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#UnitedWeStand, #DividedWeFall.

This is one of the truest of truisms, & why every civilisation we know of has fallen. It is why our own civilisation is on course to fall.

We are supposed to be united by shared "national identity", but this is clearly NOT the case.
In order to achieve genuine unity in securing our survival & well-being on this, our finite, vulnerable & overpopulated planet, #SpaceshipEarth, we must first recognise & understand our enslavement to #BigBro & #TheMatrix of state & capital.
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It's very depressing when someone you like & admire, & try to communicate with, calls you a RACIST for your trouble, which has happened to me repeatedly.

Maybe I should simply accept that I AM a RACIST, but I refuse to, because it is not true.
Unless one accepts the Orwellian shift in meaning that has occurred in regard to RACISM, which used to mean hatred or contempt for an individual or group on account of their race or ethnicity, but now simply means racial or ethnic prejudice, which everyone is guilty of.
Thus has prejudice become a modern, secular replacement for #OriginalSin, & the principal means by which state & academic authority (BigBro) rewards, intimidates & controls Western societies.
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I remember, in the 1970s, when all were in awe of the photos of #SpaceshipEarth brought home by the Apollo astronauts, making clear its vulnerability, which our leaders, I was sure, would heed by initiating a #SustainabilityRevolution. Only, they never did.
It was the same with immigration. I saw the London suburb of Wembley, where I was born in 1949, when it was 100% White, becoming ever more DIVERSE, & thought to myself, this is madness, which government will surely not allow to continue. Wembley is now about 12% White.
Quite recently I learned that the historian, A J Toynbee had remarked that all successful civilisations (like ancient Greece & Rome) ultimately commit suicide, which is clearly what Britain & the West are now doing.
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Wise words from #DavidAttenborough, but he still belongs to a generation, & to an establishment & academic class that has failed humanity.

Despite being an evolutionary biologist, he failed to understand evolved human nature & how it is perverted by civilisation itself.
I'm sure David must have read, #EFSchumacher's #Small_is_Beautiful (1973), which makes clear that mainstream #BritishValues are inherently unsustainable on our finite, vulnerable & overpopulated planet, #SpaceshipEarth, but I've never heard him say this.
#DavidAttenborough, like all academics, fails to recognise how civilisation corrupts evolved human nature, because it works very much to his own personal advantage.

Understanding this requires an evo-sociobiological perspective, which most academics refuse to embrace.
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The eminent British historian, #AJToynbee observed that all successful civilisations ultimately commit suicide, which is what our own civilisation is doing.

I arrived at this conclusion via a different route, which reveals the reason for civilisation's self-destructiveness.
It took a long time, but having gained the insights I have, they now seem self-evident to me, which is problematic when it comes to trying to communicate them to others, who do not want to recognise them.

No one wants to be told that their civilisation is committing suicide,
that there is no future for their descendants, anymore than one wants to be told by their doctor that they have an aggressive cancer.

Such truths are difficult to accept, & some simply refuse to do so, going into denial instead.

This is what we did, as a civilisation,
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"The globalization we have known since the 1980s, in which advanced economies create physical products to be manufactured where wages are lower, has passed its peak".ā€¦
We were warned in the early 1970s that our growth-dependent, grossly materialistic, mercenary, rapacious & driven global economy was inherently unsustainable on our finite, vulnerable & (even back then) overpopulated planet, #SpaceshipEarth.
A young & inexperienced man at the time, I expected our leaders & their academic advisors to rise to the challenge of instigating a #SustainabilityRevolution, but instead, as referred to in the quote I began this thread with, they put this economy into super-global & turbo mode.
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If we were living 400 years ago, in the year 1621, it would be obvious to virtually all of us that the world was stationary at the centre of the universe, & that those who argued for the Copernican, heliocentric, world view were nutters.
Not just because religious/academic authority supported this view but because of common sense: you only had to observe the heavens for confirmation. If the Earth moved, we would surely notice it. And to suggest it was a wandering star, like Venus or Mars, was blatantly absurd.
Now, 400 years later, with academic & even religious authority teaching us that the heliocentric view was correct after all, we all believe it, despite continuing to contradict common sense.
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The #GreatReplacement #WhiteSelfGenocide, the #WarOnWhiteness.

These are all dismissed by most academics, politicians, the MSM & #Wikipedia as far-right & White supremacist conspiracy theories, just as they dismiss the fact that we are committing #CivilisationalSuicide.
#GlobalWarming is a SYMPTOM of the CANCER that is our growth-dependent, grossly materialistic, mercenary, rapacious & driven global economy, which is inherently unsustainable on our finite, vulnerable & overpopulated planet, #SpaceshipEarth.
Many of us recognised this cancer in the 1970s, when a number of books brought it to public attention.

I expected our leaders & their academic advisors to rise to the challenge, but instead they went into denial, putting the economy into super-global & turbo mode.
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THIS is #Ecocide, ultimately responsible for which is our growth-dependent, grossly materialistic, mercenary, rapacious & DRIVEN global economy, which is inherently UNSUSTAINABLE on our finite, vulnerable & overpopulated planet, #SpaceshipEarth. Image
In 1975, #HerbertGruhl published his book, Ein Planet Wird GeplĆ¼ndert, in German (Engl. We are Plundering our Planet).

