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Read @mikebrianlang
"An obligation to give reasons might prompt human decision makers to supplement algorithmic processes with contrived estimations about how an algorithm might have weighed a set of factors, even if the actual algorithmic process is programmatically unknowable.
It strikes me as a potentially serious breach of basic fairness to intentionally provide the subjects of decisions manufactured explanations of an outcome affecting their interests."

Michael Lang Reviewing Algorithmic Decision Making in Administrative Law (2021) #cdnimm #Chinook
Link here: Michael Lang, Reviewing Algorithmic Decision Making in Administrative Law, 2021 26-2 Lex Electronica 195, 2021 CanLIIDocs 2276, <>, retrieved on 2022-08-25
Read 3 tweets
Ocran is not over. This validates a lot of what we were thinking when we did that first podcast (cc: @ZeynabZiaie @ljansdan).…

#cdnimm Image
"Statistics on the use of indicators and word flags are not tracked globally, though the information if present on individual applications would appear in notes in GCMS."

Not really - if it "shows up" only as a redaction for Applicants but can be seen by IRCC/DOJ in litigation.
Also, the fact it is not tracked globally is likely because each Visa Office is given it's own autonomy to do it's own thing - something that will clash with creating a centralized AI-based decision-making system.
Read 4 tweets
Lots packed into a training slide. Even more to unpack.

#questions #cdnimm #predictiveanalytics Image
I cannot wait to 'drop' in my next IC, my analysis that the client will likely be 'dropped out' due to their previous refusal history.
risk indicators (cc: @KoltunAndrew)
Read 3 tweets
Very interesting, I always considered age-discrimination in context of Express Entry, where points are lost.

There's a special eAPP Tier 1 for Iran for 60 plus (60 year old+ applicants) supported by bulk approvals.

Likely exists at other VOs also.

cc: @ClarkKazak

#cdnimm ImageImageImage
I think one of the challenges Artificial Intelligence (AI) faces is that every Visa Office has it's own Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and rules. If we really go to a unbiased future (my data scientist colleague think its feasible), you can't have different rules running.
@Jafari_Law @ZeynabZiaie I know you both do a bunch of Iranian work. Might be helpful!
Read 3 tweets
Rich immigrants who moved to #Vancouver through Quebec's back-door investor program now own, on avg, $4.6m worth of housing. But they're only paying taxes on annual incomes of a paltry $100k. A gov.-enabled scam. Via @GoldinYVR, #vanre #vanpoli #cdnpoli…
2/ @Ayan604 says the system is failing new immigrants who’ve arrived to work and settle, if it also allows new immigrants who are here (simply) because they are wealthy and have an appetite for real estate investment. #vanre #torontorealestate #onpoli #Cdnimm #bcpoli #vanpoli
3 / And what's more ... Quebec gets 10 times more than B.C. and Ontario to settle immigrants. #ICYMI #BCpoli #Cdnimm #cdnpolitics #onpoli #abpoli #qcpoli #immigration.…
Read 4 tweets
🧵 I'm seeing a lot of disturbing tweets and frankly false info on #refugee #law. First, let's be clear. There will be refugees from #Ukraine. We should all protect them. A refugee is a refugee. An imperial power has invaded.
2. I am a huge critic of the international and domestic protections afforded to all kinds of migrants. I'll be the first to critique a policy, #law, program when I see it unfairly excludes, labels, violates rights. This is not time to pit #refugee communities against each other.
3. In Canada, so far, there is no resettlement program specific to Ukrainians. They have started announcing measures like lifting visa requirements, extending existing visas and permits, processing applications already in the system. More will come. It should. #refugee #law
Read 20 tweets
Professional Update: This is my last week in the Prime Ministers Office & in the 🇨🇦 Government.

As a Kid from #Scarborough, my 16 year old self would not have dreamed this 👇🏽
I wouldn't say my journey is unique. But here is my story of a young brown kid who wasn't sure if he would graduate high school to working in the highest office & whose love for serving people & 🇨🇦 grew.

A few reflections & many people to thank 🙏🏽.
Born to immigrant parents 🇮🇳🇧🇧🇬🇧 in the diverse neighbourhoods of #ThorncliffePark & #Scarborough there were moments growing up my life could have taken a different path.

A postal code shouldn't determine access to opportunity & success, but it remains the reality for many.
Read 22 tweets
Stay tuned for a Twitter takeover by @ktoughill talking about her cover story on immigration for the May edition of @thewalrus:… 1/14
Hi everyone! I’m @ktoughill, here to tell you the story behind my article on how immigration really works. Meet Yiyun, who lived with my family as an international student. She was the inspiration for this piece. 2/14
Yiyun graduated summa cum laude from a top Canadian university but then couldn’t figure out how to realize her dream of making Canada her permanent home. The official info was just too complicated. #intled #cdnimm 3/14
Read 14 tweets
For those who insist that we're in some post-racial dream world, here's exhibit 1 - how visa office in Ghana requests the *exact* same documents requested by a visa office in the U.K.

