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Thesis Writing 101

I have edited 100,000+ words and tens of theses in science and history (more than I can keep track of!) over the last ten years.

Here are 17 insights from my experience that can help you improve the quality of your #AcademicWriting 🧵
1. Read aloud: Reading aloud helps to catch errors that were overlooked during silent reading. Find the 'Read Aloud' feature on MS Word under 'Review.'

2. Bring coherency: Make sure that each paragraph flows logically so that the overall #thesis structure is well-organized.
3. Improve formatting: Format your #thesis according to your university's guidelines. Adjust the font type, size, header, and footer.

4. Use citation management tools: Using these tools (Mendeley, EndNote, etc.) can help you save time & avoid errors in writing your bibliography.
Read 11 tweets
Anonymous question

“My previous PI was one of these extremely abusive supervisors treating me like shit. I filed complain after I finished so did a previous colleague. The case is that he got fired as he embezzled money. Now he makes her responsible...👇

#PhDVoice @PostdocVoice
and refuses to sign her thesis or give his consent that she is able to publish a paper or even her thesis as he is the "owner" of the project. She is at the end of her PhD and just need to write. Does anyone has a suggestion what she can do? The Institute manager adviced...👇
her to either give up or to look for funding and start a new project. I would be really happy for any help!”
Read 3 tweets
Academic Writing is a skill all on it’s own. And it can be a hard one to master.

Luckily there are now AI tools that can teach you how to be a better academic writer.

Here are 3 ways Paperpal helped me:


#academia #phdlife #phdchat #science #AcademicChatter #phdvoice
Paperpal is an AI tool that has been trained on millions of academic research papers.

It understands how manuscripts are written and supports over 1300 subject areas.

Paperpal can give grammar and language suggestions that actually improve your manuscript while you write.
And I love using the MS word plug in it to write my manuscript !

As a non-native English speaker I'd say my English is pretty good, but sometimes finding the right word or synonym to get my point across can be a hassle. And I'm never 1 to pass up ways to improve my writing!
Read 9 tweets
Most academic writing is awful at concision.

It's always:

• Verbose verbiage
• Prolix prose
• Jumbled jargon

Horrible to read.

Here's how top academic writers tweak their text. ↓
#AcademicTwitter #AcademicChatter #phdlife #phdvoice #phdstudent Hero image with text in front of yellow background (with pat
1. 'Irregardless' is a word, but don't use it.

The dictionary shows it's a word but also labels it as non-standard and incorrect in standard English.

Use either 'irrespective' or 'regardless.' This shows the dictionary definition of irregardless. Irrega
2. There is more than one way to write the possessive form of a word that ends in S.

Most academics are used to AP style, where the possessive of a word ending in S gets an apostrophe.

→ James' paper

But Chicago style recommends against that for clarity.

→ James's paper Two different styles of possessives ending in S from The Chi
Read 10 tweets
Create the perfect digital Lab Notebook 📒🧪🧬 that links to your Reference Manager and Notes!

A Step by Step guide using Obsidian + Calendar Plugin:


#phdlife #phdchat #phdvoice #phdforum #phd #AcademicTwitter #AcademicTwitter Image
1. Install @obsdmd to create your first vault.

If you are in academia and have not worked with Obsidian yet, then your world is changed forever today 😮 (Check out why, here:

Let's move on to creating our lab notebook... Image
@obsdmd 2. Let's install the Calendar Plugin.

- Go to the Obsidian preferences
- Click "Community Plugins"
- Click "Browse"
- Search for "Calendar"
- Install and Enable the plugin ImageImageImage
Read 10 tweets
Writing a literature review can be overwhelming...

These tools will help you with each review part: from keyword selection to reporting 🪡

#AcademicTwitter #AcademicChatter #phdvoice #phd #phdchat #litreview #OpenScience #litreview
1. Formulate your query

Formulate your search strings in a transparent, easy-to-understand, and scalable way at

It shows a visual representation of your search string and converts it to fit any database of your choice Image
2. Explore the whole research domain

Already have a seminal article and want to dig further?

Use to build a comprehensive knowledge graph specific to your domain

Simply insert an article's url and enjoy the structured and comprehensive outcome Image
Read 9 tweets
What did I do to combat the thousands of tabs open of papers instead of just filing them away in endnote never to be seen again because I couldn't remember why I needed them?

