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4H is called 'Sukha Sthana' i.e it represents our home where we experience all the comforts, security, nourishment etc. It controls our deep emotions and strong bonds one of the very first is with our mother.

Let's understand 4L through different houses (part-2)

4L in 7H: It makes you an independent person. You are the one to break boundaries to make your own way in life. You like to be in public but not so keen on sharing your thoughts with everyone. Your comfort comes from having a close relationship where you can-

Pour your heart out. You like to be known in your social circle and it does give you many opportunities. You like to learn and value your education. It does give you a lot of relationships. You multiply your comforts with your efforts. Mother has a strong say-

Read 19 tweets
Akashic Records: a link between your past, present and future.
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Here's what's needed to do a proper Akashic Record Reading for you.
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What is the combination of planets for a government job as per astrology
(General observations being shared here - if you need specific inputs as per your horoscope, DM/write to me on [email protected] or visit
#vedicastrology #astrology…
Essentially Government Job in the horoscope depends on a combination of few planets and houses relationships. Some of them are as follows;
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Strong Lagna and lagnesh give a strong personality, support in professional achievement, income, self-confidence, vitality, temperament and crucial support for overall achievement in life.
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Read 16 tweets
4H is called 'Sukha Sthana' i.e it represents our home where we experience all the comforts, security, nourishment etc. It controls our deep emotions and strong bonds one of the very first is with our mother.

Let's understand 4L through different houses (part-1)

4L in 1H: It means that you are kind, sociable and a mentally strong person. You strongly identify yourself with your home and homeland. Your mother has a strong influence on you. Your relationship with her can be quite unique. You want a sense of comfort in -

Every aspect of your life. You like to acquire every type of comfort and luxury in your life but with your own efforts. You are a sociable person you like giving back to society. This placement makes excellent leaders one who likes to work for the public.

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Astrological combinations for spiritual path; sharing some general observations. For specific inputs based on your horoscope, DM / write to me on [email protected], or visit
#vedicastrology #astrology…
Houses significators:
3rd house: Denotes mental inclination.
5th house: Denotes mantra siddhi.
9th house: Denotes religion.
10th house: Denotes fame.
11th house: Denotes fulfillment of desire.
12th house: Denotes moksha.
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Planets significators:

Saturn:-It is a planet of sanyas, karaka for 12th house matters, detachment.
ketu:- Separation, moksh planet.
Jupiter:- It is spiritual planet.
Sun:- It is aatamkarak planet
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3H represents your courage, confidence, skills, efforts, communication and short distance travels. It also shows your friends, siblings and cousins. It's where you meet new people.

Let's understand 3L through different houses(part-2).

3L in 7H: It makes you an independent decision maker. You don't listen to anyone when it comes to your life. The effort and courage goes into putting yourself out in the world. How people perceive you and how to communicate with them. You are bold with your -

Decisions. You are brilliant in working with people or collaborating your efforts and business with others. Your life partner could be from your friends. You should strive for honesty in your relationships as well as business dealings. You are highly sexual.

Read 19 tweets
3H represents your courage, confidence, skills, efforts, communication and short distance travels. It also shows your friends, siblings and cousins. It's where you meet new people.

Let's understand 3L through different houses(part-1).

3L in 1H: You are bold, daring and a risk taker. You like to do things in your own way. You have a sharp ability to retain information in your mind which makes you a quick learner. You are also able to hold the attention of other people. You are mentally -

Strong and like to establish your authority in any situation. This gives many short distance travels. You are not afraid to put effort into the things you desire and want to achieve. You can use anyone to your own advantage be it your siblings or friends.

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Sharing some insights on the influence of shadow planets Rahu & Ketu on people - for inputs based on your horoscope, DM me / write to me on [email protected] or visit
#vedicastrology #astrology
Ketu and Rahu - their influence on the masses of people.
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If Ketu gives knowledge of ancient and deeply rooted racial tendencies, Rahu gives a flair for current mass influences. Ketu, for example, can create a narrow-minded biblical scholastic, while Rahu can create an avid preacher with a crowd of followers.
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Read 31 tweets
Basically there are two systems of astrology.
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12 division based Rashi system is an import in India a few thousand years ago; Vedic astronomy & astrology developed on 27 divisions of 13.33 degree each (Nakshatras) much earlier, is mentioned in Vedas & Puranas - angle that Moon covers in 24 hrs around Earth.
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Nakshatra (Instead of Rashi) Used for Prediction

Original Vedic Astrology is based on Nakshatras, also called Nadi Astrology . In this system , these Nakshatra are arranged in various ways to predict a particular outcome . These are called as Chakras.
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Read 9 tweets
Role of navagrahas in human body

Human lifespan is 120 years

Ketu is 7 years,
Venus 20 years,
Sun is 6 years old
Moon 10 years,

#vedicastrology #astrology Image
Mars 7 years,
Rahu is 18 years,
Jupiter is 16 years,
Saturn is 19 years,
Mercury 17 years,
Thus: 7+20+6+10+7+18+16+19+17

= divided into 120 years.
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Based on change of planets, human development varies. Adityadi Navagraha's ray energies are within human beings.

Ravi refers to the body.

Ravi Kuja creates powerful qualities within the body.
Chandra Shukra is responsible for patience and beauty.
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Read 11 tweets
A devotee who chants Goddess Bhuvaneshwari mantra is blessed in different ways. It can also be chanted to please other gods and goddesses. Bhuvaneshwari Mantra:
#SanatanaDharma #Hinduism #vedicastrology Image
Hreem – (Ekakshari Mantra)
Aam Hreem Krom – (Try Akshari Mantra),
“Aim Hreem Shreem Aim Shreem – (Panchakshari Mantra).
In astrology she denotes the moon
#SanatanaDharma #Hinduism #vedicastrology Image
Moon as a Goddess In Vedic Astrology

Moon cycle is of 3 parts & Tri-Devi are seen as per Moon phase. From Shukla Pratipad to Sukla Dashami Durga rules the Moon, Lakshmi from Dashami to Krisna Panchami, Panchami to Amavasya is Kali.
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Read 27 tweets
What is your atmakarka?

