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If you've followed me a long time, you've seen my transition from a "#linkblogger" (5-15 short hits/day) to an "essay-#blogger" (5-7 articles/week). I'm loving the new mode but returning to linkblogging is also intensely, unexpectedly gratifying:…

1/ A kitchen junk-drawer, full...
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:…

My last #linkblogging foray was so great - and my link-backlog is so large - that I'm doing another one.

Link the first: "Siphon," @xkcd's delightful, whimsical "#physics-how-the-fuck-does-it-work" one-shot (visit the link, the tooltip is great):

3/ XKCD #2775: Siphon. Man: 'W...
Read 125 tweets
UK business activity surged back into life in February, according to the flash PMI, displaying renewed growth after six months of decline. The composite PMI rose from 48.5 to 53.0, registering the strongest expansion since last June and smashing expectations of a reading of 49.2
UK PMI input cost gauges also fell further, but only slightly to remain elevated. So #CPI #inflation should continue to moderate, but the Bank of England's 2% target still seems a long way off
Here's the latest UK PMI data on output and prices charted against Bank of England #MPC policy decisions. Hard to see them taking a pause from tightening policy in March!
Read 4 tweets
Everyone is talking about #ZK proofs these days. But what if I told you that there is a superior tech to #ZKP, already integrated in an L1 #blockchain, which is not even launched on exchanges yet? It's $MPC #Partisia! More details below.👀
First of all, what are #ZK proofs and how do they work? In a zero-knowledge proof, one party (the prover) can prove to another party (the verifier) that they know a certain piece of information, without revealing what that information is.
This is possible because the proof itself is a mathematical statement that is easy to verify but hard to replicate without knowing the original information. So, one of the main benefits of zero-knowledge proofs in crypto is the ability to enhance #privacy.
Read 24 tweets
Thoughts on the #BankofEngland intervention… 🧵

The Bank will carry out *temporary* purchases of long-dated UK government bonds from 28 Sep to 14 Oct to stabilise the market.

The purchases ‘will be carried out on whatever scale is necessary’, but are *strictly time-limited*…
At the same time, the #MPC is pausing the start of active #QT (i.e. selling bonds bought under #QE) until 31 Oct.

This might be reviewed depending on economic and market conditions, but the annual target of £80bn of sales is unchanged, so this is a delay rather than a U-turn...
In my view, this is a sensible and proportionate response.

Of course, it would be better if this hadn’t been necessary, but the aim was to lower gilt yields and the intervention has worked: 30-year yields have fallen by one full percentage point (!) today...
Read 8 tweets
[THREAD] Top 10 des blockchain inconnues du grand public à connaitre pour make it lors du prochain bull run - airdrop de token possible !

Bonne lecture 📖
Maintenant que le marché est en baisse, nous avons le temps de faire d'autres choses, il y a des équipes qui travaillent dur et construisent des trucs vraiment cool, j'ai hâte de le partager avec vous, n'oubliez pas de toujours #DYOR avant de vous engager dans ces projets.
il y a surement pleins d'autres #blockchain intéressantes à digg que je ne mentionne pas dans ce thread.

Je pense à @berachain qui fait beaucoup de bruit ces derniers jours.

Pour certaines le testnet est open et c'est souvent synonyme d'airdrop, donc soyez à l'affut !
Read 19 tweets
Whilst it feels like everything is against us right now, I recently posted a thread that helps to identify the criteria needed for alt coins to survive a bear market, and provide a significant return on investment
Let’s pressure test $qrdo on some of the fundamental questions from the thread namely:
•Does it generate revenue?
•What’s in the Protocols Treasury?
•Token Utility & Use Case?
•The Team?
Will They Generate Revenue? Simple answer yes - @QredoNetwork will be revenue generating from 1 July 2022 with fees applicable to a whole host of protocol transactions from Power Swaps to Stable Coin Minting… From Wallet Connect to MMI (and many more).
Read 17 tweets
#THREAD on #WHAT is #RBI likely to do tomorrow at the #MPC and #Why and how it would #IMPACT Markets? #RETWEET

(1) A rate Hikes I’d probably 30-40bps
(2) More #Importantly, a 25-50bp CRR Hike as well

What are the Drivers of this Decision?
RBI biggest Driver of Policy in my view is FOREX.