I created an "At-A-Glance" Spreadsheet. #AcademicChatter #phdlife #phdvoice Image
My template was shared with my program cohort and includes a separate tab where they can change the projects and subtopics for automatically updating the data validation. This means you can add new projects and remove old ones with ease throughout your use of the sheet too!
How I use this spread sheet:
- this is one of the ONLY tabs I leave open throughout the day.
- when I find a resource (be it an article, website, news article, etc.) I first drop the link, then fill the title, then give a reason for why I thought it was useful
Read 6 tweets
Things PhDs can do *besides* an internship to get context on industry roles available to you. A 🧵: (1/n)
Internet research / perusing job listings. This is my least favorite because it's cold and intimidating. But you can get a rough sense of what's out there by scanning published opportunities. (2/n)
Attend a job panel discussion or career fair. Hear folks talk about their roles to get a sense for what appeals to you. This is better than job listing "research" because you'll get a more realistic sense of what roles are like by hearing from people who work in them. (3/n)
Read 8 tweets
Writing a literature review is not rocket science. Most scholars just don’t know where to start 🚀

Here’re four tools that will help you turn a literature review into an enjoyable process:

#AcademicTwitter #AcademicChatter #phdvoice #phd #phdchat #litreview
🔺 shows you all the articles on your topic and cross-citation. Search using keywords, DOI, titles, and authors to visualize your field of interest
🔺 comprehensively maps your research topic by 1) showing the main research streams within it, 2) identifying all relevant concepts and terms, and 3) clustering similar articles to make learning easier. It's a must!
Read 6 tweets
Writing Your Thesis is Hard Work (PART 2) ⬇

Here are 5 free Google tools to help you research and write your thesis in record time🧵👇

@OpenAcademics @ThePhdPlace @MasterAcademia_ @AcademicChatter @TheStrugglingS4 @PhD_Adviser #AcademicTwitter #phdvoice #happyresearchers
6. Use Google Dataset Search to find a dataset

It is as simple to search Datasets on Google Dataset Search as it is to search for anything on Google Search. You just enter the topic on which you need to find a Dataset in the Google Dataset Search and click Search.
7. Use Google Forms to create surveys

If you need to undertake a survey, Google Forms is a great way to do it. Just create a form and share it with your participants, and you'll be able to collect responses.
Read 8 tweets
Writing Your Thesis is Hard Work.

Here are 5 free Google tools to help you research and write your thesis in record time ➡


@PhDVoice @OpenAcademics @ThePhDPlace @MasterAcademia_ @PhD_Genie @TheStrugglingS4 #AcademicTwitter #phdvoice #phdchat
1. Use Google Docs to write your thesis

Google Docs is a great way to write your thesis because it's free, easy to use, and you can access it from anywhere. Plus, you can share your thesis with your supervisor and get feedback easily. Image
2. Use Google Drive to store your thesis

Google Drive is a great place to store your thesis. You can access it from anywhere, and you can share it with your supervisor easily.

Remember to save your work in multiple locations to avoid the risk of losing it! Image
Read 7 tweets
In the last 6 months

I spoke with >100 PhD candidates from different unis, fields, and at different stages of their journey 🎓

Here is the list of the common problems we experience to convince you you're not alone (+ tips on how to deal with them):


#phdvoice #phdchat
1. No onboarding, having to piece together all the info
How do the printers work? What is FAIR data? For most of us, there was no comprehensive onboarding that'd explain how the academic environment works
💡Tip: team up with a more senior PhD student to get some lifehacks
2. Feeling frustrated, lost, lacking progress
Most of us have to define the project ourselves. An overwhelming amount of information and no clear "rules of the game" take their toll
💡Tip: narrow down, define your niche, read the best articles from your field, get feedback early
Read 7 tweets
Academic writing is a superpower. It's a key to publishing, getting a new job or tenure, and becoming known in the field

These 10 AI-powered websites will help you with EVERY part of your manuscript and will save you 100+ hours:

#openscience #AcademicTwitter #phdvoice #phdchat
1. Title: level up your article title at
2. Abstract: summarise your academic article into one paragraph using 1), 2), or 3) (academia-specific)
Read 9 tweets
#Marketing scholars! Marketing research priorities for 2022-2024 are out 👇 Simplified version with examples of research questions below:

#AcademicTwitter #AcademicChatter #OpenScience #phdvoice #phdchat #phdforum #research #researchers
1⃣ Data challenges: new privacy regulations, no access to third-party cookies, and new post-covid advertising models
Some research questions to look at:

• What business models can help companies adapt to changing privacy policies?
• What available data (e.g., search data) should firms use to improve targeting?
• Can firms optimally combine pre and post covid advertising models?
Read 18 tweets
If you’re considering an academic career, here’s how it works: #AcademicTwitter #AcademicChatter

Through a highly competitive process you might be lucky enough to be accepted into a #PhD program where you earn something similar to the minimum wage.
In that time you’re expected to do world class research to boost the profile of your supervisor and university. There are regular assessments to ensure you’re on track in living up to these expectations.
You don’t enjoy the workplace protections or rights that the academics do though, since you’re not categorised as an employee and can far more easily be dumped. There’s a good chance your mental health will decline. #AcademicMentalHealth #PhDVoice
Read 19 tweets
5 tools that I use every day as a PhD student and that make my life easier.

