Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #carbonfootprint

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In a recently published paper, researchers use “an LCA approach to calculate the Long-Lasting #CarbonSequestration (LLCS) of #seaweed, which can be understood as the difference between #CarbonFixation & released C throughout the life cycle of seaweed.”

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Using kelp (Laminaria japonica) as an example of seaweed, the present study “validates the procedure of calculating the LLCS of seaweed throughout its whole life cycle in Ailian Bay from nursery to processing into #biochar (fertilizer) as the final product.”
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The results showed that “the #CarbonSequestration (full life cycle) of kelp in Ailian Bay was 97.73g C /m2/year.”
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@iltalehti_fi #ClimateHoax eli #Meteor-O-Loginen #PunaSiirtymÀ.
JÀrjen etÀÀntyessÀ lÀhes #valonnopeus'lla, valon #aallonpituus havainnoijaan nÀhden kasvaa ja etÀÀntyvÀ kohde nÀyttÀÀ punaiselta.
- #KaakonKulma-#PekkaPouta-@PekkaIlmari ja #JÀÀvuoretSulaa-@KKotakorpi.
- #SÀÀ-#MÀÀ ja #SÀÀksMÀki. ImageImageImage
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@ir_rkp #Korsakov @MikaLintila
#Gasgrid. #LNG alus ei tuota #kaasua, vaan varastoi #VenÀjÀ'n, aiemmin #Baltiasta ostettua, n. 3x hintaan.
- 10v. ajalta terminaalin kokonaiskustannuksiksi arvioidaan noin €460 miljoona, eli noin €126 000 pĂ€ivĂ€ssĂ€
@ir_rkp @MikaLintila @valtionomistus #GreatReset=#SuurTyöttömyys-#HÀtÀtila
#WEF-#Marxist -ideologia lahtaa yritykset #kaasu'lla. @valtionomistus
#Gasgrid Imatra #RÀikkölÀ vs. #Korsakov. 
- Korsakov on satamakaupunki ja piirikunta #Sahalini'n saaren etelÀpÀÀssÀ VenÀjÀn  Sahalinin alueella. 
@ir_rkp @MikaLintila @valtionomistus #Uniper-#Gasgrid #skandaali.
#YGLs veijarit keksivÀt roudata kaasun #RÀikkölÀ'n sijasta nÀin. @TyttiTup
- #Prigorodnoje'n satama 10km #Korsakovi'n itÀpuolella on #LNG'n vientiin erikoistunut satama
From: Port of #Korsakov
To: Port of #Gibraltar (->#Inkoo)
Read 19 tweets
@SRLucie92 @elonmusk @EU_Commission @kokoomus @vihreat @sfprkp @persut #AliBaba & #WorldBank & #IMF and 40 world wealthiest #thieves.
- Who collects all the world's #CarbonTaxes in their own #coffers?
- The World Bank - IMF is owned and controlled by NM #Rothschild and 30 to 40 of the wealthiest people in the world.
Read 10 tweets
“Given the high expectations placed on #DAC for future #decarbonisation, recent study presents an extensive review of DAC tech, exploring a number of techno-economic aspects, including an updated collection of the current & planned DAC projects around the world.”
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“A dedicated analysis focused on the production of synthetic methane, methanol, and diesel from #DAC and electrolytic hydrogen in the European Union (EU) is also performed, where the #carbonfootprint is analysed for different scenarios and energy sources.”
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The results show that “the maximum grid carbon intensity to obtain #NegativeEmissions with #DAC is estimated at 468 gCO 2 e/kWh, which is compliant with most of the EU countries’ current grid mix.”
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We are super proud to share with you DeepSquare Whitepaper 2.1!

