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A very brief 🧵

US Military hero and National Security Advisor to former President Trump @AVindman warned the world about Trump’s horrific July 2019 phone call to #Ukraine President #Zelenskyy, when Trump attempted to extort Zelenskyy into digging up imagined dirt on Biden ->
2. … and threatening to halt shipment of Congressionally-approved, desperately needed defensive weapons from the US to Ukraine. #Vindman and other witnesses exposed Trump’s illegal and wicked scheme, which lead to Trump’s first impeachment. For his patriotic and honorable ->
3. … service to our nation, Lt. Col. Vindman was excoriated and threatened by corrupt Trump and Trumpist politics allies, and social media bots controlled by Putin and Russia. After an intense campaign by Trumpists against Vindman, he resigned. In light of the current Russian ->
Read 5 tweets

1/Extraordinary letter re: insight into NSC prepub process re: #Bolton's book. Ms. Knight (& her experienced counsel) are to be applauded for taking action. Displays professionalism.

What ramifications does it have? Let's explore some key points.
2/#Bolton is being sued civilly by USGOVT for failing to comply w/contractual obligation that he abide by prepub review & receive final approval. USGOVT has pursued this path fewer than 10x in history.…
3/Court did not agree w/USGOVT that book could be blocked but said “Defendant Bolton has gambled with the national security of the United States. He has exposed his country to harm and himself to civil (and potentially criminal) liability."

Not good.…
Read 22 tweets
Genuinely believe Donald Trump's purge of the NSC -- more than 60 staffers (or 1/3 of the whole NSC) have been cut over the last 6 months -- is one of the under-reported stories in Washington and the mishandling of #coronavirus. A few thoughts below. 1/x
The NSC’s downsizing appears to be part of Trump’s wider revenge campaign against what the president has reportedly called “snakes” in Washington. It makes sense to start with the NSC, because it’s the epicenter of government. 2/x
And there was a justifiable reason to cut the staff—just about everyone in Washington agreed the modern NSC had become too big. Barack Obama’s staff had over 400 members, more than half of whom worked on policy. 3/x
Read 25 tweets
Sondland (witness) was recalled.
Vindman (witness) was removed.
Vindman's twin brother (not a witness) was removed.
Earthquake aid to Puerto Rico was vetoed.
An emoluments case was thrown out on a technicality.

Hunter Biden's financial records were given to GOP members of Congress by the Treasury.
Trump said he intends to continue holding rallies after he wins in 2020.
He falsely accused Pelosi, Schumer and Schiff of committing crimes.

New Yorkers have been excluded from the "Trusted Traveler" programs.
Former GOP Presidential candidate Mitt Romney was labeled a "Democratic Asset."
Trump retweeted a Ted Cruz rant labeling "the left" as anti-semitic.

All this since his acquittal. 48 hours ago.

Read 4 tweets
Quelques remarques, avec du recul, sur l'acquittement en #impeachment de #Trump et ce qu'il nous dit du retour (est-elle jamais vraiment partie?) de la présidence impériale aux #EtatsUnis après la "liquidation" hier soir des témoins Vindman et Sondland.…
2) Si on commence par la fin, le renvoi, volontairement humiliant et brutal dans le cas de #Vindman, de deux conseillers/ambassadeurs ayant témoigné contre lui lors de la procédure d'#impeachment nous apprend beaucoup de la vision de #Trump sur son exercice de la présidence US.
3) Pour #Trump, tout est partisan ET personnel dans l'exercice d'1 présidence qu'il pratique, non comme 1 fonction constitutionnelle contrainte, mais en énième déclinaison de son business recentré depuis 1997 sur sa seule personne devenue marque. Tout pouvoir doit procéder de lui
Read 25 tweets
1/ THREAD: Donald Trump, Jr. verbally attacked Sen. Mitt Romney for voting for the conviction of his father. Junior used the same word to describe Romney as some men have used for decades, perhaps centuries, to describe someone who, they assert, lacks courage.
2/ It's also the same slang word his dad thinks where women should be grabbed without their consent.

In doing so, Trump Jr. demonstrated:

• His profound misogyny
• His own cowardice
3/ The use of this particular gendered slur for cowardice is especially ironic since the average woman has greater moral courage than the average man.
Read 6 tweets
@RBReich You're still worried about Russia's ability to propagandize a few computer-illiterate swing voters?
Did it bother you that #ObamaBiden supported the #MaidanCoup along with #NeoNazis who are still influencing the government in Ukraine?… #JoeBiden
@RBReich Snipers who killed scores of protestors and policemen on Kiev’s Maidan Square in February 2014, triggered a “democratic revolution” that overthrew the elected president, Yanukovych, and brought to power a virulent anti-Russian, pro-American regime.…
@RBReich When a founder of a #NeoNazi party and repackaged speaker of the Ukrainian parliament visited Washington in 2017, he was widely feted by leading American politicians, including Senator John #McCain and Representative Paul Ryan.
Read 28 tweets
As someone who has had the privilege of representing asylum seekers who risked their lives standing up to corruption, I was touched by the gratitude expressed in the #VindmanTestimony that Lt Col #Vindman's family no longer lives in a country like that.

