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Which country is named after a planetary feature of Earth, because it was first demarcated by scientists in that country?
Yes indeed, Ecuador. ImageImage
Oh yeah, equator was known for a while, its crossing marked by sailors frequently.

But Quito is where it was formally measured, demarcated, etc by a French team. Why the new country, not wanting to have another Columbus or Bolivar name, chose Ecuador.

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#NETWAR and #BattleMESH

This is #ART I drew with Pen&Ink in the 70's

Before RAND was predicting 'the next Pic' or 'The MATRIX' was a Movie

#Trivia #Entertainment Image

I feel home in the aisle of the hardward store they pile the rolls of fencing and chickenwire. LOVE the 1/2 Mesh. So many uses for it. Image
Notable Nodes in Battlemesh

#MarkovChains distributing i/o 'npn' and pnp' Image
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- The Man Who Fought in WWII with a Sword and a Bow šŸ§µļæ¼ -

Born into an old Oxfordshire family, Jack Churchill graduated from the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst in 1926 #Svagaiature #WWII #History #Scotland #Trivia (1/16) Image
In 1930 he left the Army and worked as an editor of a Nairobi newspaper, a model, and a movie extra, he even participated to the 1939 bow World Championship representing Britain (2/16) Image
In 1940 Jack felt the call of duty and re-joined the Army becoming the second in command of an infantry platoon. Everything fine, if it wasnā€™t for the fact that Mad Jack always marched into battle with bow, arrows and his trusty basket-hilted claymore by his side (3/16)
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This brand's history starts in a Kentucky store where the product recipe was first created, then Nashville Tennessee, where it first tasted huge success.
They then moved to North Carolina cos one of the owners loved Camel cigarettes (weird reason šŸ¤”).
HQ is still in NC.
Answer is Krispy Kreme!

It started off as an uncle-nephew partnership. They ran a store in which the donuts were just one product. But during the depression, a lot of inventory wasn't moving. So they started focusing on the donuts which were very popular. Moved to Nashville.
The donuts became such a hit in Nashville that more family members joined the business to expand. Vernon Rudolph, one of the nephews, wanted to branch out. Somewhere other than Nashville, to not compete with the family. He didn't have any connection to NC.
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Which US state is
#1 in safety
#1 in education
#1 in % of immigrants
#1 in fewest underprivileged kids
#5 in happiness
#6 in lowest poverty
#6 in teachers
#9 in healthcare

#1 in population density
#1 in happily being the butt of jokes
#50 in most hardworking šŸ˜
The answer is New Jersey.

It consistently ranks in the top 5 and at the most top 10 on most quality of life and socio economic indicators.

But because the state is cool with being the butt of jokes always, its public perception isn't as glamorous.
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Since January 2023, I have launched a weekly series on @mumbaitak (thanks to @sahiljoshii) where I speak in #Marathi on little-known yet significant episodes from #IndianHistory. This is a thread with the playlists.
Do watch and comment.
#history #trivia #Mumbai #Maharashtra
The first episode with over 2.6 lakh views was on the sensational #TheBawlaMurderCase (1925) which led to the abdication of an Indian king. You can buy my book on this crime here:

#truecrime #crime #Mumbai #Maharashtra #Books
Did you know that the police stations in #Mumbai, the #MumbaiPolice special branch & crime branch owe their genesis to #LokmanyaBalGangadharTilak? Watch this episode to know more about the bitter-sweet (!)relation between #Tilak and the #MumbaiPolice.