India is suffering Daily Forex Outflows Due to
(1) high Commodity Prices (Oil & Coal etc)
(2) FPI outflows
(3) Rising Remittances while FDI has slowed down

Recall that Jndia is still NOT added to the JPM EM debt Index (NA)
Two ways to arrest the INR depreciation is to raise Rates (REPO) or reduce Liquidity (CRR)

But we know India has a Demand Issue.

More #IMPORTANTLY, higher Rates will HURT the Govts Borrowing Cost and Eventually Raise System Deposit Rates
Read 19 tweets
Sitting on load of #Citibank points or #miles and planning to use them for Fuel/0.45p redemption?

Think again!

This thread will give you suggestions on the best way to maximize your Citi #creditcard points and get the best value
Citi Bank cards portfolio
Rewards, Indian Oil, Cashback - Upgrade to PM/Prestige or Rewards redemption
Primermiles, Prestige - Miles transfer Image
If you are holding Premiermiles and having more than 10,000 PM miles then you should consider getting upgrade to Prestige to convert 10k points to 18k Airmiles
Remember 100 PM=50 Airmiles
if upgraded PM to Prestige 100 PM= 45 Prestige points -> 180 Airmiles Image
Read 26 tweets
#MCExclusive ⚡️ @bankofbaroda Chief Economist Madan Sabnavis said that if #inflation is left unchecked, there would be a tendency for overall consumption in the economy & that could, in turn, be debilitating for growth.

Full interview by @siddhiVnayak 🔽…
Catch @bankofbaroda Chief Economist, Madan Sabnavis, on @RBI’s inflation forecast for FY23, in conversation with @siddhiVnayak.

Read at 👇…

#Inflation #RBI Image
Read 4 tweets
I'm going to start this thread about #Qredo by listing many things @QredoNetwork has

- Security
- Speed
- Siloed Liquidity
- Reporting for institutions
- Unmatched privacy
- Blockchain interoperability

Let's discuss them further...

Let's discuss security firstly.

To understand the uniqueness of $QRDO you need to understand what lies in the core of #mpc

So how would we best define MPC?

Defining MPC.

Multi party computation is a cryptographic tool that allows multiple individuals to make calculations using their combined data.

This is without ever revealing their individual input.

#QREDO uniqueness lies in its decentralised MPC

Read 27 tweets
“Institutions can’t enter #DeFi at present…”

A 🧵 by @JoshGoodbody, Qredo COO

Read on👇

...a lack of suitable infrastructure across the trade lifecycle is keeping them (and corporates) at bay.

This includes a lack of compatible custodial solutions, as well as scalable & robust market access tools that can handle basic things like accounting and recordkeeping.

The good news is that Qredo is solving this through its radical new decentralised custody & settlement infrastructure.

But why should you care whether these big whales can enter the market? 🐋

Let’s dig a little deeper ⛏️

Read 8 tweets
One 'hawk' does not initiate normalisation. The markets were keenly awaiting the #MPC #minutes. And one can comfortably say that the details of what was discussed was hardly as hawkish as the markets had assumed soon after the policy. Prof.Jayanth Varma was the single...(1/12)
...dissenter in the August monetary policy. He voted against the status-quo accommodative policy on the following key counts. Firstly, he believed that the reverse repo rate must not remain at current levels (3.35%) and that a phased normalisation was warranted. He...(2/12)
...remained concerned of the #RBI continuing its accommodative policy given his expectation that COVID-19 would last for another 3-5 years. He sees inflationary pressures turning persistent and also views the adverse effects of the pandemic to only be limited to select...(3/12)
Read 12 tweets

Wow! Big news!!

