terrorism and confront the real threat of #PutinAtWar
"It's all about intimidation. Now the Russian leadership understands that their plans for a quick campaign have failed, and they are turning to nuclear blackmail."

–Brigadier General Kyrylo Budanov, Chief of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine…
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Another one bites the dust.
RF-93026, a Sukhoi Su-25SM3, shot down over Ukrainian Donetsk oblast today.
#PutinAtWar ImageImageImageImage
Ukrainians report a Mi-8 shot down nearby. Possibly the rescue mission for the Su-25. Image
Some say, this is just another perspective on the same shot down Sukhoi.
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#Breaking #NewsMap
The Putin regime army captured the city of #Sumy (264.000 inhabitants) in N-E #Ukraine.
There seems to be no fighting and Russia tanks control the center.
Source video from this eve, around 17:15 local time.
Also Ochtyrka fell to the Russian attackers.
Again: My maps are very conservative. Possible, there is one Russian front between Kharkiv and Sumy.
Read 6 tweets
Putin Thread 1/

Did not want to write this

Blatant invasion by Russia of Ukraine

So my Thread about Putin's plan. You probably did not know some parts to how long he's been brewing this, how far further he has already come, & how far he intends to go

#StandWithUkraine #Putin Image
Putin Thread 2/

I trust you remember. In 2014 Russian Dictator Putin sent his Spetsnaz special forces soldiers dressed as civilians, to invade Ukraine's, Crimea. Then flew the Russian flag there, declared it belongs to Russia. He annexed Crimea

#IStandWithUkraine #PutinAtWar Image
Putin Thread 3/

You might not know, that Putin ALSO has Russian troops occupying parts of the territory in 3 other independent countries of Eastern Europe, that once were part of the Soviet Union: Moldova, Georgia and Azerbaijan. Yes Putin has ALSO taken slices from those.. Image
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43 Connecticut Residents Still Stuck In Afghanistan…
The BBC reported that members of the G20 group of major economies have pledged to avert an economic catastrophe in Afghanistan.

It said, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said the country should not be allowed to “descend into chaos”.
"According to the BBC, the virtual summit came as the @UN urged world leaders to put billions of dollars into the Afghan economy.

US @POTUS @JoeBiden stressed that aid should be provided via independent international organisations and not directly to the ruling Taliban."
Read 10 tweets
The Russian gas price is at the
Highest. Level. Ever.
Wow. Just wow!
#Gazprom reduced the gas flow to Europe
via Belarus and Poland by 70%
and via Ukraine by 20%
Since. Last. Week.
These are official Gazprom figures. Putin is using energy as a weapon, calling the Merkel-Biden bluff, and Germany does NOTHING to counter the move.
Gazprom tells reporters, they expect "a cold and snowy winter", as per Russian state news (TASS).
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Seven years ago NATO leaders agreed that a cyber-attack on one member nation can be treated as a cyber-attack on all members. Russia has since committed many devastating acts of war in this manner. NATO should respond by launching military or cyber-attacks against the aggressor.
Most NATO member countries except a few in Eastern Europe are in the grip of extremist Russia-appeasement factions. Some of these elites are corrupted or compromised by the Putin-Kremlin crime syndicate. All of them are so risk-averse they are paralyzed to total inaction.
The most risk-averse of Russia-appeasing NATO countries is Canada. Canada won’t expand Russia sanctions to Putin and his inner circle; won’t back a MAP for Ukraine in NATO; won’t arm Ukraine; won’t oppose Russia’s Nord Stream 2 war project.

Canada’s inaction helps #PutinAtWar
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Russia began mobilizing for an offensive against Ukraine at the end of March.

Biden met with Putin and delayed meeting Zelenskyy.

Biden and Merkel made a pact to finish Russia’s Nord Stream 2 war project.

Putin published an imperialist manifesto denying Ukraine exists.
Acting on his imperialist doctrine and strengthened by mobilization, Putin has ordered the Russian army of occupation in the east of Ukraine to increase its bombardments of defenders and civilians. #RussiaInvadedUkraine
Putin is greatly emboldened by the support of the German Putinversteher faction and the Biden administration for Russia’s Nord Stream 2 war project.

Aggressor Russia always uses gas as a weapon. Now it can do more damage.
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Russian forces invading Ukraine attacked near Katerynivka, Luhansk region today using a rocket-assisted flamethrower with a thermobaric warhead. The fuel-air explosion from this weapon has a blast volume of 120 cubic metres. This is a stunning escalation by #PutinAtWar
Russian occupation forces fired flamethrowers at the village of Katerynivka
Ministry of Defence of Ukraine…
The village of Katerynivka lost its protection when Zelenskyy surrendered the Zolote "disengagement area" to Putin in October 2019. This unforced capitulation by the Ukrainian president left defenders vulnerable to Russian attacks in the ongoing Battle of the Bakhmut Road.
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Despite 21st century communications technology, mainstream news media ignore Russia's war against Ukraine. WWII was covered by radio and newsreels. The Vietnam War – broadcast TV. Iraq's invasion of Kuwait – cable TV. News about Russia's invasion of Ukraine is embargoed. Insane.
War reportage has disappeared. People follow me on Twitter to find out about #PutinAtWar but what I write is just a tiny drop of water in a vast information desert. We live in greatly diminished times.
The Vietnam War was complex but people could be informed. They heard terms like Viet Cong and Ho Chi Minh trail and and knew what they meant.

