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What a disaster. #CoastalGasLink tried to lay a pipeline through this wild salmon wetland while it was frozen. Then the whole thing melted. Now construction is halted because they can’t get vehicles in. The road is floating. Image
This is Gosnell Creek on Wet'suwet'en territory – home to coho, steelhead, rainbows, cutthroat, Dollies, bull trout, whitefish and more. The B.C. government calls it “a pristine wilderness area with high fisheries and wildlife values.” Not anymore.
The company is now under eight (!) different stop-work orders because of failures like this. From the northern Rockies to the Kitimat River, CGL is sending mud and construction debris into fish habitat. ImageImageImage
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BREAKING: #CoastalGasLink has been ordered to stop work on a three kilometre section of pipeline. Inspectors caught the company pumping sediment-laden water into an unapproved location, where it flowed into an environmentally sensitive fish-bearing tributary of the Anzac River.
This is a violation of the company's 2022 compliance agreement with the B.C. Environmental Assessment Office, after repeat failures to control sediment and erosion along the pipeline route. The stop-work order goes into effect at 6pm today. #bcpoli
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1/ As Canada grapples with its ongoing legacy of violently dispossessing Indigenous peoples of their lands & waters to make way for resource extraction, our public pension funds have a clear role to play in the process of reconciliation. #cdnpoli #UNDRIP…
2/ But only a handful of pensions have taken steps to develop an Indigenous rights & reconciliation framework in their investment processes. This is particularly troubling for pension managers that are Crown corporations in jurisdictions that have enacted #UNDRIP in law. #cdnpoli
3/ @aimcoinvests, @LaCDPQ, @cppinvestments, @HOOPPnow, OMERS and @OTPPinfo have said virtually nothing about Indigenous rights and reconciliation, despite collectively having more than $1.5 billion in assets in Canada and around the world. #onpoli #polqc #ableg
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1/ Fisheries and Oceans Canada is investigating #CoastalGasLink after Wet’suwet’en chiefs captured video footage of the pipeline company violating environmental regulations on sensitive salmon-spawning rivers on their unceded territory. #cdnpoli #bcpoli…
2/ “It was alarming,” said Tsebasa, a Likhts’amisyu clan chief. “It’s just really hard to process. I was really quite disturbed by the complete disregard for the salmon, the water, the people — our rights as Wet’suwet’en people.” #cdnpoli #bcpoli…
3/ The Wet’suwet’en have never given their consent to the #CoastalGasLink fracked gas pipeline. They're suing the pipeline company, RCMP & a private security firm for using intimidation, harassment, & unlawful detention to make way for construction.…
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To all who think the NDP can be reformed, whether BC or AB or even fed:

My former gas pipeline engineer is sending out warnings about new AB pipelines crossing BC: "Now Notley is starting up again about pipelines to tidewater. NDP still owned by O&G corps like before... #bcpoli
.."Of the three pipelines authorized for the North, Pacific Trail and Westcoast Connector are owned by Enbridge and the third, Prince Rupert Gas Transmission pipeline, is owned by TC Energy Corp., the company currently building #CoastalGasLink..."
"All three have their environmental assessment certificates, a blanket authorization allowing the pipelines to move forward...Those 3 approved lines across BC need to be reconsidered with an environmental "no" this time before AB decides they will serve AB. Eby can't wait..."
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The @globeandmail just published an editorial responding to the government's sectoral emissions cap proposal and claiming that reducing oil and gas production in Canada is not an option. It may seem that they're admonishing the liberals here, but it's actually more subtle. 1/
The Liberal government's emissions cap proposal is already deliberately being designed to avoid cutting oil and gas production. Hell, Guilbeault just made a statement about "flexibility" for oil companies and his colleague Jonathan Wilkinson is full steam ahead on new projects 2/
What's happening in this Globe editorial is a deliberate political intervention designed to preclude any discussion of drawing down Cdn oil and gas production. They are relegating a reduction in fossil fuels to the naive and "radical" world of young climate activists 3/
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The #Wetsuweten solidarity call is starting now!! We will be livetweeting it on this acc 😊

You can watch the livestream HERE 👇… #KillTheDrill #CoastalGasLink #RBCIsKillingMe
What a beautiful song to start us off 🎶🎶🎶 ❤️❤️❤️
Live transcripts are available in English and French and a live translation is available in French as well!