I'm a very slow reader in German, but didn't need to read the whole book or remember the details. Everything that needed to be said was contained in the title.
We are plundering our planet! Quite literally. And there is only one consequence this can have: suicide of the civilisation responsible.

Unfortunately, it is not just own civilisation that will fail & fall. It will take much of humanity & of our planet's biodiversity with it.
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#ClimateChange is just a SYMPTOM of our grow-dependent, grossly materialistic, mercenary, rapacious & DRIVEN global economy, which is inherently UNSUSTAINABLE on our finite, vulnerable & overpopulated planet, #SpaceshipEarth.ā€¦
We were warned about this in the early 1970s, but what did economists (who are #SocialScientists!) do? They advised our leaders to put this very economy into super-global & turbo mode, thereby putting us on course for civilisational suicide, which is where we NOW are.
Annoyingly, the academics responsible for this are either already dead & gone, or living in retirement on their fat pensions & investments. For THEM it paid off - handsomely, but at the expense of #GretaThunberg & her generation, & all generations to come.
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I have known since the early 1970s that our growth-dependent, grossly materialistic, mercenary, rapacious & driven global economy is inherently unsustainable on our finite, vulnerable & (even back then) overpopulated planet, #SpaceshipEarth.
Initially, I assumed Western leaders would also recognise the existential challenge this posed & rise to it. It wasn't until well into the 1980s, after they had put this economy into super-global & turbo mode, that I realised they had no such intention, but had gone into denial.
Nowadays everyone talks about #ClimateChange, but this is just a SYMPTOM of a rapacious economy, which our leaders, & presumably their academic advisors, are STILL in denial of the inherent non-sustainability of.
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Present-day Western civilisation is dominated by an international priestly elite of moral supremacists, just as it was in medieval times.

The religion on which they base their moral authority is that of Post-Racial #Multiculturalism, DIVERSITY, Inclusion & #AntiRacism.
It's not just the WOKE, with their #IbramKendi & #RobinDiAngelo style Anti-Racism, but mainstream academic authority itself, which is responsible for the madness of mass immigration & DIVERSITY being imposed on the West.

And madness it is!
As Jesus opposed the misguided moral authority & supremacism of HIS priesthood, I oppose the misguided moral authority & supremacism of mine.

Notwithstanding my lack of His divine qualifications & ability to perform miracles.

I'm just a Native European, a modern-day #WatTyler.
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The inspiration for both nationalism & socialism is deeply rooted in evolved human nature & tribalism, which the Nazis manipulated & abused for their own evil purposes.

In overreaction to this abuse, western academics demonised human tribalism itself, which was a huge mistake.
Tribalism is as essential to being human as is our sexuality, which most of us are able to control in a civilised fashion, without the need for state intervention.

It is by demonising human tribalism that the state is able to manipulate & control it, along with society itself.
This is how #BigBrother operates in liberal democracies, like Britain & America, while tricking us into loving him by deceitfully posing as our nation. The Nazis proved very useful in this regard:
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Our civilisation, in which privileged individuals (incl. myself) are able to prosper at the expense of society at large & the natural environment, is inherently unjust, inhumane & unsustainable on our finite, vulnerable & overpopulated planet, #SpaceshipEarth. Image
It's not just our civilisation. Ancient Greece & Rome were no different, which is why they declined & fell, as will our civilisation, in the very near future, unless we recognise this flaw & correct it.

It can be corrected. But first it must be recognised & understood.
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George Orwell based his novel, 1984, on 1930s fascism & communism, projecting them onto a future Britain & unwittingly making it difficult for us to recognise how #BigBrother would manifest himself in liberal democracies like our own.
Manifest himself he does, but not as in 1984. Instead, we are left many freedoms, while at the same time being enslaved - rich & poor alike - to BigB & #TheMatrix of state & capital. As in the film, most are completely unaware of it, & the well-served have no reason to become so.
But enslaved we are, to a system that is inherently unjust, inhumane, & unsustainable on our finite, vulnerable & overpopulated planet, #SpaceshipEarth.

Thus enslaved, our leaders have been unable to initiate the #SustainabilityRevolution on which our very survival depends.
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Britain & America, like all so-called "nation states", are Orwellian constructs, based on lies, deceit & different regimes of rewards & intimidation. It is by deceitfully posing as nations that they deceive us into loving Big Brother.
They are mercenary "patron states" deceitfully posing as nations, in order to legitimise themselves, their ruling elites & the immense power they wield & abuse. As pseudo nations go, they are 2 of the best, thanks to their traditions of the rule of law & individual freedom.
However, Orwellian constructs, they remain, which makes them inherently unjust, inhumane & unsustainable on our finite, vulnerable & overpopulated planet, #SpaceshipEarth.

Either we quickly & radically reform them, or they - & we with them - will perish.
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Americans are not free.

