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I have been carefully considering how to address a specific problem. Myself & some other media peers recently part of a year-long attack by team of people meant to sow disinformation. The narrative they tried to paint was that myself & some well-known media were foreign assets👇🏻
They we did this by getting close to me & a few others slowly pumping them for information that they could twist into appearing as if there were connections to things that didn’t exist. They have some high profile targets in these attacks. Today they chose another target 👇🏻
I have a client that I set up his professional Twitter page for as part of his social media management that I do. I noticed just minutes ago dozens of new followers all from Russia. This is a tactic these individuals use to try to make false connections with foreign nations
Read 41 tweets
Seeing this footage of Tara Reade is so emotional. The excitement in her voice about working in DC is audible. Her admiration for Biden is undeniable.

There is always an abuse of power in sexual violence, and considering more than half of women victims of rape reported being raped by an intimate partner (and 40.8% by an acquaintance*), relationships with abusers are often complex, confusing, and layered.
*for male victims, more than half (52.4%) reported being raped by an acquaintance and 15.1% by a stranger. - @NSVRC…
Read 10 tweets
We are a group of activists from across the US organizing in support of Tara Reade. This account is not run by @ReadeAlexandra. Check out our website & email us at [email protected] to get involved.

This is a thread of threads 👇🏻
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So...let us understand the rules 🚷 of the game

(1) Today, @TheDemocrats party claims it is fighting for 'ANTIRACISM''

BUT, deliberately nominates a 'RACIST' who sat on Washington for 50 going years & accomplished big 0???

#HYPOCRITES Thread 👇 Image
(2) @TheDemocrats party also claims it is a pioneer of #MeToo...the infamous 'I believe them' gang - who grilled Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh on a phony staged uncorroborated 40-years-old @lies to ruin his repuation, while FORD made a boatload of GoFundMe money...
...BUT it had no problem nominating a 'SEXIST''/'personal space invader' as their Presidential Candidate nominee...#TaraReade???
Read 13 tweets
No, #TaraReade, you’re not a sexual assault survivor. You’re a sociopath with a long history of lying, grifting, and trying to manipulate everyone around you. Naturally, @FoxNews would help you out. Bullshit is supposed to be “erased.” Your 15 minutes are up. Goodbye.
@FoxNews Quite a few “serious” journalists I won’t mention by name really hurt themselves taking any part of Reade’s story seriously. I will never trust any of them after that fail. I unfollowed all of them.
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I wonder if the @RNC will be asking #TaraReade to speak at their convention. After all, the whole show will be like a giant @CPAC grifter’s convention via zoom. Why not make it the biggest carnival tent full of hacks, frauds and bearded ladies that money can buy? Image
@RNC @CPAC Maybe they could even get Sean Spicer and Katie Halper to lead the crowd in a line dance. That would be epic.
@RNC @CPAC Oh, oh, and how about Glenn Greenwald and Tucker Carlson singing the national anthem together? Live from Glenn’s bedroom in Rio via Zoom! Suck it, Chicks!
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Today we’re going to talk about corrobation of Tara Reade’s allegations against Joe Biden.
thread 👇🏻
Before we dive in, what is corroboration? @Wikipedia says
“Corroborating evidence (or corroboration) is evidence that tends to support a proposition that is already supported by some initial evidence, therefore confirming the proposition.”
In this case, the initial evidence is Tara Reade’s testimony, and the corroborating evidence comes from people she told about the harassment and assault. However, many have a flawed understanding of corroboration.
Read 23 tweets
Recent press for #TaraReade:
THREAD 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

