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๐๐‚๐โ€™๐ฌ ๐‘๐ž๐ฅ๐ฎ๐œ๐ญ๐š๐ง๐œ๐ž ๐ญ๐จ ๐œ๐จ๐ฆ๐ฉ๐ฅ๐ฒ ๐ฐ๐ข๐ญ๐ก ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐Ÿ๐ž๐๐ž๐ซ๐š๐ฅ ๐‘๐“๐ˆ ๐€๐œ๐ญ, ๐Ÿ๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ• ๐š๐ง๐ ๐ฉ๐ฅ๐š๐ฒ๐ข๐ง๐  ๐š ๐ฅ๐จ๐ฌ๐ข๐ง๐  ๐›๐š๐ญ๐ญ๐ฅ๐ž:
On Jul 6, 2021, I filed an Info request to @TheRealPCB under #federal #RTI Act for obtaining information
regarding contracts signed with legal firms to represent PCB at legal forums and copies of contracts signed by #PCB with cricket managers. No response was received from @TheRealPCBMedia @TheRealPCB & I lodged an appeal with @PkInfoCom on 27 July 2021.
in response to my letter, PCB quoted โ€œthe magic time frame itself shows that the law at hand is being abused for personal and ulterior motivesโ€. I submitted my argument to @PkInfoCom on 27 Aug 2021 that the response of PCB lawyers is evasive and not satisfactory.
Read 12 tweets
1. #Libyaโ€™s #constitutional basis (not) agreed upon btw #HoR-HCS was released โ€œEmbarrassingโ€ doc: creates more prb than CDA draft & reveals hasty drafting. Instead of bringing 2 houses together, it is now dividing each of them. Observations on this doc:
2. Note: The text was supposed to be an amended version of the CDAโ€™s draft constitution. Unless explicitly mentioned, the below observations deal only with amendments inserted during the two houses' Cairo-Geneva talks.
3. Art 2 on minority languages makes them official โ€œin areas where they are spokenโ€. Not acceptable to minority groups who want them official languages of the State. CDA original text remained constructively vague and envisioned a parliamentary session to deal w the matter.
Read 25 tweets
Umm. Hasn't anyone at @MoJGovUK told @DominicRaab that a "Bill of Rights Bill" won't enter the statute books as a #BillOfRights (if passed) but only as a Bill of Rights *Act*?

We still have to wait for the Bill to be published, of course - but the petty press release:โ€ฆ

makes it clear this isn't a #BillOfRights; it's not even a #BillOfGoods - it's a Bill of #Bads and #Wrongs that starts off poorly, and then gets even worse...
Even as it characterises #HumanRights claims as "trivial", the Government reveals its fatuity; the example it gives ๐Ÿ‘‡ refers to a ruling that simply required the UK Courts to see through *their own process*!

Just how "trivial" does this Government consider #DueProcess to be?? Confirm that interim measures from the European Court of Hum
Read 8 tweets
Appalling bit of subediting(?) but the article itself lays out both the history and US context of #RoeVsWade and the consequences of overturning it with rather more nuance:โ€ฆ The Times view on US abortion law and overturning Roe v Wade
The "right approach" the writer appears to support ๐Ÿ‘‡ is the codification of the #RightToChoose into federal #law - which should have happened decades ago. The major issue being the parlous state of US politics... What it should also do is push the issue to the top of the p
For the avoidance of doubt, I absolutely support women's #RightToChoose - it is not for ANY authority to tell people what they can or can't do with their bodies. Anger is justified, but not enough; this is an issue around which people must #mobilise and begin taking back #agency.
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As the dust settles on the civilian coup here are a few key takeaways: 1) #IK has lost morally and politically. the #Opposition wanted the #selectedPM out and new elections, and this will happen. #IK dragged his feet but eventually this has been the result. 1/n
2) Beyond politics, #IK has now clearly undermined the #Constitution, the Supreme National Institution. Article 95 is a self contained provision, which gives the #Speaker no power once leave has been granted for #VoNC. A vote has to be done, no matter what. 2/n
3) Article 69 is about matters of procedure in Legislature and doesn't apply if the Speaker decides to throw out the Constitution itself. Imagine if the Speaker decides to not count the votes of Women or non-Muslim MNAs? Would that be allowed by the SC. 3/n
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#GujaratHighCourt continues hearing plea challenging #prohibition on manufacture, sale and consumption of #liquor in the State under the Gujarat Prohibition Act.

