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Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 02/02/2022…
A Billion Years of Time Are Mysteriously Missing. Scientists Think They Know Why.…
#GrandCanyon, #geology, #GreatUnconformity, #TectonicModel
What Happens Next in Ukraine Could Change Europe Forever | Time…
#InternationalRelations, #russia, #ukraine, #europe
Read 20 tweets
The messaging on this is terrible; causing unnecessary outrage.

#AndrewYang is not trying to run #3rdParty, or rejecting #Democrats, or asking anyone else to, he will just endorse/support any candidate who aligns with his (atm, mostly #Democratic) policies.
#Yang has said multiple times that he knows #Independents can't win the presidential and almost never win Congressional races, EXCEPT where there's open, #RCV elections, like #Alaska, and he's not encouraging anyone to register as Independent.
Read 6 tweets
#AndrewYang and #KrystalBall have long conversation, on #YangSpeaks (now #Forward) about his new party (arguably NOT a party), what it will do, and why.

#YangGang have been waiting for definitive answers. Well, your wait is... not really over😵‍💫
What do I mean by that? Well...

@AndrewYang said he IS starting a new party...
BUT he "answered" the question of whether the Forward party would run candidates by saying it will back #Democrats and #Republicans who align with Forward policy...…
He said he is forming a new party because he doesn't believe changing #election rules in favor of more parties is likely to happen from within the #duopoly...

BUT, they're going to back duopoly candidates, and didn't mention running their own...
Read 8 tweets
#AndrewYang posted an opinion piece that says to avoid #racism, it's on us Asian-Americans to show our "American-ness". I like @andrewyang2020 but he's wrong. Asians/Asian-Americans do NOT need to show their "#American-ness".
White America historically as a whole perceive us as "the other" (and still do). Asians do not need to prove anything to anyone. White America need to change their collective behavior, not us.
The #coronavirus has been weaponized to unfairly stigmatize Chinese people such as myself. Although humans discriminate upon one another, diseases don't. If there IS a duty I feel a responsibility towards, it is to protect my fellow Asians,
Read 8 tweets
Why Andrew Yang is not for America. His first plan, most comprehensive plan, is UBI(1,000 a month). The biggest issue with this is it doesn’t stack with things like Snap, Tanf, SSI, and many more programs people rely on.
If you go to Andrew Yang's site, he claims it stacks with Social Security Disability... the thing is, not everyone who is disabled has worked enough to collect Social Security, so they get SSI instead. You cannot collect SSI AND UBI at the same time. You must choose one.
Yang's site makes the claim that "Even some people who receive more than $1,000 a month in SSI would choose to take the Freedom Dividend because it has no preconditions."
Read 23 tweets
U.S. primaries are coming up soon which begs the question who can make the most meaningful change for disenfranchised Americans and women in particular. I'd like to endorse one candidate that has actual meaningful policy proposal for women: #AndrewYang
#AndrewYang's wife #EvelynYang is a survivor of sexual assault and has recently begun to speak out publically leading to 15 women coming forward against the same perpetrator. In a Yang administration violence against women could finally be a priority:
#AndrewYang is also the first and only candidate to endorse the #NordicModel meaning criminalizing anyone who makes a financial or sexual profit off of a person in #prostitution, and decriminalizing that person themselves. He did some actual thinking on the issue to come to this.
Read 6 tweets
(1/5) Solmen du semanes ante li caucus por li #Democratic Partise in #Iowa, emotiones ha inflammat se inter #BernieSanders e #ElizabethWarren, pos li ultim debatte per #CNN in quel Warren dit que Sanders mentionat la que il ne credet que un fémina vell

#Occidental #Interlingue Image
(2/5) posser victer in li general election contra #DonaldTrump. Contra to Sanders dit que il hat esset misinterpretat e que il ne dit un tal cose. Pos li debatte Warren refusat presser li manu de Sanders e acusat le nominar la un mentitor avan li spectatores tra li tot país. E
(3/5) du dies plu tard, li campe Sanders quam @davidsirota usat un video por acusar #JoeBiden de voler reducter li securitá social, contra quel #Biden dit que li látere Sanders hat monstrat solmen un parte por dar un fals impression pri li idés de Biden pri securitá social. Secun Image
Read 5 tweets
#TulsiGabbard 🌺 and #AndrewYang 🧢 are not Progressives.

The two pose a direct threat to #BernieSanders 🌹 and the political revolution.

They are using you, Berners - A thread... 1/21
🌺2014 Tulsi introduced a bill backed by billionaire casino giant/GOP megadonor Sheldon Adelson, with Lindsey Graham to outlaw internet gambling.