#RussiaInvadedUkraine but most people don’t know about the Cyborgs, the DPR/LPR, the Joint Forces Operation or anything about the war.
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@BILD obtained secret RU state news chat protocols & possesses witness accounts of two RT employees, describing how the Putin regime used @de_rt_com last year to spy on Alexei @navalny, @leonidvolkov & Maria @pevchikh & tried to "penetrate into @ChariteBerlin“.
#PutinAtWar ImageImageImageImage
@BILD @de_rt_com @navalny @leonidvolkov @pevchikh @ChariteBerlin The spying operation was led by @Ruptly /RT DE chiefs Dinara Toktosunova and Ekaterina Mavrenkova as well as RT DE's new online managing editor Ivan Klyopov.
They gave direct orders to the tasked two German employees of the Russian state channel. ImageImageImageImage
@BILD @de_rt_com @navalny @leonidvolkov @pevchikh @ChariteBerlin @Ruptly According to the interviewed RT employees, Dinara Toktosunova is closely connected to @M_Simonyan while Ekaterina Mavrenkova also seems to have good contacts to the Russian government.
They believe all their findings went straight to Moscow. ImageImage
Read 21 tweets
Russians believe they are at war with the United States. Putin regime propaganda has overwhelmed them with this disinformation. Russians have been told the lie that their army invading Ukraine is facing "coloured troops from NATO." #RussiaInvadedUkraine is truly a global war.
Live in the world as it is, not as you wish it to be. The Russian Federation is at war in Ukraine, invading Ukraine. It has been for 6 years, 10 months, 24 days. A state of international war exists and the Russian Federation is the aggressor state. It should be declared as such.
#PutinAtWar is global war. The Russian regime of state terrorism assassinates people anywhere in the world. People of conscience have been shot, poisoned, pushed out of windows, blown up and bludgeoned to death in the US, the UK, France, Germany, Ukraine and other countries.
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Russia is at war with Ukraine. A tactic of Russia’s invasion, especially in Luhansk and Donetsk in 2014, was to send mobs to seize public buildings. The mobs were indoctrinated by TV and Internet disinformation, seeded with Russian agents.

This is how Trump attacked the Capitol.
Over 74 million Americans voted for a Russian asset, Trump. They have been indoctrinated to believe Democrats are a greater threat to the U.S. than aggressor Russia. American democracy is as unstable after 4 years of Trump as Ukrainian democracy was after 4 years of Yanukovych.
Most Americans don't know and don't care about how a mob was organized to seize the Security Service of Ukraine building in Luhansk or the Donetsk Regional State Administration Building. But they should. This tactic of Russia's global war against democracy has come to the USA.
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Belarus, 2020.
Moscow’s little green monsters - I call them “#Kremlins” - physically abuse the proud indigenous women.
#PutinAtWar Image
Dictator Lukashenko was re-elected.
By some 10% of #Belarus’ electorate.
His supporters once again rallied for him today.
Some of the other 90% rallied against him. ImageImage
Just a guess ... Image
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@navalny poisoned with chemical weapon #Novichok, German army finds.
@navalny #Update
The German government, the EU and NATO will "discuss an appropriate common answer" to this.
Sort of symbolic dark clouds over the Charité in Berlin where Alexei Navalny is getting treated for his poisoning with Novichok - as seen from my office.
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These @AFP pictures of a #Russian Su-34, dropping bombs on the #Turkish-held town of al-Bara was taken DURING the Putin-Erdogan talks in Moscow!
#PutinAtWar Image
@AFP *were
@AFP #Russia also used its Su-24 to drop dumb free fall bombs on towns in #Idlib during the talks.

#PutinAtWar Image
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Shortly after midnight, the #Russian air force attacked a home for displaced people in Maarat Misrin (#Idlib province).
16 civilians were killed and 35 injured. Half of them children.
No words. Just anger.
#PutinAtWar ImageImage
The scene of the heinous Russian attack this morning.
Utter destruction ...
More aftermath pictures.
The @sams_usa hospital in the area is treating the survivors of the Russian war crime. ImageImageImageImage
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Nine Syrian civilians were killed in Russian Air Force raids on #Idlib’s rural towns that began shortly after sunrise.
#PutinAtWar ImageImage
Terrible video of father and son killed in village, attacked by Putin’s killers this morning.
They tried to run out of their home when they heard the jet coming, but were killed by the power of the explosion in their garden. ImageImage
The Syrian rebel front in #Idlib keeps collapsing in a pace, hard to follow.
At least 5 news towns fell to #AssadPutin forces overnight.
These are the ones, both sides confirmed with more falling ever hour according to regime sources.
Will update ... Image
Read 10 tweets

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