Hearing before Bench of CJ Vikram Nath & Justice Biren Vaishnav. Image
AG Kamal Trivedi begins submissions.

AG Kamal Trivedi: It is not permissible for this Court to adjudicate on a matter already decided by the Supreme Court.

AG Kamal Trivedi: I agree with Mr. Joshi, the #Contitution is a live document but for this the Petitioners may be relegated to the #SupremeCourt.
Read 29 tweets
"#FBI #Seeking #Information Related to #Violent #Activity at the U.S Capitol Buildingโ€ฆ

The @FBI is seeking information that will assist in identifying individuals who are #actively #instigating #violence in Washington, DC."

1-800-CALL-FBI(1-800-225-5324) Image
"The #FBI is accepting #tips & #digital #media depicting rioting & violence in the U.S. #Capitol Building & surrounding area in #Washington, DC, on January 6, 2021."โ€ฆ

If file > limit, please call 1-800-CALL-FBI (1-800-225-5324) for additional instructions Image
"If you have witnessed unlawful violent actions, we urge you to submit any information, photos, or videos that could be relevant at"โ€ฆ

If file exceeds limit, please call 1-800-#CALL-#FBI (1-800-225-5324) for additional instructions Image
Read 7 tweets
Piecing it all Together: What if this election fraud campaign, done in several states, is nothing more than a college exam scam on steroids? What if we have the entire crimeโ€™s evidence already in hand? @RudyGiuliani @SidneyPowell1 @LLinWood @dbongino @MariaBartiromo @tracybeanz
First, letโ€™s ask some simple common sense questions. If this wasnโ€™t Trump, and was Hillary running for re-election against a GOP challenger, with her having a lead in ALL battleground states, would the count have stopped? ๐Ÿค”
Then thereโ€™s a lot of other facts LEADING UP to 2020 election, occurrences AFTER counting stopped & BEFORE GOP witnesses returned the next day, none of which passes the smell test.
Read 18 tweets
@d9monti @shannonrwatts I think #Democrats are misunderstanding (and underestimating) the #GOP/#Trump play here.

They are *NOT* trying to win these frivolous lawsuits!

What they *ARE* trying to do is:

1. Delay #vote certifications; and/or,
2. Keep multiple lawsuits alive in various #states.

@d9monti @shannonrwatts Thus allowing #GOP controlled legislatures to declare that b/c the #election results are disputed (see: lawsuits) they have no option but to "reluctantly" exercise their #Constitutional duty under Article II Section 1 Clauses 2 thereof & appoint their own #electors!


@d9monti @shannonrwatts State legislatures #GOP controls:

1. #Arizona (11 Electoral Votes)
2. #Georgia (16 Electoral Votes)
3. #Wisconsin (10 Electoral Votes)
4. #Michigan (16 Electoral Votes)
5. #Pennsylvania (20 Electoral Votes)

= 73 Electoral Votes #GOP legislatures will try to flip to #Trump.

Read 5 tweets
#Thailand #protesters already gathered infront of parliament house where MPs & senators are debating on whether to amend #constitution. They'll likely be able to start taking a vote at about 6pm #Bangkok time. This is continuation of reform demands #เน„เธ›เธชเธ เธฒเน„เธฅเนˆเธ‚เธตเน‰เธ‚เน‰เธฒเธจเธฑเธเธ”เธดเธ™เธฒ
#Thailand MPs, senators to vote on 6 motions on whether they agree to amend #constitution. A least 1/3 (84) senators have to agree before motion can be passed. Senators are appointed & usually vote as a bloc. Constitution now has provided for their existence #เนเธเน‰เธฃเธฑเธเธ˜เธฃเธฃเธกเธ™เธนเธ
Read 44 tweets
@UNHumanRights Chief @mbachelet says #Myanmar disagrees with her office's findings on #HumanRights abuses/#violations but she renews her offer to engage with government as that's the best way to address issue. She also hopes to see women cabinet ministers after Nov 8 elections ImageImageImageImage
@UNHumanRights @mbachelet calls on #Myanmar to achieve successful & fair #elections for democratic transition by allowing all sectors of population including those living in #Rakhine #Chin #Shan to vote without discrimination. Regrets no steps taken to allow #Rohingyas to vote ImageImageImageImage
@UNHumanRights @mbachelet offers #Myanmar assistance in areas like #constitutional changes strengthening civilian/democratic control, activities to end #military impunity, new national identity based on tolerance/diversity & address statelessness to tackle #humanrights #abuses Image
Read 13 tweets
A Thread
Read this attached bit of text. It is taken from a major widely read international newspaper with key geographic details removed. Your task: To guess which part of the world is this about:
North Korea?
Xin Jiang?

