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Here's a complete look at my 2022/23 Earned Edition project -- much love and appreciation to everyone who has followed along and offered feedback along the way!

#NBA #NBATwitter #NBATwitterLive #Nike #Basketball #NikeBasketball

cc: @WorldWideWob
Read 17 tweets
God. I want more fics of #hawks struggling to bond with the League. Not even in a "for the mission" way but a "I understand them, I want to be a part of their crazy family" way. With Dabi it's easy, but the rest...
He fucks up with Spinner. He tries to bond over the fact they're both mutants, not realizing that's a sore subject for Spinner. And if easy going Spinner doesn't want anything to do with him? The rest of the League don't want him either.
So he tries again, tries to get close to Toga. Asks her this time, what she's into, but he reacts a bit too visibly when she says she likes stalking kids from 1A, and she shuts him down. Crap. He tries with Compress and with Twice, and fucks up there, too.
Read 17 tweets
Probably could have started this sooner ... IT'S TWEETSTORM TIME!

Every Sunday through Thursday, Twitter friends!

As always, PLEASE Like/RT to the best of your ability!

From the top!

#Nuggets @ #Magic

I have way more to type here than Twitter can fit so please do listen to the pod tomorrow, but the quick version is that Cole Anthony makes Orlando quite a bit better.
Various injuries and just the general hot and cold spells of the season have moved Franz Wagner back into a startable position of late, though we also know a cooldown drops him back into that 160 range. Feel free to stream while he's hot if you can catch the right wave.
Read 44 tweets
The wife has some patient notes to write, so I suppose I can carve out some time for this JUMBO STYLE TWEETSTORM.

Let's see if I can make it through to the end in one piece. It was a behemoth.

RTs/Likes always appreciated!

Title: Wait, Who Got Hurt?
#Suns @ #Cavaliers

Look at big JaVale. Hah! I have a soft spot for him, and honestly he hasn't been that bad lately. He's a dynamite fill-in if Ayton misses time again down the road. In the interim, he's more of a 14 or 16 teamer. Still fun, though.
Kevin Love is very much in the streamer discussion but not a games cap level guy. Jarrett Allen's FG% is robust. But overall, no particularly earth-shattering fantasy valuation changes.
Read 46 tweets

Title: Gobert, Back in the Top 18

Yeah, you know where this is headed.

RTs and Likes, as always, are the steam in my engine.
#Nets @ #Cavaliers

LMA played great again and he's absolutely a must-start guy in games cap formats. Harder to deal with on the rest days in h2h but he's been so good lately he probably hangs on even there. Mills is a nice stream with Harris out.
Markkanen and Allen came back from various illnesses and looked great. Fire 'em up! Kevin Love is somehow hanging onto deep league value but his little baby-sized window to play more is gone. As is Ed Davis. Isaac Okoro needs to show me more consistency before I add there.
Read 31 tweets

1. Nature continues to surprise me in many ways. Let me give you some amazing examples.

➑️ Watch this one until the end.

Isn’t our planet amazing?

➑️ It deserves many retweets!

More videos in the thread🧡

#nature #wildlife #animals #cute

2. If you share a fascination for nature, please join the community of thousands of readers that start their day with inspiration from The Planet newsletter.

You can sign up for free or support via a paid subscription for the full experience.



3. This is another one I love. This bird is just having fun.

I love it to see animals being surprisingly clever, social, or just happily playing.

In many ways, they are like us. 😊

The thread continues 🧡

#birds #fun #animals #lovenature
Read 9 tweets
Stuff you can borrow and take home from the HCC Libraries, a thread 🧡 #hccfl
1/ Let’s talk #books πŸ“š DYK we have different book collections? The circ collection primarily supports research, but some campuses also have collections for fun reading (or research, we don’t judge)
2/ Most books are a 14-day loan but you can renew them twice ✌️ #comics, #fantasy, #mystery, #NYTimes best sellers... we have it all...
Read 8 tweets
And just like that, the big scary Rottweiler watchdog of accountability m&oversight that SHOULD be @ParliamentofRSA is AGAIN made a little yapping chihuahua as @PresidencyZA indicates it cannot make meeting to brief MPs on @RSASIU reports. @SECTION27news @PMG_SA @DemocracyWomen
The @PresidencyZA was suppose to give an update on all @RSASIU reports in #SCOPA.
The @RSASIU will also not give update on #DigitalVibes. The report was submitted to @PresidencyZA and @CyrilRamaphosa on 30 June and they asked @RSASIU for additional info by 2 July. So this 'flow of information' must be allowed 1st.
Read 4 tweets
So one of the biggest complaints I've seen from #Flyers fans over their efforts this season, is "they get scored on a lot, right after scoring".

So let's find out if this is true...
#FlyersTalk #AnytimeAnywhere
Through 28 games in 2020-21, the #Flyers have been scored on 18 times within 5 minutes of scoring a goal.
- 12 of those goals against came within 2min of scoring
- 4 of them came within 1min of scoring
- 2 of them came within 30 seconds of scoring
#FlyersTalk #AnytimeAnywhere
How does this compare to the rest of the league?

Most goals conceded within 5 minutes of scoring:
1. #Oilers - 28
2. #Caps - 22
3. #Leafs - 20
4. #Flames - 19
5. #Flyers/#GoldenKnights - 18

and the fewest:

31. #Stars/#Ducks - 4
29. #Sharks - 6
28. #Bruins - 7
27. #Kings - 8
Read 7 tweets
IT IS FINALLY DONE! My #SixFanartsChallenge
It was fun! Thank you for your suggestions and for the overwhelming reception! Please look for the full res versions on my profile (or other social media)

#SixFanarts: #Hawks #Kanamori #Howl #Azula #Madara #Rengoku Image
Hey everyone! like I said in the Hawks pic, I'm selling the original un-watermarked full res pics for each of these, for whatever reasons you may want them (be it to print your own posters, stickers, cases, wallpapers etc) for cheaper than the Redbubble products. DM me! 😊
If you prefer email, here's mine: [email protected]
You have no idea how much that would help me!

Thank you everyone for the support and the super kind reception for these, I can't thank you enough πŸ’•πŸ’•
Read 3 tweets
After seeing all of the negative messages towards Stan Bowman, I’d like to take this opportunity to tell @NHLBlackhawks fans how Stan Bowman helped save my life.

1/ I blew my ACL out on January 2nd 2012 & had surgery to repair my ligament. I was on a one year deal at close to...
2/ league minimum. When I came to the #Blackhawks, I had made several lifestyle changes. The most significant being I was clean and sober for the for the first time in my career. From everything. No NyQuil. No alcohol. No opiates. No weed. Nothing. I did 90 meetings in 90 days...
3/ And Steve Montador was helping to guide my transition into a new lifestyle. Bc of this, I made sure that everyone in the #Hawks organization knew the path I was on, to better help keep protect myself from myself. Fast forward to March 12th & I signed a new two year deal....
Read 10 tweets

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