With this operation, #Encrochat #Sky #MPC & other encrypted networks being infiltrated, does this mean the end of #Drugs #Corruption #OrganisedCrime ?🤔


It's a brilliant operation BUT may have unintended consequences

A #Thread
I got sucked into doing some amateur study of the economy of drug trafficking because of brilliant TV shows.

When you study the numbers, understand the geo-politics, social, criminal & financial elements behind the global industry... you realise just how powerful it really is!🎬
If you trace the industry from;
- Areas of production
- Transit routes
- End Markets

Then look at the money flows;
-Peso exchange
-Hawala networks
-Trade based money laundering

Then the operational groups🧐

It's mind blowing in scale & influence @InSightCrime 🤯
Read 25 tweets
#Emefiele says 1tn Naira made available to manufacturing and agric sectors - 856bn has been disbursed to 77 companies; 36 Agro-based, 30 in services and 11 in mining tailored towards employment generating and output stimulating sectors of the economy at 5% interest rate. #CBNMPC
#MPC pushes for additional 100bn Naira for Targeted Credit Facility to stimulate growth.
Read 7 tweets
#RBI releases the minutes of the last Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) meeting.

Follow this thread for more. #MPC
*thread* ImageImageImageImage
MPC Minutes | #RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das says rapidly rising cases of #COVID19 single biggest challenge to ongoing economic recovery.

Learnings of last one year should help us in managing the crisis as it unfolds.

*Follow this thread for more. ImageImageImage
MPC Minutes | #RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das: Improving global outlook would support India's exports and investment demand.

#MPC Image
Read 4 tweets
.@RBI releases minutes of MPC's February 3-5 meeting Image
.@RBI #MPC Minutes | RBI Governor @DasShaktikanta says growth momentum needs to strengthen further Image
.@RBI #MPC Minutes | Michael Patra, MPC Member: Relentless hardening of crude oil prices is worrisome Image
Read 10 tweets
#BREAKING | #MPC (Monetary Policy Committee) voted unanimously to leave policy repo rates unchanged at 4%. #RBI maintains accommodative stance, reverse repo rate unchanged at 3.35%: @DasShaktikanta
#RBIPolicy LIVE Updates:
@DasShaktikanta #MSF (Marginal Standing Facility) rate remains unchanged at 4.25%: #RBI Governor @DasShaktikanta
#RBIPolicy LIVE Updates:
@DasShaktikanta #MPC decided to continue with an accommodative stance of monetary policy as long as necessary, at least through the current FY and into next year to revive growth on a durable basis and mitigate impact of COVID-19: @DasShaktikanta
#RBIPolicy LIVE Updates:
Read 10 tweets
1/ Solving the root cause of #GoldenSAML attacks, recently used in #Sunburst attacks.
Don't of scale security "UP", burying #SAML's private key deeper in HSM,
scale it "OUT": distribute it w/ modern crypto (#TSS #MPC)+ service architecture, as we do for #cryptocurrency @ZenGo
2/ Advanced attackers (#APT) steal long term secrets ("the stamp") that allow them to issue access tokens and thus access all services in victims' environment, bypassing all security, including multi-factor auth (#MFA,#2FA)
3/ @CISAgov recommends protecting such secrets with hardware (HSM), but this solution is not always feasible, does not scale well and is susceptible to vulnerabilities especially when facing #APT attackers (hence: "aggressively updated")…
Read 8 tweets
This month I'm going to be #buildinginpublic with @pabloheredia24 & @nocode_buildr for @makerpad's #mpc-t30 challenge.

