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1/22 A THREAD about sex, gender, trans people and transphobia.

Summary: Gender cannot be reduced to biological sex.

#transgender #transphobia Abstract colorful spiral ar...
2/22 My academic background is from the History of Ideas, a discipline that looks at how language and words shape the way we see the world.

Learning is often about developing new concepts that help people see what was once hidden or not understood. Tiresias was a Greek man wh...
3/22 English language speakers use the words sex and gender to cover many very different phenomena, and the two terms are often mixed up.

This causes a lot of confusion.

Let us look at the different phenomena that are covered by these terms.

#Gender #BiologicalSex Picture from vintage ad wit...
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#Wokeness has taken a strong foothold in our degrading society these days. Thanks to the woke liberal leaders, they’re taking advantage of your feelings and scoring political points. Think for yourself & your kids, stop this woke indoctrination.

People are offended if they’re
-…… Image
Law & Order: Microaggression Victims Unit (MVU) 😂

Sounds appropriate for woke liberals

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How much $$ do we think @jonstewart got paid to pedal pseudoscience on @TheProblem? Or do we really think he is so ill informed to not know about the studies from Sweden, Finland and the UK that caused them to reverse course? 1/…

Did he read the recent Reuters article? 2/

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#YoungGCWomenUnite 🧵
Hey everyone, I’m a mom. I work in an allied healthcare profession. I’m a so called #terf. I don’t have a singular #peaktrans experience, but rather a culmination of experiences. So here we go!
Almost a decade ago, I learned that terms #genderdysphoria and #transgender. There were some people who had extreme distress about their sex and they felt happier looking and presenting like the opposite sex. They worked closely with doctors and therapists.
I didn’t care. None of my business. But when hospital coworkers and staff started saying #TransWomenAreWomen , I started to question it. How could they literally be women? #whatisawoman ?
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Therapist Thread 🧵 The difficulty in treating 'self-hatred'. BPD, other PD's, autism, aspergers, gender dysphoric clients who often present with extreme self-hatred. They have a great need to avoid their subjective internal experience or deflect it with external anger of hatred
They may be there in therapy but emotionally avoid, highly dissociate &/ or use drugs & alcohol, are hostile ("I hate all people", "no-one can help me", Shame- prone, isn't regular with appointments, never had a role model that cared for them in their life #therapy #hatredofself
Patients who attack themselves verbally or other is distressing for the #therapist The client has often hidden the level of self hatred they have. They have adapted in ways to hide this from themselves & others. Some feel they are punished by fate or karma. Some can't show how
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Today, we’re spotlighting #gender doctors who aren’t afraid to tell the truth.