London: if you do not send documents in time it could delay your application.

#cdnimm #racism
Ghana: we're going to throw a procedural fairness letter and a request letter together and warn you about s.16 IRPA right away. Note for non-immi folks: this is a way to fast-track a refusal + open up misrep. #cdnimm #racism
Also Ghana: you better answer truthfully or we will refuse you. The word 'refusal' shows up four times in the letter and 'truthful' twice.

Again for non-#cdnimm folks: can refuse a sponsorship on s.16 for not providing docs and s.40 for misrep. Usually a PFL sent IF concerns.
Read 14 tweets
Interesting. We presented on the changes which seemed to suggest visitor record were not going to be issued to accompanying dependents of international students. Now it's changed again and frankly - it's back to the confusion on what helping to establish in Canada means.
#cdnimm Image
CBSA instructions link in the PDIs is broken (cc: @CitImmCanada) but if it were linked correctly you need to go to this link as the actual questionnaire doesn't differentiate between international students/family of international student.…

#cdnimm #intled
In sum, those who are approved with study permits + are bringing accompanying spouse/dependent will get asked about their reason for travel (non-discretionary = help intl student 'establish' in Canada) + importantly demonstrate adequate funds for stay in Canada. #cdnimm #intled Image
Read 5 tweets
Starting new thread for the Respondents in #STCA #law case. Stellar legal team with submissions starting with Andrew Brouwer a seasoned #cdnimm #refugee lawyer.
Oops, Jared Will will begin. Really enjoyed watching Jared in past cases for eg on #cdnimm #refugee #law #detention. Saw him live at #SCC on #Chhina case.
#Law students take note. I love the slow pacing of Jared Will, especially at the end of the long day. #STCA
Read 24 tweets
In anticipation of the #STCA Safe Third Country Agreement Appeal starting, this is the decision under review at the Fed CA. Fed Ct fd STCA violated s 7 #Charter rights of ref claimants
I'll be tweeting intermittently with comments.
#refugees #cdnimm #law…
If ur curious, the #STCA Safe Third Country Agreement is still in force. The Fed CA refused to grant a stay to suspend the agreement till the appeal is resolved even tho arguable irreparable harm re Fed Ct fd #Charter violations
#refugees #cdnimm #law…
As well, even tho there are a multitude of intersectional issues relating to the #STCA Safe Third Country Ag, 13 orgs thru 6 intervener applications were denied participation in the hearing at Fed CA. #cdnimm #refugees #law…
Read 166 tweets
1/9 We’re sharing a series of recommendations from WES Ambassador @tundeTASH: Online resources and #eLearning courses #intlstudents and #newcomers to Canada can benefit from.
2/9 International students who would like to continue the application process for admission to #highered can now take the #IELTS Academic test online whilst in-person IELTS testing is suspended.

Learn more: #intlstudents
3/9 As #COVID19 disrupted physical operations, many settlement organizations are delivering services to #newcomers by phone, email, or video conference. You may be able to get pre-arrival services in your home country before you move. Learn more:…
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About to start: “Arrival Cities and Neighbourhood Traps”
The webinar is being recorded and will be posted afterwards.
“The momentous events of today are playing out in neighbourhoods,” says @DougSaunders. “Although people at that level [including municipal] do not have the authority or resources to deal with them.”
Read 14 tweets
I can not imagine ANY OTHER INDUSTRY where a worker is asked to continue to go to work while COVID positive (asymptomatic or not) - this is NOT because migrant workers are essential workers, but rather that their labour is essential, and their lives are not. #sdoh #COVID19
We have had three deaths from #COVID19 of migrant workers in Ontario - all three are men from Mexico. One farm had almost 200 cases. Workers have described sharing a shower with up to 40 ppl, and being sent back to work after being swabbed. #sdoh #cdnimm…
31-year-old Bonifacio Eugenio Romero
24-year-old Rogelio Muñoz Santos
55-year-old Juan Lopez Chaparro