Whichever one you guessed, you'd be wrong Image
It is from #Kashmir. It is from @TheEconomist Sept 12th.
"India is still trampling on civil liberties in Kashmir" is the headline. with a picture of a deserted street guarded by armed troops - not to keep the enemy out but to keep the citizens locked in. Image
Read the article here. #India's Kashmir policy is a shambles, an abject failure, if 370 days after the #Article370 #Constitutional change, it takes armed repression rather than a functioning administration to present an outward sense of a deathly calm.โ€ฆ
Read 3 tweets
1-Today is #Thursday โ€“ the day of #Jupiter.

#Jupiter is all about expansion,

..#Relationships, the #soul or the #Jeeva and #family and #Ayurveda. (1/25)
2-So, what does #Ayurveda say about man and woman coming together, producing children?

What are the healthy ways to do it?

In that spirit, we will discuss some bit of #Astrology as well as some bit of #Ayurveda. (2/25)
3-This also adds to #เค—เคฐเฅเคญเคพเคงเคพเคจ and #Conception threads

..and the role #Astrology and #Ayurveda play in it

..what @shashankupadhy_ has been talking about (3/25)
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Remember the version of the #Cleveland #Police Department that showed up at the #Republican National Convention in the summer of 2016? That was then, this is now. Appalling images from the #GeorgeFloyd protest show officers are far from reformed.โ€ฆ
#Reporter @LeilaAtassi writes: "They were the picture of #constitutional #policing, representing #Cleveland when all the world was watching. Working alongside law enforcement officers from across the country, Cleveland #police managed even the most volatile demonstrations..."
"... on downtown streets with #professionalism, #civility & respect for the rights of citizens. Observers worried that the embattled #police department โ€“ then operating under its first year of a federal consent decree governing use of force โ€“ would overly restrict protests..."
Read 18 tweets
1/The same @realDonaldTrump, #President #Reagan has raised his concern regarding #CORRUPTION in the system.
In every state, Intel communityโ€™s main responsibility is to find out& eliminate CORRUPTION.
@POTUS @VP @seanhannity @TomFitton @FoxNews @marklevinshow @USAttorneys Image
2/So #CORRUPT agents who abuse power to their Personal&Political gains are NOT reliable&considered as the main source of INFECTION, spreading their dirtiness nationwide,significantly to @TheJusticeDep,since everything is under their influence/manipulating background,hiring,firing
3/The main step to keep Nation Secured/Safe &put an end to further Conspiracies is to make a decisive Reform in #cia #fbi.. kick well-dressed #MOBS& #CRIMINALS out& bring them to JUSTICE otherwise NO safe haven for people, NO credibility for the center& decent agents.
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@ailsa_henderson will be on @BBCRadioScot and @McEwen_Nicola on @BBCScotland tonight from 10pm both discussing the exit poll and analysing the seats as come in. Ailsa will also be on @BBCScotland Friday morning as the last of the seats are announced. Tune in!
@ailsa_henderson @BBCRadioScot @McEwen_Nicola @BBCScotland #GeneralElectionResults raise more questions than they answer @ailsa_henderson what is clear is that Scottish voters are rewarding parties that marked out their position on the #constitutional polls @BBCScotland
@ailsa_henderson @BBCRadioScot @McEwen_Nicola @BBCScotland #Independence complicated by #Brexit @McEwen_Nicola There are big issues for @theSNP to address before they should launch a campaign @BBCScotland @GlennBBC
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No @jimgeraghty this issue is not that @DavidAFrench disagrees with @realDonaldTrump!