She was later presented an award at Champions of Jewish Values 2016 Gala co-hosted by Adelson.

🌺"Champions of Jewish Values 2016 Gala An Unforgettable Evening"

Where in lies a list detailing lobbying efforts within the US, propaganda and xenophobia, and giving congresspeople (on Foreign Affairs Committees no less) awards for favoring Israel.…
Read 21 tweets
1/ XX Movies That Are Better With @AndrewYang’s Hat 🧢

(A Thread)

#YangGang2020 #Yang2020
#YangGang #AndrewYang2020 #AndrewYang
2/ Bad Boys (1995)
3/ Taken (2008)
Read 15 tweets
.@AndrewYang's #opioid policy is completely divorced from fact. It would do nothing to reduce ODs, which are driven by illegal drugs, & would exacerbate harm to #pain patients already slammed by unnecessary disability & rising rates of #suicide.
For a #math guy, @AndrewYang has failed to plot reductions in #opioid scripts & rising rates of OD. If he had, he would've found that reducing scripts has done nothing to slow ODs which are driven by illegal drugs.
#AndrewYang's #opioid policy would have "a modest effect, at best, on the number of #opioid overdose deaths in the near future," according to complex mathematical modeling. Yang's campaign is centered on his claim that he'd base policies on statistical evidence.
Read 10 tweets
My #BlacksForYang Series 21-28 October.

Sign up for Notifications each time I post...It will be like one of those Twitter Op Eds I did, helps put everything in one place.

Should @AndrewYang worry about reaching & SECURING the Black Vote? #YangGang

@AndrewYang Thread 1: Pandering Vs Meaningful Policy

In 2020..Politicians must spend more effort talking to us not at us..".that candidates’ efforts to engage black communities often focus more on symbolic gestures than MEANINGFUL interactions." #BlacksForYang…
@AndrewYang What I really want the #YangGangFamily to understand ...ANYONE specifically talking to us about our own issues different to yours is NOT PANDERING...It's pandering when it's all about style (sounding cool, playing hiphop, photo ops etc..) and ZERO fake interest.
Read 166 tweets
Hey @PeteButtigieg while you're up there smirking/laughing @ #AndrewYang, remember this - I've played by the rules, worked all my life & been a good person. EVERYTHING I had, I lost in the financial crisis - my beautiful home, it was my pride, my marriage crumbled, my pay was...
cut in half. It took me 9 years to recover. While myself & countless Americans were left to languish for years, car makers who've automated their factories/cut jobs/left the US for years were bailed out along w/ the criminals in the big banks to the tune of trillions...
Yet, for you, it's laughable when @AndrewYang speaks of bailing out Americans, propping up communities, restoring Main St economies from the bottom up with the thing that saved big banks, CASH. It's laughable to you because elitist politicians, in their Messiah-complex...
Read 5 tweets
1/15 This race reminds me of the rule in boxing, a split decision goes to the champ. That's how Biden has stayed on top, plus he's authentic both in screw ups and in sincere moments such as talking about the loss of his wife/kids. #ABCDemDebate #joebiden…
2/ Elizabeth Warren's strength is her wonky, thoughtful "I'm not a typical Washington politician" and "I have a plan for that". Dodging the tax question makes her a typical Washington politician. #ewarren #ABCDemDebate #taxes…
3/ Sanders seems incapable of modulating his speech beyond shouting and haranguing. It was interesting, however, that he finally was willing to abandon Venezuelan President Maduro. #berniesanders #venezuela #ABCDemDebate…
Read 15 tweets
Is @TulsiGabbard Being Purposely Omitted from National & State Polls⁉️😡
New Progressive Voice
Published on Jun 18, 2019

Mark DiCamillo's Contact Info: [email protected]

#California IGS/@UCBerkeley Poll, June…👈PDF Doc.
‼️The Numbers Don't Lie👇🤨 — mainstream media bias against #BernieSanders , #TulsiGabbard & #AndrewYang 😡Outrageous
Published on Jun 11, 2019
Data collected in the past 2 weeks. We see how often each Dem candidate was mentioned on #CNN, #FoxNews & #MSNBC
Holy Crap!
@TulsiGabbard's name doesn't even appear on the ballot from @UCBerkeley!
The names of ALL the other @TheDemocrats' candidates are listen on the polls, ALL except for Tulsi!
Read 3 tweets
I’m going to provide a thread on Dems who want to be President. I’m going to share a link to a site that shows their voting record. The proof is in the pudding- or the votes in this case. You decide who should get the nod. #ThursdayThoughts
In no particular order. Here we go. Why not start with our most recent entry into the Dem race.

Read 16 tweets

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