First up: Dr Ilana Sherer of @UCSF @PedsOnCall. Ilana has said that her clinic has mental health care professionals “rubber-stamp” children’s diagnoses. Src: (1/11)
@UCSF @PedsOnCall Does Dr @dianeehrensaft1 of @UCSF, who has no right to use the word d*ke, expect us to celebrate the disappearance of #butch #lesbians? Butches were the backbone of our community until drs started medicalizing them away. Src: (2/11)
@UCSF @PedsOnCall @dianeehrensaft1 According to Dr Kellyn Lakhardt, Kaiser-Permanente @aboutKP in Oakland, CA has performed a cosmetic mastectomy on a 12-year-old and cosmetic genital removal on 16-year-olds. This IS happening to minors in the US. #healthcare Src: (3/11)
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THREAD: #ConversionTherapy is still around, but in the 21st century, it’s being rebranded as progressive. Today, Lesbians United is delving into the rampant medical abuse of #lesbian and #gay youth in the US. (1/10)
The science is clear: girls who are attracted to other girls are being targeted for medicalization. This is #ConversionTherapy, plain and simple. Src: #lesbianrights #SaveTheTomboys (2/10)
How are young lesbians being targeted? Through a DSM-V entry that treats non-conformity to stereotypes as a symptom of mental illness. Young #lesbians often fit this description. #SaveTheTomboys (3/10)
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What is the "affirmative model?"
#healthcare #therapy #mentalhealthmatters
Let's unpack the difference between the “watchful waiting method” and the “affirmative model,” & how the “affirmative model” locks kids into confusion, distress & medicalization for life. (1/10)
“Watchful waiting” means that parents, therapists, and teachers neither affirm nor deny a child’s desire to be the opposite sex. When a girl says she wants to be a boy, the adults in the room wait to see if she’ll grow out of it on her own. #mentalhealthawareness (2/10)
“Affirmation” means that a girl who wants to be a boy is told she IS a boy. Her parents have her birth certificate changed. Her teachers call her by a boy’s name. Her peers are ordered to play along. She’s given drugs to prevent normal maturation, and told she NEEDS them. (3/10)
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We need to talk about #genderdysphoria. First: what is it? Let’s ask @APAPsychiatric: #gendercritical #womenwontwheesht (1/9)
@APAPsychiatric It’s true that some kids experience distress or confusion over biological sex. But studies show that those feelings are likely to resolve on their own during puberty, without any interference. No diagnosis or medicalization needed. #mentalhealth (2/9)
@APAPsychiatric Up to 98% of kids who experience distress over #biosex desist naturally, depending on the study. Find the most recent study, in which 88% of subjects desisted, here: #healthcare #science (3/9)
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#Genderdysphoria & FASD short thread 🧵 #FASD is a brain-based disability, caused by alcohol. It is known as Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. It is a ‘Spectrum’ & often not visible physically. It often co-exists with #autism #adhd #aspergers #LD & remains largely under diagnosed
In #Australia, alcohol is part of the culture & part of life. It is a BIG problem. Mothers are cautioned largely not to drink & the fathers role is largely ignored, not realising their own addictions affect the foetus. Many children & teens have FASD Spectrum & they don’t know it
Nor do their parents. If the parents do know, there can be much guilt, denial, shame & lack of support. Many children with FASD are underdiagnosed or MISdiagnosed. There are a group of children/ teens with #FASD & #genderdysphoria (with or without #autism) #psychology
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I am in full support of the #perth West Australian hospital #genderclinic being in review. This mess cannot be cleaned up until #safeguarding is recognised #gillick full informed consent takes place, those that raise safety concerns are heard, the #teenagebrain is recognised…
…the evidence based research is interpreted appropriately #detrans voices are heard, therapists stop being #psychoactivists rather than #psychotherapists acknowledgement of differential diagnosis & primary diagnoses are given for those with #genderdysphoria #trans #detrans
I am in support of this just as I was with the @TaviAndPort #GIDS #genderclinic #kierabell legal matter for the reasons of #safeguarding and the reasons of health professionals being #silenced for real and valid concerns. I am in full support of both Finland and Sweden’s..
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👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 Posting the confidential anonymous safeguarding concerns from health professionals around the world RE: safeguarding children, medicalisation, ethics, therapy, ethical & moral dilemmas, workplace harassment, board/licensing harassment & any other related matters #donoharm
I speak with #HealthCareWorkers #professionals in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the United States, Europe, the UK, Sweden, Finland, amongst others. Their stories, POV & voices deserve to be heard and this is their space. I will tweet comment, field of work and country only.
“I am a board member of ***** , a clinical psychologist and supervisor. I have raised my concern several times with the board and each time falls on deaf ears. Nearing retirement and may speak publicly at that time”, Clinical Consultant Psychologist, Supervisor, USA
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Australian Judges to now oversee #transgender #teen treatment is a positive step forward and welcomed in order to safeguard children who are unable to give full #gillick #informedconsent…
Thank you @KLBfax for your #bravery and standing up for vulnerable children who deserve #safeguarding, should have been given full #gillick informed consent and should have had their immature prefrontal cortex, as a consequence of child development, taken into consideration
This decision supports the UK, Finland, and Sweden in an international shift towards caution for #children and safest ethical medical practice. The Australian #gender clinic remains unidentified at the moment
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I am trained in #developmental #psychology and #neuroscince. I have been screaming the #teenagebrain is #underreconstruction from the rooftops! Am totally ashamed of my peers who wilfully ignore this. #neuroplasticity #frontallobes #psychologists #gender #rogd #trans #detrans
The teenage brain is under reconstruction. The prefrontal cortex is not fully developed until minimum aged 25. A bit longer for males. The prefrontal cortex is largely responsible for: decision making, planning, organisation, focusing, impulsivity, aka executive functions
Managing emotions, predicting consequences of one’s choices and moderating social behaviour. This is #science #facts Anyone who says otherwise is brainwashed by #ideology Shame on any professional who ignores this #gender #trans #detrans #shame
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SEGM was glad to have been interviewed by @TheEconomist for this vital article on the controversial issue of medical transition of young people suffering from #GenderDysphoria. The full article is reproduced, with permission, in the link below. /1…
The article highlights the poorly-understood rise in cases of gender dysphoria among adolescents (especially females), and asks if the Western world has gotten the balance wrong by prematurely intervening with medical procedures with irreversible life-long consequences./2 Image
The ethical dilemma of how to best care for young dysphoric patients in the absence of evidence was highlighted by the UK High Court, which concluded that puberty blockers are experimental, and that patients <16 (and some as old as 17) are not able to give informed consent. /3 Image
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The UK High Court rules that #PubertyBlockers for normally-timed puberty are experimental and that young gender-dysphoric people (under 16) are unlikely to be able to provide meaningful informed consent.