“Journalists should be asking [Kamala] why there was a smear campaign on me & why [she] was so aggressive & assertive with Kavanaugh [when] she knows there is a credible sexual assault accusation against Senator Biden.” #WeBelieveTaraReade…
“Both [Trump & Biden] have serious allegations of sexual misconduct. That alone should be disqualifying for both of them.” - @ReadeAlexandra
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HOW TO SUPORT #TaraReade (thread): Image
1. Donate to the GoFundMe. Tara lost her job/housing during a global pandemic for coming forward & needs financial support. 50% of the money raised will be donated to the @NVRDC, an org that does valuable victim advocacy work in DC.
If you are unable to donate, share the fundraiser link far and wide! Don’t let the world forget that #WeBelieveTaraReade.
Read 21 tweets
It's not been a good few wks 4 high profile #BernieBros ... first it came out @bernieorelse (now suspended) had setup multiple inauthentic accnts while promoting things like #BernieOrVest, #BernTheDNC & now debunked #TaraReade allegations against Joe Biden
Another high profile #BernieBros redRose socialist @DavidAgStone was accused of harassing other female Socialist accounts via Twitter DM. He's been a big supporter & promoter of the now debunked #TaraReade accusations against Joe Biden. David did show remorse & apologized #MeToo Image
Lastly Im asking anyone who's willing 2 engage 4 any comments or corrections to my annotations (#1-6) on this well circulated right-wing meme attempting to compare & contrast #TaraReade and Blasey-Ford. I believe what I note is fairly accurate .. but open to corrections #MeToo Image
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Theres alot more 2 this story of another fake #Antifa account by @ShawnBoburg & @DDaltonBennett at the WashingtonPost "Militias flocked to Gettysburg to foil a supposed antifa flag burning, an apparent hoax created on social media" #disinfo #infosec #osint…
One of Alan Jeffs Twitter accounts was the now suspended @LeftBehindUSA account mentioned in the above Washington Post articles. This and another of his accounts @bernieorelse were big promoters of the now debunked rape allegations by #TaraReade ImageImage
Alan Jeffs, or whatever his real name is, was quite the meme maker. Here is a sampling of his work related to promoting the TaraReade alleagations against Joe Biden. The @ReadeAlexandra account even retweeted a couple of his memes. #disinfo #infosec #osint ImageImageImageImage
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Okay #TuesdayThoughts PSA, there continues 2b accounts pushing out screenshots of fake tweets in hopes of discrediting and/or ginning up faux outrage towards opposing activist / political accounts. This happens on both sides. Here is just one past example #infosec #osint #disinfo
This fake Bernie supporter / troll @berniewon16 had been promoting the #TaraReade story & attacked anyone trying to research the lies & inconsistencies surrounding that story. Because of that @berniewon16 went after @KhiveQueenB and pushed this fake tweet #infosec #osint #disinfo
We checked both of her Khive accounts @KhiveQueenB and @KhiveQueenBee and neither one made any such tweet on May 16th. #infosec #osint #disinfo
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In 2009, #TaraReade published 2 contradictory accounts of traveling to DC to begin working in the Senate: #1> "I was beyond excited, I packed up my Nissan and cats, told my boyfriend goodbye and headed alone on the cross country drive to Washington D.C."…
#2> “'As the plane descended into Washington, D.C., my Siamese cat, Cleo, meowed loudly from under my seat.' She recalled the city lights reflecting in the airplane’s windows as 'my new job as a Senate staffer lay ahead of me'" (#Reade in "The WIP," qtd by @nytimes).
.@nytimes describes #TaraReade's account of the plane descending in DC as "sharply, dramatically precise," apparently not knowing that Tara Reade herself (that same year) had described packing her (plural) cats into her Nissan & arriving in DC after a solo cross-country drive.
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L'avocat vedette, pourtant républicain conservateur, Douglas Wigdor, qui a défendu beaucoup des femmes victimes du #MeToo abandonne la défense de #TaraReade l'accusatrice de #JoeBiden, dont la crédibilité est de plus en plus écornée ces derniers jours.…
2) Si la position de #Biden s'améliore sur le front #TaraReade, sa déclaration maladroite et à l'emporte pièce sur ce qu'est être Afro-Américain ouvre 1 nouvelle séquence de controverse. Comme durant toute sa carrière politique de 50 ans qui en est jonché…
3) Et voilà, #JoeBiden est contraint de s'excuser publiquement pour ses propos "cavaliers" sur les Afro Américains. On croirait l'expression "his foot in his mouth"créée pour lui. Problème: comment tenir ainsi face à la machine de guerre numérique #Trump?
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THE COLD, HARD TRUTH: #Biden and #MeToo

1) #JoeBiden is on camera repeatedly groping, sniffing, & feeling girls without consent, to their visible discomfort.

2) Multiple women have accused Biden of inappropriate contact.

3) These actions disqualify him from the presidency.
4) A YouTube search reveals deeply uncomfortable instances of Biden's roving hands copping feels of little girls.

5) Biden's violation of women and girls' physical boundaries is so well known that @TheDailyShow did a segment called the Audacity of Grope.…
6) The ONLY ethical stance when a powerful man engages in forced touching of women and girls is to vehemently and vocally reject their behavior. And to hold them accountable.