There will be a Q&A at the end... email your questions to
[email protected]! #KillTheDrill
Read 18 tweets
The federal government’s decision to approve a $10-billion loan guarantee for Trans Mountain isn’t surprising, but @FinanceCanada's refusal to be transparent about TMX is a huge scandal. A🧵on @cafreeland’s claims, #TMX, and the “culture of secrecy” around it
.@cafreeland's assurance TMX will receive no more public $ is "grossly misleading," experts say. This $10-billion loan guarantee puts public $ on the line & @FinanceCanada has so far refused to answer basic questions from @woodsideful and I.…
The available evidence points to TMX being a money-loser. In 2020, the PBO found it was already on the knife's edge of profitability at $12.6B. In Feb @yzgiroux told me the 70% cost increase renders the project "clearly non-profitable" for the federal govt…
Read 14 tweets
Had another interesting exchange with my former gas pipeline engineer friend this morning on #TMX & #CGL. You may recall he has high-level Cdn & internat'l experience designing/building pipelines. He's upset Canada would dump failing #TMX onto First Nations.. #cdnpoli #bcpoli
..Engineer: "First Nations groups are now competing to buy #TMX, but with the “repair” from the recent washout sitting on sharp rock, I assume, since they haven't shown us a new sand bed, the rush is on for the gov’t to get rid of it to the first buyer..." #bcpoli
...Engineer: "The Canadian govt needs a buyer with enough money ($25 billion) and is willing to take on the liability for both pipelines [old pipeline and new larger #TMX twinned line] when they fail... of course, the buyer won’t know that..." #bcpoli #cdpoli
Read 22 tweets
Read our full 2021 Recap of Events on Wet'suwet'en Territory 🔥 Resistance to colonial Canada and genocidal CGL on Cas Yikh Gidimt’en Territory continues. We are still here.
Join the #WetsuwetenResistance
Take Action Dec 20-27 #DivestCGL #ShutDownCanada…
We call on all nations, allies, accomplices, and supporters everywhere to RISE UP in solidarity. We are in this fight for the long haul and we will not back down. This pipeline will never be built. Join the WET'SUWET'EN RESISTANCE! #wetsuwetenresistance Image
@iamjayohcee Wet’suwet’en land defenders enforced eviction of Coastal GasLink by blocking roads into the territory. NOV 14-17, 2021. 🔥 Join the WET'SUWET'EN RESISTANCE! #wetsuwetenresistance #DivestCGL
#ShutDownCanada #WetsuwetenStrong #AllOutForWedzinKwa #ExpectUs Image
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Hard to imagine a more backwards and despicable act than flying RCMP into #Wetsuweten territory to raid Indigenous pipeline opponents while 17,000 people are forced out of their homes by a climate disaster. #bcpoli
The dispute over the #CoastalGasLink fracked gas pipeline has simmered for years.

The public safety minister pulled the trigger on this raid now, precisely because most people in southern B.C. are distracted by basic survival – and cannot travel there in support.
The politicians will hide behind the RCMP and the corporation, as they always do, by saying they don't 'direct' the police on tactics.

