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Update #Afghanistan .
Im Überblick:
- erneut schwere Vorwürfe gegen US-Truppen,
- hartnäckige Gerüchte, dass China die Airbase Bagram übernimmt,
- die #Taliban treiben ihre "Reformen" voran,
- erster kommerzieller Passagierflug im #KabulAiport gelandet.
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Am #KabulAiport kehrt sowas wie Normalität ein. Erstmals seit der Machtübernahme durch die #Taliban ist dort eine Passagiermaschine einer internationalen Airline gelandet.
Ein Flugzeug der Pakistan International Airlines landete in #Kabul mit 10 Passagieren an Bord.
Zuvor war #Pakistan sehr aktiv darin, mit den #Taliban Kontakte zu knüpfen. Das Land war auch eines der ersten, das nach der Machtübernahme humanitäre Hilfe nach #Afghanistan geschickt hatte.
Mittlerweile landete die dritte pakist.Maschine in #Khost
Read 11 tweets
Update #Afghanistan .
#KabulAiport wurde wieder von einer Explosion erschüttert.
Zunächst gab es sehr widersprüchliche Meldungen, ob es ein Luftangriff oder ein Selbstmordattentäter war. Nun gibt es Klarheit darüber.
Infos dazu sowie weitere Updates im Thread👇
Das Areal rund um #KabulAiport wurde wieder von einer Explosion erschüttert.
Schnell wurde gemeldet, dass es erneut ein Terroranschlag war.
Bald stellte es sich jedoch heraus, dass es das Gegenteil war ein US-Luftangriff, um einen Anschlag zu verhindern...
Es heißt, US-Armee habe Infos über einen bevorstehenden Terrorangriff bekommen und identifizierte das entsprechende Auto.
Danach habe man einen Luftangriff auf das Auto ausgeführt und den mutmaßlichen Terrorangreifer getötet.
Laut Augenzeugen gibt es auch "Kollateralopfer"
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Johnson: Are you the guys inundated with all the emails from everywhere in the world saying, please help my son, mother in Afghanistan? I've had a few of those

Raab: It was extraordinary that they all stayed after the #KabulAiport attack

Johnson: Amazing, amazing

Longer clip with the introduction from Newsnight

UK Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab:

"Do we know if the crowd has thinned out yet because of the terrorist attack? Thought it was extraordinary they all stayed…"
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Leading research: “five rules for evidence communication”

1) Inform, not persuade
2) Offer balance but not false balance
3) Disclose uncertainties
4) State evidence quality
5) Inoculate against misinformation

Practiced @washingtonweek & @JaneFerguson5
Read 9 tweets
1 - (7 May 2009) Renowned #Barelvi Scholar Mufti Muneeb-ur-Rehman & Kamran Khan jointly condemn #Talibans for #Terrorism in #Pakistan

Ref :

#Children #Women
#Afghanishtan #TTP #ETIM #CPEC #China #AlQaeda #Daish #Waziristan #KP #FATA #FATF #KabulAiport
2 - (7 May 2009) #Barelvi Scholar Mufti Muneeb-ur-Rehman says that #Talibans are Kharijite Terrorist & should be crucified

Ref :

#Children #Women
#Afghanishtan #TTP #ETIM #CPEC #China #AlQaeda #Daish #Waziristan #KP #FATA #FATF #KabulAiport
3 - (7 May 2009) #Barelvi Scholar Mufti Muneeb-ur-Rehman condemns those Islamic Scholars who support #Talibans Un-Islamic #Terrorism

Ref :

#Children #Women
#Afghanishtan #TTP #ETIM #CPEC #China #AlQaeda #Daish #Waziristan #KP #FATA #FATF #KabulAiport
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1 - (21 Apr 2011) All those Muslims particularly Pakistanis who live in #USA & #Europe & support #Talibans, should know that living in Kaafir land is also Haraam (Forbidden) in Islam (Musnad Ahmad, Al-Bayhaqi, Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi & Irwae Ghalil )

Ref : |
2 - (21 Apr 2011) All those Muslims particularly Pakistanis who live in #USA & #Europe & support #Talibans, should know that living in Kaafir land is also Haraam (Forbidden) in Islam (Musnad Ahmad, Al-Bayhaqi, Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi & Irwae Ghalil)

Ref :
۱ - (۲۱ اپریل ۲۰۱۱ دنیا نیوز) پاکستانی مسلمان بالخصوص وہ جو یورپ اور امریکہ میں رہتے ہیں اور وہاں سے بیٹھ کر #طالبان کی حمایت کررہے ہیں انہیں معلوم ہونا چاہئیے کہ دارالکفر میں رہنا حرام ہے ( مسند احمد ، ابو داؤد ، ترمذی ، اروالغلیل و صحیح البانی)

حوالہ :
Read 27 tweets
Nelle ultime 48h un imponderabile caso ha fatto sì che dedicassi tutto il mio tempo ad aiutare calciatrici di #Herat, cicliste e tanti esseri umani fino al loro arrivo a #KabulAiport. Più di 70 persone sono state poi portate al sicuro dai nostri militari attraverso #AbbeyGate.
Non credo riuscirò mai descrivere queste ore che sono state fra le più incredibili della mia vita, in contatto costante con donne e uomini afghani in fuga, disperati, e con i nostri militari a #Kabul. Poi, 4h dopo l'ultimo ingresso, l'attentato. Esattamente lì.
La tragedia, la felicità. La gioia, la disperazione. I sommersi e i salvati. Non mi era mai capitato di esserci dentro così, dove un punto giusto trovato su google maps o no, un messaggio letto o no, un telefonino acceso o no, una scelta fatta o no, fa la differenza più estrema.
Read 7 tweets
BREAKING: Explosion Reported at Gates Outside #Kabul's Airport.

