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📊 Hey Folks

✍ So Day - 6 on #powerbi 🚀

⚠ Today I Made a Awesome #America Retail Analysis Dashboard

🎇 The beauty of Power BI is that you can look at each element to make better #decisions. The #dashboard's visual representation allows users to quickly see the #data that's relevant for the choices they have to make
🔥Then, define clear objectives to ensure that the dashboard accurately reflects your desired outcomes. 👇

#PowerBI #100DaysOfCode #100daysofcodechallenge #Data #100daysofcoding #developer #DataScience #dataScientist #DataAnalytics #excel #SQL #tableau #visualization #Dashboard
Read 4 tweets
Gestern haben wir im Verkehrsausschuss die Pläne im Verkehr für TS 2023 vorgestellt.

In short: wir haben viel vor! 🚀

#Schulwegsicherheit #VisionZero #Fussverkehr #Radnetz #Entsiegelung #Sharing

Ein Thread (1/x) Image
Ziel bei allen Maßnahmen:
➡️möglichst viel auf die Straße zu bekommen,
➡️dabei die Schwächsten Verkehrsteilnehmer*innen in den Blick zu nehmen und
➡️allen Menschen, ob jung oder alt eine sichere Mobilität zu ermöglichen!
Insgesamt wollen wir rund 8 km Straßen für den #Radverkehr ertüchtigen. Davon
• rd. 4 km Radvorrangnetz
• rd. 1,5 km Ergänzungsnetz
• rd. 2 km Hauptverkehrsstraßen ImageImage
Read 13 tweets
This headline 👇 will be no surprise to anyone who's been following @NHSEngland's plans (and actions) for a while.

But @JonUngoedThomas's article reveals some crucial details about what's intended for your #NHS #HealthRecords that are worth unpacking...… Controversial £360m NHS Eng...
First, and possibly most significantly, is @NHSEngland officials' confirmation that its '#FederatedDataPlatform' will incorporate patients across England's #SharedCareRecords: Health officials confirmed ...
Why is this so important? Because #SharedCareRecords - which every new #ICS* is supposed to have - include your #GPdata, which @NHSEngland has been trying to get hold of for years (most recently last summer)...

*#IntegratedCareSystem explainer here:… Map 1: The 42 integrated ca...
Read 21 tweets
Let’s talk about #opensource using as starting point @twerske’s talk “Developing in open-source” held at #CodemotionMilan22

A thread 🧵
Thinking about the #opensource concept itself you can’t not refer to the #community behind it which will enjoy the benefits of the OS itself.
Dealing with @Wikipedia, #opensorce means: “copyright free software liberally editable by anyone”. It’ a very superficial interpretation of something that over the years has become a true state of mind.
Read 9 tweets
These options advance SDGs but have trade-offs too.
#Enablers: #Awareness and educational programs (#SDG4 and #SDG12), technological solutions/#innovation (#SDG9), innovative #policy designs (#SDG16), involvement of multiple #socialactors (#SDG17)

92 Interventions are identified from 1000+ literature that helps to #Avoid or #Shift or #Improve in emissions.

#foodwaste reduction- 34 interventions: 10 Avoid, 10 Shift, 14 Improve

sustainable #dietary choices- 58 interventions: 15 Avoid, 7 Shift, 36 Improve
Read 12 tweets
Non sappiamo se è ingenuità o arroganza, ma la #Milano peggiore, quella del #SalonedelMobile, è ben esemplificata da questo: un #archistar, protagonista della #gentrificazione instagrammabile meneghina, che vorrebbe rendere esteticamente bella persino l'indigenza più estrema.
#Milano, dove il "tasso di sforzo" del reddito sull'affitto è il più alto d'Italia (43%); dove sono 80mila gli appartamenti sfitti (di cui 10mila pubblici, #MM e #ALER); dove anche giovani medici, tramvieri, lavoratori dell'amm. pubb. rinunciano ad abitare per il costo eccessivo.
#Milano, la città "dei 15 minuti" garantita dalla #gigeconomy e dal lavoro sfruttato dei #riders, dallo svuotamento della vera prossimità per far posto ai magazzini di stoccaggio del delivery e della micro-logistica.
Read 7 tweets
Hallo ich bin Anna Prianka Schmidt @anna_prianka. Diese Woche übernehme ich den Account des SPPs und freue mich darauf, einen Einblick in meine Arbeit zu geben! 🔎 #takeover #scicomm #dasdigitalebild /1
Ich arbeite mit @evisualyn in dem Projekt “Hinter dem digitalen Bild. Fotografien auf Community-Plattformen und auf Twitter als Repositorien für maschinelles Lernen und journalistische Publikationen” /2
Was ich dort mache? Tatsächlich bin ich viel hier unterwegs, denn ich suche nach Konversationen zwischen Fotograf*innen (amateur oder profi) und Agenturen, die diese Bilder nutzen wollen /3 #photography #photographers #datacollection #search
Read 6 tweets
In honour of ths morn's conv w/ @czzpr & @realdcameron for @teacherhugradio , here's a THREAD exploring t complexity of t most recent BABY LAUGHTER video to go viral. Whn we look closer at ths wee one's JOY, we gain insights into our whole human species.
2. Ok, she starts out, at 0.00, lookng straight at t camera. That means she's aware of Daddy, who is videoing ths lovely moment. Even in t midst of the hilarity, she's aware of her wider environment & the people in it. That's multi-taskng! She can do complex things w/ her attntn.
3. And now! On with the joy! She's got a new toy - a torch (flashlight) - that she can USE to make WONDROUS THINGS happen! She can CONTROL THE DOG! We are witnessing a baby discover she has power over her world. This is a baby building self-esteem in the midst of FUN.
Read 23 tweets
Benda kecil yang effect pinjaman loan rumah anda GAGAL.