All three died of #COVID19 leaving their homes and their families coming to Canada. They have helped us put food on our tables. Did we help them do the same? #sdoh
Read 11 tweets
Want to know how systemic racism works? Delve into Canada's Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program - a program that brings migrants, mostly Latinx and Black men from Mexico and the Caribbean to pick our fruits and vegetables.… #sdoh #cdnpoli
The workers live in cramped quarters working inhumane hours with little worker protections, often reporting fear of raising concerns - for an inside look, I highly recommend the documentary Migrant Dreams by @minsooklee -… #cdnhealth #cdnpoli #sdoh
The #COVID19 pandemic in Ontario has left us with hundreds of cases among migrant workers and even two deaths - of men in their 20s and 30s, drastically different from the general demographics of who has died from this virus. #sdoh
Read 6 tweets
TOMORROW: Join us in 17 cities across Canada to call on @JustinTrudeau @HonAhmedHussen to 1. Respect international obligations, 2. Stop denying #HealthcareForMigrants, 3. Compensate Nell Toussaint for harms incurred #cdnhealth #meded #medtwitter #cdnimm ImageImage
Info on actions in each city:
WINNIPEG, MB – University of Manitoba, 744 Bannatyne Avenue
MISSISSAUGA, ON – #HealthCareForMigrants
SUDBURY, ON – live-tweeting only
Read 4 tweets
BREAKING: 1500 members of Canada’s Health community including @CMA_Docs @OntariosDoctors call on Federal Govt to respond to UN decision condemning denial of healthcare to migrants. See letter: #onpoli #cdnpoli #cdnhealth #cdnimm #medtwitter #meded Image
UN ruled that that in the case of Nell Toussaint (pictured here), Canada has violated its international obligation to provide the right to life. Nell has endured severe negative health consequences due to being denied care. /2 #cdnhealth #cdnpoli Image
The UN has given Canada 180 days to review its legislation and policies and ensure no such thing happens again. We are calling on the government to address this, today on International migrants day. We need action now! #cdnimm #cdnpoli
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Congrats to all the new international students who are starting their studies across the 96 Canadian universities today.

As an foreign student, If you are considering starting your studies in Canada in Fall term (September) 2019, the time to start applying for admission is now!
Application for Fall-term admission open in September and run until Jan/Feb/Mar of the resumption year in most schools. Then admission decisions are made by March/April/May, leaving students with 4-6 months to sort out their Visa before the September resumption #ImmigrationCorner
Just as Canada is now a choice destination for skilled immigrants, the country is also attracting an increasing number of international students from abroad, including students from neighboring United States of America. Details here #StudyInCanada #cdnimm
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We have successfully completed the FREE Express Entry Assessment for candidates who provided their information through our assessment form last week.

Kindly check your emails (including spam folders) for our reports & recommendations. We look forward to welcoming you to Canada!
To be eligible for our FREE Express Entry Assessment, your language test score must be available and your Education Credential Assessment (ECA) completed or already in progress.

If you meet the two requirements above kindly provide us your information at
If you have General questions, send us a DM or contact us through email ([email protected]).

Our premium services are also available for those who require personalized support. You can contact us to speak directly with an advisor. Thank you! #CdnImm #ImmigrationCorner
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What are provincial nominee programs?
How can I get 600 extra points to increase my Express Entry CRS score?
How many PNPs are available?

Join us today at 12pm CST (7pm West African Time) as we hold a special edition of our FREE information session. #ImmigrationCorner #CdnImm Image
Our #ImmigrationCorner Free information session starts NOW!
Canada's Express Entry program remains popular among international skilled/economic immigrants who have the desire to call the country home.

In 2018, 13 Express Entry Draws have been announced & 39,700 candidates have so far been invited to become permanent residents. #CdnImm
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The Express Entry report recently released by IRCC showed a total of 86,022 Invitations to Apply (ITA) were issued in 2017
The Top 6 countries of citizenship of candidates are
1) India: 36,310
2) China: 7,466
3) Nigeria: 5,130
4) Pakistan: 3,339
5) UK: 2,652
6) USA: 2,030
What is the Express Entry Program? How can you immigrate to Canada as a Permanent Resident using the program? What are the requirements and cost of immigrating? Our info sessions have provided all the information you need. You can find all information at
If you have questions, please send us a DM or contact us through email ([email protected]). Our premium phone in service is also available for those who want to speak directly with an advisor. We look forward to welcoming you to Canada. Merci beaucoup! #ImmigrationCorner
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The Ministerial instruction for the 89th Express Entry draw is out!

CRS score used was 441 & 3,500 candidates were invited to become permanent residents in Canada

Are you interested in moving to Canada? Contact us or click the link below for info #cdnimm
As of May 4, 2018 there were also 83,646 candidates in the EE Pool. 3,500 were issued ITAs today.

Have you received your language score, completed ECA & meet the requirement(s)? Then you should set up your Express Entry Profile ASAP!

Visit for guidance.
We have also successfully completed the FREE Assessment for all the candidates who provided their information through our assessment form.

Kindly check your email addresses (including spam folders) for our reports & recommendations. We look forward to welcoming you to Canada.
Read 3 tweets
“Canada is now working with its American counterparts to try to stop Nigerian travellers to the United States from using their U.S. visas as a ticket to Canada.” #CdnImm #ImmigrationCorner…
“We don’t want people to illegally enter our border, and doing so is not a free ticket to Canada.”

“You will be apprehended, screened, detained, fingerprinted and if you can’t establish a genuine claim, you will be denied refugee protection and removed.”
"Nigerian asylum seekers in Canada are making so many similar claims based on sexual orientation that Legal Aid Ontario is worried some claims are fabricated. 60-70% of Nigerian asylum claims made since April cited persecution based on sexual orientation."…
Read 6 tweets

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