No one is. We are ALL - rich & poor, high & low IQ alike, & whatever your race - enslaved to Big Brother & the Matrix of state & capital.

The rich & rich enough feel free, because they can buy whatever they need or want, but they are not truly free.
The freedom of the wealthy is costing the Earth, because produced by a growth-dependent, grossly materialistic, mercenary, rapacious & driven global economy that is inherently unsustainable on our finite, vulnerable & overpopulated planet, #SpaceshipEarth. Image
I remember us being warned about this back in the early 1970s, esp. in E. F. Schumacher's book, Small is Beautiful.

I was a young man at the time & assumed that our leaders would face up to this existential threat to our survival & initiate a #SustainabilityRevolution.
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My insights into the nature of the state as an Orwellian construct, based on lies, deceit & a regime of rewards & intimidation, which, in posing as our nation, tricks us into loving Big Brother, undermine its authority.

This is frightening, but we have to face up to the truth.
We have to liberate ourselves from our enslavement to Big Brother & the Matrix of state & capital. Otherwise, western civilisation will fall, taking much of humanity & our planet's biodiversity with it.

We are ALL enslaved - rich & poor, Black & White, high & low IQ alike.
We are all enslaved, but some are in a far better position than others to effect our liberation.

The rich are in a better position than the poor.
Whites (collectively) in a better position than Blacks (collect).
High IQ individuals in a better position than those of lower IQ.
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Humans evolved to live & survive in relatively small tribes, whose members cooperated in exploiting their natural environment. Different tribes would sometimes unite as a nation in defending their shared interests, as when the ancient Greeks united against Persian invaders.
However, as city states (tribes) gave way to states & empire, there was a fundamental change. Society ceased to be tribal & became an artificial environment, managed & exploited by its elites, who divided into a priestly & a warrior class.
The priestly class provided the brains & power of the Word, i.e. moral authority, while the warrior class provided the muscle & power of the sword. These two classes cooperated in lording it (quite literally) over the rest of society, & were joined by a merchant & other class.
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California right now...future collides with the present.
#Calfire #CAwx Image
Art imitates life; Life imitates art.
Drone footage from San Francisco on 9/9/20, set to Blade Runner 2049 music. ht @terrythethunder.
#CaliforniaFires #CAwx
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#GlobalWarming is just a symptom of a grossly materialistic, mercenary, rapacious & driven global economy, which we were warned in the 1970s is inherently unsustainable on our finite, vulnerable & (even back then) overpopulated planet, #SpaceshipEarth.
Insanely (but largely subconsciously) our leaders chose to ignore these warnings, & it is important to understand why, because still pertinent.

This economy was put into super-global & turbo mode. It is the goose which lays the golden eggs, which governments & capital depend on.
It was this dependency which caused them & their academic advisors to ignore the warnings, & continues to do so.

And it is not just governments & capital that depend on the economy. We ALL do. But allowing ourselves to remain dependent on an unsustainable economy is suicidal.
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Britain, like all #NationStates, is an Orwellian construct, based on lies, deceit & a regime of rewards & intimidation, which is why it is betraying its own Native peoples to the madness of mass immigration & the Orwellian ideology of post-racial multiculturalism & DIVERSITY.
This is also why Britain has remained committed to a grossly materialistic, mercenary, rapacious & driven global economy, which is inherently unsustainable on our finite, vulnerable & overpopulated planet, #SpaceshipEarth.
To identify with Britain as one's nation is to identify with, i.e. to love, #BigBrother.

Yes, really!

And the same is true of EVERY other #NationState.
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An appeal to wealthy Whites.

If you are wealthy, you have no material need for a tribe or nation, because you can simply buy everything you need.

#BigBrother Britain (America, Canada, Australia, or whatever country you are a citizen of) poses as a nation, but isn't.
Like all #NationStates, Britain is an Orwellian construct based on lies, deceit & a regime of rewards & intimidation. It is inherently unjust, inhumane & unsustainable on our finite, vulnerable & overpopulated planet, #SpaceshipEarth.
If we want to belong to a genuine nation, which I do, we have to create them ourselves.

Thus my appeal to wealthy Whites, who are in the best position to help me. Although, I am also keen to receive help from the non-wealthy & non-Whites.
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Grassroots-Democratic Multi-National Socialism (#GrDMNS)

This is the name of my political philosophy, on which the political parties & movement, #Contrapot, I am initiating is based.

#Contrapot in opposition to #MeltingPot, which is the political philosophy of #BigBrother.
BB's political philosophy of post-racial multiculturalism & DIVERSITY is Orwellian newspeak for a global melting pot, the destroyer of genuine human diversity (a product of pre-modern #NaturalSegregation). It goes to opposite but equally insane extremes of Nazi racial ideology.
My purpose is to liberate humanity from its enslavement to Big Brother & #TheMatrix of state & capital, & create a more just, humane, democratic &, above all, SUSTAINABLE, alternative to the existing world order on our finite, vulnerable & overpopulated planet, #SpaceshipEarth. Image
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