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🚨 GPT-4 has outperformed human entrepreneurs in a pitch competition! Investors and business owners found GPT-4 generated pitch decks to be more compelling, convincing, and of higher quality than those created by humans. #GPT4 #pitchcompetition

A quick recap👇 Image
🤖🤯 This game-changing solution not only saves time in creating a pitch deck but also has the potential to be a highly lucrative option. Entrepreneurs should consider using GPT-4 to increase their chances of securing funding and impressing investors. #AI #investing #funding
💡The implications are clear: if you want to captivate investors, you should reconsider writing your own pitch decks. GPT-4 has unveiled a groundbreaking opportunity to disrupt the traditional approach to securing funding. #Pitching #Investment
Read 10 tweets
🚨🤖📈 Exciting news! Sequoia just dropped a study on the Language Model Stack, and it shows rapid growth in AI applications. 🤯
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📊 The study shows that nearly every company in the Sequoia network is building language models into their products, with 65% already in production. #sequoia #languagemodelstack
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💻 Companies are using language model APIs for everything from auto-complete features for code to chatbots for customer support. And OpenAI's GPT is the clear favorite foundation model API, with 94% of companies using it. #AI #chatbots
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Here are a few simple life hacks to improve your everyday routine

A Twitter thread...

#thursdaymorning #thursdayvibes #thursdaymood #ThursdayThought #Business #Entrepreneurship #DailyWisdom Image
1) Prioritize Health

Your health is vital for giving your best at work. Prioritize physical and mental well-being through activities like meditation, yoga, or treadmill workouts. Your health fuels your success.

#SelfCare #wellness #WellnessJourney
2) Don't Skip Morning Routine

Entrepreneurs know the value of good health. Dedicate a few minutes each morning to prioritize your well-being. Don't skip it—those minutes can set the tone for a productive day.

#EntrepreneurLife #MorningRoutine #MorningLive #Entrepreneurship
Read 10 tweets
Have you ever thought of Joining a free and fun Business Masterclass?

Join a cinematic experience unlocking business secrets with these powerful Movies.

A thread 🧵

#movies #entrepreneurs #business #Entrepreneurship #movienight #weekendmood Image
7. The Social Network
6. Steve Jobs
Read 12 tweets
Recently Zerodha's Nithin Kamath on its success said: "Lucky to be at right place, right time..."

But this is not all.

Here's a Thread:

The Inspiring Success Story of Zerodha 🚀📈
1/ Zerodha, founded by brothers Nikhil and Nithin Kamat in 2010, has revolutionized the Indian brokerage industry with its innovative approach and relentless focus on empowering retail investors and traders. Let's dive into their incredible journey! #ZerodhaSuccessStory
2/ Zerodha started with a simple yet powerful vision:
To democratize access to the financial markets by providing affordable and technology-driven brokerage services.They challenged the status quo and introduced a flat fee structure, disrupting the traditional brokerage model.💡
Read 10 tweets
🚀 Passionate about Development, Investing, Writing, and Entrepreneurship! 🌟 Crafting innovation, navigating volatility, and communicating impact are my specialties. Join me on this exciting journey towards building my empire!
💡 Need advice? Look no further! As a seasoned investor earning at very young age, I'm here to help. Ask me anything, and I'll provide you with valuable insights for FREE! Let's grow together and achieve financial success. 📈💪 #InvestmentExpert #FinancialAdvice
🌐 Exciting opportunities await! By combining my coding skills, investment expertise, and storytelling prowess, I'm ready to conquer the world. Join me as we explore the limitless possibilities together. 🚀🔥 #Entrepreneurship #UnlimitedPotential
Read 6 tweets
7 Simple Life Hacks for You! A twitter thread...

Here are simple tips to improve your #life and feel the difference. Here’s how you can do it: Image
1) Prioritize Your Health

It doesn’t take time to stay #healthy, wealthy, and wise. Unfortunately, we don’t pay much attention to our personal well-being.