A thread 🧵:

#phdvoice #phdchat #phdlife #AcademicChatter #AcademicTwitter
@OpenAcademics @PhDVoice
1. @NotionHQ - free for students.
This is where I take my notes, organise my week, keep my protocols, have my to-do list, etc. Basically all my PhD content is there!
Highly recommend it. When I start the day, the first thing I check is my Notion board.
2. @SigmaOS - free for students/ launched for MacOS
Sigma is a browser specifically made for people who spend hours working on the web.
I organise all my tabs in different workspaces for my different projects. Makes me way more efficient and less distracted!
Read 8 tweets
🧵Music for PhD writing/reading days:

I find it hard to listen to music with a lot of lyrics when I'm taking writing seriously. So here are my top choices for instrumental music, that isn't just classical, and is available on youtube if it's helpful! #phdvoice
1) All animal crossing music is instrumental and very relaxing. The music is often seasonal, and youtube has a lot of complication music from various console games over the years. The rainy day compilations are also very melodic!
2) If I'm going for a more intense writing vibe, I listen to Mario Kart music! It's not for everyone, but it works for me so it might work for you.
Read 10 tweets
Doing #qualitative research using #online methods? 🤔💻 I thought I'd share 10 papers/books which I've found really useful during my PhD - a thread! 🧵1/?

Feel free to add to the list! #PhD #research #PhDlife #phdvoice #phdchat #AcademicChatter #ResearchMethods #OnlineMethods
1⃣ 'Doing Qualitative Research Online' (2016) - includes ethical issues in research design; designing online qualitative studies; collecting qualitative data online through interviews & other methods; analysis & reporting findings.

➡️… 2/?
2⃣ 'Qualitative data collection in an era of social distancing' (2020) - includes options & resources for researchers who need to alter their study designs from face-to-face qualitative data collection to a “socially distant” method.

➡️… 3/?
Read 18 tweets
Sadly, 90% of PhD scholars don't know these resources and blog posts that will make their PhD journey easier.

A curated thread of best blog posts and resources for academia 🤩


RT and add yours
@PhD_Genie @PhDVoice @PhDsofIndia #PhD #research #AcademicTwitter
Blog by @raulpacheco on #academic #writing, literature review, #timemanagement, writing groups....etc Image
A 10 year old blog by @thesiswhisperer
It has everything you want Image
Read 10 tweets
Academic folks, do you know your ONE HABIT that's HOLDING YOU BACK?


What's fake-working and how to stop doing it?



@AcademicChatter @Momademia @PhD_Genie @ThePhDPlace @PhDVoice @OpenAcademics #AcademicTwitter #AcademicChatter #PhDlife #PhDchat #PhDvoice
@AcademicChatter @Momademia @PhD_Genie @ThePhDPlace @PhDVoice @OpenAcademics Fake-working is when you *think* you're working but actually you're NOT.

Example: Browsing JSTOR aimlessly, answering unimportant emails, etc.

@AcademicChatter @Momademia @PhD_Genie @ThePhDPlace @PhDVoice @OpenAcademics Fake-working is NOT productive procrastination.


Because in productive procrastination, you're still doing something "productive."

Example: You're reading articles to avoid writing. You're not writing but what you're reading is still useful.

Read 12 tweets
How I maintain a lab notebook/record.

A 🧵

Having all your protocols, experiments, notes, inventory and many other pieces of information in one place feel great. Right?

@OpenAcademics @ThePhDPlace #AcademicChatter #PhDvoice #scicomm
Our lab uses @Labstep for maintaining all records digitally and it was recommended to me by my supervisor. I also maintain a physical notebook to write all the notes first and later update them in the digital notebook.
Note: All the sample images in the thread are not from my actual notebook.

Read 10 tweets
Behind the scenes: What I learned from being a journal editor about the publishing process. A🧵

#AcademicTwitter #AcademicChatter #phdlife #phdchat #phdvoice
1. Manuscript mostly receive a "desk reject" because they do not fit thematically to the journal.

👉 Be strategic when selecting a journal. Check your manuscript's references: If none of your references was published in the journal that you target, it is probably a bad fit.
2. Editors do actually read the cover letter, if one is required.

👉 Don't just copy-paste your abstract into the letter to the editor. Keep it brief and to the point, but take the time to write a few new sentences:…
Read 7 tweets
Do you struggle with writing down your scientific work? Here are some tips from me that have helped me write whole chapters in only a weekend and my master thesis in a week! 😅

#WritingCommunity #AcademicTwitter #phdlife #phdvoice @AcademicChatter @PhDVoice @PhDinGermany
1. Always start with your Figures and Tables. Arrange them in a sensical order. Write keywords or main outcomes as bullet points. Build your story around them.
2. Think: why did I do this? What and how did I do it? What did I find? What does it mean? Check literature and divide it across these 5 questions. If uncertain where to start, search for a most recent review article on your topic.
Read 15 tweets
As the summer, grad students start to cook up research ideas to apply 4 scholarships in the fall. If you want to get ur ideas organized to write ur proposal, this 🧵 is 4 u!

#AcademicChatter #academicrwitter #phdlife @PhDVoice @ThePhDPlace @PhDspeaks @CouragePhD @AcademicChatter
As an almost 4th year phd candidate, I’ve had the opportunity to create and improve upon countless #research proposals for #Scholarships This is where my outline for an effective proposal comes in.
It’s important to carefully read the application guidelines provided by the institution offering the scholarship, because they differ in format and content. For instance, SSHRC asks for the 1st paragraph of the proposal to talk about your experiences within the PhD program.
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