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ā€œOnce upon a timeā€ when there was nothing beyond Silk Board till an apartment came up . Folks were scared to cross the Silk Board signal even back then . The bus stop right outside was called ā€œapartmentā€for several years #Bengaluru #trivia @peakbengaluru
Once upon a time , there was only one double road in Bengaluru and KH road is still called that . #bengaluru #trivia
Once upon a time there was a drive in theatre on Bannerghatta Road . The whole family packed like sardines get in to watch a movie . Sprawl themselves on the mat they got eating picnic lunch and watching a movie . Kids got Icecream chips etc as treats #Bangalore #trivia
Read 21 tweets
So what rabbinic texts deal with the trans agenda? A few examples ImageImage
Adam the first man, who was created in the image of God, described as being both male and female. Berakhot 61A Babylon Talmudā€¦ Image
Adam created male and female. Repeated in BTā€¦
Rashi describing Adam as created with two faces in Genesisā€¦ ImageImage
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A buddy asked me to bring him from Mexico. Not chocolate, mezcal, hot sauce. But "a couple of small bottles of _____ cos Mexico is where they mostly make it from beans. 99% elsewhere is chemically processed."
What ubiquitous product?
One of the most expensive food items.
This is a product that is available in probably every grocery store in the world! It is everywhere around us, especially in desserts. But its source plant (from Mexico) takes a LOT of labor to grow. So its chemically synthesized flavor is what most of us taste through our lives.
Yes, indeed!

A big TIL in Mexico for me was that

a. Vanilla is originally from Mexico
b. I had probably never actually tasted "real" vanilla in my life.

Real vanilla costs like $600/kg! I was a little shook at how much the bottles cost lol.

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True.. India and Palestine have common history.. but only in 2 cases.. Because Abbas.. the secret brother of @NarendraModi is a Palestinian.. and his sister Qamar also originated from Palestine.... #RishiBakwamitra..
Even Irfan Khan's brother "YEDA" (in Aan) didnt talk as much nonsense as @NarendraModi.. and now hes happily modelling for underwears ... LOL!.. Maybe Palestinians came to Vadnagar to buy metals for missiles & thats the common history..
#Trivia Palestinians & their land was so faaltu.. that Julius Caesar's navy decided its a POS, ignored it & invaded Egypt instead. This is a historical fact.. and @NarendraModi claims India & Palestine have "common history" when all others wanted to loot rich India. #MoronicCrap
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#Trivia #Qatar2022 #29Nov

ĀæEn quĆ© Mundial de fĆŗtbol un perro se robĆ³ el show? šŸ¶

La respuesta en un ratico

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#LaCaimanera šŸ‘‰šŸ½
Respuesta: 4 meses antes del Mundial #Inglaterra 1966, un collie de 4 aƱos llamado Pickles ("Pepinillos") hallĆ³ el primer trofeo FIFA, que habĆ­a sido robado en Londres

Fue nombrado "Perro del AƱo" y actuĆ³ en una comedia de espĆ­as en el cine

Por desgracia, muriĆ³ en 1967 #Hilo
Tras ser invitado a la celebraciĆ³n del tĆ­tulo de Inglaterra en 1966 y aparecer en una pelĆ­cula (EL ESPƍA CON LA NARIZ FRƍA), lamentablemente Pickles falleciĆ³ en 1967: se estrangulĆ³ con su propia cadena, que se enredĆ³ en un Ć”rbol mientras perseguĆ­a a un gato šŸ’”

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#RandomQuiz.. Even if you have never been to this city in your life... You should be able to intelligently guess which airport this flight is landing at...
Hahaha... YES.. Only at Mumbai will you be greeted by the long stretch of Asia's biggest slum> Dharavi.. just before you touch down...
These are "collectively" the Dharavi slums stretching across Kurla-Sion... On a clear day.. to the right of the plane you can actually see Sion (East) station which is situated on a small elevation..
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X,Y,Z have acted in W with their real life husbands, but NOT as loving couples
- X is often insulted & comically strangled by her dude
- Y is stalked & harassed for years by her dude despite repeated NO's
- Z is gaslit & manipulated into sex by her dude

Name X,Y,Z,W.
Clue - the husbands are the writers of all these characters and setups
Seems like a stumper, so another clue.

Two of the couples were together before they acted on the show together.