You should know that no work is more important than your #health. Whatever you do make sure it doesn’t affect your health.
Here’s what I do:

Every morning, I practice #yoga for my mental and physical well-being. In addition, I always make sure that my daily diet includes leafy vegetables and fresh fruits. Because I believe health is wealth.

Read 13 tweets
Today, many startup founders wonder how to write a great blurb for their firms. Well, it's not rocket science, but effort has to be there! A twitter thread...

#startups #blurb #intro #pitch #gist #economics #business #finance #investment Image
A great blurb always helps startup owners effectively introduce their products & services to their target audience. Besides increasing the sales, a short yet crispy blurb can also attract investors for startup funding. It can be a tool to attract the best talents, too. #HR #IT
Your startup blurb should be different for different purposes, but here’s what a great blurb should consist of:

-A pitch within 25 words.
-Use bullet points to highlight relevant stuff.
-Additional context
Read 11 tweets
Did you know some skills that are too difficult to learn but will help you throughout your life?

Unless you’re passionate and committed to mastering them, you can't learn them! A twitter thread... #Inspiration #Talents #Business #LifeSkills Image
Communication Skills

When you have excellent communication skills, you can excel at whatever you do in life. You can also expect a quick promotion in your job and a smooth career journey ahead.

#Profession #Lifegoals #Lifehacks #Communication #BodyLanguage
Listening Skills

Someone said it a long time back to never stop listening. Being a good listener can be a great way to make professional friends and enhance your network. As a good listener, you understand what others are saying, which can help you make an informed decision.
Read 14 tweets
4 ways to beat Procrastination and start working on your #startup idea 💡

Procrastination has become an unavoidable element of modern living.

But, if you try to understand the science behind procrastination, you can save yourself.
#Procrastination #DoItBetter #Mondaymorning

Procrastination is the urge to delay doing something that should be done.

There's a saying - "Take action today for a better tomorrow."

But many aspiring entrepreneurs just don't start. Why?

#Motivation #Action #PositiveVibesOnly
Let’s start with understanding the four major reasons behind procrastinating in taking action on a business idea, followed by what should be done:
Read 9 tweets
A thread On • @OnInnsaei
" Innsaei Ventures Pvt ltd "
Founders - @itsSSR and Varunmathur
#Innsaei #SushantSinghRajput𓃵
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What @OnInnsaei actually Is
" Innsaei, an ancient Icelandic word for Intuition, is a first-of-its-kind venture that is working on the convergence of Intellectual Property and Emerging Technologies .
#SushantSinghRajput𓃵 #Innsaei
2/n Image
The Intellectual property represents an important financial and legal asset for companies, including startups. To protect its IP, a startup need to take several measures.
#SushantSinghRajput𓃵 #Innsaei
Read 21 tweets
So many "useful idiots" who are promoting a World Economic Forum agenda involving extreme frugality, fanatical saving, and a zero consumption mindset. Adopting mediocrity so you can live a life on par with a broke co-ed is not a financial plan. Here's 7 things to do instead:
#1) Don't become a Klaus Schwab stooge and adopt "settling for less" as a financial strategy. Real financial freedom doesn't involve budgets, stock market allegiance, and blind hope and patience.
#2) Start a business. But not just any business, it must be a business that meets the CENTS commandments, of pertinence, it must eventually divest yourself from the "time-for-money" trade and work while you're not working. Systems work 24/7. You work whenever.
Read 10 tweets
Drowning in newsletters?

Can't read them all, but want to stay up to date?

Use @OpenAI's ChatGPT and @zapier to automatically summarize them and build a rollup for you every day.

Here's how:
1. Trigger Zap upon receiving email

Select the “new email matching search” event.

