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🏆 | Hoje aconteceu pela primeira vez a premiação do #BlueDragonSeriesAwards, vem conferir os vencedores da premiação.

Segue a thread: #1stBlueDragonSeriesAwards
🏆 | Vencedor do #1stBlueDragonSeriesAwards na categoria:

Melhor Drama - #DPDogDay
🏆 | Vencedores do #1stBlueDragonSeriesAwards nas categorias:

Melhor Ator - #LeeJungJae (#SquidGame)
Melhor Atriz - #KimGoEun (#YumisCells)
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🏆 | Estavam com saudades de uma premiação? Então, vem conferir o red carpet do #1stBlueDragonSeriesAwards.

Começando com os apresentadores maravilhosos #Yoona e #JunHyunMoo:
Minhas células vibram!

Como sempre #KimGoEun e #JungHaeIn estão divinos no #1stBlueDragonSeriesAwards.
1, 2, 3... LINDOS!

#LeeJungJae e #JungHoYeon divos internacionais desfilando no #1stBlueDragonSeriesAwards.
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Some pictures and behind the scenes #RookieCops from @DisneyPlusKR on Instagram and Kingkong by Starship Entertainment on Naver

a thread Image
p.s. I don't save all behind the scenes, only a few that I will share in this thread.
#RookieCops Poster

cr. @.disneypluskr ImageImageImage
Read 33 tweets
[너나경 16화]

눈맞춤 너무 이뻐ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ <-돌돌이들<-승현이

#너와나의경찰수업 #RookieCops
[너나경 16화]

이게 진짜 너무 이뻐ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
키갈아니구 입맞춤임ㅠㅠㅠ 위승현 웃는거ㅠㅠㅠ유죄다 이놈아ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

#너와나의경찰수업 #RookieCops
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kang daniel quotes for my broken soul - a thread

#KangDaniel #강다니엘
i just want everyone to be happy
i just want to be happy
i will live my life fully

- kang daniel -

#KangDaniel #강다니엘

i say the same thing all the time
but i hope you understand that i'm telling the truth

- kang daniel -

#KangDaniel #강다니엘

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Actress Chun Young-Min menyebut Kang Daniel di interviewnya bersama Tenasia.
Chun Young-Min berperan sebagai Shin Ari di drama "You and My Police Class (Rookie Cops)".

@konnect_danielk #강다니엘 #KangDaniel #RookieCops
Chun Young Min menunjukkan group chat yg dibuat bersama 8 cast Rookie Cops yg lain (Kang Daniel, Chae Soobin, Lee Shinyoung, Park Yuna, Park Seongjun, Min Dohee, Kim Wooseok). "Kami menontonnya (Rookie Cops) bersama-sama dirumah masing2. -cont

#강다니엘 #KangDaniel #RookieCops
"Kami menentukan waktu untuk menontonnya bersama-sama. Aku terlambat menontony, namun kami banyak berbicara tentang part-part yg muncul."

"Filming dimulai dari bulan Mei sampai November. Kami dilatih seperti mahasiswa polisi -cont

#강다니엘 #KangDaniel #RookieCops
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#2NE1 Image
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I've read a lot of critisizm towards Kang Daniel's debut and I have been trying hard to contain my feelings and thoughts but here i am writing this now.
#kangdaniel #강다니엘
Kang Daniel was a RAPPER and a SUB VOCAL. And these idiots are saying that he cant sing. Well he may not hit those high notes like their faves does, but Daniels voice has its own character. It has that sweet, deep, sexy scratch on it and I bet their faves cant do it either.
AUTO TUNE? I suggest you listen to him again. watch his showcase coz he sang his songs live. And go listen to his album, there is no difference.
#kangdaniel #강다니엘_ColorOnMe…
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Dear, fansku semua
Kepada semua yg menungguku dalam 3 bln yg panjang ini, aku ini menyampaikan berita ini scr lsg sehingga aku menulis surat ini. Kalo tidak ada dukungan dan perhatian dari kalian, aku tidak akan seberani ini. Dalam diamku yg pjg ini, aku membaca -cont
Satu persatu dukungan kalian, aku merasa tersentuh dan menangis, aku bertahan melewati hari2ku dengan kehangatan dan dukungan2 itu. Aku bisa beristirahat dan berjalan di jalan yg lebuh cepat, tapi aku ingin berjalan perlahan, dan ingin menjukkan bahwa aku -cont
Berjalan di jalan yang lurus dan benar.
Aku ingin berterimakasih kepada fans yg percaya pada hal yg kulakukan, pada pemikiranku. Aku benar2, benar2 berterimakasih.
Aku akan mengembalikan (membayar) semua keberanian dan dukungan yang sudah kalian berikan padaku-cont
Read 6 tweets
Translate Indonesia:

—a thread—
3 Maret 2019:
Muncul artikel2 di Korea yang bilang kalau Daniel minta menyudahi kontraknya sama LM. Tapi LM klarifikasi bahwa itu bukan menyudahi kontrak tapi memodifikasi klausul kontrak.
Masih 3 Maret 2019, sore hari:
1 jam sejak artikel-artikel tentang Daniel-LM keluar, muncul berita kalau Daniel ketemu dengan seorang perempuan yang disebut2 sebagai investor, katanya kenalannya S*ungr* (yang saat ini involved dalam masalah Burning Sun).
Read 31 tweets

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