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The @eu_echo & WHO are empowering health workers across 16 African countries.

🎯Goal: To increase #COVID19 vaccination coverage.

🧵on how health workers are reaching vulnerable populations and working with community leaders to ensure #HealthForAll.

🔗 A man is sitting on a plastic chair in the open under a tree
In times of crisis, leadership matters.

Bornalia Kuajo Peter, a community leader in #SouthSudan 🇸🇸, decided to take his #COVID19 vaccination in public.

To dispel fear and demonstrate that vaccines are safe.


🔗 Community workers are seen providing information about COVID
Nurse Rachida Ibrahim takes a motorbike 🏍️ and goes from village to village to ensure that every community is properly vaccinated. Her motto is no one should be left behind.


🔗 In Niger, a COVID-19 vaccination team heads out into the cou
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🧵 A well-trained workforce is essential for reaching universal health coverage.

That is why we support training and capacity building for the whole spectrum of health professionals to achieve #HealthForAll.

#WHOImpact across the globe 🌎🌍🌏:
📌 Picture of community health workers at a training session in
In #Samoa 🇼🇸, WHO, @dfat 🇦🇺 & @MFATNZ 🇳🇿 supported the training of the Emergency Medical Team respond to the impact of cyclones. The group rehearsed setting up & operating mobile clinics.

📌 Picture of the Samoa Emergency Medical Team carrying out a t
WHO helped train 🇲🇷 #Mauritania’s new emergency-response teams to quickly locate & stop disease outbreaks before they can become epidemics.

Since August 2022, the teams have responded to 8 emergencies & stopped a Rift Valley fever outbreak.

📌 A picture of floods in Nouakchott, Mauritania, that coincide
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📢Just launched!

Snapshot of how WHO delivered on its mission in countries and contributed to health outcomes around the 🌏🌍🌎

Learn about the #WHOImpact.
Read the full report 🔖 #HealthForAll
In #Haiti 🇭🇹 WHO launched a rapid & integrated post-earthquake response to enable health recovery.

On 14 August 2021, a 7.2-magnitude earthquake struck the southern peninsula of Haiti, killing more than 2000 people, and injuring over 12000.

🔖 #WHOImpact
To reinforce #Romania’s 🇷🇴 #COVID19 response efforts, WHO provided ongoing strategic, technical and material support to the Government of Romania.

New report! 🔖

WHO delivering results and making an impact: stories from the ground 🔗 #WHOImpact
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In the greater Horn of Africa, WHO is scaling up its operations to maintain access to health care & help safeguard over 80 million people from a worsening food insecurity crisis & the worst drought in 40 years.

Read more 👉 #WHOimpact Image
In drought-affected #Somalia 🇸🇴, WHO & partners provide necessary assistance to health workers, enabling them to visit 300,000+ households & helping sick children, including those with #measles.

Read more 👉 #WHOimpact Image
World leaders rallied at the 75th World Health Assembly #WHA75 to reform Africa’s health emergency response:

➡️ more investment in health infrastructure
➡️ a dedicated global emergency health workforce
➡️ equitable access to vaccines & more.

More info 👉 Image
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The number of 👥 in need in Burkina Faso, Northern Cameroon,Chad,Mali,Niger, and North-Eastern Nigeria 📈 from 24M in 2018 to over 30M in 2022 due to the combined effect of:
🚨 increasingly violent conflicts
🚨 deep poverty
🚨 climate change
🚨 unprecedented food insecurity Image
@OMSNiger @WHONigeria @OMS_Burkina @whocmr @omsmali @OMS_Afrique @unis_sahel @UN_UNOWAS Only less than half of the 2021 humanitarian appeal for the Sahel was funded.

Despite this, WHO and partners continued to work in the Sahel region to prevent the humanitarian situation from getting worse.

#SahelNow Image
In 2021 despite security and funding challenges WHO helped over 300,000 people in #BurkinaFaso🇧🇫 with

✅ emergency supplies to treat cholera
#COVID19 trauma, and severe acute malnutrition treatment
✅ medicines to manage chronic conditions

#WHOImpact Image
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@DrTedros "The volcanic eruption near #Tonga & tsunami require an urgent response. With telecommunications down, WHO is on the ground helping coordinate the response by channelling information between @UN agencies, humanitarian partners & the government"-@DrTedros
@DrTedros @UN "Information on the degree of destruction is still being gathered but WHO will do all it can to support the people and government of #Tonga"-@DrTedros

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LIVE with @DrTedros at the inauguration of the WHO Country Office in #Bahrain…
@DrTedros "Honoured to be able to attend the opening of the WHO Country Office in the Kingdom of 🇧🇭, WHO’s 152nd country office. The Office will deliver strategic, technical, policy & service delivery support to the govt to advance health & well-being nationally, regionally & 🌍"-@DrTedros
@DrTedros "The opening of this country [in #Bahrain] office reflects WHO’s commitment to serve all countries, at all income levels, providing support tailored to the needs of the country and its place in the global health architecture"-@DrTedros #HealthForAll #WHOImpact
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"On Monday, the governments of Sweden and Switzerland and the @UN will host a virtual High-Level Pledging Event for #Yemen.

Yemen is the world’s largest humanitarian crisis, with more than 20 million people in need of humanitarian assistance"-@DrTedros
"More than 5 million people are now at risk of famine. And already, half a million children under five could die from hunger in the coming weeks, unless they receive urgent treatment. All of this, even as the already fragile health system has had to deal with #COVID19"-@DrTedros
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As we mark a year of the ongoing #COVID19 pandemic, WHO thanks donors & partners for their support & contribution in boosting countries' response around the 🌍🌎🌏.

