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Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Dumping links like Galileo dumped the orange; and more!

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1/ A pot of chunky chicken and...
Dumping links like Galileo dumped the orange: Creatively destroying your weekend like Joseph Dumpeter.

3/ Image
Read 23 tweets
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Venture predation; and more!

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1/ A giant pile of manure with...
Venture predation: A pile of shit this big MUST have a pony underneath it!

3/  Image: Eli Duke (modified)...
Read 23 tweets
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: How to save the new from Big Tech; and more!

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1/ Image
How to save the new from Big Tech: Four prescriptions from EFF.

3/  Image: EFF https://www.eff...
Read 23 tweets
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: The IRS will do your taxes for you (if that's what you prefer); and more!

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1/ A vintage drawing of Uncle ...
The IRS will do your taxes for you (if that's what you prefer): After years of expensively purchased delay, Turbotax and its fellow tax-profiteers are losing the fight to make you pay them to tell the government what it already knows.

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Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Ireland's privacy regulator is a gamekeeper-turned-poacher; and more!

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1/ A toddler playing with toy ...
Ireland's privacy regulator is a gamekeeper-turned-poacher: Dublin is a made town.

3/  Image: Cryteria (modified)...
Read 36 tweets
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Revenge of the Linkdumps; and more!

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1/ A kitchen junk-drawer, full...
Revenge of the Linkdumps: Something for the weekend, sir?

3/  Image: Robert Miller (modi...
Read 27 tweets
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: 'We buy ugly houses' is code for 'we steal vulnerable peoples' homes'; and more!

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1/ A Depression-era photo of a...
Tonight (May 11) at 7PM, I'm in #CALGARY for @WordfestTweets with my novel *Red Team Blues*; I'll be hosted by Peter Hemminger at the Memorial Park Library, 2nd Floor.…

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'We buy ugly houses' is code for 'we steal vulnerable peoples' homes': The pervasive, predatory sleaze of Homevestor, "the #1 homebuyer in the USA."

3/  Image: Homevestors https:/...
Read 24 tweets
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Two principles to protect internet users from decaying platforms; and more!

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1/ A giant robot hand holding ...
Today (May 10), I'm in #VANCOUVER for a keynote at the #OSSummit:…

And a book event tonight at #HeritageHall:…

Tomorrow (May 11), I'm in #CALGARY for @WordfestTweets:…


2/ Image
Two principles to protect internet users from decaying platforms: Don't just try to make platforms better - make them less important.

3/    Image: EFF https://www.e...
Read 24 tweets
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: KPMG audits the nursing homes it advises on how to beat audits; and more!

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1/ Two business-suited male fi...
Tomorrow (May 10), I'm in #Vancouver for a keynote at the #OSSummit:…

And a book event at #HeritageHall:…

On Thu (May 11), I'm in #Calgary for @WordfestTweets:…

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KPMG audits the nursing homes it advises on how to beat audits: Too big to fail, too big to jail, and an existential risk to civilization.

3/  Image: (m...
Read 29 tweets
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: California to smash prison e-profiteers; and more!

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1/ A prison cell. Behind the b...
This Weds (May 10), I'm in #Vancouver for a keynote at the #OSSummit:…

And a book event at #HeritageHall:…

On Thu (May 11), I'm in #Calgary for @WordfestTweets:…

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California to smash prison e-profiteers: The Public Utility Commission to the rescue!

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Read 35 tweets
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Hollywood is the single best example of mature labor power in America; On the Media on the enshittification (pt 1); and more!

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1/ Image: LA Times https://com...
Today (5/6), I'll be in #Berkeley with my book *Red Team Blues* at the #BABF2023 for a 3:30PM event with @glynnwashington:…

Tomorrow (5/7), it's an 11AM event with @dellsystem for my book *Chokepoint Capitalism*:…

2/ Image
Read 25 tweets
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Look at all the great stuff we lost because of inflation scare-talk; and more!

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1/ A vintage postcard illustra...
Tonight (5/5), I'm at @BooksIncStores #MountainView with @mkapor for *Red Team Blues*:…

Sat, I'm in #Berkeley for #BABF2023 at 1530h with @glynnwashington:…

Sun, it's an 11h event with @dellsystem:…

2/ Image
Look at all the great stuff we lost because of inflation scare-talk: We swapped pandemic aid, new spending and minimum wage hikes for wage suppression and mass layoffs.

3/    Image: Mosaic 36 (modifi...
Read 24 tweets
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Ostromizing democracy; and more!

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1/ A lab-coated scientist amid...
Tomorrow (May 5), I'll be at @BooksIncStores in #MountainView at 7PM with @mkapor for my new novel, *Red Team Blues*:…

This weekend (May 6/7), I'll be in #Berkeley at the #BABF2023:…

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Ostromizing democracy: To counter antidemocratic libertarians, we need an analytical assessment of group problem-solving.

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Read 24 tweets
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: The Swivel-Eyed Loons Have A Point; and more!