Belajar 3 benda ini , peluang loan anda akan lebih tinggi.
1.) Zero CCRIS record

Banyak pemohon rumah pertama silap anggap ccris ialah bayaran yang TERUK.

Bukan pun.

Dia ialah salah satu pembaris menolong bank menilai pemohon ini ada tabiat bayar balik benda yang pinjam ke.
Jadi apa masalah kalau kita zero ccris record.

Majority bank tak berani untuk pinjam kita loan rumah.

Contoh : first time awak pinjam kawan 1k ringgit , awak hati pun mesti akan ada OS : mungkin ke dia tak bayar saya balik.

Ini fikiran bank juga.
Read 10 tweets
#radioactive commentary, w/ apologies to all admirable people of #BrainSTOA working hard on #DataSharing. This highlights a need to broaden #sharing to #computations & #insights. Premises were clear in Ngai’s “data resource development”, Bjaalie’s “modeling workflow” #Teamscience
Data sharing is good. Too much data creation, objectionable. Overreliance of data might be used to obfuscate gaps in theory, analysis and interpretation. Data is also a currency for misused scientific power. #InclusiveScience
At this point, we should also focus on sharing #ComputationalTools (and explaining them, and building expertise in using them). #ComputationalNeuroscience.

We should enhance collective vetting of our interpretations of their meaning.
Read 8 tweets
Pernah ke awak kira kelayakan loan rumah yang boleh pinjam dengan bank.

Anggaran ,bukan 100% betul.

Guna formula ni.
Thread ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Guna Debt Service Ratio (DSR) , senang cerita ialah total debt awak tak boleh lebih certain percentage kalau nak loan ada peluang lulus.

Formulae DSR % = Bulanan Kommitment / Monthly Net Income.

Let me explain sikit on this !
Monthly kommitment ialah termasuk car , personal loan , house loan , ptptn , mara , asb.

Tidak termasuk sewa rumah bulanan , insurance , astro , Netflix , bill air electric unifi dan Coway ke cuckoo.
Read 8 tweets
🎉🎊 Sunshine🎉🎊
Has Been Rescued by
Rusty Rover Rescue❤
See her Freedom Pic!

Tysvm 4 honoring yr pledges @ Link(s) below

Tysvm 4 #Pledging #Sharing + #Caring
We couldn't do it w/o each 1 of u😘

Sunshine #113643 has been rescued by Rusty Rover Canine Rescue. Tysvm 4 honoring yr pledges.
@JDStGermain3 $50
@katinhat15 $50
@emtresearch $10
@babar2 $15
@EileenMyles $10
@lucymarie1954 $10
@Rebeca29736893 $5
Sunshine #113643 has been rescued by Rusty Rover Canine Rescue. Tysvm 4 honoring yr pledges.
@Chubb66 $10
@dadspetunia $25
@Angie10400240 $10
@CassettMfgill $10
@not_mariya $40
@therockinpotter $10
@ArtCohen16 $10
@HeatherjoyK $10
@Eneles53 $30
Read 5 tweets
✳Update 9/5✳
Icy Reserved 🎉🥂🎉
by @PoundHoundsResQ
Hashbrown Re-Listed
Millie Needs #Foster ASAP

New Kill List 9/7
ALL have One thing in Common
Happy & Loving Dogs🤗❤🐕

Kill List 9/7
🆘️ Alex 2 yr 67lbs🚑
Intermittent Lameness
Belly Rubs
Stressed=Self Harm…

🆘️ Bandit 3yr 77lbs
Happy Hippo
Silly & Sweet
Brushup on Manners…
[email protected]
Kill List 9/7
🆘️Bear 2yr 84lbs
Goofy & Loveable
❤ Kids & 🐕
Harness his Energy…

🆘️Gadget 1yr 50lbs
Friendly & Affectionate🤓
Loves Playtime
Craves Training…
[email protected]
DM me
Read 7 tweets
😎 Cool, not only an unverified 📸 with shady claims can go viral, but so can a step-by-step #verification of the same 📸.😎

Big 🙏 for all the nice compliments I received.