Here are some highlights of #WHOImpact across the region 👉
WHO & the @EU_Commission joined forces to support 8⃣ South East Asian countries 🇰🇭🇱🇦🇮🇩🇲🇾🇲🇲🇵🇭🇹🇭🇻🇳 in their response to #COVID19 and to strengthen preparedness & health systems for future pandemics. 👉

With financial support from the @EU_Commission, WHO will help improve emergency response capacities in the #Maldives🇲🇻 to mitigate the impact of #COVID19 through provision of medicines, supplies for intensive care unit facilities & more 👉

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"We published the first global report on the burden of #sepsis, and a charter on health worker safety"-@DrTedros #HealthForAll #WHA73

"We’ve drawn new & much-needed attention to #mentalhealth, with new guidelines on stress management & adolescent & mental health, & we hosted the Big Event for Mental Health, a global advocacy event seen by more than 600,000 people"-@DrTedros #WHA73

"On maternal & child health, we’ve published new standards for improving the quality of care for small & sick newborns & provided intensive support for 20 countries to address the indirect impact of #COVID19 on mothers & children"-@DrTedros #HealthForAll
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The WHO Executive Board Special Session #EBSpecial on the #COVID19 response will start today at 12h00 CEST.

Watch LIVE here:
The WHO Executive Board is composed of 34 technically qualified members elected for 3-year terms.
The main functions of the Board are to implement the decisions & policies of the Health Assembly, advise & generally to facilitate its work

Director-General @DrTedros following consultation with the Board Chair, has called for an #EBSpecial session on #COVID19 response to follow up on the World Health Assembly resolution approved by Member States earlier in May
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WHO's mission is to
promote health,
keep the 🌍 safe,
serve the vulnerable.

By 2023 we aim for:

1B more people benefiting from #HealthForAll

1B more people better protected from health emergencies

1B more people living with better health & well-being.

To achieve 1B more people benefiting from #HealthForAll:
WHO welcomes:
- #UNGA 2019 political declaration on Universal Health Coverage
-@IPUparliament Resolution on UHC
WHO Results Report 2018-2019:

Although access to health services has expanded, the 🌍 is still far short of the 1B target & financial protection has weakened.
SO WHO has created a special programme on primary health care to provide more broad-based support to countries.
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The World Health Assembly #WHA73 starts today.
Health leaders are convening virtually for the first time this year, due to #COVID19.
For live #WHA73 updates, follow @WHO.

You can also check this event page curated by @Twitter
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Opening of the virtual #WHA73 with @DrTedros. #COVID19…
"Nurses & midwives have been on the frontlines of the fight against #COVID19, putting themselves in harm’s way. Many have made the ultimate sacrifice in service of humanity.
Please join me, wherever you are, in standing to show your appreciation for these health heroes"-@DrTedros
"We've come together as the nations of the 🌍 to confront the defining health crisis of our time. We come
in grief for those we've lost
with concern for those fighting for their lives
with determination to triumph over the common threat
with hope for the future"-@DrTedros #WHA73
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Health is such a precious commodity.
Healthy people can learn, work & support themselves & their families. When people are sick, they struggle & families & communities fall behind.

WHO is committed to achieving better health for everyone, everywhere! #WHA73
Who is WHO?
The World Health Organization (WHO) is the @UN's specialized agency for health, governed by 194 Member States. It provides science-based recommendations to protect people's health everywhere


The principle that all people should enjoy the highest standard of health, regardless of race, religion, political belief, economic or social condition has guided WHO’s work for the past 70+ years, since it was first set up as the lead agency for international health in the @UN.
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✈ Sending medical equipment to #Haiti
🧪 Producing lab supplies in #Iraq
🧑🏿 ‍Supporting rapid response teams in #Kenya
📞 Setting up a COVID hotline in #Romania
These are just a few ways @WHO is responding to #COVID19 at the country level.
UN Solidarity Flights led by @WHO, @WFP, @AfricaCDC and @_AfricanUnion are delivering urgently needed medical equipment - such as face masks, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and ventilators, to help all African nations respond to #COVID19.

In #Yemen, WHO supports 333 #COVID19 rapid response teams. These 5-person teams are present in every district in the country, responsible for detecting, assessing & responding to suspected cases.
WHO is also equipping hospitals & delivering vital supplies
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WHO’s response in supporting countries on #COVID19:
-Track & identify cases
-Ensure patients get the care they need
-Frontline workers get essential supplies & information
-Advice the public
-Train responders
-Accelerate R&D of vaccine & treatments
WHO’s #COVID19 response includes a practical manual on how to set up and manage treatment centres, which covers:
☑️structural design
☑️infection prevention and control measures
☑️ventilation measures

Donate now to support the global response:

WHO tailors its #COVID19 guidance to best support each and every country, based on the 4⃣Cs, i.e. whether there are:
☑️No cases
☑️Sporadic cases
☑️Clustering of cases
☑️Community transmission

Donate now to support the global response:

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Despite serious challenges, there’s been plenty of good global health news in 2019
@WHO_Europe @WHOEMRO @WHOAFRO @WHOSEARO @WHOWPRO @pahowho World leaders from 193 countries adopted the broadest-ever set of health commitments.
The political declaration on #HealthForAll aims to ensure that everyone, everywhere can access quality healthcare, and that no one is pushed into poverty by health costs
@WHO_Europe @WHOEMRO @WHOAFRO @WHOSEARO @WHOWPRO @pahowho With WHO support
took decisive steps towards expanding health coverage in 2019 #HealthForAll #WHOImpact
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