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1/ A row of silhouetted protes...
This Friday (May 5), I'll be at @BooksIncStores in #MountainView with @mkapor for my new novel, *Red Team Blues*:…

And on May 6/7, I'll be in #Berkeley at the #BABF2023:…

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The Swivel-Eyed Loons Have A Point: My *Locus* column about the justifiable suspicions of the medical industry, lockdowns, license-plate cameras, and beyond.…

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Read 24 tweets
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: When you hear "fintech," think "unlicensed bank"; and more!

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1/ A stately, columnated bank ...
Tomorrow (May 2) at 7PM, I'll be at the Cedar Hills Crossing (#PDX) @Powells with @waxy:…

2/ Image
When you hear "fintech," think "unlicensed bank": "...with a computer."

3/  Image: Andre Carrotflower ...
Read 34 tweets
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: The seductive, science fictional power of spreadsheets; and more!

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1/ A Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet w...
Tomorrow (Apr 30) at 2PM, I'll be at the #SanFrancisco Public Library with my new book, *Red Team Blues*, hosted by @[email protected]:…

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The seductive, science fictional power of spreadsheets: Maybe the map IS the territory?

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Read 29 tweets
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Private equity finally delivered Sarah Palin's death panels; and more!

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1/ An industrial meat grinder,...
Tonight (Apr 26), I'll be in #Burbank at @DarkDel at 6PM with my new book, *Red Team Blues*:…

2/ Image
From Apr 26-28, @BNBuzz is offering a 25% discount on preorders for my upcoming novels (use discount code PREORDER25):

The Lost Cause (Nov 2023)…

The Bezzle (Red Team Blues #2) (Feb 2024)…


Read 29 tweets
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: How Amazon makes everything you buy more expensive, no matter where you buy it; and more!

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1/ Image
Tonight (Apr 25) I'll be in #SanDiego for the launch of my new novel, *Red Team Blues*, at @MystGalaxyBooks, hosted by @_SarahGailey. Please come and say hi!…

Tomorrow (Apr 26), you can catch me in #Burbank at @DarkDel at 6PM:…

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How Amazon makes everything you buy more expensive, no matter where you buy it: Most Favored Nation is my least favorite scam.

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Read 29 tweets
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: How Goldman Sachs's "tax-loss harvesting" lets the ultra-rich rake in billions tax-free; Happy Independent Bookstore Day; and more!

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1/   Image: Matthew Bisanz (mo...
Tomorrow (Apr 25) I'll be in #SanDiego for the launch of my new novel, *Red Team Blues*, at 7PM at @MystGalaxyBooks, hosted by @_SarahGailey. Please come and say hi!…

2/ Image
How Goldman Sachs's "tax-loss harvesting" lets the ultra-rich rake in billions tax-free: "Generating a tax loss without a substantial change in the investment."

3/  Image: Matthew Bisanz (mod...
Read 40 tweets
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: How workers get trapped by "bondage fees"; Red Team Blues Chapter One, part five; and more!

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1/ Image: crystalsquare apts (...
I'm at the @latimes #Bookfest this weekend:…

Apr 23 at 12, I'm on a panel called "Covering Silicon Valley."

Apr 24 at 11, I'm signing for @CalBookClub at booth 111. At 12:30, I'm on a panel called "The Accidental Detective."

How workers get trapped by "bondage fees": Two-sided markets always lead to enshittification.

3/  Image: crystalsquare apts ...
Read 28 tweets
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Company that makes millions spying on students will get to sue a whistleblower; Red Team Blues Chapter One, part four; and more!

Archived at:…


1/  Image: Ingo Bernhardt http...
Today (Apr 21), I'm speaking in #Chicago at the @StiglerCenter's #Antitrust and #Competition Conference:…

This weekend (Apr 23/24), I'm at the @latimes #Bookfest:…

Company that makes millions spying on students will get to sue a whistleblower: The BC Appeals Court drops a *terrible* decision in Ian Linkletter's anti-SLAPP against Proctorio.

3/  Image: Ingo Bernhardt http...
Read 31 tweets
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Iowa's starvation strategy; The Red Team Blues tour; Red Team Blues Chapter One, part three; and more!

Archived at:…


1/   Image: Iqkotze (modified)...
Tomorrow (Apr 21), I'm speaking in #Chicago at the @StiglerCenter's #Antitrust and #Competition Conference:…

This weekend (Apr 22/23), I'm at the @latimes #Bookfest:…

Iowa's starvation strategy: Maybe the cruelty IS the point?

3/ Image: Iqkotze (modified) h...
Read 31 tweets
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: SVB bailouts for everyone - except affordable housing projects; and more!

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1/ A glass-and-steel, high-tec...
There's just TWO DAYS left in the @Kickstarter for the audiobook of my anti-finance finance thriller about #SiliconValley scams, *Red Team Blues*. #Audible won't carry my audiobooks because they're #DRM free. Crowdfunding makes them possible!

2/ Image
SVB bailouts for everyone - except affordable housing projects: Even the shareholders got billions.

3/  Image: Lydia (modified) ht...
Read 24 tweets

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