#Decentralized High-performance Computing leveraging #Subnet Technology, providing revolutionary #Tokenomics with a clear #Roadmap

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The team has been hard at work developing a #decentralized platform that allows users to access powerful #computing resources from anywhere in the world.
By leveraging #blockchain technology with @Avalanche #Subnet solutions, we created a network that is both fast and secure, ensuring that users can trust the platform with their most sensitive data and applications.
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@EU_Commission It's #Climate - The #FourSeasons nothing else.
#CO2 0.04% #carbondioxide, have never affected the earth's #Temperature, at least since 600 million years. #Atmosphere of Earth
@EU_Commission Global #Temperature and Atmospheric #CO2 over Geologic Time - Late #Carboniferous to Early #Permian time (315-270 M yrs ago) is the only time period in the last 600 million years when both atmospheric #CO2 and #temperatures were as LOW as they are today
@EU_Commission #PragerUniversity is a 5013 non-profit conservative digital media organization. PragerU@prageru:
- What They Haven't Told You about #ClimateChange

- #Climate - The only constant is change Image
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🇹🇳 #RosemontSenecaBohai= #CCP CO-MINGLED
đŸš© #FollowTheMoney expose how COMPROMISED
+FBI verified
#Bobulinski's claims of CEFC+China ties
#Burisma $83,333.33 pmts
in co-mingled
Bank StatementâŹ‡ïž

WHY Benefit #CCP 🇹🇳not đŸ‡ș🇾 ?
#HunterBiden sold US owned #COBALT Mine in Congo to #CCPChina

Mining of US RenewableEnergy MINERALS

ÂŹUS passed #ChipsAct #Infrastructure rely ON MINED Materials
đŸš©UnConstitional #ESJ #ESG
Uses SocialJustice

#SocialScore DigitalID:
+LIMITS EV #GeoFence
+BANS Bank loan
👋NO #2ndAm
+Reports #CarbonFootprint
Pay #PerMileTax
Read 22 tweets
Section 4
+Legal government surveillance of all US citizens
+Total control over your bank accounts/purchases

+ability to silence all dissenting voices for good
INFRINGES on #BillOfRights
đŸš©UnConstitional #DEI #ESG
#SocialScore DigitalID
Low ID:
+Restrict EV #GeoFence
+BAN Bank loans:
👋NO #2ndAm
+Reports PRIVACY DATA #CarbonFootprint
Pay #PerMileTax ImageImage
#SocialScore DigitalID
Low ID:
+Restrict EV #GeoFence
+BAN loan 4đŸ”«GUNS
👋NO #2ndAm
+Reports PRIVACY DATA CarbonFootprint
Pay PerMileTax
Read 5 tweets
Fuel Gas System
1/8 "LNG Plant Explained: A Deep Dive into Key Processing Units 🏭🌐

Spotlight Fuel Gas System - The energy supplier of LNG plants!"
2/8 đŸ”„â›œ Fuel Gas System Focus: Let's examine Fuel Gas Systems in LNG plants.

Their main purpose?

Supply the necessary fuel gas to power plant processes and equipment. #LNG #FuelGasSystem
3/8 Feeding the energy demand!

Fuel Gas Systems distribute natural gas or other fuel sources to various plant equipment, like gas turbines, heaters, and boilers.

It's like an internal energy network! #GasDistribution đŸš°đŸ”„
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1/8 "LNG Plant Explained: A Deep Dive into Key Processing Units 🏭🌐

Spotlight Flare and Vent Systems - The safety valves of LNG plants!"
2/8 đŸ”„đŸŒŹïž Flare and Vent Systems Focus: Let's take a closer look at Flare and Vent Systems in LNG plants.

Their primary function?

Safely release excess gases and maintain pressure control. #LNG #FlareAndVent
3/8 Safety first!

Flare Systems burn off excess gases that cannot be processed or used, helping to prevent overpressure in equipment and pipelines.

It's like having a release valve for gas pressure! #Flaring đŸ”„đŸ”§
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1/8 "LNG Plant Explained: A Deep Dive into Key Processing Units 🏭🌐

Spotlight Power Generation - The powerhouse of LNG plants!"
2/8 ⚡🔌 Power Generation Focus: Let's explore Power Generation in LNG plants.

Their goal?