But the government created this entire situation – by giving $5 billion in subsidies to foreign gas companies to build the "LNG Canada" project.
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"LNG Canada workers complained about unsafe conditions prior to COVID-19 outbreak" @TorontoStar
Sounds like #SiteC too, based on employee reviews...… #covid19bc #bcpoli @BruceRalston @jjhorgan
@TorontoStar @BruceRalston @jjhorgan ."The outbreak at #LNGCanada started on Nov. 19 & there are now 54 cases. In the months leading up to the outbreak, workers raised concerns about #COVID19BC cleaning procedures in common areas, rooms & work spaces, prompting inspections by WorkSafe BC on Aug 28 & Oct 19." #bcpoli
@TorontoStar @BruceRalston @jjhorgan ..Get this: "The documents also reveal that a WorkSafe BC inspection of the #SiteC work camp’s sewage treatment facility in northeast BC on March 19 found the facility did not have a plan to sufficiently protect workers from pathogens, body fluids, human waste, mould & COVID-19."
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Let's do NDP highlights, starting with:
When NDP took power they kept a right-wing, BC Lib-appointed top bureaucrat in the Energy Ministry, conspiracy theory fan Dave Nikolesjin. Recently they replaced him with more far-right Fazil Mihlar of the Fraser Institute. #BCElection2020
..Next up, & related: NDP give us 79% increase in fossil fuel subsidies over BC Lib levels, a significant rise in fracking (incl right near #SiteC & other dams), & signing off on a militarized raid on #Wetsuweten to protect #CoastalGasLink in a climate crisis. #bcelxn2020 #bcpoli
.."Natural gas" is fracked methane, the potent GHG. Also on NDP's gas file, the #LNGCanada project, an uneconomic house of cards in which we forego royalties but are left paying for the damage & transmission lines etc. "LNG is a Losing Bet":… #bcelxn2020
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Just a reminder: LNG is not a fuel. It's methane gas in a frozen, compressed format *for transport only* (& is an explosive material). Turning gas into LNG is very energy intensive. After transport, LNG must be turned back into methane ("natural" gas) at its destination. 1/x
People also seem to be confusing LNG with NGL. NGL = natural gas liquids. Along with methane gas, NGLs are the products of fracking. Many know of "condensate," which Alberta uses to dilute bitumen to make it flow in pipelines. It's an NGL. #bcpoli
To review, here's a thread on condensate, which is a product of fracking, and how it is helping to drive #fracking, #CoastalGasLink through #Wetsuweten territory, and the tar sands #bcpoli
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For anyone interested in issues of fracking, LNG plants in the Lower Mainland, oil and gas generally and climate change, this Wed. June 24 webinar has excellent presenters from top orgs... #bcpoli #fracking #vanpoli
Lynn Armstrong: Council of Canadians
Peter McCartney: Wilderness Cttee
Dr Warren Bell: Canadian Ass'n of Physicians for the Environment
Marc Lee: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
Eoin Finn: My Sea to Sky
Anna Barford:
Tracey Saxby: My Sea to Sky
BC's general public needs to question why it becomes more fired up about the #TMX pipeline than BC's fracked gas pipelines and LNG plants which are just as bad if not worse as #TMX. It makes no sense. #bcpoli #CoastalGasLink #WoodfibreLNG #TilburyLNG #fracking
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Here’s what the oil & gas industry is putting out as they seek to be the "chosen ones” to lead the post-pandemic economic recovery in Canada/BC. 1/2 #bcpoli #cdnpoli #COVIDCanada #covidbc
..With the BC Energy Ministry's brand-new Deputy Minister, Fazil Mihlar of the Fraser Institute, we suspect there will be a push within the BC NDP provincial government to have a substantial part of that recovery money handed over to oil & gas. 2/2 #bcpoli
PS In the original URL's UTM code, which I removed because it might give away the original recipient, it showed that the source of this bumf is CAPP, ie. @OilGasCanada, Canadian Ass of Petroleum Producers. Note their section saying " #CoastalGasLink: Show Your Support" #bcpoli
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My trusty energy engineer source is back with some interesting comments on today's disturbing news of a federal bailout of the oil & gas industry. He has some ideas on what Canada should be doing instead: 1/x
#bcpoli #SiteC #LNGCanada #CoastalGasLink #Wetsuweten #ableg #cdnpoli
First, here is the news of Canada's federal bailout of the oil & gas sector in the midst of the #covid19 pandemic, instead of letting the industry sunset & retraining workers & incentivizing alternatives: 2/x… #cdnpoli
Engineer: 'the Canadian oil & gas sector is on its knees. It cannot compete with big global producers, esp with its inferior oil product. Maybe time to use the bailout money to switch to hydrogen & keep people employed in a growing industry, not a dying one we can't compete in..'
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My former gas pipeline engineer pal is on a roll this morning: 'Now we know how much power it takes to make #LNG: it's equivalent to fueling a large coal plant in Alberta, & does absolutely nothing other than basically throw all that CO2 in the air just to put methane in a boat.'
"Considering all the costs, delays, fighting for a right of way, environmental damage, wouldn't it have been simpler and more effective to just sell the fracked gas to Alberta, and build a pipeline to convert even 1 coal plant there to natural gas?" Not to mention cleaner..
"This would save the country and the planet from burning more CO2 than this whole LNG project does, as it ships what's left all the way to Asia. Right now, for example, 4 coal plants are running in that power range [LNG Canada takes 420 MW to refrigerate methane into LNG]."
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ICYMI, there's a hidden driver behind the fracking of gas in NE BC & the associated #CoastalGasLink pipeline being pushed through #Wetsuweten territory. It's condensate, a fracking by-product, & the Alberta tar sands need it for diluting bitumen:… #bcpoli
In that 2018 article on condensate by @BenParfittCCPA in @thenarwhalca, Parfitt points out that mainstream media doesn't cover the key issue of condensate. That's still as true today in 2020 as it was in 2018.
@BenParfittCCPA @thenarwhalca In a thread a month ago I tried to quickly show the intimate link between BC fracking, #CoastalGasLink, #SiteC, #LNGCanada and the #TMX pipeline, but this time I'll focus more on the condensate. #bpcoli #LNGCanada #Wetsuweten #cdnpoli
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For anyone wondering how shitty cgl “consultation” was. There’s this report. Cgl dupped Wet’suwet’en into telling territory stories and calling it consultation. Including my late grandpa wahtaghet.

