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The #January6thCommitteeHearings have taught us that the violence on #January6th was intentional & planned. So we in 🇨🇦 must ask ourselves what the intentions are of #FreeDumbConvoy for July 1st?

As Ive said many times during #CoupTruxKlan, it was both an op & a grift. #cdnpoli
Just as #GOP members of Congress helped plan the #January6th coup plot, so too are #Conservatives in 🇨🇦 in on the #FreeDumbConvoy plot. #NevrePoilievre & #MurphyBrownshirt are 2 obvious examples, but there are others. #cdnpoli
There are cross-border disinformation/propaganda networks poised to spin lies about #FreeDumbConvoy just as these networks did last time. #TrueNorthCentre #PostMedia #JCCF #Rebel #PostMillennial #FoxNews #OANN #NewsMax. This piece of the story is critical to pay attention to…
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MAGA's are promoting DuckDuckGo which tells you all you need to know.
A mother speaks out on how she got caught in an QANON conspiracy world.
Trump just used us.…#qanon #oann oann #qnon #qanons…
How I got lured into QAnon on TikTok: Mother reveals how she was brainwashed by conspiracy theory group videos until she ended up 'so far down the rabbit role'
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Bipartisan group of lawmakers call for hearing into Robinhood app for restricting small investors -… #OANN
Wall Street insiders that want to blow the whistle on corruption or market manipulation can send @Project_Veritas a DM or contact us securely at [email protected] or on Signal 914-653-3110

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A mob led by local Muslim clerics destroyed a Hindu temple in Southern Pakhtunkhawa Karak, Pakistan. #Hindus & #Christians persecuted in Pakistan & #JoeBiden gives money to #Pakistan

#MAGA #StopTheSteaI2020 #Trump #BeijingBiden #GOP #BidenCheated2020 #FightForTrump #Bhagavadgita
This temple burnt today was built in 1919. Closed by locals in 1947. Was restored in 2015 on orders of Supreme Court of Pakistan

Entire #Pakistan only has 30 functional #Temples

No place for #Hindus & #Christians

@HinduAmericans @BharadwajSpeaks @OpIndia_com #bhagavadgita4all
Read 60 tweets
FLASH: Georgia To Conduct Statewide ‘Signature Match Review’ Of Absentee Ballots after weeks of pressure from @realDonaldTrump and his campaign

#BidenWillNeverBePresident #MAGA #SteveBannon #StopTheSteaI2020 #WarRoomPandemic #Trump2020 #HunterBiden #CCP…
GEORGIA:The @GaSecofState said in the press release announcing the signature match audit that they’re working to “secure the vote in the Peach State”

#BidenCheatedAndGotCaught #HunterBiden #Trump2020 #MAGA #SteveBannon #WarRoomPandemic #StopTheSteaI2020… ImageImageImage
Justice Caught Admitting Why He Really Refused Election Fraud Case

#SCOTUS scared of riots

"Truth is God and God is Truth - #Bhagavadgita".

Can anybody defeat God

#BidenWillNeverBePresident #MAGA #SteveBannon #StopTheSteaI2020 #WarRoomPandemic #Trump2020 #HunterBiden #CCP
Read 32 tweets
How Dominion, Smartmatic, SCYLTL, and others are linked and essentially the same company (thread)
#Dominion #Smartmatic #DominionVotingSystems
I have included all links and applicable information so it can be verified and expanded upon.

Here we go:

#FightBack #OANN #Scorecard #voterfraud #Newsmax #GeorgeSoros #SidneyPowell
This is SCYTL’s 2017 Business entry records from the state of Alabama:…

Note the Principle address: Image
Read 16 tweets
So, it has come to this, the central question:

Are the Trumpists and Republicans (and not-a-few Democrats) right to doubt the polls that show #Biden winning an overwhelming victory over #Trump?

Keeping all musings on this momentous occasion in this thread.
Well, here we go
These early results are not entirely as it might have been wished they would be
Read 206 tweets
Trump Rally Thread courtesy of @OANN for your viewing pleasure! Let’s share the message! 1/8 @POTUS @realDonaldTrump #OANN #Ohio
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#BREAKING on @OANN: Vice Pres. Mike Pence speaks on first reported American death from coronavirus out of Washington state. Says the White House will add additional travel restrictions to Iran, including any foreign nationals who've visited country in last 14 days. #OANN (THREAD)
@OANN A level four travel advisory (the highest level) is being issued to Americans, advising them not to travel from South Korea or Italy amid reports of cases in those countries.
@OANN The State Department will be working with officials in Italy & South Korea for medical screenings in their countries for any individuals coming in to the U.S.
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Christopher Steele -- the ex-MI6 agent behind the debunked Trump dossier -- has reportedly agreed to be questioned by U.S. officials over his relationship with the FBI #OANN
Reminder: Steele was hired by opposition research firm Fusion GPS, which was paid (in part) by the DNC and Hillary Clinton's campaign.
The FBI then reportedly used dossier as evidence to seek a FISA warrant to surveil the Trump campaign.
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(1) #NEW: Dr. Jerome Corsi files a 78 page criminal complaint with Acting AG Whitaker against Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his prosecutorial staff. In an advance copy received by @OANN, Dr. Corsi throws the book at Robert Mueller with a plethora of alleged violations...
(2) ...from leaking grand jury & other confidential information to conflicts of interest. One of Mueller’s lead prosecutorial attorneys, Jeannie Rhee, (while employed by Wilmer Hale LLP) was a lead attorney defending the CLINTON FOUNDATION, President Clinton & Hillary Clinton!
(3) Dr. Corsi is asking for an expedited review by AG Whitaker. The big question is -- will Corsi’s complaint grab the attention of Acting AG Whitaker? Watch One America News for the latest #BREAKING information. #OANN
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OAN EXCLUSIVE - Mueller extends plea bargain of a SINGLE COUNT OF PERJURY to author Jerome Corsi for what Corsi says is a faulty memory, not willfully and knowingly lying. Corsi calls Mueller's tactics "GESTAPO" like.
OAN EXCLUSIVE - Investigative Journalist Jerome Corsi is preparing to file a CRIMINAL COMPLAINT against Mueller's Investigation with acting Attorney General WHITAKER!
OAN EXCLUSIVE - Corsi expected to REJECT Mueller's extended single count of perjury. Expect the 72-year-old Corsi to respond with a soon to be released book highlighting special counsel Mueller's "GESTAPO" tactics.
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Read 33 tweets
Newsday --- October 1st,, 2018 --- Mon

Nov 6th, 2018
35 Days Until Mid-Terms

Daily Reminder That Democrats...

1- Are Socialists
2- Want your guns taken away and your family killed.
3- Protects millions of Mexican Illegals
who will hurt your daughters (Mollie Tibbetts)
Newsday --- October 1st,, 2018 --- Mon

Nov 6th, 2018
35 Days Until Mid-Terms

Daily Reminder That Democrats...

1- Are Socialists
2- Want your guns taken away and your family killed.
3- Protects millions of Mexican Illegals
who will hurt your daughters (Mollie Tibbetts)
Newsday --- October 1st,, 2018 --- Mon

Nov 6th, 2018
35 Days Until Mid-Terms

I am adopting "The Wictor Block" Rule:

Be smart/playful/sincere....Feels Good Man

You come at me too hard and aggressively....looking for a response:
I will Block and Move On.
Read 58 tweets

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