Set up a search filter based on the addresses of all the newsletters you get. So it will look something like:

FROM: [email protected] OR [email protected] Image
2. Format date

Convert the complex date/time string from the email to something cleaner, like below. I strongly recommend converting to your own time zone to prevent confusion. Image
Read 17 tweets
Unlock the Vault: 🗝️
Hidden Tax Benefits for Indian Startups to Boost Growth 🇮🇳🚀

Namaste! 🙏
Many Indian startups overlook valuable tax benefits as per the Indian Income Tax Act and other relevant acts, leaving lakhs or even crores of rupees unclaimed. 💰📉
Example 1: R&D tax benefits (Section 35 of Income Tax Act) 🧪🔬

Innovative Indian startups can claim tax deductions for their research and development activities, allowing them to reinvest in their business and accelerate growth. 💡🚀
Example 2: Carry forward losses (Section 72 of Income Tax Act) 💼📈

Don't let initial business losses hold you back!

Carry forward those losses for up to 8 years to offset future profits, easing the burden during expansion and growth phases. 🌱📊
Read 7 tweets
1/7 📢A new speaker will join our conference - @TaranuDaniel2, Co-founder verdon. | Co-founder Titan Stake @titanstake | Co-founder Entity

Read more about him in this🧵👇

#MultiversX #SeedCaptain #TitanStake #EGLD #CTP #EntityFinance
2/7 📚He is an entrepreneur with a great passion & concrete go-getting 10+ years’ experience for business development. After Daniel’s graduation from ULBS, he pursued a career in business development where he achieved a success after a success in various fields &industries.
3/7 🛠 Along with his entrepreneurial success and long business development experience, he has a true passion for technology, the blockchain and cryptocurrency scenes, which pushed him to indulge himself into learning all about the field since 2014.
Read 7 tweets
What are the telltale signs that your biz is going the downward spiral? When biz is going the downward trajectory, there are usually early warning signals to look out for & can help you deal with the matter before it gets out of hand!
Courtsey image
1/11 When you realize customers complaints are on the increase, your are dealing with length queues, and worst case, you have lost some of your key customers that you heavily relied on. This is detrimental to the business cashflow!
2/11 Your sales are steadily declining, hence affecting your profitability. This is is a clear sign that things are not going well!
Read 12 tweets
Entrepreneurs, are you tired of paying hefty taxes?

Don't worry! We got you covered!

Check out these top tax-saving tips that can benefit your business and your bottom line. (1/n)

#entrepreneurs #taxes #taxsavings #taxtips
#1 Hire Family Members & Relatives:

You can reduce your tax liability by paying salaries to family members, which are tax-deductible. Their income may also be below the taxable threshold. (2/n)

#tax #taxexemption #taxliability
#2 Deduct Business Expenses for Travel & Accommodation:

Business travel expenses such as tickets and accommodation can be deducted from your taxable income, thus reducing your tax liability.

#taxliability #businessexpenses #deductions
Read 14 tweets
I live in Silk Board, the flyover of my dreams 😶‍🌫️

A decent underwear costs Rs 245. People need at least 6 pairs of underwear, but if you are poor 3 will do. But did you know spending on underwear will cost you lakhs? 🤯😲🤯

Here's why I won't buy underwear🧵
To being with you need at least 6 underwears, which means, you'll have to spend Rs 1470. If you had invested at 12% in an index fund, you would've saved ₹ 44,048!!!!!
The world is getting hotter due to climate change, which means chafing will increase, which means, underwear will tear faster. So you'll need 6 more underwear every year.

So Rs 1470 (1470/12=122) every year at 12% for 50 years = 48 lakhs 🤯

Avg Indian life expectancy is 70!
Read 8 tweets
The more I read, the more I'm amazed about Charlie Munger. Today, I'd like to write about the mental model of "Thought Experiment". Charlie Munger is the right-hand man of Warren Buffet and he's known for his practical and straightforward approach to investing. thought experiment mental model
2/15: Thought experiments involve imagining a situation and then examining the possible consequences of that situation. Munger believes that doing this can help us make better decisions and avoid costly mistakes.
3/15: For example, let's say you're considering investing in a new technology startup. A thought experiment would involve imagining the best-case and worst-case scenarios for that investment.
Read 19 tweets

I've always wondered about the investing success of Charlie Munger. I don't agree with him in everything he says, especially about #bitcoin. But, I try to learn from his life.