If only it were true.
It's one thing to know that there are places where it's impossible to remove a corrupt president, and where his party will knowingly help him try to expose any whistleblowers to acts of stochastic violence.

It's another thing to realize that you live in one of those places.
Trump doesn't admire Putin, Erdogan, MBS, etc in spite of flagrant murders of critics, journalists, & truthtellers. He clearly admires them *for* these things.

Retributive violence is a hell of a drug
Read 6 tweets
“Mr. Vindman.”
“Ranking member, it’s Lieutenant Colonel Vindman, please.”
The closest thing to a mic drop a congressional hearing has ever seen #ImpeachmentHearings #VindmanTestimony Image
Congressman Adam Schiff made it a point to pause and explain the connection between #QuidProQuo and #Bribery … Dems had been message testing both ahead of the hearings among ppl in battleground states, per @washingtonpost reporting #ImpeachmentHearings Image
heard a few different reasons offered up by Republicans as to why #impeachment is too far. A new one from Congressman Ratcliffe- #Vindman and #Williams both heard same July 25th phone call, only 1 felt compelled to report it. Not sure how this will resonate, both had concerns Image
Read 3 tweets
1. Good segment on @RonJohnsonWI smear of Purple Heart #Vindman

Johnson who was at May 23 meeting where "the irregular channel began" (Taylor testimony)

Johnson who can't recall Trump tasking officials to engage Giuliani—despite Sondland/Volker testimony…
2. The same Ron Johnson who was told of security aid quid pro quo by Sondland and appears to have just taken President Trump's word for it—without reporting that alarming info to congressional colleagues for oversight.

For more on that @byamberphillips:…
3. "Four ethics experts say Johnson — a member of a branch of government that exists, in part, to provide a check on the president — should have also alerted other senators, explored holding an oversight hearing or even told federal investigators."…
Read 4 tweets
I’ve got some #DevinNunes lawsuit news, + if you live for that you should be following @kateirby at @FresnoBee! Here’s her story on Nunes’ former aide #KashyapPatel’s suit against @politico and @NatashaBertrand. $25M defamation, same lawyer as Nunes’ suits…
There’s lot of great detail in Irby’s piece, including that Kashyap “Kash” Patel is ***the author of the infamous “Nunes Memo”***. That shouldn’t surprise anyone that #DevinNunes, notorious for not reading any materials, couldn’t have written a conclusion on what they said.
This earlier tweet links to the @foxnews piece that first alerted Irby to the Patel lawsuit. Plenty to ruminate over in both pieces.

Like the pointless Nunes suits, they’re filed in VA despite the lack of a connection to any of the parties. Little on legal merit, plenty bombast.
Read 14 tweets
1 petit #thread récapitulatif sur l'enquête en vue d'#impeachment sur #Trump de la Chambre démocrate qui prend un nouveau tournant aujourd'hui avec les 1ères auditions publiques et télévisées de témoins pour essayer de prendre de la hauteur sur 1 flux impressionnant d'infos… 👇
2) Déjà, de quoi s'agit-il? Rappeler que la Chambre à majorité démocrate a ouvert depuis le 24 septembre 1 enquête en vue d'#impeachment, c'est-à-dire de mise en accusation contre le président D.#Trump à propos de ses actions envers l'#Ukraine au printemps et à l'été 2019...
3)…cette enquête parlementaire en vue d'#impeachment de la Chambre démocrate a été ultérieurement codifiée par cette résolution votée par la Chambre le 31 octobre.L'enquête doit déterminer s'il y a motif(s) de mettre en accusation #Trump selon ces règles.…
Read 31 tweets
@ChanelRion @OANN @NeilWMcCabe2 #EricCiaramella’s attorney is referring only to #Ciaramella as “my client”
“that places my client, [and his other whistleblower client] the #IntelligenceCommunityWhistleblower, and their family”… #whistleblower #EugeneVindman #YevgenyVindman #AdamSchiff
@ChanelRion @OANN @NeilWMcCabe2 Read the attorney's letter:
"the President equated whistleblowers and my client — AS WELL AS MY OTHER WHISTLEBLOWER CLIENT”
“Let me be clear: Should any harm befall any suspected named whistleblower or their family, the blame will rest squarely with your client,”
@ChanelRion @OANN @NeilWMcCabe2 "While engaging in foreign affairs at the United States Mission to the United Nations in New York on September 26, 2019, the President equated whistleblowers and my client [#Ciaramella] — AS WELL AS MY OTHER #WHISTLEBLOWER CLIENT — with “spies”, stating:"…
Read 32 tweets
💥#Vindman transcript out! He testified Trump's demand for public announcement of politically-motivated investigation into Biden by Ukraine undermines US national security. And detailed the pressure campaign waged by Trump & allies ahead of the call.…
😃GOP Ratcliffe disputed Vindman using the word 'demand' & got better language! Now there's sworn testimony that Trump's demand was a "prerequisite"—"in return for"—for a WH meeting: "This was about getting a White House meeting… a demand to fulfill his particular prerequisite."
#Vindman testimony makes a key point: Trump's demand for investigations, if carried out, wouldn't be credible & likely result in #disinformation. He notes that pressuring a foreign govt desperate for aid to fight for its very survival would do whatever it has to get that aid.
Read 5 tweets
OUH LA LA...l'ambassadeur de #Trump auprès de L'UE, son ex-donateur #Sondland vient de MODIFIER son témoignage sur l'#Ukraine au Congrès et reconnaît le donnant-donnant (Quid pro quo). Retournement.
2) C'est 1 #breaking tout ce que vous voulez...#Sondland, coincé par les témoignages des diplomates et militaires de carrière comme Taylor ou Vindman, reconnaît avoir lié pour #Trump aide militaire à l'#Ukraine aux enquêtes sur #Biden...
3) #Verbatim Le compte-rendu du témoignage de #Sondland est ici et allez à la fin (page 376) pour avoir son correctif qui enfonce la 1ère ligne de défense de #Trump du "no Quid pro quo". #àlire…
Read 17 tweets
@charliekirk11 "The Inspector General shall not disclose the identity of the employee … unless he determines such disclosure is unavoidable during the course of the investigation ..."
He is the only official specifically prohibited from identifying the #whistleblower.…
@charliekirk11 #AlexanderVindman testified that the White House’s rough transcript was mostly accurate in describing the contents of the July 25 phone call between #tRump & #Zelensky aside from the edits he wanted to make.… #tRumpImpeachment #tRumpism #Penceism #Bidenism
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🔥Colonel #Vindman testified he was convinced that a #QuidProQuo existed WEEKS BEFORE @realDonaldTrump’s #Ukrainegate call, and *Trump* was personally blocking $400 million in aid to #Ukraine to force them to publicly announce an probe into the Bidens.…
#Vindman believed the existence of a #QuidProQuo was clear during a July 10 meeting, when Gordon Sondland told Ukrainian government officials that they would need to deliver "specific investigations in order to secure the meeting" with Trump that they so desired.🤬

