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#BuildingInFocus A cobbled #Norfolk alley shelters England’s last surviving Hanseatic warehouse. 'Hanse House' was a trading post for the Hanseatic League - a confederation of #medieval merchants. Built in 1475, when #KingsLynn was England's most important port... 🧵

In 1505, 40+ German merchants were trading raw materials and luxury goods out of Lynn. But in 1561 they began to lease the buildings to local families. In 1751, a wealthy brewer purchased the complex, adding a Georgian townhouse... 🧵

📷Alienturnedhuman; Public domain, Wikimedia
The townhouse saw many uses: girls’ school (from 1880); surgeon's house (1891) & #WWI army officers' quarters. It previously housed @NorfolkCC, who restored ity in 1969 & secured Grade I listing in 1972. The complex now houses a variety of businesses.

📷Poppyland Publishing
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Today our thread on #KingsLynn's famous historical faces will be looking at Frances (Fanny) Burney. Despite being unable to read or write aged 8, Frances went on to become a celebrated novelist, diarist & playwright. #FamousFaces Frances d'Arblay ('Fanny Burney') by Edward Francis Burney,
Frances was born in #KingsLynn on 13th June 1752. She was the 2nd daughter of Charles Burney & Esther Sleepe. Her father was a talented musician & composer who was the organist at St. Margaret’s Church (@KingsLynnMinstr) & taught music to the daughters of wealthy Lynn merchants. Charles Burney by Joshua Reynolds, from the National Portrai
Aged 16 Frances began writing a diary and went on to record events from the reign of George III through to the early Victorian age. In this diary she made rather unflattering comments about the Lynn merchant elite!
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When there is a problem or need, Rotary asks "how can we help?"

Rotary groups across the UK and Ireland have been doing what they do best, supporting their communities.

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#PeopleOfAction | #covid19UK | #COVID19ireland
1⃣ Rotary Silloth, Cumbria (@sillothrotary)

One of the first Rotary groups to begin helping people in their local area, club members packed support parcels for over-70s containing essentials like food and hygiene items. 🥫🧻

#PeopleOfAction | #covid19UK
2⃣ Rotary Maidenhead Bridge (@MheadBRotary)

Coordinating groups of volunteers has been vital in the #COVIDー19 outbreak, and Maidenhead Bridge Rotary have done exactly that. They've already supported 54 local families with their project.

#PeopleOfAction | #covid19UK
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