In this thread, you will learn more on Circle of Competence, Charlie Munger's Mental Model Image

Circle of Competence is a mental model introduced by Charlie Munger. Circle of Competence is all about focusing on what you know best and avoiding the rest.

According to Charlie Munger, you have to know what you know and what you don't know. Your circle of competence is the area where you have expertise and knowledge. Something you're comfortable explaining to others in plain, simple language.
Read 13 tweets
Vous utilisez #WhatsApp tous les jours, mais connaissez-vous l'histoire fascinante de son co-fondateur, Jan Koum ? Découvrez comment cet immigrant est devenu un milliardaire grâce à son entreprise de messagerie et comment il utilise sa fortune pour aider les autres. #SuccessStory Image
Jan Koum est né en 1976 en Ukraine et a immigré aux États-Unis avec sa famille alors qu'il était adolescent. Ils ont eu du mal à joindre les deux bouts et ont vécu dans des conditions précaires.
Malgré cela, Jan Koum a développé une passion pour la programmation informatique et a commencé à apprendre à coder par lui-même. Il a ensuite étudié à l'université de San Jose en Californie, tout en travaillant comme ingénieur chez Ernst & Young.
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This AM I entered the uranium sector in a small manner. Been watching the market and learning for some time now. I bought pure play physical uranium trust units. Not explorers, not producers. I may or may not buy producers, possibly explorers.
Given the spot price of uranium is a secret until the last day of each month and the longitudinal spot price suffered immensely post-Fukushima now is a moment to act. Others, bolder, perhaps much smarter, moves a year or so ago.👏
There have been some instantial minor see-saws for the last decade, but the market has gradually strengthened and a number of factors are bringing nuclear power into the public psyche.
Read 19 tweets
#India's #startup ecosystem raised $455 million across 24 deals last week (Jan.16-21,'23) with #fintech #unicorn PhonePe turning decacorn at $12 billion valuation.
#StartupIndia #DigitalIndia #VentureCapital #funding #Entrepreneurship #innovation #Motivation #prosunjoyi #Thread Image
#India's #startup ecosystem raised $126 million off 16 deals last week (Jan.23-28,'23) across #cybersecurity, #deeptech, #energy, #gaming, #logistics, #SaaS, etc. with total #funding for Jan.'23 crossing $1 billion. #StartupIndia #DigitalIndia #VentureCapital #inspiration #Thread India's startup ecosystem's funding round up for the last week and also for the January month + an inspirational quote stating that your present circumstances don't determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start.
#India's #startup ecosystem raised $49 million off 12 deals last week (Jan.30-Feb.4,'23) across #EVs, #freight, #manufacturing, etc. #StartupIndia #DigitalIndia #VentureCapital #leadership #founders #Entrepreneurship #MondayMotivation #inspiration #innovation #prosunjoyi #Thread Image
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➡️ One casual observation from my trip in Costa Rica: there are entrepreneurs everywhere

➡️ At restaurants, waiters have side hustles doing sales to sign people up for local excursions

➡️ At the beach, it's an entrepreneur trying to sell you juice or a beer. 1/x
➡️ This is not a political post but is simply my own opinion: America should take note of the hustle in countries like Costa Rica

➡️ If you lose your job, instead of seeking unemployment or sitting and playing Xbox, start shoveling snow or mowing lawns. 2/x
➡️ There is a ton of opportunity out there, and there are many potential markets, services, and clients that need various things

➡️ Start hustling a bit more and complaining a bit less

➡️ If you aren't happy with your job, start a side hustle and turn it into your main hustle
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