This thread is a 🎁 for my new followers. Welcome!
🤜🤛 [1/19]

In this 🧵 much MORE step-by-step #OSINT tips and tricks and the explanation WHY I write my #FactChecks as if you would do the research yourself. 👇👇👇 [2/19]
On this page 👇 you can read 100+ of my #FactChecks for 🇧🇪 magazine @Knack.

They are all 🆓 (not behind paywall). [3/19]…
Read 19 tweets
Rescued by the Amazing @AmsterDogRescue
Thank you ❣❣
We are thrilled He will get a Chance to Live & Thrive🤗🤗
Cannot wait for Freedom photo

Thank you to Everyone for #Pledging, #Sharing & #Caring

Donations Welcome
Grey's Freedom photo
Gaze upon this Magnificently Splenderous Soul you helped Save❣❣
Bonus Anubys' Freedom photo
Our Sweetheart likes Trees🤗🤗
We Knew she was Special
Read 4 tweets
1/ #ZanzibariLivesMatter:As someone who has closely followed/wrote about the #Zanzibar Question in #Tanzania for 10+ years,I would say the seeds of what is happening now were watered in 2015 after a failure of fully implementing the Zanzibar Accord that worked a bit okay in 2010.
2/ #ZanzibariLivesMatter:At the heart of the #Zanzibar Accord was the realization that ‘Winners Take it All’ is not feasible for such a polarized #polity-it thus enshrined in the #Constitution some sort of a power sharing agreement that somewhat worked in 2010 but failed in 2015.
3/ #ZanzibariLivesMatter:From 2015 virtually all keen #observers of-and key #players in-#Zanzibar knew that 2020 is a ticking bomb,but differed in how to diffuse or preempt it;the ruling party,#CCM,opted to do so by clipping the wings of the then main opposition party there-#CUF.
Read 8 tweets
[1/X] Attempt to explain Orderflow basics. It will be a long thread but will try to make the content worth the read.

Below is a Depth of Market (DOM). The
Blue ones = Bid Limit orders
Red ones = Ask Limit orders

So what happens to these orders in the trade cycle

#Basics Image
[2/X] Such limit orders are invariable absorbed by the Market Orders.

It is the Market Orders that drive the markets up and down.

Lesson # 1: Every auction starts with a Bid and an Ask
Lesson # 2: Market orders move the price
[3/X] So how do we track these market orders. We track them on the Footprint aka Cluster charts

GREEN = Buy Market Orders
RED = SELL Market Orders

Market Orders indicate Aggresiveness Image
Read 18 tweets
It's okay to have a dream

--not horror thread---

Just #sharing Image
Aku pernah mengabaikan sebuah mimpi. Mimpi remeh bagi sebagian orang yg aku kenal, namun sangat berarti untuk diriku.

"Halah mimpi kaya gitu hidup nya gak jelas"

"Kalau mimpi kaya gitu, gimana kaya nya? Yg ada malah nganggur"

"Mending kalau punya mimpi yg jelas aja"
Perkataan demi perkataan membuatku berfikir ulang.

"Apa iya mimpiku terlalu berlebihan?"

"Emang nya iya mimpiku sulit banget buat di capai?"

Perkataan di kepalaku membuat aku banting stir, niat kuliah ngambil sastra indonesia, jadi ngambil Bimbingan konseling.
Read 21 tweets
I Have been thinking as to #WhatIsMaturity ...
I used to think that maturity was about age & physical development. I was so wrong & have since found out that age is only but a number.
Below are 20 definitions of #Maturity I read recently ..
#Maturity is when:
1 We accept other people the way they are and their level of maturity
2 We understand that our ideas are not always the best
3 We learn to let go even if it pains.
4 We are able to drop expectations from a relationship and give for the sake of giving
5 We understand that whatever positive things we do, we do for our own peace
6 We stop proving to the world how RIGHT OR SUPERIOR we are.
7 We stop comparing ourself with others because life is not a competition
Read 7 tweets
On my way home from @ilo and @BelgiumUNGeneva high-level forum on the #sharing economy and its social challenges: a few highlights from a great discussion, moderated by @ilo senior economist Janine Berg. Short thread. 1/10 @ILO_live
Josephine Teo, Singapore Minister of Manpower followed w/ fascinating overview of tripartite working group–from offering standard contracts & payment dispute resolution to challenges of #freelancers for social sec. V interested to learn more about their work! 3/10 @SPMGMissionGva
.@Uber's @asingh_au emphasised the challenges of operating in 79 countries, with vastly different laws – and social contracts; the many dimensions of flexibility (scheduling / variations); and the need for policy innovation. 4/10
Read 11 tweets

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