Provide the electricity needed to run various processes and maintain safe, efficient operations. #LNG #PowerGeneration
3/8 Energizing LNG plants! Power Generation Units generate electricity from various sources like gas turbines, steam turbines, or a combination of both.

It's all about providing the juice to keep things running! #Electricity 💡🔋
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1/8 "LNG Plant Explained: A Deep Dive into Key Processing Units 🏭🌐

Spotlight Pig Launchers/Receivers & Slug Catchers - The cleaning crew of the natural gas world!"
2/8 đŸ·đŸŒȘ Pig Launchers/Receivers & Slug Catchers Focus: Let's delve into Pig Launchers/Receivers and Slug Catchers, essential components in LNG plants that receive gas from subsea wells.

Their mission?

Maintain pipeline cleanliness and handle liquid slugs.
3/8 Pipeline hygiene matters!

Pig Launchers and Receivers are used to insert and retrieve pigs, special devices that clean, inspect, or maintain pipelines, ensuring optimal gas flow. #Pigging đŸ·đŸ§č
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1/ Welcome to the bi-weekly #CleanTechEU thread!đŸ§”đŸ‘‡

This week is a dive into the recently adopted #hydrogen delegated act on #additionality, what we asked for, why, and what made it to the final text & what got lost in compromises.🔎
2/ 1st things 1st: making #RenewableHydrogen means needing #RenewableElectricity âšĄïž

When connecting an electrolyser to most of #EU’s electricity grids, the #H2 produced will have a very high #CarbonFootprint🏭👣 Image
3/ But, this can be fixed. Here are a few rules that can ensure that #hydrogen produced on the grid has a minimal climate impact:
⌛temporal matching
đŸ—șgeographic correlation Image
Read 12 tweets
Looking for an easy and economical way to reduce your household's carbon footprint?

Check out these alternative energy options that you can easily implement at home! đŸ§”â€”ïž

#solarenergy #windpower #geothermal #bioenergy #hydroenergy #carbonfootprint Looking for an easy and economical way to reduce your househ
1/ Solar power is one of the most popular alternative #energy options for households.

It's easy to install and maintain, and can significantly reduce your electricity bills. #solarenergy #gogreen —
2/ Wind power is another great #alternativeenergy option for households.

Small-scale #windturbines can be installed on your property and generate #electricity for your home. #windpower #cleanenergy —
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Hey everyone, let's talk about the business model of #AdaniEnterprises! Adani is a diversified conglomerate with interests in a wide range of industries, including #energy, resources, #logistics, and infrastructure.
One key element of Adani's business model is its focus on infrastructure development. The company has a strong presence in the construction and development of #ports, #airports, and other transportation infrastructure.
Adani also has a significant presence in the energy sector, including #coal mining and power generation. The company has invested in a number of coal-fired power plants and #renewable energy projects to meet the growing demand for electricity in India.
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1/4 Dec 5th is annually celebrated as World Soil Day to observe the importance of soil as a critical component of ecosystem health. It is also a day to advocate for regeneration of soils globally.

#worldsoilday #soil #soilcarbon #carbonmarkets #climateaction #netzero #climate
2/4 One of the biggest concerns is that by degrading soils, humanity is not only reducing crop productivity, but is degrading human and animal health, and particularly the soil-gut biome. This needs to be immediately reversed with better management.
@earthbanc is a promoter of reforestation, conservation, protection, and tree planting which restores soil organic carbon and biology, prevents erosion and restores local ecosystems.

#climatechange #reforestation #carboncredits #carbonpricing #carbonfootprint #conservatio
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"#ClimateCrisis" #FEAR porn started as early as 1800s. #KhazarianMafia #USA's #ClimateScam engineering and #ClimateEmergency #CarbonFootprint #propaganda chronology for at least half a century:

1966: Oil will run out in 10 years
1967: Famine in 1975
1968: World is overpopulated "#ClimateCrisis" ...
#KhazarianMafia #USA's #ClimateScam #ClimateCrisis #FEAR porn chronology:

1969: We will disappear in a cloud of blue vapour by 1989
1970: The world will exhaust its natural resources by 2000
1970: Cities will need to wear gas masks from 1985
1970: Pollution will kill all fish #KhazarianMafia #USA's #Cli...
#KhazarianMafia #USA's #ClimateScam #ClimateCrisis #FEAR porn chronology:

1970: Killer #bees arrive
1970: New ice age by year 2000
1970: Water crisis rationing in 1974 and food crisis in 1980
1971: New ice age by 2020
1972: New ice age by 2070
1972: Oil will run out in 20 years #KhazarianMafia #USA's #Cli...
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1/12: YOUR GREED, OUR #DEATH: #ClimateDebt is killing us!
📱“We as a country and as a region did not start this war against nature. We did not provoke it. The war has come to us.” #DebtForClimate
2/12: The richest tenth is responsible for almost half of all carbon emissions

 ‌Whereas the poorest half are only responsible for a tenth of #emissions.
#DebtForClimate #DeudaXClima
3/12: The average #carbonfootprint of someone from the richest 1% of #humanity is 80 times the size of someone from the poorest half.
#DebtForClimate #DeudaXClima
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So you're ready to take some #ClimateAction...but don't know where to start?

Here's some 'pick and mix' ideas! The #IPCCReport2021 says ALL action counts so start where you are, do what you can đŸ§”đŸ‘‡
Fill your newsfeed with solutions, not doom mongering! It'll keep your eco anxiety at bay and help you have constructive, inspiring and action-sparking conversations. Recommended: @EthicalHourNews @PositiveNewsUK @HappyEcoNews
Read @ProjectDrawdown to understand that we have all the solutions to the #ClimateEmergency - we just need the political will to make them happen.

No time for the book? Here's the TED Talk!

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“I stopped eating rice the day I learnt how much water it takes to harvest a kilogram of paddy.” Sunderlal Bahuguna thus spoke of #carbonfootprint decades before we even started using the term. He could see a looming #climatecrisis like no one else of his time did. 1/4 Image
Bahuguna was one of India’s early environmentalists. He walked 4,700 km from #Kashmir in the North to Kohima in the North-East to draw attention to the destruction of his Himalayan homeland by mega development projects. 2/4
He joined the #Chipko (tree-hugging) movement in the 1970s, started by women in #Uttarakhand to save the hills from loggers. Bahuguna drove the movement forward, till it spread to other parts of #India, including the south. 3/4 Image
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Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 03/16/2022

The Homemade Air Purifier That’s Been Saving Lives During the Covid-19 Pandemic

#COVID19, #AirPurifier
‘Traumatised and terrified, with nowhere else to go’: huge numbers of people stuck at US border

#USMexico, #AsylumSeekers, #BorderCrossing
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Wichtiges Thema und richtige Schlussfolgerungen. Aber bitte, bitte, bitte nicht immer wieder die #TragedyOfTheCommons hervorkramen und Menschen als reine Egoisten framen. Ein đŸ§”zu #Kooperation, #GemeingĂŒtern und #ClimateAction
Zuerst mal zur Idee der GemeingĂŒter als "Tragödie" von Garrit Hardin: Wie Felix Lobrecht in der Sendung richtig sagt, Hardin "war ein ziemlicher Rassist". Und das ist noch nett ausgedrĂŒckt (2/10).
Hardins Argument basiert außerdem auf einem ĂŒberholten, neo-liberalen Welt- und Menschenbild, das kaum mit der RealitĂ€t zu tun hat. Wie konstruiert 'homo eoconomicus' eigentlich ist, erklĂ€rt z.B. @KateRaworth in ihrem Buch #DoughnutEconomics (3/10)
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Are Northern Ireland's environmental policies sustainable or a load of rubbish? This week we explore the gap between our #climate goals and the reality while looking at ideas for the future 🌍

Environment In Focus 👇


Viewpoint: Kicking off a week-long series focusing on the climate crisis and how it affects Northern Ireland. #climateni #greenweek

Invasion will be an environmental disaster for both Ukraine and rest of world, writes John Breslin

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