The issue is that his way was losing and wouldn't have worked. @JebBush was never or no other establishment @GOP was going to win any other elections!

...had found THE key to keep the young and progressive on a perpetual readiness to wage war. SOCIAL JUSTICE was broken down & replaced with @washingtonpost @nytimes validating 1 sides thoughts over the other!

The issue with @DavidAFrench is he is ready to throw away his...
....principles when his sensibilities are hurt. @judgeroymooreAL was a God sent and the best test for true conservatives!

The purity tests! All those who failed are easy to list. Suddenly the constitutionalists like @JonahDispatch @jpodhoretz @DavidAFrench @stephenfhayes...
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We started this week with a blog from @DanielWinc @Jaclarner @WalesGovernance @UKandEU discussing #GeneralElection2019 in Wales, where this #election is likely to be different from those in the past.โ€ฆ Image
'The Spanish model of territorial accommodating its nationalities, once a factor for stability is now in crisis' Michael Keating reflects on the results of last week's election in #Spainโ€ฆ Image
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Throughout #GeneralElection2019 we will analyse where the parties stand on constitutional issues. Following the launch #LabourManifesto @UKLabour @Coree_Brown looks at their commitments โฌ‡โ€ฆ
@UKLabour #manifesto sets out their social and economic programmes and their plan for #Brexit. However, engagement with the broader #constitutional questions facing the #UK are minimal.
#Constitutional issues are detailed at the back. Abolish the @UKHouseofLords replace it with a Senate, and hold a #constitutional convention to address some of the thorny issues, all of which have been included in previous manifestos.
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No surprises here where #Thailand court has disqualified key #opposition leader @FWPthailand @Thanathorn_FWP as #MP as they found him guilty of holding shares in a media company after registering his candidacy for the #Thai election early this year
Back in May this year when #Thailand #parliament convened for the 1st time after March elections, after 5 years of #military rule, @FWPthailand leader @Thanathorn_FWP was already barred from sitting in as #MP by #constitutional #court then over this same media shareholding case
Read 3 tweetsโ€ฆ
โ€” Nov. 4th, 2019 (Updated at 12:01 p.m):

โ€ข โ€œTrumpโ€™s attorneys began to comply before suing to block the subpoena when they learned that Vance's office was also seeking the president's tax returns for the past eight years.โ€
โ€ข โ€œA district court judge ...
... threw out the lawsuit, prompting a quick appeal from Trumpโ€™s lawyers and an expedited schedule from the Second Circuit.โ€

โ€ข โ€œThe ruling sets the stage for a potential battle before the Supreme Court, where Trump's legal team has vowed to take the fight.โ€

โ€ข โ€œ...Trumpโ€™s ...
attorneys have agreed to fast-track the case to the Supreme Court in the hopes of getting it before the justices this term.โ€

โ€ข โ€œThe agreement requires Trumpโ€™s attorneys to petition the Supreme Court within ten days after the circuit courtโ€™s decision.โ€ โ€” by 11/14/2019: #crickets
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Tweet thread on #Kashmir #Article370 #Constitutional changes.
I fear the travails and tribulations of the people of #JammuAndKashmir will continue for a very long time before they get better. The changes wrought on 5 August 2019 by #ModiSarkar2 are driven by ideology and politics
They are not driven by pragmatic considerations of what is good for the people of that troubled region of India. #ModiSarkar2 argues that with the special status gone development beckons and a new dawn starts. What they don't explain is what about the previous regime prevented it
Much will depend on how the changes are implemented but the very manner in which they were pushed through Parliament, the various sleights of hand and specious legal tricks, and the deployment of troops to #lockdown Kashmir - all these bode ill for the future
Read 16 tweets
30. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Australia, Jordan, Nato in Syria

#RegimeChange #FakeNews #FalseFlag #terrorism #SyriaInvasion #WarCrimes #CrimesAgainstHumanity
1 to 20. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Australia, Jordan, Nato in Syria ๐Ÿคจ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผโ€ฆ
21. The Legacy of US, UK, France, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bahrain, Canada, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Australia, Jordan, Nato in Syria๐Ÿคจ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผโ€ฆ
Read 185 tweets

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