Read SEGM's full statement below:…
It is not yet known whether there is long-term psychological harm or benefit, whether suicide rates are increased, decreased or unchanged, and whether blockers contribute to longer-term persistence of gender dysphoria and adverse impacts on future morbidity and mortality. /2
Ethical practitioners must humbly recognize the significant uncertainties in the field of gender medicine. We hope that the Court's landmark judgement will mark the beginning of international commitment to generating quality evidence base for young people with #GenderDysphoria./3
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1/n On the #KieraBell court ruling. This is a UK High Court legal review that has been set in motion since January. Defendant: The Tavistock And Portman NHS Foundation Trust.
The NHS England also enters as "Interested Party".…
2/ One point here: the #Tavistock, & anybody who cared, have had since January to brush up their data, & their legal arguments, since January. *Plenty* of time.

It involves not just #KieraBell, but another, Mrs. A..
A good start to understanding:…
3/ So what is the #KieraBell legal review case & ruling about?
The prescribing of puberty-suppressing meds to those under the age of 18 who experience #GenderDysphoria, by the #Tavistock, through its Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS).…
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I just read Irreversible Damage by @AbigailShrier about the phenomenon of soaring rates of F to M transition in girls and young women. Bravo to her for highlighting this, it should be a subject of societal concern — why is it happening, what are the risks? (Thread)
I found it puzzling however that the book offered a purely sociological theory — that girls are choosing to transition due to social contagion, subtle pressures from professionals, and a desire to alleviate pains of anxiety, depression, isolation. To me, this is dubious.
Sadly, #IrreversibleDamage was strangely devoid of *any* discussion of biological development of gender identity. There are 4 decades of scientific literature showing how gender (the brain's sex) is shaped in early development, sometimes shaped by abnormal hormonal exposures.
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Entire BALANCE of story is that a young person has to resort to court action to get 'assessment' for treatment at 'point of his need'…

Everything in this clip & the entirety of the #LGBAlliance content is simple evidence of #BBC #InstitutionalTransphobia
Given, it takes very little effort to see how (poisonous anti trans community inclusion) #LGBAlliance org is viewed by the Trans Community especially but I am certain the vast majority of the #LGBTi community, the #BBC are imo clearly acting as devious agent provocateur for it.
This is the #BBC engaging in lobbying #PublicOpinion in concert with the Westminster government current appearance to remove 'agency' from young people in seeking the very best professional support for their #GenderDysphoria AT THE POINT OF THEIR NEED. Arbitrary delay is torture!
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A study in AUS will track children and adolescents with #genderdysphoria being treated with hormones and surgery. The study unfortunately suffers from similar ethical and overall design flaws as the @NIH study being done in the US:…
Because there is no comparison group of “counseled only” children and adolescents, the study is both scientifically and ethically objectionable, and 6 psychiatrists have written the @BMJ expressing their concern about this:…
Excerpt: The Trans20 study aims to "document the natural history of gender diversity presenting in children." It isn't clear how the study design could allow observation of 'natural' history of #TGD youth when it intervenes in developmental trajectories of ALL 600 participants!
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Thread. Today, 3/31, is the International #Transgender Day of Visibility, #TDoV for short, to celebrate those, who got courage and decided to live authentically despite discrimination, abuse, biases, hate, and misunderstanding. 1/
Many of them struggle for choices they did not make, but they can do something about it. I got to meet many transgender people from many walks of life, heard their heart-wrenching stories. 2/
#GenderDysphoria is a real thing. It takes lives, it ruins families. If you feel at odds with your gender, do not even think you can beat it alone, do not delay, seek a therapist, a licensed independent clinical social worker at a gender clinic ... 3/
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