The third couple got together early while shooting the show, but their characters have never had even a hint of romantic interest. They hate each other on screen.
Read 5 tweets
#trivia quiz. Who wrote this -

"Well, you Hindus, you say all the present sufferers belong to the class of sinners of the previous births. Good. You say the present oppressors were saintly people in their previous births, hence they enjoy power. Let me admit that your ancestors'
' were very shrewd people, they tried to find out theories strong enough to hammer down all the efforts of reason and disbelief. But let us analyse how far this argument can really stand.

From the point of view of the most famous jurists punishment can be justified only from'
'three or four ends to meet which it is inflicted upon the wrongdoer. They are retributive, reformative and deterrent. The retributive theory is now being condemned by all the advanced thinkers.
Deterrent theory is also following the same fate. Reformative theory is the only one'
Read 10 tweets
Remember this meme. Famously called the 'Disaster Girl', it has been on the internet for 17 years now.

Interesting fact is that the little girl, now a 22-yr-old college goer, has made almost over $285,000 from the meme. Meet Zoe Roth or the 'Disaster Girl'
#Memes #Trivia #Facts Image
It was in 2005 when Zoe Roth was clicked by her father Dave Roth in front of a house which was intentionally set ablaze by firefighters as a controlled fire. Dave asked Zoe to smile and rest, as they say, is history
Read this @nytimes report
#Memes #Factsā€¦
In subsequent years of clicking this picture, Dave Roth entred it in a photo comeptition, and won. The #photo has since been morphed with various disasters of history taking place behind Zoe Roth smiling knowingle at the camera.

#Memes #Viral #Facts Image
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This is the cutest most captivating thread you will come across on Twitter, today!
@shrewlovestea brings you the lesser known Cat Facts. :)
Follow for more!
#pets #trivia #Facts #CatsOfTwitter
#Fact 1
It is thought that the ancient Egyptians first domesticated cats, the oldest known pet cat was found in a 9,500-yr-old grave on the Mediterranean island of Cyprus. The grave predates early Egyptian art depicting cats by 4,000+ yrs.
Cats domesticated humans, I guess.
#Fact 2
During the time of the Spanish Inquisition, Pope Innocent VIII condemned cats as evil and thousands of cats were burned. Well, the widespread killing of cats led to an explosion of the rat population, which exacerbated the effects of the Black Death.
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Who wants this sweet ape from @commoners_nft?
Game is simple, several rounds of questions. First 10 to answer will pass for next round.
First Question:
What are the name of the 3 Harvesters in @playbridgeworld ?
#Trivia #Giveaway Image
The right answer was:
The winners are:
See next question below. First 3 right answers pass on to the final round.
What is the name of the section at TreasureDAO discord where you can discuss price action of $magic?
First 3 people with correct answer pass to final phase!
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- Hitlerā€™s Nephew in the US Navy šŸ§µ -

William Patrick Hitler was born and raised in the Toxteth area of Liverpool to Adolf's half-brother Alois Hitler Jr. and his Irish wife Bridget Dowling (1/8) #svagaiature #WWII #WW2 #History #Historia #Trivia Image
In 1933, William returned to what had become Nazi Germany in an attempt to benefit from his half-uncle's growing power. Adolf, who was now chancellor, found him a job at the Reichskreditbank in Berlin, a job that he held for most of the 1930s (2/8)
In 1938, Adolf asked William to relinquish his British citizenship in exchange for a high-ranking job. Suspecting a trap, William fled Nazi Germany and tried to blackmail his uncle with threats (3/8)
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- Legionaries VS Iron-men šŸ§µ -