Atmakarka and Soul’s desire
(Sharing some general observations - to identify your atmakarka based on your horoscope, DM me/write to [email protected] or visit
#VedicAstrology #astrology…
SUN: The Native needs to become more humble, let go off his ego/pride and respect his father and the elderly.
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MOON: Listen to your mom, be unqualified in love and Compassion towards all, render care to the suffering and underprivileged, work for women's welfare (in family and society) - but you must do all this truly and sincerely.
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Ketu, a shadow planet, evokes various kinds of emotions among people. Sharing some general observations; for specific inputs based on your horoscope, DM me, write to me on [email protected] or visit
#vedicastrology #astrology
Sun & Ketu in conjunction, or Ketu in sign of the Sun, can make a person aware of his character in the past life. One could stand out from the rest, from the way his mind works as also socially.
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In the event that a connection of this type is unfavorable, it will precipitate a quarrel and a misunderstanding, sharp differences etc, Can also lead to self-doubt, problems with others (depends on the quality of the connection).
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9H represents your Bhagya(luck), fortune, dharma(righteous path), long journeys, religion, father/guru/mentor, higher learning. It's the house of your connection to the divine and blessings.

Let's understand 9L through different houses (part-2).
9L in 7H: It gives you skills and talents. You know how to present yourself in the world. Relationships and partnerships are favourable for you. Working with other people pushes you in the right direction. Your spouse brings prosperity and fortune in your life.

Spouse can be charming and can have good public image. Your bhagya rises after marriage or working in a partnership. You might travel to foreign lands or settle in foreign lands after marriage or you could go to foreign lands for higher education.

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What you shouldn’t do on full moons?
#vedicastrology #astrology Image
Shouldn’t seek new beginnings; instead detox and manifest because full moons is a time of releasing, welcoming closure, and allowing things to happen.
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Don’t Initiate intense discussions, keep it light and playful.
Avoid consuming mind-altering substances. ...
Don't overextend your schedule. ...
Don't rush the process, let your mind take charge rationally
#vedicastrology #astrology Image
Read 5 tweets
9H represents your Bhagya(luck), fortune, dharma(righteous path), long journeys, religion, father/guru/mentor, higher learning. It's the house of your connection to the divine and blessings.

Let's understand 9L through different houses (part-1).

9L in 1H: It indicates that you make your bhagya through your own self efforts, thinking pattern and personality. It makes you a strong believer of higher power and divinity. You are naturally inclined towards your religion and spirituality. Higher learning, -

Knowledge and wisdom naturally comes to you. Your father can also be a learned and religious person and you are born in a good family. High moral and ethical standards are important to you and you never compromise when it comes to them. There can be connections -

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Bring in Plants. ...
Clean the Home With Rock Salt. ...
Save Water. ...
Store Food in the Right Place. ...
#VedicAstrology #Vastu Image
Burn Camphor. ...
Have a Clutter-Free Entrance. ...
Display Fruits. ...
Bring in Light.
#VedicAstrology #Vastu Image
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Vastu tips for good health
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One should never utilize the space under the stairs because doing so can lead to sickness and heart disease. Vastu for good health, suggests focusing on keeping the space underneath the stairs clean and clutter-free
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You should consider facing east or north whenever you study, as it can help streamline your energy, thereby giving positive results.
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Vastu Tips for Marriage
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For a happy married life, make sure there are no single pieces of decoration in the room, like a single duck or a single butterfly. Keep them in twos, symbolic of love. Family photo in south-west & couple photo in the west direction is highly recommended
#VedicAstrology #Vastu Image
It is highly recommended for married couples to sleep in the South-West or the South direction in the house. Painting your bedroom with light and bright colors like white, yellow, pink, light green, light blue, etc.
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Vastu tips to remove negative energies.
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Light a candle or an earthen lamp daily in the evening to keep away negative energy from the house

Avoid artificial flowers at home.
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Declutter your house on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.

Using White California Sage and Palo Santo sticks also helps in removing negativity
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Brown: Brown is a classic choice for wallets/money pouches. It is believed that brown has earthly characteristics of flourishing. Keeping money in a brown wallet will help you save it.
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Black: Black is a colour of prosperity, wealth, and career opportunities. You can carry a black wallet to attract all of these three things.
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Wallet tips:
Money attracts money, so keep some bank notes in your wallet, never keep it empty.
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Keep some rice grains: Rice represents good life and abundance. Keeping a few grains of rice in your wallet will attract wealth and fresh energy.
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Peepal leaves: You can attract a lot of luck and abundance by keeping a peepal leaf in your wallet.
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Read 4 tweets
5H represents your intelligence, vision, creativity, position in society, children, speculation etc. It's also the house of your purva-punya i.e the fruits of your past deeds.

Let's understand 5L through different houses in the chart(part-2).

5L in 7H: It makes you a broad minded person. You like to go beyond the boundaries set by society and religion. So you also don't like to follow the traditional boundaries when it comes to relationships and marriage. It does suggest marrying by their own choice.
Your creativity and intelligence is utilized in relationships, how you deal with the world, and how others perceive you. You are a passionate person when it comes to intimate relationships. You feel happy by being with people helping and educating them.

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