#Wetsuweten #WetsuwetenStrong #CoastalGasLink #bullshit #cgl
This report even includes a story of the kweese war trail that was bulldozed over. That story/area wasn’t mentioned in the mitigation plans.
Cgl used a Wet’suwet’en contractor to take elders on a paid trip onto the territory without telling them it was going to be used for consultation. The contractor emphasized the money aspect and to just take it.
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Did you know that TC Energy, the owner of Coastal Gas Link, is a profitable $68 BILLION company with pipelines in Canada, the US & Mexico?

That Indigenous & farmer/landowner opposition is factored into its business model?

#bcpoli #CoastalGasLink #wetsueten
TC Energy is not a hapless victim here.

In its last annual report (2018) TC Energy reported $14 BILLION in revenues, and paid out$2 billion in dividends to shareholders in 2019.

Its stock is up 33% year over year.

Just among its 20 largest shareholders, I found $16 BILLION in foreign investors.

The so-called “forein-funding” issue is a canard used to discredit dissenters.

In the large context it’s either uninformed or dishonest.

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1/2 Please don't comment until you've also read part 2/2

This video of Hereditary Chief Helen Michelle is being circulated today by #CoastalGasLink that suggests #Wetsuweten Nations support the project & protesters aren't her people #BCpoli #CDNpoli

2/2 The same #Wetsuweten hereditary chief is quoted by verified #Indigenous news (last week) that further explains the #BCpoli & #CDNpoli NDP are aiming to help #CoastalGasLink proceed

All of this conflicts with the #Unistoten narrative via social media…
3/2 Postscript #BCpoli #CDNpoli

I'm not taking sides in the #Wetsuweten/#Unistoten dispute RE #CoastalGasLink, or implying any sentiment about the #ClimateCrisis

My only point is keyboard activists require legit info from several #Indigenous sources to have an informed debate
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So what's so bad about #CoastalGaslink? The project doesn't affect the United States, & its website touts lots of Indigenous Input AND even respecting #UNDRIP!…

Clean Natural Gas!

Except ...
The @CoastalGasLink project is owned by @TCEnergy, which, despite ITS slick website touting Safety as their #1 Value…

#WetsuwetenSolidarity 2/14
TCEnergy has uhm, less than perfect safety records:

in Walsh County North Dakota LAST OCTOBER 2019 over 383,000 gallons spilled…

#WetsuwetenSolidarity 3/14 Grand Forks Herald Headline page reporting Keystone Pipeline oil spill in Walsh County reported at 383,000 gallonsA screen shoot of TCEnergy's Operations map, which covers 40 states in the US and most Canadian provincesScreenshot of TCEnergy's oprations map detailing Coastal GasLink details as follows<br />
<br />
<br />
APPROXIMATE PIPELINE LENGTH: ** 670 km (416 miles)<br />
STATUS: In Development<br />
OPERATED BY: TC Energya google news screenshot detailing the oil spill in Walsh County near Edinburg North Dakota in October 2019
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