According to available information, a suicide bomber exploded. #KabulAiport #Afghanistan
UPDATE: Pentagon spokesman John Kirby has confirmed the explosion near the #Kabul airfield.
He said that the exact information about the victims is unknown and will be revealed later.
UPDATE: GRAPHIC! A heavily injured person outside #KabulAiport.
Read 6 tweets
#26agosto #Afghanistan Aggiornamenti: cominciamo dal dramma dell’aeroporto, per quanto si stiano intensificando anche le operazioni di estrazione in città ad opera delle forze speciali (tollerate dai taleb?) ci siano delle navette organizzate (comprese quelle del mercenario 1/20
Erik Prince, ex-blackwater, 6500 USD x pax) intorno all’aeroporto resta il dramma. Fonti sul posto riferiscono che stanotte è stato aperto un gate (segno forse dell’arretramento del perimetro occidentale) c’è stata una gran calca con feriti. Sono le ultime 👇@RespectIsVital 2/20
24ore per le evacuazioni, questo pare chiaro. Poi ci saranno ultimi voli Usa. Evacuare circa 6/7000 unità tra militari e personale diplomatico che ha curato sin’ora l’exfil degli afghani non è come spegnere la luce, chiudere la porta è andarsene. E’ un’operazione 3/20
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US consular affairs issued a warning to Americans remaining in Afghanistan to avoid coming to #Kabul airport, and those there to “leave immediately.” This seems to be directly related to #ISIS, which is going to attempt to capitalize on chaos and hinder US exit.
Following last night's warning of an imminent threat, Pentagon has confirmed an explosion outside #KabulAiport. Casualties are not confirmed but Pentagon states there will be update.

From @BBCWorld, the explosion occurred at the Abbey gate entrance, and a US official told Reuters that the explosion was caused by a suicide bomber.
No group has claimed responsibility, but this bears the hallmarks of an #ISIS strike.…
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According to the Pentagon, not a single US soldier has died since the #Taliban seized power in #Afghanistan. One injury was recorded.
The US Department of Defense said that the US Embassy in #Kabul is no longer guarded by the military, and the airport will also cease to be US responsibility after the completion of evacuation measures.
Over 400 U.S. troops have departed #Kabul ahead of Biden's Aug. 31 deadline: U.S. officials.
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⚡DERNIERE MINUTE - #Afghanistan : De nombreux coups de feu entendu en ce moment à l’aéroport de #Kaboul alors que des milliers d'Afghans attendent toujours devant l’entrée de la zone militaire d’aéroport. #TalibanDestroyingAfghanistan #TalibansTerrorists #KabulAiport
📹 VIDEO - #Afghanistan : Des milliers d'Afghans attendent toujours devant l’entrée de la zone militaire de l'aéroport international Hamid Karzai de #Kaboul. #TalibanDestroyingAfghanistan #TalibansTerrorists #KabulAiport
📹 VIDEO - #Afghanistan : Des femmes, des enfants, des personnes âgées et handicapées à l'extérieur de l'aéroport international Hamid Karzai de #Kaboul et des #terroristes #Talibans qui donnent des coups de fouet. #TalibanDestroyingAfghanistan #TalibansTerrorists #KabulAiport ⤵️
Read 4 tweets
Ok, we hebben plan:

-Morgenochtend gaat vliegveld weer open.

-Bij ochtendgloren groep van 9 Nederlanders zsm naar vliegveld

-Verzoek aan ambassade om op afgesproken tijdstip heel snel deur te openen. Zodat ze naar binnen kunnen glippen.

#Kaboel #Afghanistan
“Elke minuut rijdt auto langs met Taliban en soms wordt er geschoten”

Vliegveld #Kaboel
Nieuws :

5 Nederlanders staan nog steeds ingang #vliegveld Kaboel. Nu 03.30 lokale tijd.

Amerikanen roepen naam van vlucht rond waarna gegadigden zich naar voren ellebogen.

Om 07.15 lokale tijd Noorse vlucht.
Daarna komt (nieuwe) NL delegatie- en hopelijk volgende vlucht
Read 17 tweets
When USA and Nato invaded Afghanistan post 9|11 they then helped form a government made up from warlords and criminals who were the ones responsible for the damage and deaths of countless of people. All that aid went to the pockets of these warlords. Image
The people had lost trust in the corrupt government. It's no secret that large number of army and police recruits were drug addicts. The army still some very patriotic soldiers however it's the leadership and warlords which is corrupt.
The best solution here for the Afghan people is if there is a peace deal between the two parties and fighting stops. But I highly doubt that TB will push for that now that they have made such gains and will have the upper hand in the negotiation table. May Allah bring peace.
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