Our idea is

Get actionable, unbiased feedback from other makers in <15 minutes

Thread on how we got the landing page up in <30 min 👇
1/ Why

As makers, we sometimes hit roadblocks in projects that we might not know how to solve alone

Pheedback helps makers to get actionable, unbiased feedback from other makers in <15 minutes

(in exchange, you give them feedback too!)
2/ Copywriting

We borrowed something from @dannypostmaa's

"Tired of {Problem}? Get started with {Solution} Today!"

Tired of running into a wall with your projects? Get actionable, unbiased feedback in just 15 minutes from other driven makers.
Read 12 tweets
1/n Short summary for the English world:
@BoschGlobal Research runs a project "Economy of Things" focusing on digital (decentralized) #marketplaces based on their experiences in
2⃣#MPC multi-party computing
3⃣decentralized identity management (#SSI)
4⃣digital marketplaces
2/n The principles for #platform's they have researched are very well suited for #GaiaX. That's the reason why they have been engaged in and support it heavily.
Their vision of a fair and neutral digital marketplace is based on criteria such as
- openness
- neutrality
- transparency
- souvereignty
- integrity
- coopetion
(which fully coincide with #GaiaX's vision of their #European #dataspace & #servicespace.
Read 7 tweets
#RBIPolicy at 12pm today,is likely to keep status quo on #REPO rate, which was last lowered by 40bps in May 2020,to 4%

In 2020,REPO cut by a total of 115bps

In 2019 REPO cut by 135bps

What may weigh on #MPC's mind is #Inflation,which was 6.09% in June 2020 Vs 5.84%,in March'20
Some like #ICRA predicting 25bps REPO cut,saying #RBI may want to be ahead of the curve,despite build up of inflationary pressures

Well,10 Yr #BondYield was 5.83% y'day

Today 10 [email protected]%--Bond markets are clearly not expecting rate cut

#REPO at 4%,is already lowest in 20yrs
As expected, #RBIPolicy leaves #REPO& Reverse REPO unchanged

Right thing to do,as further reduction in rates at this stage, would have distorted #YieldCurve

Already,3 month #MCLR of #SBI is 6.65%& 1 yr at 7%

#MonetaryTransmission is happening,so more cuts not needed currently
Read 5 tweets
#CBN #MPC retains CRR at 27.50 per cent
#CBN #MPC retains liquidity ratio at 30 per cent
#CBN #MPC retains Asymmetric Window at +200 and -500 basis points around the MPR
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#RBI cut by 40bps each of these👇
#Repo rate to 4%
#ReverseRepo to 3.35%
#BankRate to 4.25%

Decision was reached after 5:1 vote,with #ChetanGhate,lone voice calling for 25 bps cut

#MPC meet was held ahead of schedule from 3rd-5th,June

#EMI #moratoroum extended by 3 more months
Moratorium extension till 31st August 2020,is both timely &reflective of @narendramodi govt's alacrity--Big relief to #MiddleClass

Measure to convert #moratorium interest payment into #TermLoan payable in FY21,is helpful

This will reduce #NPAs &stress on banks' balance sheets
#RBI's cut in #Repo will reduce cost of funds&extension of #moratorium will be supportive of financial stability;#Rates across #YieldCurve will move lower from current levels

Fall in #ReverseRepo rate will disincentivise banks from #hoarding #liquidity&coax them to lend

Read 10 tweets
Some personal good news in hard times: Joined with wonderful coauthors @Chris_ptz @pvillenueve we just published our paper „The macroeconomic effects of social security contributions and benefits” in the Journal of Monetary Economics… #econtwitter Thread: Image
The gist of the paper is to estimate #macroeconomic #multiplier effects of spending on #socialsecurity vs. cutting contributions. The literature shows it is hard to estimate such effects, because spending and revenues are highly endogenous to the business cycle./2
We did a lot of nitpicking work conducting a time series of timing+size+circumstances of major legislations of social security in GER 1970q1-2018q4 (inspired by seminal work of Cristina+David Romer 2010 AER). This shall identify exogenous changes for causal analysis./3
Read 21 tweets

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