In 21 AC under the reign of Tiberius the Roman had to fight an enemy they had never seen, an enemy seemingly invulnerable to their attacks (1/8) #svagaiature #SPQR #Roma #Rome @SNicotinus #History #Historia #Trivia
In Gallia Belgica e Gallia Lugdunenese, due to the heavy taxation, a
rebellion was burst, lead by Julius Floro and Sacroviro two Gaul noblemen that served in the Roman auxiliary army as officers (2/8)
While legions moved to the area, the rebels had time to pillage some cities and villages while freeing some new allies. Between them, from a gladiatorsā€™ school, they freed a great number of ā€œcrupellariā€ (3/8)
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- The Shortest War in History šŸ§µ-

The record for the shortest conflict in history is detained by the UK and the Zanzibar Protectorate (1/6) #svagaiature #History #UK #Historia #Trivia
The 25th of August 1896 the casus belli was the succession between a pro-British sultan and a new one, Khalid, who hadn't as favourable views on the British as his predecessor (2/6)
By British order the protectorateā€™s sultan had to obtain the permission of the British to rule, so the Crown sent an ultimatum to the new sultan ordering him to leave the royal palace or else his actions would have had consequences (3/6)
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The Vietnam episode is just one part of Forrest Gump.. FG wasnt about recruiting morons in the army.. But Aamir Khan has insulted the army, A Sikh shaves & crops hair for the army (which is false) turns a brave Lt of F/Gump into a Paki terrorist. LSC is BS
Secondly @sri9011 It wasnt just McNamara Morons.. The US had a draft policy in place at that time & even today.. whether its US or India.. its mostly the poor sods (like Blacks in the US) that join the army & become frontline Jawans that mostly die..
FG comes from the Racist south in the US (Alabama, one of the Bible belt states & also a stronghold of KKK) but still does not act as a Racist.. Haramis of LSC turned a Pak namazi terrorist into a freeloading tourist in India selling underwears.. LOL!..
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I think this doledinger calls himself @ragiing_bull because he thinks he looks like Robert De Niro...
This is the most vicious scene in "Raging Bull".. Robert De Niro's wife casually says his opponent's face is "Pretty".. The jealous monster destroys the nose & face of the opponent Janiro.. And the Mafia Boss in the rows says "He aint pretty no more".. LOL! @gganeshhh
#Trivia The bald man sitting next to the Mafia Boss who says "He aint pretty no more" at the end of the video.. is Martin Scorsese's father ... he does a cameo in many of his movies including "Goodfellas"...
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#trivia #thread

#Medigadda Barrage releasing over 28,46,000cusecs now. No other river in India carries so much flood like #Godavari

River #Bhramhaputra max flood - 35,00,000cusecs
River #Ganga max flood - 25,00,000cusecs

Please read thread completely on #godavarifloods.(1/5)
The mighty river Godavari has received floods many times in recent years. Few instances when #Godavari carried massive flood.

1986,August 16- 35,06,388 cusecs
1953,August 19 - 30,03,100 cusecs
2006,August 7 - 28,50,664 cusecs
1990,August 25 - 27,88,700 cusecs

2013, August 4 - 21,18,170 cusecs
2010,August 9 - 20,05,299 cusecs
2019,August 10 - 15,61,000 cusecs

With above reading we can say #GodavariRiver is at top in terms of carrying flood.

Flood level at #Bhadrachalam crossed 61 feet and discharge at the moment 19,48,273cusecs(3/5)
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#NYC #trivia
When Manhattan was being built by Europeans, lime quarries were far up Hudson valley. They learned from the Lenape that in Manhattan, you don't need lime rock! You can make lime by just burning ____, residue from a (then) plentiful food source. What unusual source?
Some said sea shells. Manhattan didn't have any real beaches. What it did have was a wall of billions of oysters.And oyster shells are EXTREMELY dense in lime.

So it was oyster shells used to build a lot of Manhattan. Removing the wall that for millennia was a flood wall. Sigh. Image
I remember reading that if the Europeans had kept oyster harvesting at a sustainable level like the first nations did for millennia, that natural oyster wall would have kept Manhattan safe from the kinds of floods that hit us every year now cos of climate change.

Irony much?
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