🔥WHOA. #Vindman said that in a separate meeting of US officials immediately afterward, "Sondland emphasized the importance that #Ukraine deliver the investigations into the 2016 election, the Bidens, and Burisma.”

Total #corruption.🤬

#Ukrainegate #ImpeachTrump
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🚨BREAKING: American🇺🇸hero Lt. Col. Alexander #Vindman told House #impeachment investigators that the WH “transcript” of @realDonaldTrump’s #Ukrainegate call “omitted crucial words and phrases,” and that his attempts to restore them failed.🤬…
#Vindman said the OMISSIONS included Trump’s assertion that there were recordings of Joe Biden discussing Ukraine #corruption, and an explicit mention by Ukraine’s president of Burisma Holdings, the energy company whose board employed Biden’s son Hunter.🤬

The WH released a MEMO, not a verbatim #transcript, of Trump’s #Ukrainegate call. The call lasted ~30 minutes, but the MEMO only covered ~11 minutes of discussion.🧐


@HouseDemocrats *must* get the RECORDING of the call‼️

#Ukrainegate #Coverup
Read 10 tweets
Ever since @realDonaldTrump declassified and released the Memorandum of Call, #conspiracytheorists have FOCUSED on the appearance of #ellipses in the #memorandum.

Here's an example.

This was tweeted by Jennifer Bendery
@jbendery, Senior politics reporter for @HuffPost HuffPost and VP of #WashingtonPressClubFoundation:
There is a slew of tweets bearing this same insinuation, that the call summary omits matters of substance or significance. You can see them by doing an advanced search on @Twitter:…
Read 26 tweets
💥First direct witness on Ukraine call >> Top WH Ukraine expert & decorated military officer will tell impeachment investigators he twice reported concerns about Trump’s pressure tactics on Ukraine… #UkraineGate #Impeachment
LtCol Vindman wasn't just worried about Trump's illegal demand. As a natsec expert AND Soviet immigrant, he understood the implications: Dragging Ukraine into partisan investigations would undoubtedly result in losing bipartisan support—bad for OUR natl security, good for Russia.
Trump propagandists smear hero Vindman b/c the truth is clear as day. His testimony is first-hand direct evidence of Trump's abuse of power, directing a campaign to pressure Ukraine to benefit himself—& Russia—at the expense of our national security goals.…
Read 17 tweets

Decorated @USArmy veteran LTC Alexander Vindman plans to tell @HouseDemocrats that he heard @realDonaldTrump ask #Ukraine’s president to investigate @JoeBiden, and reported it to a superior out of what he called a “sense of duty.”

What a hero!🇺🇸…
🔥Vindman—the 1st WH official to testify who listened in on the July 25 #Ukrainegate call—is the TOP #Ukraine expert on the NSC and raised internal objections TWICE about how Trump and his cronies were treating #Ukraine.

Vindman: “I did not think it was proper to demand that a foreign government investigate a US citizen...I realized that if #Ukraine pursued an investigation into the Bidens and Burisma it would likely be interpreted as a partisan play” that would HURT #Ukraine.

To help TRUMP.🤬
Read 18 tweets

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