7) Applying #MeToo principles selectively is a moral failure that is profoundly chilling to survivors.
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#TaraReade lied about her credentials as an "expert" witness for nearly a decade. Her false testimony throws into doubt verdicts reached in cases where she testified, incl'g at least 2 life sentences. The Asst DA is alerting defense counsel in every case.…
Multiple defense attorneys now seek to challenge convictions based on #Reade's false testimony. “Had I had the information that I have now, this case, in my mind, would have gone differently,” said Monique S Hill, then a public defender.
Lawyers Soltesz & Erdbach objected to #TaraReade's testimony at the time, "saying they were skeptical that her work experience qualified her as an expert." They were overruled. Soltesz is exploring whether he can reopen a case that sent 2 women to prison for life.
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Pendant le confinement, nous avons étés fiers à @Lesjoursfr de vous offrir 7 jours gratuits d'infos et de chroniques indépendantes, sans pub. Mais pour continuer demain, on a besoin plus que jamais de vos #abonnements. Si ça vous a plu...
REJOIGNEZ-NOUS (marketing façon #TRUMP😉)
2) En vous abonnant à @Lesjoursfr, ma chronique #ThisisAmerica, cette semaine sur les embarras de #Biden face aux accusations de #TaraReade... mais pas que et tellement…
3) Avec un simple abonnement à @Lesjoursfr, vous avez accès à un très long entretien enrichi sur le grand problème du monde d'avant et d'après, le dérèglement du #climat, avec la meilleure spécialiste française @valmasdel interviewée par…
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Barack #Obama déclare donc bel et bien la guerre à D.#Trump en laissant fuiter cette évaluation de sa gestion du #COVIDー19 : 1 "désastre absolument chaotique". Aussi important politiquement qu'inhabituel pour 1 ex-président envers son successeur.…
2) D'abord sur les modalités, il n'y a pas de doute. #Obama a laissé ses anciens collaborateurs auxquels s'adressait le coup de fil privé pour les encourager à rejoindre #Biden confirmer la bande audio- où il accable #Trump qui avait fuité sur Yahoo News. Rien d'accidentel donc.
3) Par ailleurs, les propos de B.#Obama sont d'1 gravité extrême pour un ex-président, gardien de l'Union, de surcroît qui a été élu puis réélu avec 1 confortable majorité populaire. Obama parle de l'abandon des poursuites contre #Flynn, ex-conseiller sécurité nationale de #Trump
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Ok y’all, THIS IS A MUST READ! Please, I promise you, you won’t regret it. It’s a quick read, but an accurate account of EXACTLY what the #TaraReade mess is all about...”Invalidating Black voter’s votes”.
Tara Reade vs. Black Voters – Dear Dean…
“On the surface, the point of the attacks were designed to force Biden to withdraw...paving the way for Bernie Sanders to step in as a white knight...But dig a little deeper & the true purpose...comes to the fore: Invalidate Black voter’s votes.”
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Ma nouvelle chronique #ThisisAmerica pour @Lesjoursfr: #Biden accusé d'agression sexuelle par #TaraReade. Beaucoup d'autres présidentiables l'ont été avant lui depuis plus d'un siècle. Dont le président D.#Trump à d'innombrables reprises. Quel impact sur la #présidentielle 2020?
2) Addendum à ma chronique sur les accusations de #TaraReade envers #JoeBiden (le petit plus de la maison😉). Si sa prestation avec #MegynKelly n'a pas fait bouger les lignes- elle a renouvelé ses accusations et invité le candidat démocrate à renoncer...…
3)... hier, 1 journal local de Californie, le San Obispo Tribune, a sorti 1 scoop. Dans les documents judiciaires de divorce de #TaraReade en 1996, son mari certifie par écrit qu'elle lui a dit avoir subi du harcèlement dans les services de #JoeBiden.…
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So, my current take on #TaraReade… is that she’s used some form of this baseline harassment narrative for 27 years. She used it with friends and family to excuse her termination (days apart, we now know) from Biden’s office.Whatever the reason, we know it … 1/11
happened. Naturally, she’d tell friends an exes a cover story. Almost everyone does. She told it in different ways over the years, as a kind of go-to reason why things were less than optimal in her life. Over the years, she gets less and less careful about how … 2/11
she remembers successive iterations of the core story. Since she had worked for Biden, the hazy narrative she used was sufficient for most listeners, and had a natural currency in the circles she wanted to be part of. So she spent it liberally. And each time she … 3/11
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BREAKING: This new reporting certainly adds a new twist to the #TaraReade story. Did she get caught not reporting a Check Fraud charge & that is why she had to quietly resign? The court record has apparently been confirmed now by three separate reporters.
More confirmation on Tara Reade's check fraud charge days before she ended employment at Sen Joe Biden's office. Its important to note the code "Term" on the employment doc #taraReade shows does indicate "reason" only that she stopped working on that date
I think someone could lie about being sexually harassed by their boss & still respect them in tweets yrs later, because they knew it was a lie. It would also explain why u would tell ur mom this lie .. being embarrassed by the real reason u lost ur job & had 2 leave Washington DC
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Why am I running for POTUS?
Because while individual crime rates may have plummeted worldwide due to #COVID19, blatant examples of systemic racism, sexism and white supremacy here in the US have only become more numerous and visible.
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Black people are still being hunted (#AhmaudArbery),

women telling their stories of assault are still being discredited (#TaraReade),

& the State of NM has invoked Riot Control Act & deployed National Guard to keep natives from buying groceries.

All in the midst of a pandemic.
The fact that in the United States, We the People has never meant #AllThePeople, has never been more clear.

And that is why I am running for President of the United States.
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Choix malin de #TaraReade, accusatrice de #JoeBiden. Après avoir renoncé à 1 interview sur #FoxNews, elle fait 1 entretien avec #MegynKelly qui a sa propre chaîne Youtube. Journaliste ultra conservatrice MAIS ennemi jurée de #Trump, qui a dénoncé le harcèlement sexuel chez Fox
#LastRT En choisissant #MegynKelly, #TaraReade évite d'être trop connotée comme "arme"politique pro-#Trump tout en étant certaine que sa parole sera largement entendue.
#LastRT Cette interview à venir de #TaraReade par #MegynKelly est, de fait, 1 moment charnière pour la candidature de #JoeBiden. Jusqu'ici, la parole de cette femme a été lue et rapportée aux Etats-Unis, elle n'a jamais été incarnée par celle qui la porte. A suivre de près, donc.
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